A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 February 2012

1 FEB.'12

Black History Month




Soul Train creator Don Cornelius died of gunshot wound to head - YouTube

Don Cornelius Dead: 'Soul Train' Host And Creator Killed In . - YouTube

Soul Train intro - YouTube

Don Cornelius, ‘Soul Train’ Creator, Is Dead -

Don Cornelius Commits Suicide -- Dead at 75 |

Florida primary results: Romney most 'electable,' but GOP base still wary (+video) -

Ron Paul supporters: Florida primary results rigged - Spokane Conservative |

Our Elections Are Rigged - No Question | Ron Paul 2012 | Peace . Gold . Liberty

Mitt Romney Wins Florida Primary, Newt Gingrich Places Second, ABC News Projects - ABC News

After Florida win, Romney aims for February trifecta

Romney, Eye Still on GOP Rivals, Turns Back to Obama

Mitt Romney: 'Im not concerned about the very poor'

Michele Bachmann says no Mitt Romney endorsement

Mitt Romney Beats Newt in Florida Primary - YouTube

GOP Donors Showing Thirst to Oust Obama in November

Romney Sees Surge in Wall Street Donations as Obama's Decline

Michelle Obama Judges Mitt Romney's Singing!

Obama: 'The US Auto industry is back'

Gallup: Obama's job rating dipped in all but three states in 2011

VIDEO: Mitt Romney to begin receiving Secret Service protection

The big GOP prize: Shelly Adelson's war chest

In Nevada, Ron Paul's backers are ready for the caucuses

Obama's Bundler Total Exceeds $74 Million

Biden in Grand Rapids today to talk American manufacturing

Allen West to seek reelection in new district

West clarifies controversial 'get the hell out' message to Democrats

Huntsman family financing a test of money's power

Michelle Obama recycles her J.Crew favorites

Watch Mitt Romney's Florida Primary Victory Speech - YouTube

Fla. Exit Polls: Economy Top Concern - YouTube

Ron Paul : Newt Gingrich should apologize for Florida primary incident

Florida primary : Ron Paul fans, foes get mad on Twitter

Ron Paul Florida Post-Primary Speech - YouTube

Romney wins Florida primary prize, Gingrich pledges drawn-out battle

Romney Wins Florida GOP Primary ; Land O' Lakes Republican Reacts

Site Pages

John Cruz -- World Banking World Fraud

Change Masters Incorporated

John M. Snyder -- Gun Law Expert


Ron Paul : 'All we have to do is read the Constitution' (10:24)

PAC profile: Revolution

Ron Paul Fourth in 2012 Florida Primary: What's his Plan to Stay in Republican Race? - International Business Times

Ron Paul supporter gets expressive in Florida Primary speech |

Ron Paul Florida Primary Results 2012: Why Florida Didn't Go So Well

Ron Paul Florida Primary 2012 Outlook

Groundhog Day quiz: How much do you know about groundhogs?

Indiana poised to approve anti-union law

11th victim found days after deadly crash on Florida highway

Wisconsin releases recall petition names

Chicago-bound Amtrak train derails in southern Michigan

Photo processor spotted teacher sex case images

Small leak at San Onofre nuclear power plant investigated

Boston says goodbye to former mayor Kevin White

Intel chief: Pressured Iran might strike in US

Video prompts brutality probe vs 4 NYPD officers

Susan G. Komen cuts ties with Planned Parenthood

Birth control recall, repeat surgeries and laughing kids

'Soul Train' host Don Cornelius dead of suicide

Russia Says Resolution on Syria Has No Chance of UN Approval

Facebook Is Said to Pick Morgan Stanley for Initial Offering

IAEA, Iran see more talks ahead on nuclear issue

Pakistan rejects claims of ongoing ties with Taliban

London Stock Exchange bomb plot admitted by four men

Neil Young was working on next generation iPod with Steve Jobs

Microsoft playing up bad buzz about Google to reel in users

Many Super Bowl commercials are out

'Home Improvement' actor Taran Noah Smith busted for DUI, drug possession

Mind-reading breakthrough hailed by US scientists

"Alien" matter beyond solar system spotted by NASA probe

Man Reportedly Claims To Be Husband's Accomplice In Alleged Murder Of Detroit Marketing Executive | Fox News

Oregon Democrat Suzanne Bonamici to replace Rep. David Wu after winning special election - The Washington Post

20 Things an Author Can Blog About

Watch Rick Santorum's Speech After Florida Primary: 'Republicans Can Do Better' - YouTube

Watch Newt Gingrich's Speech After Second-Place Florida Primary - YouTube

Newt Gingrich Confident After Florida Primary Loss: ‘We Will Be in Tampa as the Nominee’ - ABC News

Newt Gingrich Florida Primary Results 2012: The Candidate Who Refuses To Operate Within Reality

After Florida primary loss, how many lives does Newt Gingrich have? - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Florida Primary: Rick Santorum’s Daughter’s Illness - The Daily Beast

Rush Limbaugh shows Rick Santorum some love - MJ Lee -

Listeners Wonder If Rush Limbaugh Snuck A Secret Santorum Endorsement Into Today’s Show | Mediaite

Rick Santorum Florida Primary 2012 Outlook

Santorum promises high road, ‘We’ll beat them straight up’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Santorum, Paul campaign out West as Florida votes -

Rick Santorum Raises Heat on ‘RomneyCare’ - ABC News

Florida primary: Rick Santorum says Newt Gingrich ‘had his opportunity’ - James Hohmann -

Romney goes west after big Florida win -

Newt Gingrich and the Need for Campaign Finance Reform

Newt Gingrich backer Rick Tyler: MSNBC should stop 'race-baiting' - Tim Mak -

John Tyler's Grandson Calls Newt Gingrich A "Big Jerk" | Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle

‘Eye of the Tiger’ writers sue Newt Gingrich: Money or pride at stake? - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post

Campaign rap for Newt Gingrich signals the death of hip hop - Chicago Sun-Times

Gingrich and Alinsky: Newt Gingrich's secret love affair with Saul Alinsky's tactics -

Gingrich's Other Opponent: Who Is Saul Alinsky? : NPR

Newt Gingrich's devious ways | Statesman Journal |

Gingrich still in it to win it, focuses on conservative principles and Nevada - Interviews - On the Record - Fox News

Senate Bill Will Force Radiation Testing Of TSA Scanners

Opposition Leader Wants Syrian President and His Family Sodomized and Murdered

Scientists created bird flu superbug that could set off next global pandemic

Congressman Releases Draft Legislation to Protect Cellphone Privacy, Combat Carrier IQ

"Occupy Movement Will Be DISCREDITED By The End Of This Year" Police State Insider - YouTube

3 U.S. Drone Strikes In Yemen - YouTube

Iraq Wants U.S. Drones OUT Of Their Sky! - YouTube

War on an 'If': 'Iran threat a tool of regime change' - YouTube

Oh Beautiful For Chemtrailed Skies | USAHM Conspiracy News


Angels And Demons Revealed (Full Film) | USAHM Conspiracy News


Drug war hypocrisy: drug trafficking’s big money benefits Big Brother and corrupt banksters -

