A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 January 2012

29 JAN.'12








Gingrich: "Massachusetts Liberal" Romney Has Policy Of "Carpet Bombing"
RNC Chairman: Obama Is Like Wrecked Italian Cruise Ship Captain
Axelrod: "I've Always Thought That Romney Was A Weak Front-Runner"
Fred Thompson: "Some Old Score Settling Going On" With Newt's Rivals
Paul Ryan: "The President Isn't Leading" On Upcoming Fiscal Train Wreck
Boehner: House Likely To Attack Keystone Approval To Jobs Bil
Chris Matthews: Is Mitt Romney "Just Too Damn Rich?"
Ron Paul To Focus On Caucus States
"This Week" Roundtable On Gingrich, Florida & Brewer
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Florida, GOP National Race
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Jan Brewer And Obama
George Will: "We're At The Horrid Stage With Newt Gingrich"


Sarah Palin: "Rage Against The Machine, Vote For Newt"
Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich For President
Ed Rollins: Romney's Campaign Is "Driving Conservatives Away"
Romney Airs Controversial Ad In FL Of NBC News Story On Gingrich
Allen West Tells Liberal Leaders To "Get The Hell Out Of The USA"
Obama Weekly Address: "We Weren't Sent Here To Wage Perpetual Political Campaigns"
Gingrich Vows To "Go All The Way To The Convention"
Bill Maher: Who The Hell Is Saul Alinsky?
Rubio Gives GOP Weekly Address: Obama Has "Made Everything Worse"
Krauthammer: When It Comes To Ideas, Obama Is Spent
Maher: Brewer's Beef With Obama Came About Because We "Permit Negroes To Read"
Maher's "Real Time" Panelists Spar Over Brewer-Obama Altercation, Immigration
Al Sharpton: Obama's Karaoke Moment Helped The Economy
Mitt Romney: Newt Gingrich Is "Like Goldilocks"
O'Reilly Talking Points: Analyzing The Florida Debate



Bill Gates' Hostile Takeover & Cocaine at The U.N. 1/2 - YouTube

Bill Gates' Hostile Takeover & Cocaine at The U.N. 2/2 - YouTube

Prison » Oakland Police Fire Tear Gas, Flash Bang Grenades and Rubber Bullets at Occupy Oakland Protesters

The SHTF A Long Time Ago!!! - YouTube

Prison » ACTA is worse than SOPA, here’s what you need to know

DEBKAfile:S anticipates May as tentative date for clash with Iran. Floating SEALs base for Gulf

Ron Paul: In it to win it | Washington Times Communities

Prison » Elitist Rioters Run The Global Financial System, And They Are Using America To Create Hell on Earth

Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again) | Mail Online

Prison » Cost Of Second Greek Bailout Raised To €145 Billion

Prison » Ten Red Lines Washington’s Totalitarian Terrorist State Has Crossed

Peacemaker: Lauderdale police put trouble spots under surveillance - South Florida

Former Army Ranger Set-Up by APD: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Concern over Twitter's country-by-country censorship ability - Americas - World - The Independent

Close Ties to Goldman Enrich Romney’s Public and Private Lives -

Prison » Copyright Industry Calls for Broad Search Engine Censorship

Prison » Grape Seed Extract Kills Head and Neck Cancer Cells, Leaves Healthy Cells Unharmed


Prison » Top Illuminati Dynasties That Run The Nwo with Author Fritz Springmeier

Prison » FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America




Prison » 1917: J.P. Morgan bought US corporate media to be 1%’s lying sacks of spin?


Prison » 16 Statistics Which Show That The Number Of Americans Dependent On The Government Is At An All-Time High

Prison » Iran Sanctions Conducive to Weak Dollar and Spiralling Gold Prices

Prison » Financial Illiteracy of Those Who Mock Conspiracy Theorists

Prison » More Phony Good News About the US Economy

» United Nations Preparing to Manage Global Mental Health Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Former Fed Boss Herman Cain Delivers Tea Party Flock to Newt Gingrich Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Herman Cain officially endorses Newt Gingrich for President (HQ) - YouTube

» Ron Paul is the only candidate who stands against tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama in Contempt of Court in 'Birther' Hearing: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Is Sarkozy about to throw in the towel? - Europe - World - The Independent

New bridge in Mexico comes loaded with big dreams - The Washington Post

Iran Warns Oil Prices May Jump to $150 after EU Sanctions | World | RIA Novosti

» The Silent Anschluss: Germany Formally Requests That Greece Hand Over Its Fiscal Independence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Apple: Poor working conditions inside the Chinese factories making iPads | Mail Online

Activist Post: Confessions of a Lukewarmist

» Spraying San Francisco, exposing the geo-engineers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Doctor who led us to bin Laden was CIA agent, says US - Americas - World - The Independent

For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions - The Washington Post

* New Study Reveals How Aluminium Promotes Cancer Growth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Governments Worldwide Raise Acceptable Radiation Levels Based Upon Politics Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Why You Absolutely Must Personally Treat Your Own Water Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Carcinogenic Sugar Hiding in 4 Common Food Products Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Are You Exposing Yourself to Toxic BPA? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cancer Drugs Make Tumors More Aggressive: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Research into mutant flu 'must go on' - Science - News - The Independent

» The Disease Machine: Why Drug Makers Keep You Sick Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

USDA issues new rules for school meals -

Obama Administration Gives Religious Groups More Time to Comply With Insurance Rule - The Ticker - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Calls for teenage boys to be vaccinated against sexually transmitted virus after alarming rise in throat cancer | Mail Online

Once they were blind, now they see. Patients treated with cells from human embryo - Science - News - The Independent

‘Magic mushrooms’ seen to be effective in treating depression, Brit studies show - NY Daily News

» Monsanto’s Best-Selling Herbicide Roundup Linked to Infertility Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto: ‘There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto’s Infertility-Linked Roundup Found in All Urine Samples Tested Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Says GMO Crops Needed to Fight Starvation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ACTA: The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Navy wants commando ‘mothership’ in middle east

Russia backs Assad, last friend in Arab world

Leading article: Crony capitalism and craven folly - Leading Articles - Opinion - The Independent

» The Original 99% Movement Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jamie Dimon: Anti-Banking Sentiment Is ‘A Form Of Discrimination’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Caging of America; Why do we lock up so many people?

