A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 September 2011

1 SEPT. : PART 2

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.


The Alex Jones Show 09-01-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 09-01-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 09-01-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 09-01-11 Hr 4

The Alex Jones Show 08-31-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 08-31-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 08-31-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 08-31-11 Hr 4


Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan | EX-SKF

Another aftershock jolts Mineral, Central Virginia | Daily Progress

Groundwater around Fukushima nuke plant to be protected by underground steel barrier - The Mainichi Daily News - Spent nuclear fuel shifted

+ Gaddafis son Saifs Speech English Voice Over - YouTube

Libya NATO Polluting The Water Supply - YouTube

NATO Rebel Tactics Mean Libyans Can Never Surrender - Leonor - YouTube

Leonor Talking About Gaddafi's Daughter Aisha - YouTube

Leonor Archeology in Libya: Sabrata - YouTube

Morris Talking About Algeria Being Next - interview - YouTube

Ralph Nader - 10 Painful Lessons Of 9/11


* The Nader Page(


War Is Better Than Ron Paul, Say (Many) Progressives - YouTube

The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Made a Comeback

First Read - Outlines of 'HillaryCare' were known before Perry wrote letter praising reform effort

People’s Choice #7: Doorbell | Power Line

Mahdi Nazemroaya in Malta After Libya - YouTube

Rense & Dr Bill Deagle - Death By Smart Meter - YouTube

Rense & Dr Bill Deagle - Death By Smart Meter Part 2 - YouTube

Ultimatum for Gaddafi loyalists: surrender or face all-out attack - Africa, World - The Independent

Rebel leaders put Libya death toll at 50,000 - Africa, World - The Independent

Discovery of ‘Megrahi letter’ casts further doubt on claims he knew about Lockerbie

Algerian Government is NATOs Best Friend - YouTube

NATO's Genocidal Rape Of Libya

Roy Tov – Media Manipulation, Libya and Western Lies


Judge rules on Obama's Social Security Number

Is the President's uncle, Onyango Obama, a registered US voter? | From the Right | IrishCentral

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church Defends Sodomite Priesthood Appointment

Sodomite Mormon Psy-Op

Mormon Church and Common Consent

Artifacts from the Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great on Vimeo

Tyler Hicks Found Colonel Qaddafi's Personal Photos in Tripoli -

BBC News - New body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled in Florida funeral home

Lucky LARRY SILVERSTEIN Confronted: NO RESPONSE on WTC7 Lies - YouTube

Newspapers to Fuel Cars : Discovery News

Laser beams could be used to create rain - Telegraph

USA TODAY:U.S. newborn death rate higher than in 40 other nations

Black Death bug which killed 100million in 14th century plague still exists in modern day Britain | Mail Online

AFP: Mexico to give HPV vaccine to all girls from 2012

Daily heart pill for the healthy 'would be a huge waste of money' | Mail Online

Coral sunscreen pill: One tablet equals weeks of protection | Mail Online

World's highest Ferris wheel opens... on top of a 1,480ft tower in China | Mail Online

Israeli military arms settlers in preparation for Palestinian protests | World news | The Guardian

Israeli military to equip Jewish settlers with gas and grenades - Middle East, World - The Independent

Israel's Operation Summer Seeds

Obama Siding With U.N. Against Reforms Proposed in U.S. House - August 30, 2011 - The New York Sun

Matt Stoller: Sell America to Communist China Faster, Says New York Fed Official and Schneiderman Foe Kathryn Wylde « naked capitalism

US has wasted $30bn on Iraq and Afghanistan contracts, report finds | World news | The Guardian

UK immigration: 9 out of 10 jobs created last year went to foreign nationals | Mail Online

UK riots: Met police pressure media to hand over videos and pictures | Media |

'Sleeping gas' thieves target super-rich at Italian billionaires' resort | World news | The Guardian

Fourteen fault lines found near Japanese nuclear plants | McClatchy


Sailing to the Scene of the Crime: ATTACK ON THE USS LIBERTY - YouTube

EU to impose oil embargo on Syria | World news | The Guardian

Ex-Powell aide: Cheney fears war crimes trial - US news - Security -

Activist Post: USGS: Glyphosate pollutes air, rain and rivers in US

Drought has caused the Pedernales River to become the 'river that used to be' |

A Look At Europe’s New Right | Real Zionist News

Gaddafi’s disappearance may be calculated move — RT

NATO vows to remain in Libya — RT

Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom :: TURF - Defending citizens’ concerns about Toll Roads & the Trans Texas Corridor - Perry using gas taxes to pay for security detail

Monsanto: Corn crop pain - Video - Markets

Cheney: We only waterboarded two or three people | Raw Replay

Government Study Proves THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells | Big Health Report

NATO Style 'Liberation'

Ron Paul Will Beat Barrack Obama In 2012! - YouTube

Ron Paul: Mission Accomplished in Libya? - YouTube

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority

Megrahi conviction was a “politically motivated crusade”

'Let Megrahi die in peace' says Lockerbie victim's father - Africa, World - The Independent

PressTV - US stays silent on 64 Americans deaths

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out, Trailer;, 9/11/11 Anniversary DVD - YouTube

CIA censors 9/11 book — RT

Appeals Court: Arresting Guy For Filming Cops Was A Clear Violation Of Both 1st & 4th Amendments | Techdirt

Video: Libya: NTC warn Algeria sheltering Gaddafi family would be 'an aggressive act' - Telegraph

Monsanto Corn Under Attack by Superbug -

NASA: Space station may be evacuated by late Nov. | World news |

Wikileaks ¿accidentally¿ releases thousands of dangerous cables which name top secret sources | Mail Online

Warrantless surveillance memos remain under wraps | World news |

Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes - Home - The Daily Bail

AE911Truth: WTC Building 7 explosive evidence loop video (no audio) - YouTube

Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup" - YouTube

The New COINTELPRO: Cyberwarfare 'hacktivists' and the Subversion of Anonymous -- Puppet Masters --