California To Run Out Of Cash In One Month, Controller Warns -

BFP Exclusive: U.S. Transit Hub-Base in Kyrgyzstan for Afghan Heroin

European Bailout Infographic: Presenting The Truckloads Of Cash Needed To Rescue The Insolvent PIIGS

19 Crazy Things That School Children Are Being Arrested For In America -

Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds - The Washington Post

Currency Warfare: What are the Real Targets of the E.U. Oil Embargo against Iran? -

Why Are the Chinese Buying Record Quantities of Gold? - Forbes

European Fiscal Pact: Int'l. Financial Dictatorship

International Business - Davos Style -

U.S. to charge ex-Suisse traders on subprimes: sources -

Ex-Credit Suisse manager pleads guilty in subprime probe | Reuters

Taliban will rule Afghanistan again, says leaked US report | World news |

37 Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods -

+ Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier


Activist Post: The Six Enemies of Food Storage

Long term food storage for Beans. Mylar bags and a Food Saver

Oxygen Absorber Tips | Information

Mylar Bags - Unraveling the Mystique

Food Grade Buckets and Gamma Seal Lids for Long Term Food Storage


Food Storage Mistakes and Goofs

Sarah speaks for the right!

Which minority is the right one?

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS Video: Talking Black & Obama

Debbie Schlussel:Kid Murders Parents After They Complain About Time Spent @ Occupy Oakland

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: So You Wanna Work in the Muslim World? What Happened to Lila Aacharya

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: ABC News Lies to Fit “Evil Rich White People v. Blacks” Murder Narrative

Debbie Schlussel:“Evil Jew” Israelis Train HAMAS Palestinians in Desert Farming – Funded by Jewish Natl Fund

Obama's Dismal Job Performance

The Republican Identity Crisis

Ron Paul: The Ghost in the Political Machine

Our Elective Despotism

President Obama's Civilian Soldiers

Drones for coercive influence operations

Canadian confusion over honor killings

Oppose HHS's ObamaCeptive Mandate

Barking up the wrong tree

CBO projects another trillion dollar deficit for this year

Happy Anniversary, Mr. President!

Director Clapper: War mongering or hiding the truth?

Dems blame Bush for 'Fast and Furious'

Newt Attacks Romney For Fiscal Conservatism And Leaner, Smarter Government

Are Big Media Covering Up Fast and Furious?

Another Black History Month: The Left's Favorite Time of the Year

Mitt's Scorched Earth Win

Hey GOP! Do You Hear Your Fed Up, Fired Up Base?

Is Michelle Obama America's Agent Provocateur?

The State Ruling the Church

Project Obama: A Puppetmaster or a Puppet?

The New Egypt: Bankrupt and Sinking Fast

One Dead Canary Coming Up!

Broken Immigration, Broken Education

Muslim Firsters and Israel Firsters

Talk Radio Host Humiliates Black Republican

The loudest knock on ‘Spooky Dude’s’ Door

Signing Global Warming’s Certificate of Death

Che Guevara’s Regime still Murdering the Young and the Defenseless

The State of The Union: Big Problems Demand Bold Lies

Catholic Church Rejects Surrender Terms from Obama

Center for Security Policy Releases Reports on Potential Economic Impacts of Proposed Defense Cuts

Emperor Obama Rips another Liberty to Shreds

A Higher Education Revolution

American Tyrants

The Domestic Threats More Dangerous Than Barack Obama!

Global Cooling? Sun Heading Towards A ‘Grand Minimum’

CBS Featured No Pro-Lifers in Photo Essay About Pro-Life Rally

Dumb and Dumber, Watching TV

Obama Wants a Level Playing Field? Not in Energy Sector

The Public Discussion of Israel’s Strategy regarding a Nuclear Iran

Obama Set to Cost Each of Us Hundreds a Year in Higher Electric Costs

Congressional Republicans Continue Oversight of EPA’s Flawed Scientific Process

Clean Energy Hostages

Issa Threatens Contempt Proceeding Against Holder If Justice Fails To Comply With Fast And Furious Subpoenas | Fox News

GORDON: Obama's deadly new PR firm - Washington Times

Donald Trump Staff in Talks With Financiers, Campaign Managers to Explore Third Party Bid - ABC News

Obama: The most polarizing president. Ever. - The Washington Post

Abramoff credits Savage for prison epiphany

Vice-president Joe Biden admits he told Obama not to launch raid to kill Osama bin Laden | Mail Online

Apocalypse Not Now: Debunking Mayan Doomsday Predictions | Fox News

Study: Class size doesn’t matter - The Washington Post


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


‘Green light’ to see Obama’s Hawaii files

Farah on Fox TV: Rubio not a natural-born citizen

Romney’s connection to Saul Alinsky

Bible’s Revelation comes to life

No, Ferris Bueller isn’t coming back - Joliet Herald News

How Google knows everything about you

Why Are the Chinese Buying Record Quantities of Gold? - Forbes

Colleges use Turnitin to turn away plagiarists -

Court approves of lockdown search of backpacks

Planned Parenthood: Komen Stopped $ Because Pro-Lifers Hate Women |

Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube

SpaceX Testing - SuperDraco Engine Firing - YouTube

Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a 'Per Country Basis' | Threat Level |

President Paul in Nevada Introduction - YouTube

Ron Paul: "We Have Only Gotten Started" | C-SPAN

The net closes on cyber-snoopers - Online - Media - The Independent

Bird flu data should be kept under wraps, could be used "for harmful purposes," science panel says - 12160

poorrichard's blog: 20 Signs That Europe Is Plunging Into A Full-Blown Economic Depression`

poorrichard's blog: Children just aren't going to know what sun is

Activist Post: Scientists to Add Spider Genes to Human Genome to Create ‘Bulletproof Skin’

Activist Post: EPA Delays Dioxin Hazard Report Once Again Due to Industry Pressure

Activist Post: 9 Ways to Achieve Personal Peace and Freedom

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Obama is a Proven Stooge of the Elite

Calls to stop Syria 'killing machine' as Russia slams sanctions - YouTube

US Intel Director Prepares Public for False Flag Event

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Disarming the 911 kook movement

Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a 'Per Country Basis' | Threat Level |

Giuliani should welcome 9/11 questions - The Independent Florida Alligator: Columns

Romney, citing safety net, says he’s ‘not concerned about the very poor’ - The Washington Post

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Economic Collapse - Doing More of the Same is INSANE!

War on an 'If': 'Iran threat a tool of regime change' - YouTube

Ron Paul Revolution - I Hung My Head - YouTube


Activist Post: The Lyme Disease Health Crisis Rages On (part 1 of 3)

Activist Post: The Establishment Cover-up of Chronic Lyme Disease (Part 2 of 3)

Activist Post: Effectively Treating Lyme (part 3)


Nanny State of the Union (remix) - YouTube

Activist Post: CDC calls Morgellons’ nanoworms a delusion, protects DARPA

Activist Post: Congressman releases draft legislation to protect cellphone privacy, combat Carrier IQ

Activist Post: Leaky Nuclear Plants vs. Renewable Pipe Dreams

Activist Post: "Consensus 9/11" Panel: Seeking Truth, Dispelling Lies

Activist Post: Lawsuit Slams “All Natural” Snack Makers for Containing Harmful GMO Ingredients

Activist Post: Paul Craig Roberts: Economics Lesson 1

Failed Fed Policies Prolong the Agony

Activist Post: Human Nature: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy?