Police Get Help With Confronting Veterans -

» Shock Docs: Total Federalization of Police Under New Homeland Security Mission Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rudy Giuliani Thinks Building 7 Is A Joke: Rudolph Giuliani Confronted on Building 7 - YouTube

U.S. fights to keep $6.6 million in al-Qaeda assets from 9/11 victims -

Joe Rogan and Rosie Talk 9/11 Conspiracy Theory - The Rosie Show - Oprah Winfrey Network - YouTube

Close Ties to Goldman Enrich Romney’s Public and Private Lives -



13 Jan./Obama Has Georgia on His Mind: Court Will Hear Eligibility Case | American Free Press


* Georgia Court to Decide if Obama is a Natural Born Citizen «


**6 Part / Video of Entire Georgia Obama Eligibility Hearing | Western


*Article II Super PAC(


Obama Eligibility Hearing In Georgia (Part 1) - YouTube

Obama Eligibility Hearing In Georgia (Part 2) - YouTube

Obama Eligibility Hearing in Georgia (Part 3) - YouTube

Obama Eligibility Hearing in Georgia (Part 4) - YouTube

Obama Eligibility Hearing in Georgia (Part 5) - YouTube

Obama Eligibility Hearing in Georgia (Part 6) - YouTube


What Really Happened in a Georgia Courtroom on January 26, 2012? | Western

Results Of Obama's Eligibility Hearing In Georgia | Western

Eligibility Judge About To Lower The Boom On Barack? | Western

A Message From One Of The Attorneys At Obama's Eligibility Proceedings in Atlanta | Western

The Birther’s Victory In Atlanta Court | ATLAH Media Network

Is Newt Gingrich A Closet Birther? | ATLAH Media Network


* A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector


Voice To Skull / Mind Control(


Will Israel Assassinate Obama? - YouTube

Obama hosts George H.W. and Jeb Bush at White House -

Gingrich Promises The Moon as the 51st State: We Already Have A 51st State … Now Let’s Move It To The Moon!

Newt Gingrich was under FBI investigation for bribery

The Long Run - Gingrich Stuck to Caustic Path in Ethics Battles -

Romney and Gingrich compete over who is more pro-immigration | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Secrets of the billionaire backing Gingrich's shot at the White House | World news | The Observer

OpEdNews - Quicklink: Kepler announces 11 planetary systems hosting 26 planets

OpEdNews - New drone has no pilot anywhere, so who's accountable?

Rhode Island student follows American Founders, gets hate speech, death threats


Temple Tries to Shake Down Mel Gibson |

USDA, FDA colluding with CODEX organizations « The PPJ Gazette

Cell Phones, EMF Negatively Altering the Brain | Natural Society

BBC News - Lyme disease risk from dogs 'higher than thought'

ACTA - Worse Than SOPA And PIPA

Bad Governance What Is ACTA?

Obama Tries to Bypass Congress with Deadly Global Internet Treaty ACTA

L.L. Bean heiress backs Paul – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich - Election 2012 - The Washington Post

Romney widens lead over Gingrich in Florida: poll | Reuters




Satan Pays Extremely Well | ATLAH Media Network

Newt And Nancy Were Lovers | ATLAH Media Network

Challenging Einstein - Time Lord…. Louis Essen D.Sc., F.R.S.

Night in the cells accidentally became two years in solitary - Americas - World - The Independent

Giuliani on WTC7 questions: Get a haircut, take a shower | COTO Report

The Crisis of Education in America: “How to Become a Serf” | COTO Report


prologue - deceptions - YouTube

9/11 deceptions - YouTube

Bush deceptions - YouTube

Obama deceptions - YouTube

money, power, fraud & corruption - YouTube

media deceptions - YouTube

New World Order deceptions - YouTube

Epilogue - deceptions - YouTube

credits - deceptions - YouTube

Lobbyists and Donor detail Obama and Dodds - YouTube

interview jonathan - YouTube


* Deceptions(


deceptions - Upside Down Article


Costly fiasco of smart meters that don't work: Millions of devices may be replaced, warns watchdog | Mail Online


Will Organic Farmers See Their Day in Court against Monsanto? | Food Freedom

Why GMO and Organic Cannot Co-Exist: Lateral Gene Transfer | Food Freedom

Many Restaurants Fake it as Demand for Organic Food Rises | Food Freedom

Food Inc director produces Right-to-Know GMO short | Food Freedom


Just Label It: We Have a Right to Know - YouTube

Food Inc. @Vimeo


No Matter What the FDA Says – Clear This Out of Your Fridge | Food Freedom

Disease genomics a false paradigm per new Harvard study | Food Freedom

New Study: GMO’s Bt protein toxic to human cells | Food Freedom


*35 pg./ '05/Civilian Inmate Labor Program


Snotr ; Video(


Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-27, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-26, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-25, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-24, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-23, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jan-22, Sunday


*CNN/RPOF/HLN Republican Presidential Debate @ University of N. FL - Jacksonville - January 26, 2012 - YouTube


UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB:

UFO Tracked on Radar at Minot AFB: It Was Near Nuclear Missile Sites At The Time

Strange sky hum Cambridge 23rd January - YouTube

Strange Sounds Jan 21 2012 Banff Alberta Canada - YouTube

Strange sound in Saskatoon again! January 26 2012! - YouTube

Weird noises in the air in Regina, Sask 2012 - YouTube

Strange noise London 02:00 25/01/2012 - YouTube

Obama Speaks about strange sound noise all around the world - YouTube

Strange Blue Spheres Fall Over England 2012 - YouTube


*Lone Star Watchdog: Constitutional Sheriffs to Meet in Las Vagas to Discuss Standing Against Federal Tyranny


Gerald Celente - Talk Radio Europe - 24 January 2012 - YouTube

Who Told Giuliani the WTC was Going to Collapse on 9/11?

How I woke up to the untruths of Barack Obama - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Romney,Obama and the NDAA - Sacrificing FEAR for FREEDOM!

"In The President's Secret Service" - President Obama Assassination Storyline Exposed - YouTube

Hollywood's Big Secret and Mainstrea Media Cesspool - 12160

Hollywood's Big Secret and Mainstream Media Cesspool - YouTube

Activist Post: Why does the military seem to be preparing for urban warfare in the United States?

Activist Post: Giuliani on WTC7 questions: Get a haircut, take a shower

911 Kook Movement (trailer) - YouTube

A ‘Hollywood ending’ for America « Revolt of the Plebs

Money-Junkies. Andris .mov - YouTube

Ron Paul 2012 Star Trek Trailer! - YouTube


**Listen: John B. Wells (email) welcomes Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers


Lost in Litigation: Sue or survive in America - YouTube

Dr. Paul State of the Union 1-29 - YouTube

Should Boys Be Given the Gardasil HPV Vaccine?