More than Taboo - YouTube

From hiding, Libyan leader says loyalist tribes are ready for battle, won’t surrender - The Washington Post Ron Paul "Weighing his Options" Over Debate-Blocking Presidential Speech

Obama To End The War - YouTube


**9/11 Pentagon Eyewitness Accounts

**9-11 Research: Eyewitnesses Accounts



The "Pod People" And The Plane That Crashed Into the Pentagon


New 9/11 Ground Zero Footage Released - 12160

Lee Hamilton The 9/11 Commission is not the Final Truth - 12160

Lone Star Watchdog: Another Person Near President Bush on Sept 11 tells His Story(Still the dog did not bark)

You Only Believe the Official 9/11 Story Because You Don't Know the Official 9/11 Story

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”

Did 9/11 Change Your Life? 10th ANNIVERSARY 2011 - YouTube

War Games: The Key to a 9/11 USAF Stand Down

Where was Rumsfeld During the 9/11 Attacks?

Foreign students - modern day slaves? - YouTube

The Greatest Weapon Ever Devised To Defeat The NWO, Deflation - 12160

Microsoft 'intentionally designed software for phones to track customers without their consent' | Mail Online

Misquoting Jesus, Stanford Lecture, How Bible Got Tainted 1/10 - YouTube

Cheney's Kettle Logic |

US Empire foments Islamophobia |

When the Guano Explodes at the Zombie Prom. Reflections in a Petri Dish

A Privately Owned Nuclear Weapons Plant in…Kansas City? | Mother Jones

As an American Atheist, I am disgusted by the 9/11 coloring book | Pharyngula

Release of the ‘Dancing Israelis’, Coincidence or Blackmail? « Aletho News

Marc Faber's Warning Shocks CNBC Anchors: 'Don’t Store Your Gold In The United States!' (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Pentagon Allows "Near Slavery" Conditions Among Foreign Workers in Iraq and Afghanistan

San Francisco moves to block US military from collecting students’ information | Amy Crawford | Local | San Francisco Examiner

Drug-Related Mexican Violence Soars, As US Policy Bolsters Cartels -- News from

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America


Lone Star Watchdog: Propganda Lesson Plans for teachers to Talk About Sept 11th Attacks in Schools


Latin American Herald Tribune - Firms in Utah Preparing to Hire Mexicans


Report: US banks laundering money for Mexican drug war | The Raw Story

Drug War & The Prison Industrial Complex

The head Nazi-hunter’s trail of lies - Times Online

Lew Rockwell: 'We stand to face hyperinflation' — RT

Summary of 911, why it still matters and what is killing 911 truth - YouTube

Ron Paul on NPR "Talk of the Nation" 8/31/11 - YouTube

Steven Seagal Threatened With Lawsuit Over Police Raid Taped for Reality Show (Report) - Yahoo! TV

American's Journey: The FBI is AWOL on 911 Forensics

How US firms profited from torture flights | World news | The Guardian

9/11: Chemical Engineer Verifies Nanothermite in World Trade Center Dust - 12160

9/11 Truth Isn’t Going Away - 12160

“Last Man Out” Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure - 12160

It Fell in Silence: The Collapse of World Trade Center 7 - 12160

The Archdruid Report: An Elegy for the Age of Space

Collins worried about how government handles homegrown terrorism — Maine Politics — Bangor Daily News

Establishment Prepares 9/11 Official Story Onslaught :

12 Things That We Can Learn From Hurricane Irene About How To Prepare For Disasters And Emergencies :

9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

Hidden sources of high fructose corn syrup in your groceries |

Let's Lynch Lloyd Blankfein -- Dick Destiny - YouTube

Inside Job Trailer #1 - Former Fed Governor Frederic Mishkin Is Corrupt - Home - The Daily Bail

The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 and a Whistleblower’s Truth |

AI vs. AI. Two chatbots talking to each other - YouTube

Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi - Features - Al Jazeera English

'UN Go Home': Israel planning for worst, calling for war? - YouTube

Israel sees Palestinian statehood bid a ‘greater threat’ than Hamas |

Inside the spy unit that NYPD says doesn't exist - 12160

White House Issues Guides on Sept. 11 Observances -

VIDEO - Nixon Ends The U.S. Gold Standard (1971) - Home - The Daily Bail

Banks warn home owners to 'cut spending or risk losing your house' | Mail Online

Goldman Sachs Cheerleads For QE3, Threat From Within Against Ron Paul, Holy War By Lobbyists To Protect Military Spending, Obama's New Mortgage Plan WON'T Work (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

Syphilis Experiments Shock, But So Do Third World Drug Trials |

Convicted Child Molesters Become Illinois State Workers Baby Sitting Poor Kids : Federal Jack

ADL: 9/11 anti-Semitic theories ‘alive and well’ |

Activist Post: The Top 10 Reasons Why Dr. Ron Paul Is the Only Rational Choice

JAQUISH: TSA 10 years after 9/11 - Washington Times

Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Request for correction to BBC NEWS | | Advertisement

Bill van Auken: NATO is waging a war against Civilians (August 30, 2011) - YouTube

9/11: New 15-Minute Documentary You Have To See! | Before It's News

Area 52 Worker Reveals All - Alex Jones | Before It's News

Experiments on the change of the direction and rate of time motion

Scientist Builds Working Time Machine | Before It's News


Chinese CCTV – Roswell UFO-Incident (Video) | Before It's News

Chinese CCTV – Roswell UFO-incident (video) | Am@zing Nieuws Blog


Invisible Man Next? Transparent Mouse: Ground Breaking New Chemical Reagent Turns Biological Tissue Transparent | Before It's News

Latest Martian Photos: NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Begins Study of Martian Crater | Before It's News

Perception Of Facial Expressions Differs Across Cultures, No Universal Language Of Emotion | Before It's News

7 pg/Internal Representations Reveal Cultural Diversity in Expectations of Facial Expressions of Emotion