Activist Post: Action Alert: Legislation Seeks to Censor Taxpayer-Funded Health Research

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Obama is a Proven Stooge of the Elite

Activist Post: Tech Giants Under Fire for Conspiracy to Suppress Employee Wages

Activist Post: British Tourists Arrested For Tweets of Terror

Activist Post: Case Study in How to Assert Your Rights to Police

EPA Delays Dioxin Hazard Report Due to Industry Pressure | Natural Society

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Veterans March for Ron Paul in DC


According to Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' Americans Have Lost: "There is no instance of a country ever having benefited from prolonged warfare." | Before It's News


Sun Tzu's Art of War(


The Art of War / Project Gutenberg


Ron Paul backer Best Shirt ever too - YouTube

+Islamist: PayPal co-founders fund pro-Paul Super PAC

+Mae Brussell: Pentagon's destruction of JFK Assassination Evidence (12-11-1977) - YouTube

Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto] - YouTube

Ron Paul On The Kudlow Report 01-30-12 ~ Dollar Would Be Linked To Gold At Fixed Rate - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview On Freedom Watch 01/30/12 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "For Ron Paul Supporters There Is No Second Choice!"

Research into mutant flu 'must go on' - Science - News - The Independent

poorrichard's blog: Hundreds of slaughtered civilians isn't a "huge number" for Obama

Wall Street Lobbyists Could Severely Weaken Derivative Regulation

poorrichard's blog: Conservatives Say Breaking the Law is Normal for Rich People at Tax Time

Night in the cells accidentally became two years in solitary - Americas - World - The Independent

poorrichard's blog: DU destroying Afghans’ gene pool’

US Homeland Security Destroys the Holiday for a visiting Brit Couple - Thrown in Jail for a Little English Humor - 12160

Newt Gingrich Liberating Cuba? Thanks, But No Thanks! :

The Establishment GOP Conspiracy to Oust Ron Paul - 12160

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Max Keiser 'Goldman Sachs cooked Greece books'

Occupy Unmoved: Washington OWS protesters to defy evictions - YouTube

The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship - YouTube

Activist Post: US Intel Director Prepares Public for False Flag Event

poorrichard's blog: 'US DU weapons: high kill, low cost'

poorrichard's blog: 30 Blocks Of Squalor – Chicken Or The Egg?


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Kelly Clarkson - Ron Paul and Your Country Needs You!!!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers on the Fed - Bernake Printing Money so Obama can Spend It!!!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : GOP plotting to oust Ron Paul?

poorrichard's blog: War for Total Control by Adrian Salbuchi

'Saudi-funded jihad targets Syria as last secular Arab state' - YouTube

Why Occupy? A government/economics teacher explains - National Nonpartisan |

The War on Apathy - Yahoo! Voices -

Lone Star Watchdog: It is Time to Destroy These Diebold Machines or They will Destroy us.

FDA staffers sue agency over surveillance of personal e-mail - The Washington Post

poorrichard's blog: Sicily Pitchfork Movement in Revolt – Western Media Blackout

poorrichard's blog: Militarized Drills Continue: Stadiums Prepped to Be Used as Martial Law Staging Centers

Proof that the cancer industry doesn't want a cure - even if it's a pharmaceutical

How Muslims treat Jews in Iran - YouTube

Refreshing News: US election 2012: Mitt Romney styles himself as the inevitable nominee after key Florida win

Life of Jews in Iran - RT 101126 - YouTube


Campaign 2012:C-SPAN(


Blogger Buzz(

Official Google Blog(


By the company they keep

The Marx brothers: Karl and Groucho

Pro-family crowd: Are you serious?

Why Newt's not presidential

Obama's racial politics

The dhimmedia's whitewashing of honor killing

Let's stop policing the world

Supremes fumble 4th Amendment case

So we can never vote our hearts?

Congressman Cash-in

Iran Willing to Launch US Attack: Official Warns

Massive U.S. Military Buildup Reported Around Iran

But Obama Admin Won't Take It

Drones Over Iraq: When is a Pullout not a Pullout?

Big Brother Internet

Citizen Training

Doctor who led us to bin Laden was CIA agent, says US

Center for Constitutional Rights Condemns Obama for Admitting Yemeni Interim President to the U.S.:

Korean research, a first step toward Dr. Smartphone? | Reuters

Symbolic Pics of the Month (02/12)

How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children (video)

VIDEO:Israel and the American Elections

"Post Racist Society". The Plight of Mexican Americans: Worse Off Today Than in the Sixties

VIDEO: The Girl Killed by Obama: She "never saw it coming"

What Is Really Going On In Syria: Insider Update

DIRTY AND DEADLY SECRET: NATO Troops Disguise Themselves as Civilians in Afghanistan

UNCRITICAL MAINSTREAM MEDIA DRIVEL War Plan Iran: Endemic US/Israeli Double-Think Is Now "Normal Discourse"

Currency Warfare: What are the Real Targets of the E.U. Oil Embargo against Iran?

VIDEO: The Great Internet Wars Have Begun!

The American Economy is "Dead": The Illusion of Economic Recovery

Special Envoy Says US Determined to Encourage Afghan Dialogue

Arab League to UN: End Syrian ‘Killing Machine’ Now

VIDEO: Iran and the Globalization of War

Consensus 9/11: Seeking Truth, Dispelling Lies

Crossing the Rubicon: Obama's Endless Global Warfare

BBC "Reveals" After the Facts how British Special Forces Supervised and Spearheaded Libya Rebels to Victory

47 Signs That China Is Absolutely Destroying America On The Global Economic Stage

Obama Tells Woman It Is "Interesting" Her Unemployed Husband Can't Find Job | RealClearPolitics

Mexico Launches New Offensive Against Cartel, Ratcheting Up Drug War | Danger Room |

Media Moguls Admit Skewing Racial Reality in News, on TV | American Free Press

Mossad chief makes secret visit to US - Israel News, Ynetnews

CIA chief says appears Saudi oil ramping up | Reuters

President Obama names top 445 financier friends who have totalled $75MILLION in campaign cash | Mail Online

Fundraising campaign reports reveal driving forces behind super PACs –

Pro-pot group draws ire for name, POW logo use - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Human skulls found buried in Winter Garden

2/01/2012 Ronald Reagan Certainly Was No Newt Gingrich

2/01/2012 Iraq in Retrospect

Courthouse News Service:Group Says FBI Snoops on Wikileaks Supporters



Rare colour photos from World War Two show glamorous women workers doing their bit | Mail Online

How Obama became vulnerable on Iran -

No Exit in the Persian Gulf? by Tom Engelhardt --

Iraq in Retrospect by Justin Raimondo --

Ronald Reagan Certainly Was No Newt Gingrich by Ivan Eland --

Assange's extradition fight faces long odds - Yahoo! News

Mexico investigating 3 former governors - Yahoo! News

Bernd Debusmann | Analysis & Opinion |

*AUDIO: Police State USA;Lew Rockwell talks to Will Grigg

Duke University’s Eternal Bonfire of the Vanities by William L. Anderson

Ben Bernanke: The Official Counterfeiter by Gary North

The 4 Qualities of a True Statesman | The Art of Manliness

Obama Sandbags the Archbishop by Patrick J. Buchanan

Getting Nowhere, Very Fast by Thomas Sowell

The Bishops Are Wrong and Have No One but Themselves To Blame for Obama’s Persecution of Catholics by Eric Giunta

Facebook IPO Is US Intel Operation?

