A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 July 2011


Alan Watt discusses ‘The Masterplan’: An exclusive interview for The Sovereign Independent | Sovereign Independent

A Murdoch Note | Veterans Today

The Rise of the Third Party | RedState

Now We See It All. Mitch McConnell’s Pontius Pilate Act Is Cover for Tax Increases | RedState


Project Veritas. James O’Keefe. Russian drug-dealing Medicaid applicants. | RedState


*James O'Keefe's Project Veritas(



Obama – Political Equivalent of a Suicide Bomber? | Sovereign Independent

Planned Pedophilia, UN Style: International Planned Parenthood kicks off international blitz at U.N. conference on “Sex Rights for Children.” | Sovereign Independent


**Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business -

Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp

NSA Aquaint Artificial Intelligence

National Inflation Association

Home-schooling growing in popularity -

Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship, Natural Law and the Abolition of Man | Old-Thinker News

New Army Camera Promises Super-Wide Surveillance | Danger Room |

Beyond Surveillance: Darpa Wants a Thinking Camera | Danger Room |

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller | Danger Room |

Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine | Danger Room |

disinformation | memetic engineering

Pentagon: The internet needs to be dealt with as if it were an enemy "weapons system".


This makes 100 years for Boho show |

+Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet


Activist Post: The Anatomy of Globalist-Funded Sedition, and the True Path to Freedom

Activist Post: The worlds largest human experiment: GMOs, Roundup and the Monsanto monstrosity – part one

Activist Post: The world’s largest human experiment part two: why Europeans (and everyone else) should be worried

‪Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order‏ - YouTube


*Cutting Through the Matrix With Alan Watt [07/15/2011]

*Wallbuilders Live [07/18/2011]

*The Alex Jones Show [07/18/2011]


Bilderberg 2011 Discussion Leaked via Moles :: New World Order Blog

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization :: New World Order Blog

NWO Agenda Behind Facebook :: New World Order Blog

Prison » Pentagon Wants a Social Media Propaganda Machine

Prison » Secrets of the RAND CORP Exposed

10 Reasons You Aren't Rich - TheStreet

Prison » Alex Jones on gay rituals of Bohemian Grove

Prison » A Brief History Of Obama’s Fiscal Record

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming

50 U.S. Health Care Statistics That Will Absolutely Astonish You

Pajamas Media » How McCain’s 2008 Political Shadow Is Hurting Romney Now

Pajamas Media » The Indian Mujahedeen: Home-Grown Terror Group with Global Connections

Scott Spages explains socialism :: New World Order Blog

‪Rense & Devvy - Dangerous Smart Meters‏ - YouTube


GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

US: Facing the World and Facing Ourselves | Opinion Maker

Paul Drockton M.A.: Freak Happenings in Utah 2

Activist Post: Cybersecurity: the Pentagon offensive and the digital Pearl Harbor

Doing The Global Currency Shuffle

U.S. Congress Turns Up The Heat On Genetically Engineered Salmon

+Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker :

*G. Edward Griffin

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Protectors of the Public

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Home, Sweet Loan

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: Nearer to the Heart's Desire

NEWS - Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for Holocaust? - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

Bible manuscripts a mass of variations

‪Rense & Celente - Stop The Debt Sellers‏ - YouTube

SkyTruth: BP Spill Stopped One Year Ago Today - 5,000 Spills Since Then

A German Submarine to Prepare for Killing All Non-Jews?

Energy Tribune- $76 Trillion: UN’s Cost of “Going Green” Soars

Giant dust storm moves through Phoenix area - Yahoo! News

Cain: I would attack Iran to protect Israel - Washington Times

CIA veteran: Israel to attack Iran in fall - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Target: Iran by Philip Giraldi --

Moody's suggests U.S. eliminate debt ceiling - Yahoo! News

Police Arrest Jogger After He Warns Drivers of Speed Trap | KTSM News Channel 9

Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing - Telegraph

Governors’ Utah summit locks out Bircher William Jasper | The Salt Lake Tribune

AllAboutFeed - News: Hungary destroys all GMO maize fields

Rice Farmers Claim Lawyers | Attorneys for Bayer GM Rice Contamination

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Washington's Ongoing Libya Terror Bombing

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Democracy for Dummies

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Human Trafficking in the Jewish State

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - What would you say to Jews who don't believe Israel should exist?

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Dr Finkelstein in Defamation

Egypt's prime minister reshuffles cabinet in response to protests | World news | The Guardian

Robert Fisk: Now the Arab Spring becomes an Arab Summer - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Poet jailed in protests claims she was beaten by Bahraini royal - Middle East, World - The Independent

Karzai ally murdered as Nato begins handover - Asia, World - The Independent

One after another, our institutions are tumbling – Telegraph Blogs

Report: Murdoch Scandal Whistleblower Found Dead –

News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead | Media | The Guardian

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gordon Duff Talking to Press TV about Rupert Murdoch

Rebekah Brooks's arrest intensifies phone-hacking crisis | Media | The Guardian

Rebekah Brooks's arrest raises questions over James Murdoch - Telegraph

Met chief quits over phone hacking | UK news | The Guardian

Sir Paul Stephenson turns on David Cameron | UK news | The Guardian

Charlie Brooker | Rupert Murdoch: what will MPs do without someone to fear? | Comment is free | The Guardian

Brazil to build nuclear submarines which will dramatically alter balance of power in South America | Mail Online

Rise in middle aged cancer patients | UK news |

New doubts over crucial evidence in Lockerbie trial - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

Hospitals, doctors take 'palm prints' to ID patients |

‪UFO Fleet, amazing clip from March 26, 2011.flv‏ - YouTube

‪UFO Fleet Over Bulgaria - Amazing Footage 2011 June.flv‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food "Benefits"?

Special Solari Report: The Student Loan Scam | The Solari Report Blog

Down on the farm, investors see big potential - Business - US business - - Planned Pedophilia, UN Style - Digital stepping in the Aurora Borealis

Unconstitutional DHS Actions at New Level: VIPR Exercizes ‘Dominate, Intimidate, Control’

In Pictures: How To Protect Your Dignity From The TSA - Airport Security -

‪MORIS Handheld Iris/Face/Fingerprint Biometric Recognition Device‏ - YouTube

Wealthy Suburbs Not Immune To Hunger Struggle - CTnow

9/11 Survivors Will Not Be Allowed to Attend Ground Zero Commemoration - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Bankrupt-Bailed-Out-Government-Owned-Tax-Free-Overseas-Job-Outsourcing GE Tells American Business Owners, 'Stop Complaining About Big Government' | Sad Hill News

‪FREE ENERGY Home Generator Zero Point Energy Off the Grid‏ - YouTube

‪PressTV - 'Murdoch behind 9 11, Iraq, Afghan wars and financial meltdown'.flv‏ - YouTube