The Genesis of Galaxy Eris…

Real Names: Google+, Government & The Identity Ecosystem - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

What If The Nazis Had Invaded America? Maps Reveal How Hitler Could Have Attacked The U.S. (As Imagined By 1942 Issue Of Life Magazine) | Before It's News

Saturated Fats are Good for You

Biological Computer Implant Seeks & Destroys Cancer Cells | Before It's News

Dick Cheney fears being charged as a war criminal, former Colin Powell aide says - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Latest Martian Photos: NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity Begins Study of Martian Crater | Before It's News

Wartime Contracting- $360 million of our tax dollars went straight to the Taliban | Before It's News

DOD to Host 10th Anniversary 9/11 Remembrance | Before It's News


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 31st, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 31st, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – August 30th, 2011


*4 Parts:Michel Chossudovsky on the 9/11 10th Anniversary – GRTV Feature Interview |

Connecticut governor calls Ron Paul an ‘idiot’ | Raw Replay

flashback:Prison » 10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

Establishment Prepares 9/11 Official Story Onslaught |

New footage: Rescue team searches NYC subway after 9/11 |

9/11 Truth Message Gets Out as Indianapolis Towers Implode |

Anderson Cooper, Ron Paul Spar About FEMA (VIDEO)

Ron Paul: Rick Perry is The Globalist Choice for 2012 |

Fear Campaign Over Syria Weapon Stockpile |

Black Caucus Incites Race War Against Tea Party Americans |


Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 31, 2011


Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades 3

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades 2

Follow the Money with Bergman: Eyeing Green Eyeshades 4


Gibson CEO Says Feds Told Him Problems Could be Avoided with Madagascar Outsourcing | Video |

Michael Allison Faces 75 Years in Jail for Recording Cops with Cell Phone | Video |

Shock Video: New Black Panther Party Member King Samir Shabazz Teaches ‘Black Survival’ Tactics With Guns and Machetes — to Children | Video |

World’s Youngest Applied Nuclear Physicist |

Florida Pastor Proposes National Atheist Registry |

Carney Explains Obama Job Speech | Video |

Maya Angelou Responds to King Memorial |

Christian Church Posts ‘There is No God’ Billboard in Ohio |

New Stealth Underwater Ship Surrounded by Layer of Gas |

Texas Courthouse Adds ‘In God We Trust’ |

Maxine Waters Calls Banks ‘Gangsters’ and Says Government Will Tax Them Out of Existence | Video |

Scientist Develops Most Efficient Airplane Boarding Method | Video |

New Gay Military Magazine ‘OutServe’ Coming to Bases in September | Video |

iPhone Prototype Goes Missing, Again |

Labor Dept. Will Enforce Federal Wage Laws on Behalf of Illegal Workers | Video |

New Book Disputes Claim That Thomas Jefferson Fathered Child of Slave |

Rep. Carson Stands by Racist Tea Party Comments | Video |

Obama Defers to Boehner: Moves Jobs Speech to September 8 |

MSNBC Anchor Tamron Hall Moderated Event Featuring Andre Carson Comments |

Hazmat Crews At Scott Air Force Base, 3 Hospitalized | Video |

MSNBC Host Says Rick Perry Has ‘Nutty Stuff’ Hiding In His Background |

Father and Son Die of Heart Attacks an Hour Apart | Video |

With High Priest Caiaphas’ Burial Box Help Discover New Info on Jesus? |

Bible Verse Mistakingly Attributed to Captain America |

Obama, the Tea Party Activist

Who Stole your 401K, Savings, and Taxpayer TARP

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Obama’s race war begins

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

The Shawarma Republics are Burning

Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The big stall

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America–Perp walk Obama out of the White House

Black farmers in South Africa cash in by selling land given to them by the government

Congressional Black Caucus Plays Racial War Games: Whither Obama “Civility Czar”?

Growing Persecution of Christians in Nigeria

Stop using tax dollars to fund Big Green lawsuits

Global Warming and GOP Politics

Jobs? Obama? Impeach Him!

ALERT: Congressional Black Caucus ObamaThugs Calls for Race War to keep Obama in power

Obama foreign policy financing the extermination of all blacks in Tripoli?

The President’s Enumerated Powers, Rulemaking by Executive Agencies, & Executive Orders

Barack Obama, Man of the People

Does a President's Faith Matter?

Perry Declares Sky Is Blue, Media Shocked

Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American

Obama's Immigration Directive to Face Congressional Hearings

Recovery By The Numbers

Feds: Consider us 'family'

Obama's 'Mission Accomplished'?

Massacre of black Africans in post-Gaddafi Libya

Obama's Indie troubles

Wall Street readies itself for another dismal jobs report

Rep. Carson hits bottom; keeps digging

Major Study Links Suicide and Other Mental Health Problems to Abortion

The Flip Side of the 'It Would Have Been Much Worse' Excuse For Failure.

Federal Fever

The Only Thing Keeping Obama in Office

A Violent Racist Game Claims More Victims

Romney Plans to Scare Seniors

Chilling Free Speech in the Great White North

Issa to DOJ: We’ve been Gamed -

State Senate OKs part of California Dream Act -

Gallup: Obama’s Approval Hits All-Time Low of 41 Percent Among Women |

Goodwin Liu confirmed to Calif. Supreme Court

Gibson Guitar Wails on Federal Raid -

Muslim-Americans playing 'prominent roles' in Al Qaeda and threatening more attacks on home soil, reveals 9/11 report card | Mail Online

Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks 'hanging on a tree' - Jake Sherman -

Marking 9/11: Obama Aides Defend ‘Talking Points’ |

Labor Dept. Signs 'Partnerships' with Foreign Gov’s to Protect Illegal Workers in U.S. |

Admiral Defends Use of Navy Seals Unit in Fatal Raid -

Oscar De La Hoya Admits to Addictions, Cheating and Considering Suicide | Fox News Latino