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online

Why Are the Chinese Buying Record Quantities of Gold? - Forbes




The EyeOpener- National Security Letters

Media Belligerence against Ron Paul Reaches a Pathetic Point


*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- January 31, 2012


WH:‘No Constitutional Rights Issue’ in Forcing Catholics to Act Against Their Faith

Sen. Lee: Obama's Consumer Bureau Insulated From Congress - A Power ‘Reserved For Despots’

Johanns to Cordray: 'I Can't Imagine How Anyone Can Maintain Your Service Is Valid'

CBO: Taxes Will ‘Shoot Up by More Than 30 Percent’ Over Next 2 Years

Sen. Nelson Opposes HHS Health Insurance Mandate on Contraceptives

U.S. Intelligence Chief Says He's ‘Not Current’ on Claims That Iran Uses Venezuelan Banks to Evade Sanctions

First lady Pushes Jay Leno to Eat Healthy Foods

Romney Plan for Replacing ObamaCare Light on Details

Corzine on List of Top Obama 2012 Campaign Bundlers

State Dep’t Official Discusses Promotion of ‘Human Rights for LGBT People’ Around the World

Bishop: Obama Administration Is Telling Catholics ‘To Hell With You’

Clinton Accuses Assad of Setting Syrian Minorities Against Each Other

Pro-Life Groups Hail 'A Major Victory for Life'

Johanns to Cordray: ‘I Can’t Imagine How Anyone Can Maintain Your Service Is Valid’

Sen. Lee: Obama's Consumer Bureau is Insulated From Congress - A Power ‘Reserved For Despots’

CBO: Obama’s Policies to Increase National Debt 47 Percent to $21.7 Trillion by 2022

Jan Brewer Vs. Shoe-Tossing Journalist

First, They Came for the Catholics

Liberals Talk Big About Reducing the Debt, But Their Actual Policies Just Keep Growing It

Once Again, MSNBC Dismisses Obama Criticism As Thinly-veiled Racism

Fox Presses White House on Religious Freedom Controversy; Will Big Three Cover?

Forest Service Says WWII Statue of Jesus Can Stay; Atheists Plan to File Suit

Zoo wants company to stop using chimps in TV ads

Asked About Plight of Syrian Christians, State Dept. Erroneously Blames Regime

'Buffett Rule’ Affects 94,500 Taxpayers, But White House Says It Would Help Pay for Education, Innovation |

CBO: Unemployment to Be ‘Largely Unchanged’ in 2012, 2013 |

Bipartisan Call for Senate to Move Quickly on Insider-Trading Bill |

Report: Four in 10 Illegal Aliens Caught by Border Patrol Did Not Face ‘Enforcement With Consequences’ in 2010 |

Police Take No Action to Enforce No-Camping Rule at Occupy D.C. Location |

Sabato: Florida Primary Not a "Game-ender" for Gingrich

Rush: GOP Contenders Should Focus on Obama

Sabato: Fla. Primary Not a "Game-ender" for Gingrich

Bachmann: No Plan to Endorse Before Minnesota

GOP to Jobless: Send Obama Your Resume

Boehner: Battle for GOP Nod Will Resolve Itself

Issa Threatens Holder With Contempt Charge

WSJ: Romney Still Needs to Articulate His Policies

Romney: I Learned From Gingrich's SC Victory

Gingrich: 'I Pledge My Life, Fortune, Sacred Honor'

Romney: 'I'm Not Concerned About the Very Poor'

Romney Votes Cost 3 Times Gingrich's

J.C. Watts: Gingrich Ready for 'Balance of the Battle'

Allen West: Negative Campaigning Blurs Issues

Blakeman: Candidates Must Focus on Organization

Romney: GOP Fight Prepares Me for Obama

Black History Month: Renowned Surgeon Carson Exhorts America to Return to Greatness

Gingrich Camp Looks to Another Comeback

Walker’s Law Saves Wis. Money as Teachers Quit

NBC Channels Marilyn Monroe in Super Bowl Ads

Movieguide to Honor Top Faith & Values Films

Obama Again Wants to Cap Contractors' Pay

Romney Would Fare Well Against Conservative Alternative

Wealthy Individuals, Corporations Bankroll Romney

Hispanic Super PACs Carve Niches, Some for GOP

Taliban 'Poised to Retake Afghanistan' After NATO Pullout

Soros Sits Out Obama Super-PAC Money Race

BIll Gross: We're Witnessing 'Death of Abundance'

Keeping Eyesight Sharp As You Age

Pimco's BIll Gross: Fed Strategy Is Causing 'Death of Abundance'

Bogle, Volcker: Financial System Remains Broken

Obama Unveils $10 Billion Home Refi Plan

Former Trader Pleads Guilty in Subprime Probe

MF Global's Missing Money Said Traced to Banks

Obama to Unveil Mortgage Refinancing Plan

Census: Home-Ownership Rates Fall to 66%

Investors Ponder an IPO Surprise from Facebook

Reich: Income Inequality Biggest Threat to US

Romney Nomination Far From Inevitable

Obama Should Endorse Simpson-Bowles

Obama’s Sense of Fairness Is Counterproductive

Mitt’s Politics of Division Will Backfire

10 Reasons Why Gingrich Shouldn't Drop Out

Obama Uses Czars, Recess Appts., to Bypass Constitution

Republicans Need a Fighter Like Gingrich

Looking for the Common Sense Behind Obama's ‘Buffett Rule’

Brace Yourself: Taxes Poised to Skyrocket

Protectionism Won't Lead to Jobs and Prosperity

The Paradox of Debt and the Investor’s Dilemma

Obama’s Low-Ball Vision: Tax Success, Tax Growth

CIA Agent Charged With Espionage Act by Justice Department - YouTube

Why Ron Paul Will Not Win - Diebold Accidentally Leaks 2012 Election Results - YouTube

+Download:"Police State USA": Will Grigg on LRC Radio

Under Obama, the Freedom of Information Act is Still in Shackles - informationliberation

Pentagon Art: $600,000 Gurgling Toad Sculpture - Washington Whispers (

Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers

How Patents Have Held Back 3D Printing - informationliberation

Pot legalization efforts forge ahead in key states - Yahoo! News

Soaring Beef Prices Force Shoppers To Find Other Foods « CBS Philly

Worship of the Mob - informationliberation

Pre-Election Euphoria - informationliberation

The Seven Lies of Robert Reich - informationliberation

Justice Department Backs RIAA Against Pirating Student - informationliberation

Pirate Bay Founders’ Prison Sentences Final, Supreme Court Appeal Rejected - informationliberation

The Pirate Bay Statement on Prison Sentences: "2012 is the Year of the Storm" - informationliberation

Dutch ISPs Refuse To Block The Pirate Bay Without A Direct Order - informationliberation