Murdoch's World - Demagoguery, Propaganda, Scandal, Sleaze & Warmongering




Astronomical Fashion Flips

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

Central Banks' First-Half Gold Buying Surpasses 2010 Total - CNBC

Activist Post: Stealing the World...Country By Country

Corporate Water World | Reality Sandwich

Event Horizon Chronicle: Remote Viewing The "Event" -- 666 Days And Counting

18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell Blood In The Water

Bookseller Borders going out of business- MSN Money

Cisco to cut workforce by 15 percent, sell factory - Yahoo! News

Borders to liquidate remaining stores - Jul. 18, 2011

‪ABSURD! Obama Says 80% Of Americans Want Tax Increase! We Are Under Psychological ATTACK!‏ - YouTube

The Intercept: Justice Department trying to shield officials in guns scandal, ATF chief says

‪Alex Jones defending israel‏ - YouTube



+Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


*Flight 800(


‪*58 min/TWA 800 - The Search For The Truth‏ - YouTube

‪*58 min/Silenced: TWA 800 and the Subversion of Justice‏ - YouTube


Hacked DOT Road Sign Reads "Impeach Obama" - WGHP

Small Arkansas Town Wants To Ban Free Speech And Freedom Of Assembly, No “Group” Will Be Able To Meet Without Cities Permission :

10 questions the MPs will not ask Murdoch

‪Economic Collapse -- Why It Won't Be Stopped‏ - YouTube

Susil Gupta: Murdoch's Mafia

‪Sean Hoare - NoW Whistle-Blower Found Dead - Speaking About Hacking In March 2011‏ - YouTube

‪Hugh Grant 'Police & Government Collusion is Shocking' - NOTW Phone Hacking *HOT*‏ - YouTube

Murdoch’s Deeply Hidden Jewish Roots — A Biography | Veterans Today

The Intercept: Every Part of British Establishment 'Tainted by Murdoch Scandal'

Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Downgraded by Egan Jones Rating Agency 18-Jul1-11)

+64 missile warheads stolen from Romanian train |

*Another ATF Arms Sales Scandal: "Operation Castaway"

Revolutionary Politics : "Business As Usual Is Bankrupting This Nation!" Sen Ron Johnson

Revolutionary Politics : US Zionists under Christian cover?

Revolutionary Politics : Michele Bachmann "Lord The Day Is At Hand! We Are In The Last Days! You Are Jehovah God!"

The Intercept: Operation Fast and Furious: DOJ Protecting Political Appointees

Eric Holder: We’re on the hacking case - Jennifer Epstein -

flashback:RockCreekFreePress :FBI Sweeps Anthrax Under the Rug

- '09/[redacted] news: NY Times Complicit in FBI Anthrax Coverup

- 2-15-11/[redacted] news: Anthrax Report Casts Doubt on Scientific Evidence in FBI Case Against Bruce Ivins

Justice Department lawyers contradict FBI findings in anthrax case | McClatchy


Who is Rupert Murdoch? VIDEO | My Catbird Seat

September 11 families seek meeting with FBI on hacking - KIAH

Obama threatened veto of intelligence bill if it included a independent inquiry into the FBI's anth - 12160

Murdoch's US Media Holdings More Extensive Than You Might Think | Care2 Causes

Whistleblower's Death: James Corbett on Murdoch scandal turning bloody - 12160

Congressional Testimony From Dr. James K. Galbraith: The Role of Fraud in the Financial Crisis - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul - Debt Ceiling Drama: Stop The Endless Spending! - Home - The Daily Bail

Prison » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”

Papal visit now looks doomed after Cloyne backlash hits Church - National News, Frontpage -

PressTV - 'Civilians make up over 90% of casualties in US drone strikes in Pakistan'

Activist Post: US meets with Kadhafi representatives: official

Activist Post: Government-funded electric car company folds; more than $500,000 in taxpayer funds lost

Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change To Cosmic Rays

Activist Post: An American Awakening

Lone Star Watchdog: Will Obama Use Dirty Tricks to Inflict Pain on Americans ,if He does not Get his Way?

Chris Hedges: America’s Disappeared - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Japan in WWII: A Casualty of Usury? | Veterans Today

Activist Post: Officer Says Army Slimed Him for Refusing to Conduct Illegal Psy-Ops on Congressmen

Imperial Priorities: Obedience First, Character Last by William Norman Grigg

Debt Ceiling Psy Op: Broken Promises Broken Dreams :

flashback:'06/Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room

Complete History Of U.S. Debt Defaults -

‪The End of Exploration on Mars?‏ - YouTube

Viking Found Organics on Mars, Experiment Confirms : Discovery News

Is there a Life On Mars Conspiracy? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Caught in a dragnet -

News of the World phone hacking: live - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics : Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011

Mass psychosis in the US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Science and religion: God didn't make man; man made gods -

‪News Alert - Take a Long, Hard Look at The Great Black Messiah. Hope??? Nope!!!‏ - YouTube

‪Cash In On Chaos: Goldman Sachs ripped off Gaddafi?‏ - YouTube

Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Bt Cotton Seeds - Salem-News.Com

ConservativeHome's Platform: Lord Ashcroft: The secret memo that reveals the Times's fears of being prosecuted in the United States: Tom Baldwin involved again

Activist Post: Two Examples of Fascism Run by Banks

Former CIA Analyst Tells CNN Anchor She Is Carrying The Water For Obama On Libya, The Interview Abruptly Ends - Home - The Daily Bail

History Of U.S. Debt Defaults, U.S. Considers Asset Sales To Pay Bills, Registrar Vs. Robosigners, As SEC Starves Wall Street Tossed A Bone, Bernanke Rules On Chatty Fed (Links) - Home - The Daily Bail

President Obama Threatens to Veto "Cut, Cap and Balance" -

Letting Bankers Walk

Media Report Uncovers Use of Starvation in Petitioner Death Camp | The Intel Hub Radio

Herman Cain: Americans Have The Right To Ban Mosques | ThinkProgress

We're All Greeks Now by Patrick J. Buchanan

Russia criticises US for recognising Libyan rebel government | World news |

Murdoch Lawyers Up as FBI Investigates - 12160

While Palin Documentary Flops, Fox Touts ‘Packed’ Theaters | ThinkProgress

Convicted Cocaine Dealer replaces Advertiser columnist as Ernie Martin’s Campaign Treasurer &~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; Hawaii Free Press &~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; Articles Main

Politicians And Police Corruption Latest Targets Of 3 Continent Phone-Hacking Scandal Shakedown

Lone Star Watchdog: Congress should Start a Voluntary Tax Me More Fund to Mock Obama's Phony Poll. Saying We Want to pay More Taxes.