Arizona: Teachers Can Have Accents and Use Bad Grammar | Fox News Latino

News : Former NY Gov. David Paterson to host 4-6pm on Buckley's WOR, NYC (710) |

Man suffering from long, painful erections 'tried to rob' father for drug money -

L.A. earthquake: 4.2-magnitude quake hits San Fernando Valley

'Sextortion': 6 years for O.C. hacker who victimized women, girls

Obama's re-election

No, 9/11 did not change the world

College professor allegedly led motorcycle gang, drug ring

Frank McCourt is offered $1.2 billion for Dodgers

The big questions China still has to answer

Turkish FM warns Israel to apologize or face sanctions

August was deadliest month for American troops in Afghanistan

Gaddafi calls on supporters to continue fight for Libya

The royal tombs of Jerusalem

Arab Spring fails yet to deliver on human rights

Dems want Obama's job speech to contrast with GOP

Wisconsin legal group asks U.S. to monitor state's voter ID law

Robo-signed mortgage docs date back to late 1990s

Vitamin D levels tied to colon cancer risk

Britain, US call for tougher stance on Syria

Money fund assets rise to $2.637 trillion

Kate Winslet Gushes Over Child Rapist Polanski

Direct Link Between Anti-Military Film and Dead Soldiers – Will Hollywood Notice?

Morning Call Sheet Exclusive: Keith David Joins Wachowski’s ‘Cloud Atlas’ — Also: Superman’s New Duds Worry Fanboys, and When George Lucas Was Still George Lucas

GLAAD’s Fascist Crusade Targets Chelsea Handler

George Clooney: Obama So Smart, So Compassionate…

Why Superhero Films Are Failing

We’re Ready to Party With ‘The Hobbit’ Like It’s 2004

The Very Public Implosion of Sinead O’Connor

Comedian Katt Williams Delivers Some Non-PC Humor In Defense of America

Morning Call Sheet: ‘Blues Brothers’ Go ‘Glee,’ Another ‘Another Thin Man,’ Box Office Attendance Down, and More Amityville

‘The Debt’ Review: Helen Mirren Stars In Complex, Captivating Thriller

‘The Help’ Review: Oscar Worthy, Best of the Year, Fair and Balanced

School Choice and the Children of Obama

Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Protest

Facebook Adding Streaming Music Services - The Hollywood Reporter

Kelsey Grammer as Chicago mayor in 'Boss' - CLICK -

Polanski film cheered for wit, Winslet's vomit | Reuters

Sinead O'Connor Angry With Ireland's 'Late Late Show' For Calling Her 'Insane' - The Hollywood Reporter

Clooney: Obama 'having an almost impossible time governing' - Washington Times

NBC News to Huntsman: Are Perry and Bachmann ‘Too Far Right to Beat Obama?’

New York Times Warns Young Reporters “Be Careful of Those Evil Bloggers”

Blogger Who Doctored Bachmann “White People” Video Comes Clean

Time to Repeal The Lacey Act

MSNBC Journalist Tamron Hall Ignores News While Playing Footsie with Congressional Black Caucus

NYT: MSNBC “a Nonstop Lecture on Liberal Values”

NewsBusted: Is Congress to Blame for Obama’s Poll Numbers?

The New York Times: Circling the Drain

Big Three Nets Ignore Rep. Carson's Lynching Smear of Tea Party |

Journalists Warned in NYT: Beware of Conservative Bloggers Targeting You |

‘Rebels,’ ‘Terrorists,’ and Anti-Aircraft Missiles

The Gaddafi Files: Congressman Dennis Kucinich Sought To Help Dictator’s Image; Ex-US Diplomat Was Secretly Advising Gaddafi

Libyan Rebels Rounding Up Blacks

Condi Fires Back At Cheney: You Are Attacking My Integrity

President Obama Acting Like King George III

Hillary Clinton: World’s Second Most Powerful Woman?

Green Keynesianism

R2P? 50,000 Libyans Never Got The Memo

Tulsa Police Captain Suspended For Not Attending ‘Mosque Appreciation Day’

Rollback #3: Why did the White House hide the names of 3 guests at Iftar dinner? CSP filing FOIA request to find names of attendees since 2009

Audio:‘I Know The Cracks In The Western Financial System Better Than The Cracks In My Own Hand’

The Center for American Progress Can’t Hide Shariah Forever

Why South African President Zuma’s Reluctance To Dump Gadhafi?

A Grim Post 9/11 Failure: How Pakistan Will ‘Re-Talibanize’ Afghanistan

9/11 conspiracy theories thrive 10 years on

US counterterror chief: al-Qaida on 'steady slide'

WikiLeaks: Breach has exposed unredacted US cables

Obama: The Problem We All Live With

Five Gunwalker Questions the Media Won’t Ask, and the Obama Administration Won’t Answer

Democrats Distancing Themselves from Obama

Bait and Switch: Don’t Fooled by Democrats Misdirection on CFPB Nominee

State of Illinois Pays Violent Offenders and Sex Criminals to Baby-sit Children

Recovery Bummer: Productively Falls in Spring, Labor Costs Rise

Audio:How Will Cheney’s Memoir Shape His Legacy?

Elites Are Abandoning Keynesianism for Self-Preservation

Mayor Bloomberg’s De facto ‘Jihad’ on Religion at the 9/11 Memorial

Come On, Irene Was Not Stimulus

More Jobs? Less Government

Reawakening Virtues: Social Security and The Virtue of Saving

Busted: ‘Amazon Tax’ Backer’s Hypocrisy on Sales Tax Collection

William Shakespeare Responds to the CBC Declaration of War Against The Tea Party

‘Green Jobs’ Solar Company Obama Touted Last Year Declares Bankruptcy

Secret Document: Only 4% of NEA Dues Dollars Dedicated to ‘Improve Teaching’

Re-assigning an ATF Director Is Not Enough: Those Behind ‘Fast and Furious’ Must Be Prosecuted

Paul Ryan on Why He Didn’t Run, and What’s Next for Him?