HPV vaccine: Miracle or menace? - YouTube

Ron Paul: Golden Rule Perspective on Foreign Policy - YouTube

Workers ordered to chop up U.S. soldiers and dump bodies in landfill - YouTube

Activist Post: Turmeric, Curcumin Naturally Block Cancer Cells

That Hotpants Romance under the Lights of Broadway. Reflections in a Petri Dish

poorrichard's blog: Elitist Rioters Run The Global Financial System, And They Are Using America To Create Hell on Earth

Newt Gingrich backer Sheldon Adelson's company under federal investigation | Mail Online


Memo to the News Media: Newt Didn't Want an 'Open Relationship' -- He Just Wanted to Cheat | News & Politics | AlterNet

Romney Collects More in Donations From the Five Biggest Banks Than All Other Candidates Combined | Truthout

Banks Taketh, but Don’t Giveth -

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : America Will Be Responsible for World War 3

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Barack Obama's "Unbreakable Bond" with Israel

Bill Gates, Monsanto hijack 'humanitarian aid' efforts to push GMO agenda


Ron Paul’s policies would keep us out of unnecessary wars | The Coloradoan |

Refreshing News: Barack Obama is trying to make the US a more socialist state

Domino’s delivered for Bain - Business - The Boston Globe

The Truth Behind the Coming “Regime Change” in Syria | Intifada Palestine

No Exit For Bilderbergers | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: State Emergency Managers Usher in IMF-style Austerity and Soviet-style Governance

Activist Post: The Right to Anonymity is a Matter of Privacy - Resist Biometrics - Your Liberty Depends on It

Rob't Reich pretends he's stupid

Ron Paul says he has no intention of dropping out of presidential race | Grand Forks Herald | Grand Forks, North Dakota

Newt Gingrich's agenda-setting big donor | Arun Kundnani | Comment is free |

The Man Behind Gingrich’s Money -

Window Into Palestine: Is America Being Asked To Negotiate With A Terrorist State?

YayaCanada: More US scrap metal headed for Persian Gulf

Activist Post: Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson on Globalist Agenda

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : State of the Union? How about Global War & Anarchy!!!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Activists and Bloggers Fear Twitter Censorship

'UN resolution leaves no choice to Syria: only NATO' - YouTube

Obama administration using loophole to quietly sell arms package to Bahrain | The Cable

Lone Star Watchdog: Vote Scam - The Stealing of America's Elections

World Of Technology: 15 Worst Internet Privacy Scandals of All Time

Mouseland - YouTube

Twitter's new censorship plan rouses global furor

Phantom Report » Blog Archive » UK riots: British paratroopers are trained in riot control

Anonymous claims Stratfor spied on OWS - YouTube

UK police arrest Murdoch tabloid staff, raid offices - Yahoo! News

France Defeats Monsanto | Disinformation

DNA Database of Men Who Pay for Sex? The Strange Push to Make Cops Collect DNA from Suspected Johns | Sex & Relationships | AlterNet

Army’s Case Against Soldier Flimsy; Manning Wikileaks Source? -

Humans Lose, Robots Win in New Defense Budget -

Humans Lose, Robots Win in New Defense Budget | Danger Room |

An Excerpt From “Killing the Competition: How the New Monopolies Are Destroying Open Markets”—By Barry C. Lynn (Harper's Magazine)

Welcome to Forbes

Humans Lose, Robots Win in New Defense Budget | Danger Room |

Grape seed extract kills head and neck cancer cells, leaves healthy cells unharmed

Fast Food Companies Abandon Ammoniated Beef

New U.N. Draft Resolution Gives Syria 15 Days to Comply

US Plans for Perpetual War

Is the World Really Safer Without the Soviet Union?

The Present Stands No Chance Against the Past

Video:Dying For ? Racism: Dehumanization

Will the US Back Real Democracy in Egypt?

We Can Now See the True Cost of Globalization

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Pentagon Requests Mightier Bomb to Attack Iran -- News from

Arab League Suspends Monitoring in Syria -- News from

Scarry Thoughts: Why OWS Should Lead the "No Iran War!" Resistance

Not a Peep About the President's Praise for War | The Nation

Jeffersonian Exceptionalism | The National Interest Blog

Sen. Franken and conservatives join forces to fight detainee language - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

A Documentary Makes the Case Against Torture by Interviewing the Tortured - Noah Berlatsky - Entertainment - The Atlantic

Starbucks: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Core to Who We Are and What We Value’

Anti-Gun Group to Launch Nationwide Boycott of Starbucks

Pope: Some U.S. Cultural Trends 'A Threat Not Just to Christian Faith, But Also to Humanity Itself'

Panetta: Obama's Cuts Create ‘Risks’ in Military’s ‘Capability to Respond’

House Republican Says ‘Three Is A Trend’ in Another Stimulus-Funded Green Company Bankruptcy

Obama Tuition Proposal Would Have Only Tiny Impact on College Inflation, Critic Says

Michelle Obama Says Her Husband Identifies With Women Who 'Are Not Treated Well in the Workplace'

Jesse Jackson Not Ruling Out Protest Over Grammy Cuts

Euthanasia ‘Must Always Be Prohibited,’ European Body Says

Obama’s Former Faith Adviser: ‘I, Frankly, Am Glad American Civil Religion is Dying’

Rush: Drudge Report 'What Every News Organization Ought To Look Like Or Be Like'

Magazine Calls Occupiers To Come To Chicago In ‘Tradition of’ 1968 Rioters

Obama's Unconstitutional Appointments Cannot Stand

Politico's Evan Thomas Calls Obama's State of the Union 'Disheartening,' 'Pathetic,' 'Cheap Pandering' |

Eleanor Clift Says Something So Dumb Mort Zuckerman Does Double Facepalm In Disbelief |

MSNBC Runs Viewer Tweet Urging Secret Service to Break Jan Brewer's Finger, 'Drop Her' |

AU Summit Highlights Africa's Tilt Toward the East

Sudanese Rebels Claim Capture of Chinese Workers

Taliban, US Negotiators Meet in Qatar

Burma Democracy Leader Begins Political Campaigning

US Republican Presidential Candidates in Heated Battle for Florida

Arab League Suspends Syria Observer Mission

NASA Scientists Discover More Than Two Dozen New Exoplanets

President Obama Mentions An Energy Company In His Big Speech And It Goes Bankrupt Instantly