Authorities Shut Down Ukraine’s Largest File-Sharing Site | TorrentFreak

The SOPA Wake-Up Call to Abolish Copyright - informationliberation

Currency Wars - informationliberation

Gingrich Staffers Attack Ron Paul Supporter in Florida - informationliberation

GOP eyes contempt of Congress vote over Solyndra

Occupy D.C. protesters sleep under ‘Tent of Dreams,’ defy no-camping rules

Romney wins big among Hispanics in Florida primary

Intelligence chief: Growing risk of Iran attacking U.S. targets

Deluge of ‘baggage’ ads helps sink Gingrich in Florida

Park ranger uses stun gun on man walking dogs off-leash in California

Issa threatens contempt proceeding against Holder

Report: Classified US document says Taliban ready to take power in Afghanistan, backed by Pakistan

Marijuana worth $7.5M found over four floors of New York apartment building

Colleges assured that Obama's tuition cap will fail

First Lady Michelle Obama cites 'remarkable progress' on the economy

US open to diplomacy with North Korea, senior diplomat says

Florida primary 2012: Newt Gingrich stays upbeat after clobbering

Matt Strawn resigns as Iowa GOP chair after bungled Iowa caucus vote count

House GOP seeks to bar the use of welfare funds at strip clubs

Senators Demand Study of Airport Scanners for Possible Cancer Exposure

Rich Patrons Are Major Source of Romney’s Cash

Florida businessman adopts adult girlfriend as his daughter to protect assets

Reid threatens to end debate on STOCK Act

Police sergeant in Obama photo flap reassigned

Drunk drivers: Congress gets behind breath-test ignition devices

General Mills spoons up digital fun on cereal boxes

Obama hopes to ride auto bailout to re-election

California needs to find $3 billion by March

R.I. ACLU asks Cranston for $173,000 in prayer-banner case legal fees

Albatross wanders into L.A.


American Military University(


+4 PARTS:Total Criminalization – Max Igan

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – January 31st, 2012

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – January 31st, 2012

*VIDEOS: SOPA & ACTA: The Total End of Internet Freedom with Privacy Activist Katherine Albrecht |

AUDIO: 95.1 FM The Bridge: Ali Soufan, Norman Solomon, 9/11 Foreknowledge |

May 2011 BBC Interview with Dr. Niels Harrit. - YouTube

AUDIO:Media Roots: Video Game Warfare, Covert War in Iran, SOPA & Fair Use |

Why Ron Paul Has A Good Chance Of Winning In Nevada & Maine |

Petrodollar is pumping US policy on Iran – backfire looms |

The BRAD BLOG : EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Officials Confirm Criminal Election Fraud Investigation of Gingrich Campaign

‘Extremist’ or Journalist? |

Gerald Celente - Talk Radio Europe - 24 January 2012 - YouTube

California lawmaker wants ban on ICE detainers…despite risk to the public - National Immigration Reform |

Politicians push for ISP Data Retention while Government sexually abuses children | USWGO Alternative News

Pentagon Staff Caught in Child Porn Sting - YouTube

Making Money On Poverty: JP Morgan Makes Bigger Profits When The Number Of Americans On Food Stamps Goes Up |

Scientists created bird flu superbug that could set off next global pandemic |

Ron Paul - Free Money for Banks Does not Stimulate the Economy (30-Jan-12)(POLITICAL ECONOMY series) - YouTube

FDA hacked into private Gmail accounts of its own whistleblower scientist using covert spy technology – Mike Adams |

Bill Gates funds technology to destroy your sperm

Bill Gates: The Mastermind Behind Global Eugencis Program: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Obama and Bush's Plan Jeb's Ascent to the Throne: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

U.S. - China Energy Trade War Imminent?

Four admit London bomb plot - Crime - UK - The Independent

*Bill Gates Pays Media to Portray Him As a Saint |

Proof that the cancer industry doesn’t want a cure – even if it’s a pharmaceutical |

How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama - Telegraph Coming Paradigm Shift in Silver

The Current State and Future of the Mining Industry with Pierce Carson CEO of Santa Fe Gold - YouTube

A Very Disturbing Chart and a MUST READ article on Silver written by Steve Angelo - YouTube


*ARTICLES:Ron Paul News 2-1-12 |


Illinois Nuclear Power Plant Loses Power ... Vents Nuclear Steam

Q&A: Illinois nuclear plant loses power. What got vented into the air? -

Exelon: Failed insulator caused outage at Byron nuclear plant -

Baby rattle: Epicenter of 2.4 temblor was in McHenry

Earthquake Centered in McHenry, Illinois Shakes Chicago Area

MALCOLM X Kennedy Fiddles While Birmingham is Burning - YouTube

Illinois State of the State Address - C-SPAN Video Library

Quinn's State Of The State To Address Illinois Jobs, Economy (VIDEO)

The Real Truth Behind The Greatest Illusion Of All Time- 9/11 | Before It's News

Is Now The Time To Move Away From Major U.S. Cities? | Before It's News

Multiverse Mayhem: Screaming Girls Sucked Into Alternate Universe | Before It's News

*15 Ways to Conserve Household Water | Before It's News

10 Biggest Nerd Gatherings In The World | Before It's News

Charleston Voice: Mulit-Govt COVERUP! : US-UK Gold Swap Treaty Disappears from UN Internet Site

Carp invasion threatens North American fish industry | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond


+The Humble Pie Challenge


+Nine Great Emergency Light Sources Other Than Flashlights | Before It's News

Phoenix, symbol of the Illuminati | Before It's News

Aliens on earth? | Before It's News

Inner Dimensional Body Snatchers | Before It's News

Monsanto Files Patent For New Invention: The Pig | Before It's News

The world’s largest solar model covers entire Sweden | Before It's News

Amazing Video Shows 'Bulletproof' Human Skin | Before It's News

The Illuminati and Their Plans for a New World Order: ‘Conspiracy theory’ or ‘Conspiracy Fact’? | Sovereign Independent UK

Decaffeinated Coffee Preserves Memory Function By Improving Brain Energy Metabolism | Before It's News

9/11 – Urban Renewal With a Twist? | Before It's News

Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won’t Vote | Before It's News

Scientists Help Define Structure Of Exoplanets: Planet GJ 1214b Orbits Red Dwarf 40 Light Years Away | Before It's News

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online


**Cooking and Recipes


+Prison » Biased? Paid Media Partners Praise Vaccine, GMO Programs Led by Bill Gates

Prison » Hawaii Lawmaker Acknowledges Defeat On Bill To Monitor All Web Users

Ron Paul outraises Newt Gingrich by more than $3 million | The State Column

FDA Approved Aspartame Contains GMO Bacteria: Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Prison » Why Ron Paul Has A Good Chance Of Winning In Nevada & Maine

Prison » New Poll Shows That Only Paul Or Romney Can Beat Obama

Prison » Think Tank Calls On US To Deploy Another Warship To Threaten Iran

Prison » Mainstream Media Keeps Putting Lipstick on Pig Economy

Prison » Senate Bill Will Force Radiation Testing Of TSA Scanners

Prison » Opposition Leader Wants Syrian President and His Family Sodomized and Murdered

Mind-reading device could become reality - Telegraph

Bio-engineered 'bulletproof skin' made of human cells and spider silk revealed in video | Mail Online

Prison » Portable DNA Sequencer Demonstrated at World Economic Forum

Goldman Sachs Employees Have Donated How Much Money To Mitt Romney?!