The Associated Press: Report: Iranians seize Kurdish bases in Iraq

Sean Hoare dead: News of the World phone hacking whistleblower feared for his life | Mail Online

‪Breaking News from Jesse Ventura on TSA suit, TV show‏ - YouTube

‪Alex Breaks Down The Latest Movie from Hollywood on Bird Flu Pandemic - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition‏ - YouTube

Prison » Deadly new disease linked to recent crop failures and animal miscarriages caused by GM crops, pesticides

Prison » Cops Strip Search Man & Leave Him Naked For 10 Hours In Holding Cell

Google suspends ad for book critical of atomic bomb cover-up | The Raw Story

Prison » Ron Paul Road to 2012: The Tom Sulivan Show

*Prison » Dangerous Levels Of Radiation Recorded In Canada As Fukushima Radiation Dangers Continue

Prison » Rain Threatens to Spread Radiation from Los Alamos National Lab

Prison » TSA Grope Woman Concerned About Cancer From Body Scanners

Prison » Alex Jones On Bohemian Grove 2011 Agenda

Prison » As The Dollar And The Euro Continue To Collapse, How High Is That Going To Push The Price Of Gold?

Prison » 18 Signs That Global Financial Markets Smell Blood In The Water

Prison » Ron Paul: The Federal Reserve is Defaulting on the American People

Afghanistan government under threat after second assassination in a week | World news | The Guardian

U.K. phone-hacking inquiry to examine links to ‘rogue’ intelligence services | The Raw Story

Prison » Iran may deploy warships in Atlantic

Prison » Armed Drones: A Diabolical Revolution in the “Art of War”

Prison » George Soros, Feds Seize Control of America’s Flooded Farmland

Exclusive Bill Clinton Interview: I Would Use Constitutional Option To Raise Debt Ceiling And "Force The Courts To Stop Me" | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

RNC Says Obama Fundraising Video 'Apparent Crime,' Seeks DOJ Probe - Political Punch

Atlanta OKs surveillance center; cameras to watch city |

Prison » Pharmageddon: Prescription drugs are killing America’s youth

LulzSec hacks The Sun, publishes fake story about Murdoch’s death | The Raw Story

Prison » Government Increases Hysteria Over Cyber Attacks in Push to Crack Down on Internet

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

U.S., South Korea to stage joint drill next month | The Raw Story

Prison » CVN 77 G.H.W. Bush Enters Persian Gulf As CIA Veteran Robert Baer Predicts September Israel-Iran War

Prison » UK media ignore Murdoch role in Iraq war

Mubarak Said to Be in Coma, but Report Is Contradicted -

Egypt Military Aims to Cement a Muscular Role in Government -

Prison » Clinton Announces al-Qaeda as Legitimate Government of Libya

Prison » Karzai Hitman Worked for CIA and U.S. Special Forces

Prison » Is There Anything We Are Still Free To Do Without Government Permission?

Prison » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Prison » Were America’s Assets Looted Years Ago?

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate -

Prison » Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home, not yet a criminal investigation

Prison » Police Across the Nation Will Roll Out Face-Recognizing iPhone Tech This Year

Predictive Programming: Illuminati Pictures Presents "Contagion" | Before It's News

Prison » EPA Tells Kids That The Weather Has Gotten Wilder

Prison » Coming in 2012: Genetically modified front lawns and the mass spraying of neighborhoods and playgrounds with RoundUp


‪60 min/All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 1) - Full‏ - YouTube

‪60 min/All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 2) - Full‏ - YouTube

‪60 min/All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace (Ep. 3) - Full‏ - YouTube


'10/ » The Future Where Soda Cans Have Screens

Armed Drones: A Diabolical Revolution in the “Art of War” -

The True Elephant In The Room Appears: Trillions In Commercial And Industrial Loans To Europe's Insolvent Countries -

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology -

Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops | Magazine


+Anonymous To Build Its Own Social Network Called AnonPlus - Yahoo! News

Pwned By Google+, Anonymous Building AnonPlus Social Network - Security - News & Reviews -




*AnonPlus -


‪Garden Bandit Julie Bass: Michigan Woman Fights Back Against City Imperialism‏ - YouTube

Opponents Seize on Cameron’s Ties to Suspects

*2 Parts/ Wayne Paul: Rick Perry Won’t Save You Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Dark Truth About 9/11 Emerges From The Fog of Infowar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Press TV:Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran

‪9/11: WTC Building 7 "Collapse" video compilation‏ - YouTube

‪Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition‏ - YouTube

Huffington Post Covers ‘The Big Lie’ « Norcaltruth

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth on FX Series "Rescue Me" | 911 Truth News

» 9/11/01: “It was a Military Plane” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rebekah Brooks's arrest came as a surprise despite fortnight of bad press | Media | The Guardian

BBC News - Col Gaddafi vows he will never leave Libya

» Too Big To Fail?: 10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CERN 'gags' physicists in cosmic ray climate experiment • The Register

Power from the air: Device captures ambient electromagnetic energy to drive small electronic devices

All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm : Discovery News

Funding the Arizona border fence - TODAY News -

Senator Rand Paul Wants FBI Director Robert Mueller to Respond to Some Questions Before His Re-Confirmation |

» Calling CNN About Bohemian Grove 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Thank You for Your Service? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bohemian Grove 2011 Cremation Of Care Interviews Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


84 min/9/11: Press for Truth

114 min/In Their Own Words

119 min/9/11 Blueprint for Truth ( 2008 Edition)

102 min/Fabled Enemies

105 min/ZERO Investigation Into 911

130 min/Loose Change Final Cut

144 min/Fall of the Republic

177 min/TERRORSTORM ( Final Cut )

134 min/Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined

114 min/The Obama Deception

124 min/Esoteric Agenda

94 min/The New American Century (2009)

146 min/9/11: Core of Corruption - In the Shadows


Cellphones, Cancer and Infertility -

No Cell Phone-Brain Tumor Link, Latest Study Finds


» Ratigan Show: The Battle for Food Freedom (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Living in and Through The Poison Century Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fortified Superfoods Aim to Convince Public of GM Food “Benefits”? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Global fertility dropping dramatically as UN celebrates World Population Day | Old-Thinker News

New 9/11 curriculum released for teachers on how to educate students |

» Co-Chair of 9/11 Inquiry: U.S. Gov’t Covered Up State Assistance to Hijackers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The NIST WTC 7 Report is False Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Murdoch To Resign As CEO Of News Corp‏ - YouTube

‪Murdoch Hacking Whistleblower Found Dead!‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on Yahoo Finance 7/18/11‏ - YouTube

‪"The U.S. Debt Crisis Is Contrived! It's Political!"‏ - YouTube

*25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars:Parts 1-4

Genesis Communications Network GCN News 25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Part 1 «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News 25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Pt. 2 «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News 25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Pt. 3 «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News 25 Reasons To Buy Gold and Dump Dollars – Pt. 4 «


Hong Kong Metals Exchange Opens Silver Contract Friday

The City of London: Home of Money Sorcery

Greenspan: Dumb Americans Deserve Unemployment

An Urgent Appeal To All Who Oppose The Mass Media’s Lies

Executive Order #13575: Theft of Rural and Agricultural Lands for UN Agenda 21

ALTERT: MSM Magazine Overt Subliminal: “Silver Is Money”

TSA Charges Congressman With Violating Federal Law For Exposing Security Breaches

Government Increases Hysteria Over Cyber Attacks in Push to Crack Down on Internet

Two never-finished Navy ships head to scrap heap | |

Wait, Did the USDA Just Deregulate All New Genetically Modified Crops? | Mother Jones » Russia: Tits for Putin

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

CIA Mind Control Techniques: MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments 1979 Documentary (video)

A History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television

Who is Baphomet?