Diary from the Days of Madness

Irene: The Most Hyped Storm of the Century

California bill to fund college for illegal immigrants advances | Reuters

Union chief says new PAC will empower the nation’s ‘silent majority’ -

Wisconsin Unions Reverse Decision To Bar Republicans From Labor Day Parade |

Mitt Romney comes out of 2012 shell | Reuters

Obama yields to Boehner's Sept. 8 speech timing


+1-Sep-11 World View

+31-Aug-11 World View


Obama's Big Bet on Solar Power Is Backfiring - Adam Clark Estes -

Alan Krueger Has Some Peculiar Views on Energy Policy - Energy Intelligence (

Lights Out for Traditional Bulbs - The Source - WSJ

Smart Grids Will Revolutionize Cities | The Energy Collective

The Real History of the Standard Oil Company (Part II: The Phenom) — MasterResource

How Much U.S. Shale Gas Is There, Really? - Technology Review

PAUL: EPA regulations violate constitutional rights - Washington Times

The Peak Oil Crisis: A Billion Vehicles | Falls Church News-Press Online

Al Gore: The Dirtiest Fuel on the Planet

Solyndra, California Solar Company Touted As Model Of Green Economy, Will File For Chapter 11

Nuclear Lessons Unlearned - Tibor Tóth - Project Syndicate

Warren Buffett’s Favorite Oil Company | InvestorPlace

Gas prices to fall with oil, but don't expect a big drop - Aug. 30, 2011

Oil Prices Plunge in August: A ‘Tax Cut’ for the American People - Commodities & Futures

Tax Break Tactics Divide Renewable Industry

Will the Transition to Renewables Be Fast or Slow? : Greentech Media

Michael Levi: Energy, Security, and Climate » Blog Archive » Why Do Green Jobs Pay Better Than Other Jobs?

Quantum Dot LEDs: Meet Future of Light Bulbs

Brain Scans Matched With Complex Thought

Saliva Test For Cancer Takes Step Forward

Rare Genetic Eye Disease Explained

The Conservative Reversal on Science - Reason Magazine

Paper and Plastic: When Political Ideology Trumps Sound Science — The American Magazine

Can dolphins help us talk to extraterrestrials? - Technology & science - Science - -

Death in dolphins: do they understand they are mortal? - life - 01 September 2011 - New Scientist

Air travel: Please be seated | The Economist

Space Junk Problem Is More Threatening Than Ever, Report Warns | NASA's Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris Programs | National Research Council Report |

Of Dead Bodies and Dirty Streets | Speakeasy Science

BBC News - Tomb found at Stonehenge quarry site

Modified Smallpox Vaccine Targets Cancer Cells While Missing Healthy Ones - Bloomberg

Astronomers find a 13 billlion-year-old star that shouldn't exist

Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn't) - Nigel Hollis - Business - The Atlantic

Lizard genome sequence solves a human genetic mystery

Local News | Trouble in seabird paradise | Seattle Times Newspaper

Dark Matter Is an Illusion, New Antigravity Theory Says

Ancient Burial May Reveal | Caiaphas, Burial Box & Biblical Stories | LiveScience

Earliest Homo Erectus Tools Found in Kenya -

Engineering Buildings To Promote Good Bacteria | Fast Company

Laser-assisted water condensation could be used to create rainfall | Mail Online

Space Cannibal: Ginormous Black Hole Caught Eating Another | Black Hole & Galaxy Mergers | Black Hole Formation |

How Microsoft Researchers Might Invent a Holodeck | Gadget Lab |

‘Eyeborg’ man films vision of future (w/ video) | The states vs. Planned Parenthood

Judeo-Christian America: The Fall of the ‘Christian Nation’ | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Does Religion Cause Terrorism? It's Complicated

My Faith: Rep. Keith Ellison, from Catholic to Muslim – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Why Are Atheists So Obsessed With God?

Why politicians’ faith shouldn’t be private - The Daily Iowan

Indiana Pastor: 'Saved' Should Be Removed From Church Vocabulary?, Christian News

Let’s Send Obama to the Vatican for an Economics Lesson « International Liberty

The Tea Party has a point about religion and the founding fathers | Theo Hobson | Comment is free |

When is an ‘evangelical’ not an ‘evangelist’? » GetReligion

Rembrandt Chose Jewish Models For Realistic Jesus –

WORLD Magazine | Where's our treasure? | Marvin Olasky | Sep 10, 11

Dungeons and Dragons and Doctrinal Debate, Christian News

Vatican pressures theology journal | National Catholic Reporter

The American Spectator : Hubert Humphrey's Centennial

The Motley Fool | The Weekly Standard Promise and Reversal: The Post-Soviet Landscape Twenty Years On

The American Conservative » Grand Old Peaceniks

Commentary: Why America Lost in Libya | The National Interest

9/11 in Perspective - Richard N. Haass - Project Syndicate

Obama should propose a merger between the US and Canada

World Affairs Journal - Persons of Interest: Britain Learns from Ex-Islamists

Remarks by the Vice President at Sichuan University | The White House

Crime and Drug Cartels Top Concerns in Mexico | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Mikhail Gorbachev: A hero returns to the fray - The Boston Globe

From Libyans - ‘Thank You, America!’ -

Crisis Convergence - By George Magnus | Foreign Policy

Vladimir Putin plays for high stakes in the oil game - Telegraph

Reflections on the 9/11 Decade - Adam Garfinkle -The American Interest Magazine

How the U.S. and the world can help Iraq - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - Why Asia Can't Live Like America

Industrial power and security

China To India: Get Out of Our Sea | Via Meadia

Why China is Getting Tough | China Power

Iran Trying to Shelter Its Nuclear Fuel Program -

RealClearWorld - Did Libya Vindicate 'Leading From Behind'?