Prison » Ron Paul: Newt Gingrich should apologize for Florida primary incident

Prison » Gary Johnson calls for repeal of the Patriot Act

Prison » Drug war hypocrisy: drug trafficking’s big money benefits Big Brother and corrupt banksters

TSA discovery prompts New York bomb scare - six hours later -

Governments Passing Forced Fluoridation Laws!! - YouTube

Prison » SHTF Planning: 20 Lessons from the Streets of Cairo

European Fiscal Pact: Int'l. Financial Dictatorship

Prison » Totalitarian/Fascist Regimes In America, Israel, England, And Iran All Want World War III

Prison » Currency Warfare: What are the Real Targets of the E.U. Oil Embargo against Iran?

Rich Cabal Meet About Over Population Control: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » Obama Carefully Crafts Health Care Failure

Prison » Peter Schiff: 3 Ways to Survive the Fed’s Destructive Policy

Prison » War on an ‘If’: ‘Iran threat a tool of regime change’

War on an 'If': 'Iran threat a tool of regime change' - YouTube

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Prison » Israeli Film Depicts Iranian First-Strike Nuke Attack On Israel


After Obama’s remarks on drones, White House rebuffs security questions - The Washington Post

China says to increase police in Xinjiang for stability - Reuters -

» Venezuela Announces “Irrevocable” Withdrawal from World Bank’s Arbitration Body Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

poorrichard's blog: Sicily Pitchfork Movement in Revolt – Western Media Blackout

» Obama, Saakashvili and a telling slip of the tongue Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Panetta: Decision to Kill Americans Suspected of Terrorism Is Obama’s Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Anti-HIV pill to cause AIDS epidemic? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Free Government Heart Meds Tainted, Killing Scores Of People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Free Government Heart Meds Tainted, Killing Scores Of People - YouTube

How the Public Schools Keep Your Child a Prisoner of the State by Karen De Coster

» “Consensus 9/11″ Panel: Seeking Truth, Dispelling Lies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China rare earths safe from WTO ruling on export curbs - Yahoo! News

Obama’s radical power grab on health care - The Washington Post

» Shades of Tiananmen: Banker bailiffs use car to plough through Occupy protesters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chris Hedges: Corporations Have No Use for Borders - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

» Google developing new car that drives itself Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Smart meters for energy to be voluntary - Telegraph

Mind-reading program translates brain activity into words | Science | The Guardian

Mind-boggling! Science creates computer that can decode your thoughts and put them into words | Mail Online

The Daily Bell - Facebook IPO Is US Intel Operation?

» California lawmaker wants ban on ICE detainers… despite risk to the public Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Evidence of massive number of rapes being committed along our porous border Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kansas Business Coalition Working Toward Backdoor Amnesty Plan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Poll Reveals Rhode Island Voters Overwhelmingly Support Immigration Enforcement and Reductions in Overall... -- WASHINGTON, Jan. 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

China buying Gold like cheap cabbage, COMEX Gold speculator positions surge | | 3

Robert Fisk: Syria is used to the slings and arrows of friends and enemies - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

» Disgraceful Reporting by the Boston Herald and Others on Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Americans accused of agitating in Cairo, now hiding in US embassy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama: The Illegitimate President with Dr. Jerome Corsi 1/3 - YouTube

Obama: The Illegitimate President with Dr. Jerome Corsi 2/3 - YouTube

Obama: The Illegitimate President with Dr. Jerome Corsi 3/3 - YouTube

VIDEOS:Prison » SOPA & ACTA: The Total End of Internet Freedom with Privacy Activist Katherine Albrecht

FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America 1/3 - YouTube

FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America 2/3 - YouTube

FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America 3/3 - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down Big Brother Internet 1/3 - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down Big Brother Internet 2/3 - YouTube

Alex Breaks Down Big Brother Internet 3/3 - YouTube

VIDEOS:Prison » Top Illuminati Dynasties That Run The Nwo with Author Fritz Springmeier

Carl Stiles, Fracking Activist, Dies Away From His Contaminated Marcellus Shale Home

Michael Reagan: Think of Liberals as 'Termites'

The GOP: Preaching the Prosperity Gospel

Low Capital Gains Taxes Fuel Inequality, Not Investment

Abortion is No Longer Personal for Mitt Romney

Newt's SuperPAC Guy Rick Tyler: Democrats Abort Black Babies

Santorum's Gifts From God

Catholic Bishop: Obama Administration Birth Control Requirement Is 'Assault On Religious Liberty'

Jack Kingston Defends RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' Obama-Schettino Comparison

Susan G Komen Foundation Pulls Breast Cancer Screening Grants From Planned Parenthood

Extremist Dave Thompson Bringing Right-to-Work (For Less) To Minnesota

Wingnut Think Tank Op-Ed Lies About Gov. Corbett's Assets Test For Food Stamps

VA Lawmaker Stands For Equality in Utrasound Bill: Men Must Get Exam Too...for ED Meds

Wisconsin's Walkergate Investigation Gives A Glimpse Into GOP Strategies Nationwide

#OWS Needs to Denounce Oakland’s Tactics

Mitt Romney Knows No Shame—With Attack Ad On Newt Gingrich

Is This Facebook Page A Threat or A Warning?

Selling the New Nixon: Roving Pavlov Ailes The Nation | his vorpal sword

Warren Buffet’s dark side—Charles Gasparino -

Orszag: Fracking Could Finally Cap Myth of Peak Oil - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Electric Cars: Doubling Down On Dumb

RealClearMarkets - The Class Divide In White America

Time to run for office, 99 percenters - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Obamanomics Has Government Workers Happy

KLECKNER: Obama risks trade war with China - Washington Times

B-Schools Recruit More Veterans - Businessweek

How the Fed Presidents' Assets Stack Up -

Why America Shouldn't Focus on Manufacturing

Blaming Capitalism for Corporatism - Edmund S. Phelps and Saifedean Ammous - Project Syndicate

The Glories of Capitalism - Reason Magazine

Low rates: the drug we can all do without -

Michael Hudson: The Man Who Fired Greenspan « naked capitalism

America's waning influence -

RealClearWorld - Remarks at UN Security Council Session on Syria

The View From The Gulf: America’s Quiet Go-between Speaks | Fox News

Two Wars and the 38th Parallel — The American Magazine

Six Reasons Why The Wars We Wage Often Go Wrong - Forbes

Syria’s crisis: It looks like civil war | The Economist

Our World: Hamas and the Washingt... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

It's time for Israel to separate religion and state - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: George W. Bush, disliked but appreciated

The new green revolution that will feed the world – Telegraph Blogs

Facebook IPO's meaning: Zuckerberg faces reality -

What is the 'Future of Television'? | Tech Goes Strong

BBC News - Drones: What are they and how do they work?

No future without scarce metals

RealClearTechnology- Twitter, Democracy & Internet Freedom

Spielberg’s The River hits UK iTunes 24-hours after US TV debut, will it curb piracy of the show?