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”

+The 25 Rules of Disinformation

+10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

Army Embeds Active-Duty PSYOPS Soldiers at Local TV Stations

The News Definers: The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations (video)

*Naming Names: Your Real Government

Eco-friendly Light Bulbs ContainToxic Chemicals

The Most Dangerous Game: MK Ultra (video)

FBI Launches 1 Billion $ Biometrics Project With Lockheed Martin

Ray Kurzweil Promotes Transhumanism on CNN (video)

How To Brainwash A Nation (video)

How TV Ruined Your Life (video)

CNBC, the Illuminati and a New World Order (videos)

Singularity: Kurzweil on 2045, When Humans and Machine Merge

Satanic Ritual Abuse in America (video)

The History of the CBS Eye Logo (video)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Promoting Transhumanism Through Video Games

The Future of Homeland Security: Interrogations and Scanning your Face for “Malintent” (video)

Documents: Anthrax killer lacked necessary equipment

Army of home school kids helped elect Bachmann

Hackers claim to have trove of News Corp. emails

Murdochs in the dock - Crime, UK - The Independent

Second Scotland Yard official resigns amid phone-hacking scandal - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Phone Hacking: The Sun's website 'hacked by LulzSec' with fake story about Rupert Murdoch's death - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Speculation mounts that Warren may run for Senate

More polar bear cubs die as Arctic ice melts | Reuters

Take Action to Stop Power Plants from Shredding Fish : Wildlife Promise

10 Questions The MPs Will Not Ask Murdoch

Phone Hacking: Murdoch Paid US Anti-bribery Law Lobbyists

America's Disappeared

Dollars, Drones and Development

How the US Controls "Civil society" Throughout Africa

More Trouble in Murdochworld

Clinton Praises 'Vital' Austerity Measures in Greece

Obama Raises Record Sums from the Wealthy

Wall Street’s Euthanasia of Industry

The Secrecy of the Obama Administration

The Most Incredible Thing Fox News Has Ever Done

The CIA and the Media

Get your Torture Degree from School of Americas

Some federal workers more likely to die than lose jobs -

Army device will gauge blast hits on soldiers -

Sean Hoare knew how destructive the News of the World could be | Media | The Guardian

BBC News - Phone hacking: 'Humbled' Murdoch denies blame

Hacking into voicemail is easy, experts say -

Detective Donna Williams and naked teenage daughter Briana 'stabbed to death by son' | Mail Online

Father-of-four 'stabs his wife and young children before torching their home' | Mail Online

Police: Fla. Teen Killed Parents, Then Had Party - ABC News

Gaza: The Blockade Runners

Libya in Pictures: What the Mainstream Media Does Not Tell You

Why Banks Aren’t Lending: The Silent Liquidity Squeeze

Imperial Decline: Multi-Billion-Dollar Terrorists and the Disappearing Middle Class

Prince Harry of Wales Returns to Afghanistan

America's Labor Movement: The Lessons of History

Prisoners' Strike against Torture in California Prisons

Prisons and "The Degree of Civilization"

VIDEO: Foreign Intervention Behind Creation of South Sudan

Armed Drones: A Diabolical Revolution in the "Art of War"

VIDEO: The Revolution Business: Are "Spontaneous" Uprisings Strategically Planned by the West?

"Great Dogs" of American Presidents

Global Economic Crisis: Finance Is the New Mode of Warfare

Missile Shield in Turkey? NATO Military Action Against Iran Implies Suicide

Canadian Military Stages Show Of Force Against Russia In Arctic

‪EAT THE RICH!‏ - YouTube

An Epic Day in Court for Pete and Ademo - Free Keene

‪ Full Courtroom Erupts in Applause Following Ademo's Opening Statement‏ - YouTube

Imperial Priorities: Obedience First, Character Last - informationliberation

Fatal Shooting Of Ex-NFL Player Was Within Department Policy - Bakersfield News Story - KERO Bakersfield

It's All the Republicans' Fault - informationliberation

Gen. John Allen Takes Over in Afghanistan

Iraq: US Trainers, But No Troops After December

US: Al-Qaeda Faction Arming Somali Militants

Revisionism: Panetta Speech, 'Transcript' Don't Match

The Only Conspiracy is Media Complicity

Cousin Admits Role in NYC Subway Terror Plot

GMO Deregulation: An act of war | Farm Wars

When Will We Be Transhuman? Seven Conditions for Attaining Transhumanism | Science Not Fiction | Discover Magazine

Aquaponic Food Production for Long Term Survival, by Stone of Scone -

The Archaeology News Network: World's oldest ritual discovered

Darpa Searches for Life’s Master Clock | Danger Room |

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

‪Ziggy Marley ft Woody Harrelson - Wild and Free‏ - YouTube

Why Can’t ‘Cannabis’ Be In The Commerce Clause? | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

Seattle passes bill regulating medical pot shops -

Kill switches, backdoors could poison supply chain, warns CTO | Government Security News

THE QUIET COUP: The implementation of Agenda 21 « The PPJ Gazette

City Testing Midtown in Motion, New Technology - Flash Player Installation

Activist Post: An American Awakening

Activist Post: Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps

Walls of water 10ft high in a month-long megastorm: California told to prepare for Biblical 'ARkStorm' | Mail Online

Top U.S. Nuke Regulator: Fukushima Had No 'Immediate Health Impacts;' 'Radiation Exposures ... Were Able to Be Minimized'

Boehner: Obama Veto Threat Shows Unwillingness To Cut Spending

EPA is Failing to Identify Drinking Water Contaminants Posing the Greatest Health Risk

Iranian Weapons Cache Disaster Threatens to Unseat E.U.’s Only Communist President

+Judiciary Chairman Withholding Judgment on Whether Kagan Should Recuse from Health-Care Cases

Obama: ‘We Don’t Need a Balanced Budget Amendment’

Pat Buchanan: The Long Retreat of Liberalism

Mess With Israel and You’re Messing With US, Says Herman Cain

Jane Fonda: 'I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country'

Gov't to Test Risk-Based Airport Screening

AIDS Conference: 'Morally Wrong' to Keep People Off Livesaving Medication

Prosecutors: Father Lied in NYC Terror Plot

Pope Accepts Philadelphia Archbishop's Resignation

Video:Moody's Says Problem is Not the Debt, it's the Debt Ceiling

Groupon Privacy Changes Could Open Access

Neanderthal DNA Discovered in Humans

Rupert Murdoch Begins Testimony in Phone Hacking Case

US, India Press Pakistan on Terrorist Safe Havens

Rupert Murdoch And James Murdoch Appear Before Parliament To Take Questions On Phone Hacking

Nearly One Quarter Of Met Police Press Officers Worked For News International, Police Chief Says

Rupert Murdoch ATTACKED In Parliament Testimony (LIVE VIDEO, LIVE UPDATES)