Commentary: Obama Must Pay for His Illegal War | The National Interest

Ten Years after the Mouse Roared - Joseph S. Nye - Project Syndicate

The wake-up call no one wanted | The Australian

RealClearWorld - Why al-Qaeda Is Unlikely to Execute Another 9/11

[OPINION] Libya's next fight: Overcoming Western designs

How Iran Keeps Assad in Power in Syria | Foreign Affairs

The Peaceful Way To Bring Down Syria's Assad |

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Sep 01, 2011 - French Socialists uneasy as Strauss-Kahn to return

Tough love and new roles as world mulls post-Gadhafi Libya – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

7 Ugly Truths About Obama’s $787 Billion Stimulus | InvestorPlace

The Price of 9/11 - Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate

Wall Street Wants to Train Your Brain - Bloomberg

The Real Way to Increase Infrastructure Jobs - Forbes

Will the IMF Stand Up to Europe? - Kenneth Rogoff - Project Syndicate

The Freelance Surge Is the Industrial Revolution of Our Time - Sara Horowitz - Business - The Atlantic

Kass: The Newest Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction - TheStreet

An Everyman's Guide To A Better America | Markets |

A Tax Reform to Kick-Start the Economy: Laurence Kotlikoff - Bloomberg

Shrinking Labor Force May Curb U.S. Expansion for Two Decades - Businessweek

Obama Administration Plans Round of Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement Talks | FDL News Desk

Rick Perry's Smart Court Reform | The New Republic

Perry silliness on the right and left - Right Turn - The Washington Post

The Impact of the Recovery Act, In a Few Easy Charts | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Political Animal - The consequences of scorched-earth policymaking

Obama “Frustrated” with Congress « Commentary Magazine

The American Spectator : The Unsustainable Cost of Local Pensions

The first bogeyman of the 2012 campaign | Gregg Easterbrook

RealClearEnergy- The Daily Energy


**Politics Video:Carney: Obama's New Jobs Plan Would Put Unemployment Below 9%

Carney: Americans Are "Sick And Tired Of The Bickering"

Carney: Obama Recognizes "There Are Things He Can Do Without Congress And He Will Do Them"

NBC's "Today" Asks Huntsman: Are Perry And Bachmann Too Far Right To Win?

Bachmann Super PAC Ad: "Perry Doubled Spending In A Decade"

Stimulus-Funded Solar Power Company Solyndra Goes Bankrupt

Rush Responds To Wolffe: Obama "Doesn't Respect The Country"

Job Losses A Factor In Administration Decision To Block ATT/T-Mobile Merger

Politico's Ken Vogel: Palin Has "Extreme Lack Of Organization"

Carville: WH "Out Of Bounds" To Schedule Address During GOP Debate

Schultz: GOP Doesn't Give A Damn About Creating Jobs

Reich: Government Has To Spend More To Get Out Of Debt

Scarborough: Nobody Fears This President; "Better To Be Feared Than Loved"

O'Reilly: "Voters Are Putting the Economy Ahead Of Ideology"

Lawrence O'Donnell: How Far Low Should Corporate Taxation Go?

Ron Paul: Do Away With FEMA

31st/Krauthammer: Perry, Romney Exchange "The Early Darts" of 2012

David Limbaugh: Obama Standing In Way Of Reforms To Save Nation

Wolffe: Opposition To Obama Speech Possibly Based On Skin Color

Ann Coulter: Obama Speech Timing Was "Petty"

Herman Cain: "Hanging" Comment Was "Using The Race Card To A New Low"

Cheney Stands By TARP: "It Worked"

Krauthammer: Boehner's Letter To Obama "Ill-Advised"

Boehner To Obama: Move Address To September 8th

Chamber Of Commerce's Donohue: Get Rid Of The Corporate Tax

Pataki: Obama Admin Doesn't Understand Meaning Of 9/11

Carney: Timing Of GOP Debate And Obama Speech "Coincidental"

West May Leave Black Caucus After Black Dem Said Tea Party Likes Hangings

Huntsman Ad Touts Utah Accomplishments: "Time to Compete"

O'Donnell: "Why Do Our Politicians Ignore" The Middle Class

Huffington: We Spend More Talking About Deficit Than Jobs Crisis

Ed Schultz: Republicans Are Heartless, "They Don't Give A Damn"

Krauthammer: Obama Acting Through Fiat Instead Of Congress

Scarborough: Rick Perry A "Dime Store Conservative"


**World Video:Gaddafi's Son Vows To Keep Up The Fight

Brazilian Ambitions And A Bolivian Road

Gaddafi Loyalists?

Ashton Visits Israel

The Libya Blowback Starts

Gaddafi Foreign Minister Speaks To Al Jazeera

Mapping Out Libya's Future

No Slowdown In China

Why U.S. Is Losing War On Terror

Students Take Over Ministry Of Education In Chile

Guatemala Troops Accused Over Raid

China Closes Migrant Worker Schools

First Glimpse Of Kabul Compound Since Attack

$60 Billion Wasted In Iraq And Afghanistan Wars

Korea-U.S. Alliance and Northeast Asian Security

31st/What Role Is Al-Qaeda Playing In Libya?

Raising Taxes On Germany's rich

Rights Group Alleges Deadly Torture In Syria Jails

European Union Clampdown On Syria?