FBI Wants New App to Wiretap the Internet | Common Dreams

Nanotechnology: Will it kill us all? | ExtremeTech

Zero Percent Uber Alles - informationliberation

Doda and Vintage: Bringing the Illuminati Agenda to Eastern Europe Pop

How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children (video)

(3 VIDEOS)Dreams Fading In America And Europe |

+AUDIO:Against the Wall with JJink – January 26th, 2012 |

(3 VIDEOS)FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America |

Obama in Contempt of Court in 'Birther' Hearing: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Sen. Michael Bennett Of Florida Proposes Bill To Shelter Homeless People In Taxpayer-Funded Sports Stadiums

FBI Wants New App to Wiretap the Internet | Common Dreams

NOVO: Gingrich was a lobbyist -

Legal team tells Census Bureau to back off

Movie dumps ‘black genocide’ in Jesse Jackson’s lap

Allen West Tells Liberal Leaders To "Get The Hell Out Of The USA" | RealClearPolitics

Herman Cain endorses Newt Gingrich, calls him a patriot who is not afraid of bold ideas | Post on Politics

News from The Associated Press

Romney widens lead over Gingrich in Florida: Reuters/Ipsos poll - Yahoo! News

Peacemaker: Lauderdale police put trouble spots under surveillance - South Florida

Soap Opera Actor Nick Santino Commits Suicide at 47 | Story | Wonderwall

For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions - The Washington Post

Officer shot, killed by fellow police in Calif. - Yahoo! News

Hercules Family Battles Sex Assault Claim Again - Flash Player Installation

Gingrich Vows Long Fight and Gets Cain’s Backing -

Magazine Calls Occupiers To Come To Chicago In ‘Tradition of’ 1968 Rioters |

Chavez wants good relations with US if Obama elected

NBC, Brokaw denounce Romney ad -

Cannibals in GOP Establishment Employ Tactics of the Left | Facebook

The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Elliott Abrams Caught Misleading on Newt

Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)

New OKC Bombing Video Ignites Bitter Controversy | American Free Press

Evidence Says Feds Involved in Bomb Plot | American Free Press

Prominent Jewish Leader: Assassinate Barack Obama | American Free Press

Media Moguls Admit Skewing Racial Reality in News, on TV | American Free Press

Mitt Romney: Chameleon in a Three-Piece Suit | American Free Press

Powerful Pro-Israel Think Tank Rocked by Leadership Desertions | American Free Press

Refinery closings could push gasoline prices back to $4 –

Gas – 5 Bucks a Gallon? | American Free Press

Ex-President Bush Lied To FBI Director About Warrantless Surveillance: Book

The Man Behind Gingrich’s Money -

Davos founder Klaus Schwab: Focus on jobs, morals –

What happens when you walk away from your home? | Reuters

Man, 25, 'advertised on Craigslist for men willing to share their young daughters for sex' | Mail Online

Palin Renews Call to 'Vote for Newt,' Reject Romney

Cain to Newsmax: Why I Stand With Newt

Palin: Newt 'Crucified' by Romney Allies, GOP

Reagan Aide: Criticism of Newt 'Laughably Untrue'

Romney Was 'Independent,' Not Strong Republican

Gingrich Aide Mallea: Tea Party Will Propel Fla. Win

Thompson Rips Romney 'Attack Machine' vs. Gingrich

McCain Defends Brewer in Dispute With Obama

Cain Endorses Gingrich for President

Trump: GOP Candidates Hurt Party With 'Nasty Race'

McConnell Rips Democrats, Obama on Spending

Gingrich: Conservative Vote Clearly Beats Romney

Paul Says He'll Stay in Race Until Convention

Boehner: Congress Will Pass Payroll Tax Cut

Santorum Cancels Events to Be With Sick Daughter

Sarah Palin Urges Newt Vote in Florida, Says Gingrich Will 'Clobber' Obama

Giuliani Knocks Romney, Praises Gingrich

Egypt Claims It Ended US Lobbyists' Contract

Fast and Furious Arms Debacle Prompts Changes

Newt Confident Of Landing Nomination

Thompson, Watts, Burton: Gingrich Won Debate

Joe Paterno Didn’t Smoke – So What Caused His Lung Cancer?

Harvard Study: Tablet Computers Are Dangerous

Marijuana Mouth Spray Coming to US?

Obama's Misstatements on the Union

America Must Not Surrender to ‘Momentarianism’

State of the Union Speech Frames Obama's Re-election Bid

Mitt's Blood Money | The Truth About Mitt Romney's Medicare Fraud

Winning Our Future | Blood Money [FULL] - YouTube

VIDEO: Internet Censorship in America

Property Rights versus Human Rights: Challenging the Super Wealthy

New Military Doctrine: America is "Looking for Enemies": Threatening China

Language Imperialism, Concepts and Civilization: China versus The West

Britain's Drone War Arsenal

The Pentagon's "Killing Machine". US To Send More Hit Squads To Middle East

New "Mother of All Bombs" Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP) to be used against Iran

A New Direction for China's Massive Shale Gas Reserves

THREATENING CHINA: U.S. to expand military presence in the Philippines

POLICE STATE AMERICA: FEMA Camp Rendition Hubs Discovered

US Army Goes Underground: Special Ops Deployed Worldwide

What is "Moral Capitalism"?


How Ron Paul Could Win

Canada's Austerity Agenda: Building the Fightback

Iran Sanctions Conducive to Weak Dollar and Spiralling Gold Prices

War versus Education: Obama's promise for Educational Funding is Double-speak

MILITARY JUSTICE: The Bradley Manning "Article 32 Hearing"

How the Banks Broke the Social Compact, Promoting their Own Special Interests

HAITI'S "DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP": Bill Clinton is comfortable shaking hands with "Baby Doc" Duvalier - Why?