Manmade Tree Plague | Reality Sandwich

Making The Fifth Sacred Thing Movie -- A Magical Experiment | Reality Sandwich

Singularities and Nightmares | Reality Sandwich

B.O. Barackas Poster – Original Art :

Petraeus Departs Amid Afghan Violence, Transition

Petraeus Hands Over Afghanistan Command

The Party Is Over For The Bankers :

Remote Viewing the “Event” – 666 Days and Counting :

Murdoch Testifies in Parliament: 'Most Humble Day of My Life'

Public Policy Poll: Bachmann Over Romney 21-20%

Steve Forbes: Murdoch Will Survive, Thrive

Bachmann Criticizes Black Farmer Settlement

Romney Blows Off Tea Party with Debate Snub

RNC's Priebus Wants Probe of Obama Video

FBI Raids Homes of Suspected Hackers

Steve Wynn: Obama Is Killing the Economy

Business Groups: New NLRB Rules Favor Unions

Jeff Atwater: Govt Overreach Choking Economy

Democrats Dog Obama on Tax Holiday

Study: 7 Ways To Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Congress: Enablers of the Rich and Powerful

Government Overregulation Threatens Innovation

Obama's Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Exposed

Phone-Hacking Scandal Causes News Corp. Power Shift

America's Financial Restoration vs. Obama's Ideology

Obama's Policies Redefine Poverty


*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – July 18th, 2011


‪*1:06:48/Interview with Dr. John Cannell from the Vitamin D Cou - YouTube


‪Hans Himmler with Gerald Celente on Jefferson memorial‏ - YouTube

‪ELECTION 2012: Herman Cain on War, Social Security and Bailouts‏ - YouTube

+Nude, bound woman found dead in Big Pharma CEO’s home, not yet a criminal investigation |

Jonah Shacknai: Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer/ Medicis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Arizona millionaire Shacknai responds to allegations of marital abuse -

Whodunnit?: The riddle of the millionaire businessman, the girlfriend found dead in the courtyard and the son who fell down the stairs at his mansion | Mail Online

Questions remain after deaths of Coronado mansi - Flash Player Installation

Rebecca Nalepa found hanged in Jonah Shacknai's mansion after son Max, 6, dies | Mail Online

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Who is Baphomet?

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

+Radiation News 7-18-11 |

Attitude Trumps Size: Video Shows Enraged Chihuahua Attacking Robbers |

Light Made Flesh: Electric Face Video, Miraculous Never-Seen-Before Sparks of Life | Before It's News

Man Takes Viagra For TSA Pat Down | Before It's News

+Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull | Before It's News

Wendi Murdoch Takes Down Assailant-Video | Before It's News

'Singing Robot' Finds Its Voice,Video | Before It's News

Study Reveals Majority of Americans Are Not Taking Proper Steps to Care for the Health of Their Eyes | Before It's News

Ruins From Ancient Syrian Synagogue Put On Display In Israel After 63-Year Delay | Before It's News

On 9/11 The American and Israeli Governments Entered The Realm of Unspeakable Evil | Before It's News

The Dark Truth About 9/11 Emerges From The Fog of Infowar | Before It's News

9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview | Before It's News


Have you heard of the Gerson Tapes? Thousands treated for Cancer | Before It's News


*The Gerson Institute (


Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business -


Trade center cross to be moved to permanent home -

‪07-16-2011 2 GIANT UFO's on the Sun 2 riesige Ufo objekte an der sonne‏ - YouTube

Claim: V-Shaped UFO Armada Near Sun | Before It's News

*NASA Television in High Definition on UStream | NEWSBAD.COM

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

Congress Wants To Make Uploading YouTube Videos A Felony With Worse Penalties Than Child Molestation | Before It's News

Card Sized LED Flashlight Charged by 10,000 Polymer Solar Cells | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

Human Hybrids: Do They Exist? | Before It's News

Those who read the Bible frequently become more concerned about poverty, conservation and civil liberties | Before It's News


ALEC has the Remote Control over Walker and Legislature. | Before It's News




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State Legislature Websites - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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-7 Blogging Tips You Can Apply Today | Before It's News

The Cheapest Substance in the World | Before It's News


*8 tips for better Web searches -

*Top 10 Obscure Google Search Tricks


Anti-Gravity Water - Cool Trick | Before It's News

The Obama-Carter 'Malaise' Remix | Before It's News

Competing Currencies – A Defense Against Profligate Government Spending

Connection Between OKC Bombing and Operation Fast and Furious | Before It's News

Banks Continue Robo-Signing | Before It's News

Gerlad Wilson pays homage to Chicago jazz -

Beach Boy's former St. Charles house for sale -

Emanuel hires private firms for city recycling -

Woodstock horse galloping off to be in ‘Lone Ranger’ film - Courier News

Beauty Crush: Mila Kunis' Sexy Bronze Makeup -

‘Dark Tower’: Universal Passes, And Here’s What Ron Howard Should Do Next » MTV Movies Blog

Charlie Sheen Working on New Television Show | KEZI

Culture Warrior: The Past and (Possible) Future of Harry Potter | Film School Rejects

China's top search engine agrees deal to pay record labels for music | Business | The Guardian

Summary Box: Baidu, Music Labels Launch Service - ABC News

Gaga: Drugs made me feel like I had a friend - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Gang of 6 deficit effort gains momentum -

Dr. Judy Doubts Casey Anthony's Penchant for Lying Can Be Cured - ABC News

Clinton in India: U.S., India 'allies' against terrorists -

House to vote on GOP debt plan - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Inebriated air traffic controller? Denver Controller Dismissed After Testing Positive for Alcohol - ABC News

DailyTech - Google Ex-CEO: Apple Doesn't Innovate, They Sue

Hackers Vow to Release News Corp. Emails | News & Opinion |

FBI raids homes of suspected Anonymous hackers - CBS News

Atlantis crew wrap heatshield inspection • The Register

BBC News - Asteroid Vesta reveals its scars

Turkish PM wants to visit Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews

NATO hits Gaddafi convoys near oil town - rebel | Reuters

Is Syria's uprising taking a sectarian turn? -

Guinea's President Calls for Calm After Assassination Attempt | Africa | English


Murders deepen Karzai's Kandahar dilemma - Features - Al Jazeera English

REFILE-South Sudan heralds independence with 1st oil cargo | Reuters

Jewish leaders slam acquittal of Kepiro in Novi Sad killings | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Headed for CIA, Petraeus leaves a revamped warzone - : Politics:

Video: John Yates 'did not get Wallis's daughter job at Met' - Telegraph

BBC News - Dominique Strauss-Kahn's daughter questioned in France

BBC News - Xi Jinping: China will 'smash' Tibet separatism

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Iran Reports Advanced Centrifuge Deployment

EGYPT: Tahrir Square protesters not appeased by ministerial reshuffle -

Nelson Mandela Turns 93 on Birthday as World Urged to Spend 67 Minutes Volunteering - ABC News