Iran And Russia Miss Another Bushehr Deadline

'Covert Intervention' Strategy In Libya

India Inflation To Hit 10% This Year

Romney Swipes Obama, 'I Won't Apologize For America'

ExxonMobil, Rosneft Ink Oil Deal

Assad's Prayers Amid The Violence

Uruguay And Argentina Get Train Link

U.S. Says Violence In Iraq Will Be Contained

Rebel Leader: 50,000 Killed In Libya Fighting

Gaddafi Loyalists In Sirte Told To Surrender Or Die


**NEWS VIDEOS:NBC News to Huntsman: Are Perry and Bachmann ‘Too Far Right to Beat Obama?’

NBC News Analyst: Oppostion to Obama is Racism

Maya Angelou: Quote on Memorial Makes MLK Look Like ‘Arrogant Twit’

The UN’s Anti-Semitism Agenda on Display in ‘Durban III’

Carville: WH ‘Out of Bounds’ on Speech Scheduling Fiasco

Watters’ World Investigates ‘Jersey Shore’ Debauchery

Ed Schultz Treats Speechgate Non-Controversy Like End of World

Daryl Hannah Threatens More Protests Against Obama Over Pipeline

Breitbart’s Advice to Perry: Stand-Up to MSM, Challenge Politico’s Johnathon Martin on His Intelligence

31st/Maxine Waters: ‘Gangsta’ Banks Should be Taxed Out of Business

Speechgate: Controversy Over Obama’s Jobs Speech Scheduling Stunt

Andre Carson Defends Attack on Tea Party: ‘I Stand by the Truth of What I Said’

WI School Districts Save Millions Thanks to GOP-Backed Collective Bargaining Law

‘Green Jobs’ Solar Company Obama Touted Last Year Declares Bankruptcy

86-Year-Old Man Impaled Through Eye Socket by Garden Shears

Hyperbolic Lawrence O’Donnell Blames 9/11 Deaths on Rudy

West Reconsidering Membership in Congressional Black Caucus

Alan Colmes Falsely Claims Rep. John Lewis Was Spat Upon by Tea Party

Kirsten Powers Re-Invents History on KSM Trial Delays

Obama: Unemployed are Being Discriminated Against

Caught on Video: Uniformed Cop Has Sex with Woman on Car

30th/Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Protest

From Dogs to Riches: Vick Signs $100 Million Contract

Sharpton’s Debut: GOP Candidates Like Pre-1960’s Racist Segregationists

Snide TV: Olby and Kos Cynically Accuse GOP of Taking Advantage of 9/11

Congressional Black Caucus: Racist Tea Party Wants Black Americans ‘Hanging On a Tree’

NBC News Gets Last Word After Dick Cheney Interview: ‘Torture Is a Crime’

Disgraced ‘Wonkette’ Busted Putting Racist Words in Bachmann’s Mouth

29th/WI Unions Try to Ban GOP from Labor Day Parade; Mayor Says Pound Sand

Lockerbie Bomber Near Death

Gaga Goes as Guy at MTV Video Music Awards

Streaker Goes ‘Full Monty’ During Live Irene Report

28th/Man Swims Down Street in Queens

Irene Takes Manhattan

More Gore: Global Warming Skeptics this Generation’s Racists

Obama Takes Charge at Hurricane Command Center Hours Before Irene Downgraded to Trop Storm

Liberal Comedienne: ‘Conservative White Republicans’ Will Accept Only One Black Golfer – Tiger Woods


Too many takers – not enough givers

Will we abide living like Europeans?

Obama makes Trump's case on affirmative action

Liberals' view of Darwin unable to evolve

Earthquakes, Irene and evolution

Give the lady a break

Stop sexualizing our children!

Publishing's future and you

Bozell Column: Politicizing Hurricanes, Again |

Illegal aliens ghosts in eyes of Democrats -

Deceit of Shakespearean Proportions | Common Dreams

Father and son jihadists

Dumb Texans, boring businessmen, crazy Christians: Lazy media stereotypes of the 2012 GOP field

Can the Nile River Slake all Thirsts? – News Watch

Heat Hacking: Criminals Can Steal Your ATM PIN Code Via the Heat Your Fingers Leave Behind | Popular Science

Massage parlour sex trafficking trial collapses... As masseuse recognises defence lawyer as client | Mail Online

Ranger's widow expelled from Rumsfeld book signing | Military News - The News Tribune

State Rep. Deborah Mell has legal gay marriage in Iowa - Chicago Sun-Times

Colleges tell smokers, 'You're not welcome here' -

Can a dip in the Dead Sea help cure diabetes? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

NewsDaily: Some U.S. firms paid more to CEOs than taxes: study

Watch This: The Most Realistic Simulation of Spiral Galaxy Formation to Date | 80beats | Discover Magazine

2,000-Year-Old Biblical Burial Box Reveals Clue About Death Of Jesus |

Israel's ancient rebel caves, a hidden adventure | Reuters

Colosseum-Sized Amphitheater Uncovered Near Vienna

Hollywood Leaks hacks celebrity accounts | Mail Online

George Clooney: Why I won't stand for President - Telegraph

'Blues Brothers' readies for primetime - Entertainment News, TV News, Media - Variety

'Two and a Half Men' Cast Goes Nude in New Ad | TheWrap TV

'Hangover 2' Stunt Double Sues Warner Over Alleged Brain Damage | The Wrap Movies

Sky News: Tupac's ashes smoked by his band

Aren't you proud of the veep?

Are both parties scrapping Constitution?

City to allow speech that may even 'annoy'

Obama Justice sued for picking which laws to enforce

Judge rules on Obama's Social Security Number

Obama Justice sued for picking which laws to enforce

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Kicking the can down the road;Rep. Gingrey sees no long-term job solutions under Obama agenda

WND RADIO WND Exclusive GOP ready for regulations rumble;Rep. Gingrey: House ready to rein in EPA rules, other job-killing mandates

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Inside the 'Fast and Furious' probe;Rep. Gosar: Justice stonewalling, operation's real goal gun control in U.S.

Judge rules on Obama's Social Security Number

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

GOP Jews grapple with a changed field - JPost - International

Perry Promises to Name Pro-Life Advocate as Vice President |

State Senate OKs part of California Dream Act -

Critic Likens GOP’s Attempts to Force UN Reform to Deadly Suicide Bombing |

Obama's illegal alien uncle has Social Security ID

Secret files: US officials aided Gaddafi - Features - Al Jazeera English

Women who have abortions 'face double the risk of mental health problems' | Mail Online

'Nazi-police' town has election 'stolen'

Judicial Watch: WH has 'something to hide' (

Obama targets GOP for fall offensive - The Hill's Ballot Box

Boehner rebuffs Obama on time for jobs speech - Washington Times

Rush Limbaugh: Boehner's got to say no to Obama speech


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*1 Sept.