King Corn: The secrets of high fructose corn syrup - YouTube

The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship - YouTube

The Right to Anonymity is a Matter of Privacy | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Activist Post: Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson on Globalist Agenda

Activist Post: Globalist Lawyer Attends Color Revolution Rebranding

Food Crash Coming - Understand That As Fast As You Can | Before It's News

Paper Money Collapse by Detlev Schlichter

Why We Are Totally Finished | Before It's News

Ex-Navy Seal Says Bin Laden Was Dead Before May 2nd 2011. | Before It's News

The Three Biggest Lies The Government Is Telling You | Before It's News

The Truth About Betty Hills UFO Star Map | Before It's News


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* Bombshell: Barack Obama Outed As CIA Creation | Before It's News

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Only Two Types Of People Will Survive Economic Collapse | Before It's News

Monsters of Anarchy - Post Collapse Security Considerations - YouTube

The Federal Reserve Is Selling Paper Gold And Buying Physical Gold--The Good Ole "American way"—Through Proxies | Before It's News




**Cooking and Recipes

+Our 8 Favorite Sunday Brunch Recipes | Before It's News


Henry The Health Hound(

imgur: (


Two More Former Walker Staffers Charged; One Makes Deal As Informant

Arizona Cop Investigated Over Bullet-Riddled Picture of Obama

Guess Who's Back in the Hunt? (Hint: Her Initials are Darcy Burner)

Indiana Pushing Forward With Right-to-Work (For Less) Legislation

Mitt Romney Offers An Elegant Defense For ObamaCare Before Promising To Repeal It

Ron Paul Rewrites the History of Healthcare

Gingrich Sinks Like a Stone in Florida

Kansas Republicans Renew Assault on Unions

Barney Frank to Marry Partner Jim Ready

The Tea Party Report: Newt Values Each of His Families More Than The Last One

Newark Mayor Cory Booker Blasts Gov. Christie's Proposed Gay Marriage Referendum

Despite Stated ICE Policy, Vast Majority Of Immigrants In Detention Were Not Criminals

Colbert: Keith Ablow Finds Gingrich Irresistible Even if Republican Establishment Doesn't

New Hampshire Legislature Turns Policy Reins Over To ALEC

Apple CEO Defends Against Reports of Poor Work Conditions in Company's Factories

Sarah Palin Shouts Into The Great GOP Divide

Martin Bashir Exposes The Great Republican Hoax

NBC News asks Romney Campaign to Remove Ad

Twitter May Censor Tweets

Up With Chris Hayes Story of the Week: Democracy for Billionaires

Andrew Sullivan Thinks Americans Should Just Suck It Up When it Comes to Globalization and Get Used to Being Poor

Norquist Threatens Impeachment If Obama Does Not Extend Bush Tax Cuts

Paul Ryan Defends 'the Morality of the Free Enterprise System' Where information goes to die | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say - The Washington Post

LOL! AZ Gov. Brewer’s book sales increase 2.2 million percent « Tammy Bruce

Michael-In-Norfolk - - Coming Out In Mid Life: Study: Low IQ Correlates With Prejudice and Bigotry


"The First Cut Is The Deepest" by Bad Manners - Grooveshark

"Lola" by Bad Manners - Grooveshark

"Teenager In Love" by Bad Manners - Grooveshark

"Wet Dream" by Bad Manners - Grooveshark


United States of Propaganda Unleashes Unholy War Against Newt Gingrich

Alice in Wonderland - Further Down the Rabbit Hole

The New American Elite

Government Without Corruption Is Impossible? Don’t Be Too Sure

The Rule of Law or The Rule of Obama

America’s Constitutionalist Resistance Battles On

Fly Me to the Moon; Why Newt Gingrich was Right About a Return to the Moon

The target is Obama!

Democracy or Republic?

Getting Rid of Rats in Washington!

Conservatives Want to Give Americans a Fair Shot,Obama, Leftists, Want to Give Americans a Dropshot

Obama and his Syndicate: Some Good (Obama Eligibility Hearing) and some Chillingly Bad News

Lies, Omissions and Delusions-Obama’s Loaded State Of The Union Speech

The Drudge Distort

The U.S. and China’s Renewable Tug of War

Capitalism is the Problem—Who Knew?

The Individual And The State

A breakdown of ACTA

Libertarians ... easy to manipulate? Seems like it...

How Ron Paul Can Effectively Fire Back at the Third Party Question

Abramoff credits Savage for prison epiphany

OWS stragglers start moving out of Brooklyn row house they took over last month -

My Way News - College presidents wary of Obama cost-control plan

Panetta: Officials in Pakistan had to know about bin Laden - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

The World's Ugliest Animals - NY Daily News

Allen West to Obama, Reid, Pelosi: ‘Get the Hell Out of the United States of America’

Watch How Did the Police Know About Occupy Oakland‘s ’Move In Day’?

‘Even George Wallace Did Not Put His Finger in Dr. King’s Face’: Jesse Jackson on Jan Brewer’s Tarmac Exchange With Obama

Watch Palestinian Authority TV Airs Show Praising ‘Hero’ Murderers of Fogel Family

This is Shaq Walking Around in His Underwear on TV

Woman Chases Down Crook Who Snatched Her Wallet and Delivers Message from God

Watch the Roof of This Hockey Rink Collapse Seconds After Children Scramble Off the Ice

Soap Actor Commits Suicide After Having to Put Down His Own Dog

Like ‘the Taliban’: Pakistani TV Host Fired for Trying to Bust Unmarried Couples Spending Time Together

Watch Santorum Admits Young Daughter to Philadelphia Hospital, Cancels Sunday Morning Campaign Appearances

That’s Old School! U.S. President John Tyler, Born in 1790, Has Two Living Grandsons

9 Killed in Florida Highway Pile-Ups Caused by Heavy Smoke & Fog

Three Topless Women Detained While Protesting ‘Gangsters Party in Davos’

‘You Mutilated This Woman’: Judge Hands Down Life Sentence in Savage Yoga Shop Murder

St. Louis Hosts the Nation’s First Large Welcome-Home Parade for Iraq War Veterans

Watch Facebook IPO Likely to Value the Social-Networker Among the World’s Top Public Companies

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich

Watch The Marco Rubio Speech on Immigration That Everyone’s Talking About

Fellow Marines Call On Kyle Carpenter to Receive The Medal of Honor for Using His Body to Shield Others from Grenade Blast

Check Out National Geographic‘s New Series ’Doomsday Preppers’

Watch Defense Secretary Panetta Says That Pakistani Doctor Provided Key Information for Capturing Osama bin Laden

Millionaire Elizabeth Warren Claims She Is Not a Wealthy Individual Who Owns a Lot of Stock

Just How Rich Is Mitt Romney in Comparison to Past Presidents

NBC and Brokaw Ask Romney Campaign to Take Down Ad Featuring 1997 ‘Nightly News’ Report on Gingrich’s Ethics Committee Reprimand