The Associated Press: Cyprus FM formally resigns over deadly blast

PPP: Michele Bachmann takes 1-point national lead - Alexander Burns -

So How'd That Sarah Palin Movie End Up Doing? - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

Wisconsin voters go to polls in first recall election | Reuters

Lesbian Couple: Vt. Resort Barred Their Wedding : NPR

The Associated Press: Marriage law hearing to feature same-sex couples

Vick takes anti-dogfighting message to Congress -

New York City gearing up for same-sex marriages -

Defense rests in trial of accused Ohio serial killer -

Police: Fla. Teen Killed Parents, Then Had Party - ABC News

Cain: Romney can’t win – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Michele Bachmann migraines described as incapacitating - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

New study shows U.S. students miss boat on geography -

U.S. Kids Appear Lost in Geography Knowledge - Bloomberg

Boy, 5, killed when Canadian truck driver crashes into U.S. home

Boy injured in Lamar Odom car accident passes away | ProBasketballTalk

Perry's money test - Maggie Haberman -

‪Video: Who is Calling Rick Perry?‏ - YouTube

Cisco to lay off 6500 in latest reorg move | Reuters

American Express Announces Daily Deals for What You 'Like' -

HOG Stock | Harley-Davidson Stock Hits New 52-Week High (HOG) - TheStreet

IBM Plans $2 Billion Notes as Crises Fuel Short-Term Demand - Bloomberg

Google News Badges Can Change Your Company's Outreach | PCWorld Business Center

Google+ has a 'celebrity acquisition plan' -

Google v. Belgium "link war" ends after years of conflict

Google buys as official company URL shortener -

New Scribd app makes reading on a smartphone bearable -

Pwned by Google+, Anonymous Building AnonPlus Social Network - Security - News & Reviews -

Microsoft Offering Bounty for Rustock Operators - Desktops and Notebooks - News & Reviews -

Summary Box: China's Online Population Rises - ABC News

Rupert Murdoch Attacked With Foam-Like Substance at U.K. Hacking Hearing - Bloomberg

Gold Futures Flat As Traders Pause After Records -

Borders’ Champagne Toast to Amazon’s Bezos Marked Start of Chain’s Demise - Bloomberg

‪The Buzz: Borders closing‏ - YouTube

Secondhand Smoke Associated with Hearing Loss in Teens – TIME Healthland

Mmm, Mmm Good? Campbell Soup's New Strategy: More Sodium

Married Men Faster At Getting Help For Heart Attacks

Swapping Carbs for Soy, Dairy Protein May Help Lower Blood Pressure - Health News -

Seattle approves medical marijuana regulations | Reuters

The Associated Press: A better loo? Gates gives $42M to improve toilets | 07/19/2011 | Understandable outrage over The Breast Milk Baby

FDA approves 2011-2012 influenza vaccine strains - The Clinical Advisor

Lyme disease warning issued - Health - CBC News

Can Government Efforts Help Parents Combat Childhood Obesity? - Chappaqua-Mount Kisco, NY Patch

Does your weight affect your relationship? - Your Community

Study: Sharing bed with toddler won't harm development -

Mississippi runoff expands Gulf 'dead zone' | TG Daily

Fisherman Catches Alaskan 'Loch Ness' Monster On Tape -

NASA eyes Atlas V for 'naut-lifting duties • The Register

Ancient 'Frankenstein' Insect Discovered -

All Non-Africans Part Neanderthal, Genetics Confirm : Discovery News

Dog Takes Bite Out of Shark in YouTube Hit - Fox News Latino

AFP: Community of rare gibbons found in Vietnam

Authorities investigate mutilation of dead whale -

Why Is the Earth So Hot? Radioactivity Is Half the Answer | News & Opinion |

Did you know: the Earth produces 44 trillion watts of heat

Thriving Snow Leopard Community Discovered in Afghanistan --

New GPS satellite rockets into space aboard Delta 4 from Cape Canaveral, Fla. - The Washington Post

New Mexico Company Plans The First Private Spaceport

Egyptians Celebrate Firing of the 'Mubarak of Antiquities' - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Radioactive Decay Fuels Earth's Inner Fires | Earth's Formation & Interior, Birth & Primordial Heat | LiveScience

Paranormal Report: The Great Orb Debate - The Morton Report

Bee-Wearing Contest In China Won By Wang Dalin (PHOTOS)

A Cloak In Time - Science News

Cryptomundo » Finding Bigfoot Faked

BBC News - Dawn probe orbits asteroid Vesta

Communion wafer turns red in S. St. Paul -- is it miraculous? |

No Stranger To Spaceships, N.M. Builds A Spaceport : NPR

Could the sun save us from global warming? - Science -

'Sleeping Beauty': Kleine-Levin Syndrome Makes British Woman Sleep for a Week - ABC News

Out-of-Body Hallucinations Linked to Brain Glitch | The Brain, Temporal Lobe & Hallucinations | LiveScience

Dark-energy fingerprints found in ancient radiation - physics-math - 15 July 2011 - New Scientist

Lizard Man Reportedly Mauls And Bites Through South Carolina Couple's Car

Virgin Mary Aids In Miraculous Conceptions, Priest Says - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Ex-News Int'l official Rebekah Brooks says she never sanctioned a police payoff |

Highlights: Brooks apologizes to UK parliament over hacking | Reuters

Rupert Murdoch: I do not accept responsibility for wrongdoing at News of the World - Telegraph

Rupert Murdoch: I'm humbled over phone hacking - Yahoo! News

Piers Morgan's Murdoch Apologia | Story | POWERWALL

Sean Hoare dead: News of the World phone hacking whistleblower feared for his life | Mail Online

Murdoch: No Evidence of 9/11 Hacking | NBC New York

'Leisure dive': Summer posers caught mid-air in new photography craze | Mail Online

Bachmann's Headache | Stress-Related Condition | Pill Use | The Daily Caller


Elin Nordegren stunned to learn new man slept with Tiger Woods mistress - Chicago Sun-Times

Kevin Costner Joining Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’ –

History made as nipple is found on foot | The Sun |News

Liberals see opportunity for big cuts in defense - Washington Times

RNC Says Obama Fundraising Video 'Apparent Crime,' Seeks DOJ Probe - Political Punch

Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Warren Buffett Not a Fan of Obama’s Corporate Jet Rhetoric | MRCTV

Modern Poverty Includes A.C. and an Xbox - By Ken McIntyre - The Corner - National Review Online

Woman eaten by escaped lion | The Sun |News

Sen. Feinstein to put Senate spotlight on gay marriage - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Coronado deaths: Authorities are puzzled by 2 deaths in Coronado family -

Chief: Copper Thief Found Dead; 3,000 Lose Power - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

Albuquerque copper thief likely injured by jolt |

Casey Anthony Dunking Booth arrives at the Bluegrass Fair

Anthony Attorney Describes 'Casey World' - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

Where Is Casey Anthony? The British Virgin Islands? « News Race

Chicago man kills another over dripping air conditioner - Chicago Sun-Times

Nevada man sues DMV over rejection of 'GOPALIN' license plate - Monday, July 18, 2011 | 11:08 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