American Minute for September 1st

September 1st This Day in History

Today in History: September 1

Today in History: September 1

This Day in History for 1st September

September 1st in History

September 1 Events in History

Today in History for September 1st - YouTube


Aug. 31, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

08/31 The Mark Levin Show

2011-08-31 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-09-01 Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 9-1-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-31-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Sep-01, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-31, Wednesday

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, August, 26, 2011

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-31-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-31-11 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 09-01-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 09-01-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-31-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-31-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-31-11 Hr 3

Redding News Review 09-01-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 09-01-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 09-01-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 08/31/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 31st

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 31st 2

Paul Drockton Show 31st

Paul Drockton Show 31st 2


BBC News - Libya crisis: Col Gaddafi vows to fight a 'long war'

Gadhafi, in hiding, vows no surrender in Libya |

Kadafi son was briefly a Hollywood producer -

McCain denies offering Gaddafi military aid

THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Middle East :: Dead adopted daughter of Gadhafi alive and well

Government admits Alan Duncan's links to company in 'Libyan oil cell' | World news | The Guardian

Gadhafi fleeing across desert toward Niger, rebels say - World Wires -

Ned Kelly link fire guts mansion once owned by Sir Redmond Barry

Two accused of blackmailing Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi -

The race is on for Libya's oil, with Britain and France both staking a claim | World news | The Guardian

Ex-ministers Face World Crimes Court Over Kenya Bloodshed | Africa | English

Obama speech won't conflict with football

Boehner disses presidency, and Obama takes it -

George W. Bush: I'm fine with Cheney's memoir - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

White House Expects Persistently High Unemployment -

Update: Sheriff to Explain Coronado Mansion Deaths Friday - Coronado, CA Patch

Michele Bachmann invokes Thatcher in veterans speech -

WSVN-TV - Family searches for answers after pol - Flash Player Installation

Can Jon Huntsman Break Away From The Pack? : NPR

Jury unable to reach verdict in killing of gay student Larry King -

N.Y. Deputy Mayor Was Arrested Before He Resigned -

New Argonne facility to bring jobs - Herald News

‘Big’ John McCarthy’s new book gives insider’s look at MMA - Chicago Sun-Times

Alderman: Move police where they’re ‘most needed,’ not ‘most wanted’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Don Cornelius interview -

Netflix to lose Starz, its most valuable source of new movies -

Costco CEO to Step Down -

Child Tax Credit for Unauthorized Workers in Question -

Nuclear Operators Told to Reassess Quake Risk -

Apple Promotes iTunes Chief Eddy Cue -- Tim Cook's First Big Move as CEO | Reuters

Gadgetbox - iPhone rumors: What to expect this October

Mozilla Previews Firefox For Tablets - Internet - Browsers - Informationweek

Facebook preps social music with partners: sources | Reuters

Dancing With the Stars Boss on Chaz Bono Controversy: Give Him a Chance - E! Online

Madonna the Center of Attention at Venice Film Festival |

What Did George Lucas Change on the Return of the Jedi Blu-ray? -- Vulture

Nancy Grace on 'DWTS': 'Thought I Was Being Punk'd' - ABC News

Polanski’s ‘Carnage’ unmasks the baser side of good parental intentions - The Washington Post

Mark Wahlberg wants reality show based on Wahlburger's Restaurant

Movies: 'Apollo 18' starts Friday at Cover - Fort Morgan Times

Barbara & Shannon Kelley: "Too Pretty to Do Homework?"

Video: Is It Cool To Put Fake Boobs On A Four-Year-Old? | TheGloss

In praise of … the Ned Kelly legend | Comment is free | The Guardian

Stone Tools Shed Light on Early Human Migrations: Scientific American

NASA - Spiral Galaxy NGC 3393

NASA Pops Corks for Official End of Shuttle Program | News & Opinion |

Domino's Japan Claims It Wants to Open a Branch on the Moon

BBC News - 'Oldest' woolly rhino discovered

Resistance to antibiotics is 30,000 years older than the drugs themselves

Experts: Russian Rocket Crash Spotlights US Need for Private Spaceships| Russian Rocket Launches, Soyuz & Progress 44 Crash | NASA & Private Spaceflight |

Astrophile: The impossibly modern star - space - 01 September 2011 - New Scientist

Shark or Dolphin? | NBC San Diego

Giant Chunk of Greenland Ice Set to Break Away ǀ Greenland Ice Melt & Arctic Ice Melt ǀ Global Warming & Climate Change | Our Amazing Planet

Monterey displays great white shark captured off Marina del Rey -

AFP: Global protests against Japan dolphin hunt

Mars rover Opportunity studying new surroundings - Houston Chronicle

Video: Hubble Captures Stars Unleashing Supersonic Jets | Wired Science |

Alarmists Got it Wrong, Humans Not Responsible for Climate Change: CERN - International Business Times

Cosmic Log - Jupiter probe looks back at Earth

Firefighters responding to 9/11 at increased cancer risk -

The Associated Press: Dusty legacy of 9/11 still a medical mystery

High cost of insomnia may be a wake-up call -

Myth busted: Potatoes help fight BP sans weight gain - The Times of India

Gel fuel linked to flash fires, severe burns recalled | Reuters

FDA: Silicone Breast Implants Are Safe – TIME Healthland

Soda consumption equals about four cans a day for some Americans - Home & Food - Home & Family - Catholic Online

MRSA: Protect your kid from a superbug -

CDC: Vaccination Rates for Toddlers Rising

Channel 6 News » U.S. medical tests may have infected up to 2,500 Guatemalans with STDs

Several flu vaccination options available - Fort Leavenworth, KS - The Fort Leavenworth Lamp

Doctors' and nurses' uniforms may harbor dangers bacteria -

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