Get a Load of All These Programs the Feds Are Unofficially Funding This Year

Marco Rubio: Obama‘s ’Made Everything Worse’

Veterans Group Calls on West Point to Pull Speaking Invite for Anti-Islamist Retired Officer

Video:'Probing Groin Areas And Breast Areas'; Ron Paul Decries TSA

Video:Obama Calls For End To Campaign Bundlers' Influence Over Congress; Ignores Solyndra-Style Influence Over White House

Video:Brown To Obama: Insider Trading Bill Sitting On Reid's Desk Right Now

Video:Petition Effort For Protection From Predatory Lenders

Video:Demi Moore 911 Call: 'She Smoked Something And Now She Is Convulsing'

Video:Mitt: Newt Acts 'Like Goldilocks'

Video:Egypt Islamists seek more election gains

Video: Blood Found at Home Where Maine Tot Last Seen

Video:Thousands Come To St. Louis To Welcome Home Iraq War Veterans

Video:Iran sends toy drone to Obama

School bans fuzzy boots used to hide cell phones

Fire that led to fatal FL crash may have been set

French 2011 deficit to be under 5.4 percent GDP: Sarkozy

Screen actors get their say in Oscar race

Five dead at bullet-riddled home in Birmingham

Florida highway pileup kills at least 9 people

Geithner hails strength of US business sector

Yosemite plan means fewer hikers on Half Dome

Exxon selling Japanese subsidiary in $3.9B deal

Police focus on SUV in fatal N. Calif. train crash

Man arrested in slayings of SC officer, Ga. woman

Detroit's best-dressed man aims to mend Motown

At New Orleans comic event, mere humans become heroes

Officers checking robbery find 5 dead in Ala. home

Oakland to assess damage after Occupy protests

Israel plans Red-Med rail link to take Suez overflow

Super Bowl advertisers seek buzz on social media

A-G will not seek criminal investigation into Eshel

Army fights for Damascus suburbs

Occupy protesters arrested after clashes with Oakland police

Baby loses fight for life; abuse probe continues

Clashes erupt in Cairo during anti-army protest

Portugal: turning down the heat

Iran to halt oil sales to 'some countries'

Mashaal in Amman: No Palestinian state in Jordan

Syria military offensive in Damascus suburbs aims to drive out rebels

'Hamas, Jordan open a new page for Palestinians'

Newt Gingrich staring at Florida defeat in Republican nomination race

Occupy Oakland: Police arrest 300, officials decry 'illegal activity'

Gallery: Davos 2012 ends on a bitter sweet note

Reuters Sheds All Professional Integrity in Marco Rubio Hit Piece

New York Times Fails to Mention Gingrich Was Cleared Of Ethics Charges

NewsBusted: Greece is the Word!

Media Ignores Another Friday Night Fast and Furious Document Dump

Et Tu, Real Clear Politics? You’re Breaking My Heart with the Fact-Checking » Ron Reagan, Jr.: People On Right ‘Would Vote For Himmler Over Obama’

NBC's Brokaw: California's 'Aging Lion' Jerry Brown 'Has Not Given Up On Big Dreams' |

In Crisis, Faith and Reason Trump Atheism and Radical Islam

British Officer Slams US Army on Growing MEDEVAC Debacle

Iran’s ‘Super Bowl’ Tactics Could Lead to Victory Against the U.S.

Audio:Monica Crowley: Islamists and Progressives vs. Free Speech

University of Pennsylvania Hosts Conference Promoting Campaign to ‘Boycott, Divest, and Sanction’ Israel

Romney Cut Only 603 Govt. Jobs in MA, While His Predecessor Cut 7,700

Obama Administration Offers $75,000 Grants to Sign Up More Food Stamp Recipients

Friday Night Document Dump Show Eric Holder Was Informed of Border Agent’s Death Immediately

Congress Tries to Police Itself on Insider Trading

What Ever Happened to All Those Gas ‘Price-Gouging’ Investigations by Democrats?

Sundays with Sherrod: China Envy

GOP Ready to Replace ObamaCare After SCOTUS Decision

New #OccupyOakland Violence: Police Injured, 100 Arrested as Left’s ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Movement Returns

VIDEO: 1,000 Days Without a Budget

Santorum Missed His Chance to Land Knockout Punch on Romney

Minnesota Government Forcing Business to Build a Useless $30,000 Room

Challenging U.S. Census Policy of Counting Illegal Aliens When Apportioning Seats in Congress

Taxpayers Pay Teacher to Do Union Work During School Hours

Axelrod: Mitt Gave ‘Eloquent’ Defense of ObamaCare

Forced Unionism Supporters Plan Super Bowl Week of Tantrums and Intimidation

After Billions in Federal Bailouts, Now GM Lobbying States for More?

‘Man on a Ledge’ Review: Thriller Falls Flat on Its Face

Real Bullets, Real SEALs: Why ‘Act of Valor’ Isn’t Like Any Other Action Film

‘Luck’ Review: HBO’s Humdrum Horse Racing Saga Wastes Nolte, Can’t-Miss Premise

‘Love Story’ (1970) Blu-ray Review: Classic Tear-Jerker Jerks My Tears

Katy Perry, the Simpson Sisters and Exchanging Faith for Fleeting Fame

Marvel Studios Now Making the Lazy Comic Cash-Ins It Was Founded to Replace

‘The Apartment’ (1960) Blu-ray Review: The Mighty Jack Lemmon at His Very Best

‘Annie Hall’ (1977) Blu-ray Review: Flawless Film in Flawless High Definition

‘Spellbound’ (1944) Blu-ray Review: Hitchcock’s Silliest Entry Is Lovely to Look at but Still Silly

Hazanavicius wins at Directors Guild for 'Artist'

Spike Lee: The New Bill Cosby? | Via Meadia » Maher: ‘Who The F**k Is Saul Alinsky?’

Cage Wants To Visit The Wicker Man Flop » GOP Congressman: Newt More Obnoxious Than Obama » How Government Buys Votes

REVEALED: 30ft Rio-style statue plan for Primrose Hill to mark end of Olympics | Camden New Journal

Panetta believes Pakistan knew of bin Laden hideout


29-Jan-12 World View

28-Jan-12 World View

27-Jan-12 World View

*29 Jan.