What's taking ET so long to find us? › News in Science (ABC Science)

The Uncanny Valley: What Robot Theory Tells Us About Mitt Romney - Brian Fung - Politics - The Atlantic

Ancient Islamic architects created perfect quasicrystals -

Why does Swiss cheese have holes? | How is Swiss cheese made? | Food Facts |

Rethinking why dinosaurs got so big | COSMOS magazine

The Eccentric Crank Who Tried To Legislate The Value Of Pi

Five U.S. Urban Counties Lead 'Terror Hot Spots' List, but Rural Areas Not Exempt: Research :: University Communications Newsdesk, University of Maryland

MtDNA tests trace all modern horses back to single ancestor 140,000 years ago

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft - Short-term memory is based on synchronized brain oscillations

University of Michigan News Service | Genes linked to cancer could be easier to detect with liquid lasers

Ocean acidification already well beyond natural variability

Hundreds of Meteorites Uncovered in Antarctica |


*30th/ Transcripts :Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Senator John McCain

Panel on the Future of the GOP Race

Analysts on the GOP Race Ahead

Guests: Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. Jack Kingston

This Week in History: Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran


The Saigon Execution by Horst Faas - The Digital Journalist

There Are Tears in My Eyes. - Jonah Goldberg - National Review Online

Bad Politics, Worse Prose - By Suzanne Merkelson | Foreign Policy

Space Shuttle's Legacy: Soaring Orbits And Sky-Rocketing Costs | Fox News

Columbia Space Shuttle Audio / Final words by Rick Husband

Vidkun Quisling Facts, information, pictures | articles about Vidkun Quisling

Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Celebrity -

The Worst Book Ever is ‘Moon People’ « PWxyz

Amazon's Hit Man - Businessweek

Karen Dionne: Readers: Are You Buying Fewer Books Now That Borders Is Gone?

We Need a Good Book About Funny-Looking Drawings | Writing |

Teatime: A Wave of Books Anatomizes the Tea Party Movement | The New York Observer

Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality | New York Journal of Books

The Kama Sutra, Newly Translated -

The Sex Diaries Project: What 1,500 Bedroom Diaries Can Teach Us About Sex - The Daily Beast

Jewish scholars dare to bridge religious divide - Washington Times

Mitt Romney plays into Democrats’ looming rich-guy attacks - The Washington Post

Romney’s Substantial Cash Advantage | Elections

Is Rick Santorum the logical conservative alternative? « Hot Air

Barack Obama, Austerity President - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Contraceptives Mandate Brings ObamaCare’s Coercive Power into Sharper Focus | Cato @ Liberty

Did Health Care Reform Hurt The Private Insurance Part Of Medicare? Apparently Not | TPMDC

Is NATO Expansion Really More Dangerous Than the Status Quo? « Commentary Magazine

CBO: If Congress does nothing, deficit plummets - The Washington Post

Dismal Scientists Vs. Credulous Public | The New Republic

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Juan Williams Breaks the Racial Code

Racial code words obscure real issues -

Jindal On Brewer, Obama Incident: "Brought Back Memories" | RealClearPolitics

Who Is to Blame for Polarization?

How Americans Elect's Kahlil Byrd is Starting a Third-Party Movement -- New York Magazine

The Conversation With a Florida Tea Partier That Should Scare Every Republican -

Rational Irrationality: Newt’s Going Down so the G.O.P. Establishment Can Live : The New Yorker

Review & Outlook: $5 Trillion and Change -

Turning the ‘Buffett Rule’ Into Law -

RealClearReligion - The Public Face of Religion in America

RealClearPolitics - Obama Vs. The Clergy

Cuba literally crumbling as Castro’s dream nears death -

RealClearPolitics - Tax "Reform," RIP?

Obama Struggling In Battleground States - 2012 Decoded

Obama's plan to win Ohio - Term Sheet

Theodore Olson: Obama's Enemies List -

Who’s Tough Enough? -

The American Spectator : Romney's Cheap and Empty Win

U.S. weighs 30 percent "Buffett Rule" tax on millionaires

Exclusive: Mortgage deal would give states enforcement power

Obama dares Republicans to act on US housing woes

"Opry" stage that once held Cash and Presley to be replaced

Obama, Romney gird for White House clash

'Soul Train' host Don Cornelius dead of suicide

Obama details broader housing plan

Amtrak train hits truck in Michigan, partly derails

Indiana Senate approves right-to-work bill

US cardinal embroiled in sex scandal dies

Pope mourns Pa. death of Cardinal Bevilacqua

Manufacturing data boost stocks

US stocks rebound on solid manufacturing data

Power shift means hard times for food industry

US commercial property faces debt test

Video: $10 Billion Deutsche Boerse, NYSE Merger Blocked

Video:Breakingviews: Is Google cruising for a bruising?

Video: Obama Details Broader Housing Plan

Video: New Bullet Hones In On Target More Than a Mile Away

Video: Raw Video: N.J. Police Rescue Man in Burning Car

Video:Apple Under Fire For Chinese Factory Conditions

Video:WTC One World's Most Expensive Office Building

Last Night on ‘Glee’: Michael Jackson Glorified, Marriage Dragged Through Mud

Hollywood Big Wigs Among Obama’s Top Campaign Donors

Daily Call Sheet: Mel Gibson Wants to Change Everything, ESPN Fights Back, True Crime-a-Palooza

BH Interview ‘SpOILed’ Director Mark Mathis: Some Inconvenient Truths About Oil

‘Notorious’ (1946) Blu-ray Review: Hitchcock’s Greatest Film Arrives In High-Definition

End the Occupation: Comic-Creating Conservatives Must Push Back Against Upcoming Pro-OWS Works

BH Interview: Director David M. Rosenthal’s ‘Janie Jones’ An Undiscovered Indie Gem

Trailer Talk: HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Pummels Palin with Liberal Talking Points

‘Dream House’ Blu-ray Review: Craig Survives One of 2011’s Sorriest Thrillers

‘Key and Peele’ Review: Promising Comedy Central Show Displays Political Cowardice

Meet Politico’s ‘Crackers’: FL Panhandle Home to Many Military Bases

Big Journalism’s Loesch, CBS’s Attkisson Receive 2012 Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award

If Bloggers Aren’t Journalists, Neither Are Many Members of the MSM

Democrats Clear DOJ of Fast and Furious, Media Eats It Up

Wag the Finger: Media’s Selective Memory

Occupy Wall Street Shows How We Can’t Get Our Message Out Over Old Media Din

Audio: Congressman Says Releasing Taliban Prisoners From Gitmo ‘Big Mistake’

Victory for ‘Muslim Outreach’? Retired General Barred from Speaking at West Point

Meet Politico’s ‘Crackers’: FL Panhandle Home to Many Military Bases

Four British Islamists Pleady Guilty to London Stock Exchange Bomb Plot

Anti-Saleh Yemeni Minister Escapes Assassination Attempt

Japan to Cap Nuclear Reactor Operation at 40 Years Per Facility

An Important Letter on Army Policy from a Gold Star Mother

Former Special Forces Operative: U.S. Addiction to Drones Could Lead to Domestic Use

Newt’s 2003 Blueprint for ObamaCare

Big Labor Fail: Forced-Dues Coming to an End in Indiana

Romney: ‘I’m Not Concerned About the Very Poor, We Have a Safety Net There”

Indiana on the Verge of Enacting Right to Work Law

Audio:How Can Mitt Romney Win Over Conservatives to Secure the GOP Nomination?

Radical Leftist Teacher Sets Bad Example for Students

Susan G. Komen Foundation Breaks with Planned Parenthood

EXCLUSIVE: #Occupy Plans Cross-Country Marches for Mayday: ‘We’ll Quarter Our Troops in Homes Across America!’

Chevron Documents Collusion Between Trial Lawyers and Ecuador’s Judiciary

Double Reverse: Scott Walker Recall Petitions Finally Posted Online

Authors: Romney Denied Free Olympic Tickets to 9-11 Widows, Orphans; Gave Them to Utah Legislators

Catholic Bishops Stand Up to the Obama Administration

Fast and Furious Update: Issa Threatens Holder with Contempt of Congress

Disgust with Local Teachers Union Drives One New York Parent to Run for School Board

NY GOP Smells Hypocrisy in Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s Support for Ban on Insider Trading

Romney Romps in Florida

Allen West to Switch Districts, Hasner out of Senate Race

Unexpected: Home Prices Drop, Consumer Confidence Plunges

Obama releases list of top money 'bundlers'

Pelosi tells Hollywood fundraisers Dems have 'a real chance' to take back House - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Are The Oscars Becoming Irrelevant?

NPR Plays Dumb: 'Nothing Terribly Ideological' About Saul Alinsky |

Al-Qaida in decline, but threats to US multiply

Sean Penn named ambassador for Haiti in ceremony

Cancer charity halts grants to Planned Parenthood

Theodore Olson: Obama's Enemies List -


1-Feb-12 World View

31-Jan-12 World View

*1 Feb

American Minute for February 1st

February 1st This Day in History

This Day in History for 1st February |

February 1st in History

February 1 Events in History

Today in History: February 1

Today in History: February 1

Today in History for Feb. 1st - YouTube


Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-31, Tuesday


*News Video:Romney ‘Not Concerned About The Very Poor’

Air Force One Recordings Released From Day Of JFK Assassination

DeMint: Romney Likely Nominee; Won’t Endorse

Three Years Ago Today: Obama Predicts Presidency Will Be ‘A One-Term Proposition’ If Economy Doesn’t Turn In Three Years

Congressman: Releasing Taliban Prisoners From Gitmo ‘Big Mistake’

Hate Radio Host Berates And Belittles Black Republican

Breitbart: Americans Have ‘Obama Fatigue’

Palin: I’d Vote Newt In Nevada

Sean Penn Named Ambassador For Haiti

‘Eight Pieces of Poop’ Octomom Describes Life With Her Children

MSNBC Wears Out Its Race Card During Primary Coverage

31st/Paul To Romney: I’ll See You In Caucus States

Santorum: Republicans Can Do Better

Newt: ‘People Power’ Will ‘Defeat Money Power’

Romney: Mr President, ‘Get Out Of The Way’

Romney Takes Florida

Newt SuperPAC Advisor On Romney: ‘He Has A Birth Defect’

Rolling Stone Editor: ‘Most Journalists I Know Are Liberal’

Santorum: Support For Medicare Drug Benefit Was ‘Tough Call’

Trump: If You Criticize Obama ‘It’s Always Racist’

Tea Party vs Occupy Violence: Mary Katharine Ham Flusters MSNBC’s ‘Objective’ Chris Matthews

Police Suspect #OccupyCharlotte Using Storm Drain As Toilet, Call HAZMAT

Newt Refuses To Debate Obama If Journalists Moderate

Newt Robocall: Romney Forced Holocaust Survivors To Eat Non-Kosher Food

Michael Reagan: Be Reaganesque, Vote For Newt

Panetta: Iran One Year Away from Getting Nukes


Sen. Reid: "I'm Happy I've Done Earmarks All My Career"
Obama To Homeowners: "Programs We Put Forward Haven't Worked At The Scale We Hoped"
Romney: "I'm Not Concerned About The Very Poor"
Maddow: Gingrich Making Fun Of Obama Singing Was Racist


Africa As A Frontier Market
Will Iran Topple?
Could UN Resolution Dealing With Syria Result In War?
Russia And The Syrian Crisis
Rice On Syria Proposal
Tahrir Square Protesters Clash With Muslim Brotherhood
Clinton To UN: Syria Violence Worsening, Civil War Looms
Pakistan FM Meets Karzai
Mexico Drought So Bad, Even Drug Trade Affected
Syria Troops Strike Rebels As UN Showdown Looms
Police And Protesters Clash In Algiers
U.S. Officials Warn Iran May Attack Here
Suu Kyi Hits The Campaign Trail
Eurozone Should Stay Intact Says Lamy


Remembering Richard Holbrooke
What Are The U.S.'s Options Against Iran?
Diplomatic Battle Looms In UN Over Syria
Eurozone Crunch Time
Cameron: New Euro Treaty Should Not Harm UK Interests
How Are U.S. Banks Protecting Against Eurozone Risk?
Stepping Up Diplomatic Pressure On Syria
Panetta: Jailed Pakistani Informant Not Treasonous
Shanghai Pushes Yuan Plan
Raw Video: Pandas In China Get Special Treat
Iraqi Police Raid Al-Qaeda Hideout In Basra
Syrian Violence Reaches Assad's Doorstep
Delhi Fire Destroys 300 Shanties
London Braces For Olympic Traffic
Syrian Troops Battle Anti-Assad Fighters


Romney: This Campaign "About Saving The Soul Of America"
Carney: Obama "Reads Letters" To Keep Up With "Regular Americans"
Gingrich: People Power Will Defeat Money Power
Ron Paul: "If Enthusiasm Wins Elections, We Win Hands Down"
"Game Change" Trailer On McCain Campaign, Palin's Rise
Krauthammer: Romney "Didn't Make A Conservative Case"
Santorum: Americans Want To Hear The Issues, Not See Mud-Wrestling
Farah: Rubio Ineligible To Be Vice President, Not A Natural-Born Citizen
Michelle Obama Brings "White House Honey" For Jay Leno To Try
Brit Hume: Newt Gingrich Is "Desperate"
Matthews Goes On Rant Against Romney: "You Are One Of The Bad Guys"
Janet Napolitano On Fast And Furious: "Mistakes Were Made"
Gingrich Advisor: Romney Has A "Birth Defect"
Politico's Martin Calls Panhandle Florida Voters "Cracker Counties"
Dem Congressman: West "Not Representative Of African-American Community"
Matthews: "National Hatred Of The President That I Haven't Seen Before"
Charlie Crist Would Consider Voting For Obama
Gingrich Robocall: Romney Had Holocaust Survivors Eat Non-Kosher
Trump: If You Question Obama, You're Racist
RNC Web Ad: "Interesting"
Rubio: Winner Of Florida Likely To Win Republican Nomination
Gingrich: Conservatives Won't Let Wall St. And Romney "Buy Election"
Krauthammer: Gingrich Isn't Bluffing About Going To The Convention
O'Reilly: There Are Two Kinds Of Republicans: Values Voters & Practical Republicans
Fineman: Newt Believes "Ideological Fight" Needs To Be Waged For "Soul" Of Party
Walsh: "Hate-Off" In The GOP "Is Great For Obama"


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