American Minute for January 29th

January 29th This Day in History

January 29 Events in History

Today in History: January 29

This Day in History for 29th January |

Today in History: January 29

January 29th in History

Today in History: January 29th - YouTube


FBI searches for man suspected of robbing 9 North Side banks

Hull House founder also fought corruption

Quinn seeks tax relief for families, assistance for vets

Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich trade barbs in Florida

Gingrich bemoans Romney's Florida 'carpet-bombing'

Governance Matters at Las Vegas Sands in the hands of Sheldon Adelson

TV's Duggars help Santorum after child's illness

Gov. Jan Brewer: An Obama move helped launch Arizonan's career

Comedian-in-Chief comes out at Alfalfa Dinner

Boehner Predicts Congress Will Extend Payroll Tax-Reduction

Thwarted On US Oil Pipeline, Canada Looks To China

It's Mitt Assertion That He Is Not Anti-Immigrant That Is Repulsive

Ron Paul: Staying in GOP race through convention

Ayla Reynolds Case: Parents Meet for First Time Since Toddler's Disappearance

Kevin H. White ,Former Boston mayor, 82 / Philadelphia Inquirer | 2012-01-29

Why the Florida primary vote matters

Herman Cain and Sarah Palin: Do they still have political clout?

Newt Gingrich Defends Food Stamps vs. Paychecks Charge

Obama in Ann Arbor; 'Make college more affordable'

Syria uprising: Religion overshadowing the democratic push

Top Pakistan Diplomat to Meet Afghan Leaders in Kabul

African Leaders Urged to Respect Gay Rights

More than 2 dozen Chinese workers captured in Sudan attack

Egyptians Return to the Polls

Yemeni Protesters Demand Air Force Chief's Ouster

Netanyahu, Abbas pessimistic about continued talks

Nicolas Sarkozy sets out stall for re-election

Fire at 'locked' drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Peru kills 27

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal returns for Jordan visit

Chinese New Year: London parade leads celebrations

Five arrested in UK police corruption operation

Moscow motorists stage rolling demonstration against Putin

Suu Kyi Galvanizes Once-Repressed Myanmar Politics

Britain sticks to 2014 Afghan troop pullout goal

Libya drops parliamentary quota for women

Papua New Guinea mutiny leader Yaura Sasa arrested

Newt Gingrich staring at Florida defeat in Republican nomination race

John McCain: Time to end 'mud wrestling'

What You Can Learn From Mitt's Tax Return

Ex-Press Secretary Gibbs Back on Obama Payroll, to Work for Re-election

Romney would rank among richest presidents ever

The Inside Story on the Florida Primary

Despite Gingrich 'moon base' idea, NASA vets endorse Romney

It's time to address the wealth gap

The DREAM Act: why would Mitt Romney veto it?

Mystery teen illness: Brokovich team meets resistance

Running for a cause can boost motivation

Why Home Births Are on the Rise

The science and engineering behind Lego Man's balloon voyage

Inspiring Homeless Teen Scholar No Longer Homeless

New Research Show Earth Has Not Cooled in 15 Years

Moon Cozies Up to Jupiter in the Night Sky Sunday

Dolphin, seal deaths plague New England

US Astronaut Hall of Fame welcomes trio

Team to investigate underwater 'UFO' - is it sunken ships or Millennium Falcon?

What we can all learn from formerly homeless teen Samantha Garvey

New diet may keep wolves of cattle

Etta James's life celebrated by hundreds at funeral

Christina Aguilera and Stevie Wonder sing at Etta James' funeral - YouTube

Screen actors get their say in Oscar race

Sundance In The Rearview

Robert Hegyes, Juan Epstein of 'Welcome Back Kotter' dead at 60

Demi Moore Lovelace Role Awarded to Sarah Jessica Parker

Spice Girls to Reunite for Queen?

Ashton Kutcher 'would like to think' Demi's meltdown about him: source

American Idol Alum Constantine Maroulis to Star in Broadway's 'Jekyll & Hyde'

The Academy Awards have undergone a sea change: They're no longer about the audience | Inside Movies |

Timeline your chance for a Facebook do-over

Google+ age limit now 13

Google's new privacy move is a 'forced' merger to many

Apple, Google, Intel Worker Poaching Case Will Go Forward, U.S. Judge Says

Google Doodle Honors ... World's Largest Snowflake?

Germany: Greece Must Prove Itself

Facebook Readies IPO Filing

Can Netflix Make It in the UK?

In Davos, Europe Is Pressed for Debt Crisis Solution

Jobless Homeowners May Soon Get A "Time Out" From Mortgage Payments

Obama Plan Links College Aid With Affordability

Ship carrying rocket parts hits Kentucky bridge

BP Feared Spill of 3.4 Million Gallons a Day

Barnes & Noble, Destroyer of Indie Bookstores, Is Now Printed Books' Last Great Champion -- Vulture


The Alex Jones Show 01-27-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 01-27-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 01-27-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 01-27-12 Hr 4

Dead Doctors Don't Lie 01-27-12

The Doc Love Show 01-21-12

The Doc Love Show 01-28-12

The Dr Daliah Show 01-27-12 Hr 1

The Dr Daliah Show 01-27-12 Hr 2

The Dr Daliah Show 01-27-12 Hr 3

The Dr Daliah Show 01-28-12

The Dr Daliah Show 01-21-12

The Easy Organic Gardener 01-22-12

The Easy Organic Gardener 01-29-12

Herb Talk 01-21-12

Herb Talk 01-28-12

Home Talk 01-21-12 Hr 1

Home Talk 01-21-12 Hr 2

Home Talk 01-21-12 Hr 3

Home Talk 01-28-12 Hr 1

Home Talk 01-28-12 Hr 2

Home Talk 01-28-12 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-28-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 01-28-12 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 01-21-12 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 01-21-12 Hr 2

Korelin Economics Report 01-28-12 Hr 1

Korelin Economics Report 01-28-12 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 01-21-12 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 01-21-12 Hr 2

The Magic Garden 01-28-12 Hr 1

The Magic Garden 01-28-12 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-22-12 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-22-12 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-22-12 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-22-12 Hr 4

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-29-12 Hr 1

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-29-12 Hr 2

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-29-12 Hr 3

The Paul Parent Garden Club Show 01-29-12 Hr 4

Nutrimedical Report 01-27-12 Hr 1

Nutrimedical Report 01-27-12 Hr 2

Nutrimedical Report 01-27-12 Hr 3

Travelers 411 01-28-12 Hr 1

Travelers 411 01-28-12 Hr 2

Travelers 411 01-28-12 Hr 3

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-21-12 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-21-12 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-21-12 Hr 3

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-28-12 Hr 1

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-28-12 Hr 2

The Tech Night Owl Live 01-28-12 Hr 3

You The Owner's Manual 01-21-12 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 01-21-12 Hr 2

You The Owner's Manual 01-28-12 Hr 1

You The Owner's Manual 01-28-12 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 01-21-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 01-21-12 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 01-28-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 01-28-12 Hr 2

Sons of Liberty 01-28-12 Hr 2

Sons of Liberty 01-21-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-22-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-22-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-23-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-23-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-23-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-24-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-24-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-24-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-25-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-25-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-25-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-26-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-26-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-26-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 01-27-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 01-27-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 01-27-12 Hr 3


China: The paradox of prosperity | The Economist

Obama: Build America to last - Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

How the $800B stimulus failed -

RealClearPolitics - Davos and Disconnected Elites

Michael Tomasky on How Rick Santorum Nailed Mitt on Romneycare - The Daily Beast

Articles: It's Not About Newt

Sarah Palin accuses GOP of 'Stalin-esque' attack on Newt Gingrich - The Hill's Ballot Box

Obama’s new shame police | administration, obama, year - Opinion - The Orange County Register

What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind? -

Spending more money we don't have -

Obama Takes a Populist Stand in His State of the Union | The Nation

State of the Union Message: Typical | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Made in the World -

The Lesson of Bani Walid - By Christopher Stephen | Foreign Policy

How to prevent war with Iran | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How church, Castros learned to coexist - Cuba -

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Jan 29, 2012 - Punjab, bread basket of India, hungers for change

The Hindu : Columns / Chandrasekhar : The Indian footprint of US firms

We can now see the true cost of globalisation | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

At Davos, Leaders are Debating Whether Corporations are More Powerful Than Governments | Business |

Apple Lesson of the Day: Product Depth vs. Breadth (AAPL)

One-Percenters Want to Buy the Corner Bakery - Businessweek

Making It in America - Magazine - The Atlantic

Asia Times Online :: The Pied Piper of Humbug

Why Putinomics Isn't Worth Emulating - by Peter Passell | Foreign Policy

New Light-Bulb Battle a Breeze Compared With Edison's: Echoes - Bloomberg

Barnes & Noble, Taking On Amazon in the Fight of Its Life -

Davos 2012: Now it's the West's turn to listen to wise words from the East - Telegraph

Made in the World -

Social Media: The New American Brain Drain

Google choosing between advertisers and searchers. Guess who is losing? | VentureBeat

Steve Jobs personally asked Eric Schmidt to stop poaching employees, and other unredacted statements in a Silicon Valley scandal | The Verge

How much should we trust our new information overlords? — Tech News and Analysis

Knowledge Is A Universal Natural Resource -- And Locking It Up Hurts Everyone | Techdirt

Welcome to Forbes

'Super Wi-Fi' Blankets First County in U.S. - Technology Review

Apple Buy Hollywood? That’s A Terrible Idea | TechCrunch

Invisibility's Next Frontier: Scientists Cloak 3-D Objects | Danger Room |


**NEWS VIDEOS: Allen West Torches Obama, Reid, Pelosi: ‘Get the Hell Out of the USA’

Sarah: ‘Annoy A Liberal. Vote Newt’

Obama Calls For End To Campaign Bundlers’ Influence Over Congress; Ignores Solyndra-Style Influence Over White House

Obama Uses Weekly Address To Lambaste Utah Senator

Toronto Teens Send Lego Man Into Space

‘Probing Groin Areas And Breast Areas’; Ron Paul Decries TSA

Brown To Obama: Insider Trading Bill Sitting On Reid’s Desk Right Now

Demi Moore 911 Call: ‘She Smoked Something And Now She Is Convulsing’

Mitt: Newt Acts ‘Like Goldilocks’

Lawyers Move To Restrict Campaign From Using NBC Content In Ads

Rubio Goes Prime Time; Delivers GOP Address Targeting Obama’s ‘Failure’ To Lead

28th/Police Clash With #OccupyOakland, Three Officers Injured

Cain Endorses Gingrich

Obama: Brewer Confrontation ‘Really Not A Big Deal’

Las Vegas Mayor Living On Food Stamps

Breitbart Calls Out ‘Comic Book Villain,’ ‘Bankster’ & #Occupy Benefactor Soros

Panetta: Obama’s Cuts Create ‘Risks’ In Military’s ‘Capability To Respond’

Activists And Bloggers Fear Twitter Censorship

27th/AZ Gov: Romney Not Anti-Immigrant

AZ Governor Stunned At Media Response To Tarmac Incident

Newt Uses Huckabee Ad From 2007 In New Romney Attack

Occupiers vs. The Constitution

Obama: People Don’t Get Rich Without Government Investment

Palin: GOP Establishment Trying To Sabotage Paul, Gingrich

Biden: I Told President ‘Don’t Go’ On Bin Laden Raid » GOP Congressman: Newt More Obnoxious Than Obama » Ron Reagan, Jr.: People On Right ‘Would Vote For Himmler Over Obama’ » Newt Uses Huckabee Ad From 2007 In New Romney Attack » How Government Buys Votes


Jan. 27, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 26, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 25, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 24, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jan. 23, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, January, 27, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, January, 26, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, January, 25, 2012

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, January, 23, 2012

Kevin Trudeau Show 27

Kevin Trudeau Show 27

Kevin Trudeau Show 26

Kevin Trudeau Show 25

Kevin Trudeau Show 24

Kevin Trudeau Show 23

01/27 The Mark Levin Show

01/26 The Mark Levin Show

01/25 The Mark Levin Show

01/24 The Mark Levin Show

01/23 The Mark Levin Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 26

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 25

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 24

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 23

David Duke Show 27

David Duke Show 26

David Duke Show 25

David Duke Show 24

David Duke Show 23

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 25

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 24

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 23

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 26

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 26 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 25

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 25 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 24

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 24 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 23

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 23 2

Paul Drockton Show 26

Paul Drockton Show 26 2

Paul Drockton Show 25

Paul Drockton Show 25 2

Paul Drockton Show 23

Paul Drockton Show 23 2

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 26

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 25

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 24

Wide Awake With Charlie McGrath 23

The Manning Report – 27 January 2012 | ATLAH Media Network

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