American Girls Sweep Google’s First Science Fair -

City Testing Midtown in Motion, New Technology - Flash Player Installation

News from The Associated Press


+AUDIO: Savage on Obama and space


Protester attacks Murdoch during testimony - World news - Europe -

Murdochs in the dock - Crime, UK - The Independent

FBI searches NY homes of three suspected members of hacking group "Anonymous" who fight for Internet freedom -

Rebekah Brooks's arrest raises questions over James Murdoch - Telegraph

Barack Obama accused of crimes against humanity for Osama bin Laden killing - Telegraph

Romney Adviser Backs Key Health Care Overhaul Provision -

Cain: Americans should be able to ban mosques - POLITICO Live -

More Illegal Immigrants From India Crossing Border -

Details of Somali Terrorist Recruitment in Minneapolis Revealed in New Court Documents -

Author who debunked Obama insurance tale doesn't want to talk | Byron York | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Gun trafficking: Family of U.S. agent slain in Mexico demands to know source of guns -

Grandmother Loses Custody of Girl to Father, Sex Offender |

Google is changing your brain, study says, and don't you forget it - San Jose Mercury News

Military records reveal subversion suspicions of black soldier - Washington Times

Debbie Schlussel:Former ICE Counterterrorism Agent, Army Vet on “Hell’s Kitchen”

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: Gene Simmons’ First Trip to Israel 50 Years Too Late, Visits Dad’s Grave; Iffy on Jihad

Debbie Schlussel:Govt Study on Gay Penis Size – The Work of a Lasting Civilization

Debbie Schlussel:US Govt: Hey, We Didn’t Screen 58,000 Iraqi Refugees We Let In, Might Be Terrorists

Are Tax Hikes Good for the Economy?

Sharpton At MSNBC For Life

Heads-up on the American Community Survey!

The Travel Channel Partners with Castro

Coal killers

Barack Talks to a Banker About Raising the Debt Ceiling

Israel’s only two options

Four Big Lies about “Carbon Pollution”

SEIU plans days of rage against Wall Street

Political Parties: Steal This Platform

MSNBC’s Ratigan: “I Wouldn’t Read a Newspaper Now Unless You Put a Gun to My Head”

Abortion: Number One Killer in Black Community

Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Private Industry Keeps Telling Us to “Go Green”

Obama fundraising in White House may be criminal

Judge Rules: Catholic Charities Will Continue to Receive Children for Adoption/Foster Care Services

Airport Security: Lawmakers concerned over security breaches

Hanoi Jane Fonda lying again about aiding enemy

The Radical Education Elite and Agenda 21

Obama’s Petulant, Passive Aggressive Leadership Reveals a Fixed Adolescent Mindset

Productive Efficiency and Reality TV

150 Things the Government Kinda Did With the Help of Some Left Liberals Some of Which Don't Suck!

About that astounding turnabout by Obama

The jobs collapse

Taxpayer-funded exhibit slurs GOP govs as Nazis

Bachmann 'incapacitated' by migraines at times according to former staffers (updated)

Israeli navy intercepts lone Flotilla entry (updated)

What do the states know about budgeting that Obama doesn't?

The Twisted Budgeting 'Logic' of an Obama Liberal

Tea Party Needs Lesson in Art of Political War

Rupert Murdoch's Journalism, and that of the NY Times

Death sentence for Christian convert in Iran

Being poor in America: What does that mean?

An Astounding Turnabout by Obama

The Progressive Mask Slips

The Global De Facto Gold Standard

Obama's Magical Thinking

Gay Men: The Democrats' Reserve Army of Histrionics

Who Owns the Deficit?

Portrait of a Spy

Breaking the Incumbent Protection Rackets

The Threat to Israeli Liberties from the Israeli Supreme Court

Debt Debate Discloses Dems' Depravity

One Obama Presser, 36 Obama Lies and Deceptions

Spend It Like Bush

Obama and the Coming Democalypse

Sustainable Health: Are You Ready to Be Forced into Health Prevention

It’s no longer “Look what Obama is Doing” but “See what Obama has done”

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

The New Man

Stoos Views’ Hugh Betcha Interviews CORPS (Constantly Overflowing Rivers, Ponds and Streams)

The End of Afghanistan


**Fulfilling Orwell’s Prophecy: 15 Futuristic Films You Should See


Herman Cain Mitt Romney Mormonism | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jonathan May-Bowles Jonnie Marbles Comedian Attack Rupert Murdoch UK Parliament | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Michael Holmes Parachute Skydiver Accident Fall | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rupert Murdoch Attacked Parliament Hearing Jonnie Marbles | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Philadelphia Fine Walkers for Texting | Video | - Flash Player Installation

Steve Wynn Rant Calls Obama’s Policies Weird and Compares to Socialists | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jihad cartoon al qaeda youth Inspire | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TSA Agent Timothy McVeight Bomb Joke | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

BBC Live News Anchor Blooper, Wrong Guest Ben Walker | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Arizona Haboob Dust Storm | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chihuahua Attacks Armed Robbers | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Allen West Obama Sad Pathetic Fear Mongering Debt Ceiling | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iranian Strongman Stabbed Dead for Questioning the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Paralyzed Woman Finally Marries | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

BYU Students Injured Throwing Gasoline Bombs Down Mine | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Whale Watchers Rescue Humpback Off Coast of California | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TruePosition Claims it Tracks Cellphones Across the Globe | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obamacare Rationing Panel | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Ann Curry Dalai Lama President in ‘Fierce Struggle’ | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

ACLU Sues Alaska Over Transgender Driver’s License | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Michele Bachmann Salem Lutheran Church Membership | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Teenage Son Hammers Parents to Death…Then Has Facebook Party With Bodies Locked in Bedroom | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

James O’Keefe Undercover Video Medicaid Fraud | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Marine Asks Betty White to Marine Corps Ball | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Turkmenistan Arms Depot Explodes | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Topless Protesters Ukraine | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Atlanta Teachers Scandal Affect Local Economy | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Windmill Farm Turbines Kill Bats Hurt Farmers | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rick Perry Prayer Atheists Jesus Video | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Jeopardy Joke About Richard Cordray Fails | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Beck Announces Change to Israel Restoring Courage Event | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nazi Pop Singers Lamp and Lynx Gaede Prussian Blue Liberals | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Protests Malaysian Government Malaysia Media Jewish Plot | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rahm Emanuel Lay Off 625 workers | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Video Released of Taliban Fighters Executing 16 Pakistani Policemen | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Gloria Borger Tea Party Hijacked Republican Party | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Herman Cain Ban Mosques Fox News Sunday Chris Wallace | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

San Francisco Police Shoot Man for Bus Fare But Wanted for Double Homicide Questioning Video | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky Debt Ceiling WLS-AM 890AM | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama White House Staff Salary Costs $37,121,463 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Expensive Ad Campaign: Karl Rove Targets Key House Dems’ Spending, Tax Policies | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Cleveland In Touch With Christ Christian Center Holds Mock Casey Anthony Retrial | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Congressman Jim Moran Walks Out of Interview | Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Elizabeth Warren Passed Over For Head of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Washington Times Reveals SEIU Intimidation Manual | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion |

Obama Winning or Tying the Debt-Ceiling Fight, Losing 2012 Battle? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Political Animal - Dems embrace (and GOP rejects) Reagan

Are the Republicans Winning? -

Spending = The tax burden - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Massachusetts Mess -

What Europe can do to restore financial stability - The Washington Post

A glut of bureaucrats -

Cook: Blame Republicans for Debt Crisis - Charlie Cook -

Presidential flummery and questions left unasked | Hugh Hewitt | Columnists | Washington Examiner

If Polls Should Inform Policy, What About Obamacare? « Commentary Magazine

32nd Anniversary of Carter's | RealClearPolitics

Paul Begala: Why Today's Debt Showdown Needs Bob Dole - Newsweek

CURL: Who says tax cuts kill jobs? Our history sure doesn't - Washington Times

The dangers of being wrong on Keynes - The Washington Post

Jonah Goldberg: Obama is the real ideologue -

Three Ways Obama Can Fix The Housing Crisis | The New Republic

Debt Ceiling Crisis: GOP Has Double Amnesia on Deficits, Regulation - The Daily Beast

The Tables Are Turned on Rupert Murdoch -

A GOP Dark Horse? &~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; Publications &~~SPECIAL_REMOVE!#~~gt; National Affairs

RealClearPolitics - Rick Perry Group Gears Up for Iowa Straw Poll

A critical moment: Why we need President Obama

Population Growth Has Driven Up the Food Price to Alarming Levels - TIME

RealClearEnergy- The U.S. Isn't Running Out of Oil

Our view: Budget amendment wrong vehicle for right principle -

Barack Obama slams another House GOP debt plan--Editorial -

Republicans Are Signing Away the Right to Govern -

The Social Cost of Carbon in U.S. Climate Policy

Why the EPA's Toxic Rule is Good for the Economy

Energy Efficiency Policy: Surveying the Puzzles

gulfnews : In the Pipeline: Entering the golden age of natural gas

Brookings: Drive Energy Innovation to Grow the Clean Economy | The Energy Collective

How Do You Hide an Oil Spill? Ask China. - Yahoo! News

Opinion: Oil is biggest military weakness - Sen. Mark Udall -

Japan may hate nuclear, but has few options - Times LIVE

Boosting oil production with bacteria - Jul. 18, 2011

Clashing Views on the Future of Natural Gas -

Shale Gas Is Under Attack. Here’s How The Industry Can Save Itself. | The New Republic

For Climate’s Sake, Nuclear Not An ‘Option’, But A ‘Necessity’ | The Energy Collective

Making Energy Entrepreneurial

RealClearMarkets - Don't Balance the Budget On the Energy Industry

Fuel economy: The Difference Engine: Priced off the road? | The Economist

Could Solar Save Education? - Amy Westervelt - Material Witness - Forbes

Energy efficiency: Light-bulb standards make sense -

Energy company blunders with “fracking” book Bill Mann's Canada - MarketWatch

As ethanol's ravages grow, phony 'reform' emerges | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

USC Research: Cancer Cells and Stem Cells Share Same Origin

The Neuroscience of the Debt Debate, or Why Cooperation Takes a Backseat to Mistrust: Scientific American

Ex-Apple Designer Creates Teaching UI That "Kills Math" Using Data Viz | Co. Design

Demons In Science And Philosophy

From Technologist to Philosopher - Manage Your Career - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Dealing with Death? Get on Facebook : Discovery News

‘The Exultant Ark’ Book Review - Who Says Animals Don’t Enjoy Themselves? -

Missing Gene Helps Mice Run for Hours - ScienceNOW

Centipedes: a life story. - By Constance Casey - Slate Magazine

Kiki or bouba? In search of language's missing link - life - 18 July 2011 - New Scientist

Over half of Alzheimer's cases may be preventable, say researchers | Science Codex

Penn Researchers Find Neural Signature of ‘Mental Time Travel’ | Penn News

New fuel discovered that reversibly stores solar energy

Greenpeace destroys CSIRO wheat GM trial | COSMOS magazine

Space telescope to create radio 'eye' larger than Earth - space - 16 July 2011 - New Scientist

The Campaign to Terrify You About EMP - Patrick Disney - International - The Atlantic

BIG's Plan For A Stockholm Freeway Looks Like 1970s Sci-Fi | Co. Design

The extinct species back from the dead and causing mayhem - Telegraph

Jello Made From Humans Is Not As Weird As It Sounds | 80beats | Discover Magazine

War Game Exposes Grim Reality: Few Oil Crisis Options

DailyTech - Stem Cell Technique Produces Colonies of Blood Cells from Patient's Existing Cells

BBC News - Mystery of mole's second thumb solved

Wild Parrots Get Names From Parents | Wired Science |

Radioactive Decay Fuels Earth's Inner Fires | Earth's Formation & Interior, Birth & Primordial Heat | LiveScience

Do 'Ultracool' Brown Dwarfs Surround Us? : Discovery News

Baboons & Humans: Being Beta is Not So Bad - Blog

The tautochrone: a shape that "looks like" time

Eboo Patel: His Holiness and the Art and Science of Interfaith Cooperation

Detoxing the Dorm - Kathryn Jean Lopez - National Review Online

Column: Could Catholic leader usher in a new Cuba? -

USAToday guest column (op ed piece) about Cuba and religion | Roger E. Olson

Gay conservative group requests meeting with Bachmann – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Planned Parenthood on the defensive - News with a Christian Perspective

Federal judge orders Ten Commandments removed from Dixie courthouse |


Asia Times Online :: DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: How Muslim-bashing loses elections

‘Republicanity’—The GOP Transformation is Nearly Complete | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: "O Christ our God, You are above all praise..."

Vatican excommunicates pro-govt Chinese Catholic bishop, criticizes Beijing | FaithWorld

Herman Cain: Communities have right to ban mosques - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

The Seeker: Dalai Lama wants to be Jain in next life

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: 5 reasons the pro-life movement is winning - News with a Christian Perspective

Humans 'predisposed' to believe in gods and the afterlife

Is Scientology a religion? - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

Obama meets with Dalai Lama – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

How Hot Is Hell? | How Hot Is the Center of the Earth? | How Hot Is Earth's Core? | Life's Little Mysteries

Herman Cain strives for new levels of anti-Muslim buffoonery - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Fox Host: Mitt Romney Obviously Not a Christian, Christian News

Michele Bachmann, the Anti-Christ, and the Political Theologian | First Things

How Wealth Shielded the U.A.E. from Arab Spring Violence - TIME

RealClearWorld - Why Iraq Still Matters

Russia in the Arctic

One in Five First-Generation Migrants Want to Keep Moving

Life in the global gutter: The popular press | The Economist

Egyptian army risks repeating past mistakes - The National

Syria’s Struggle -

Hillary Clinton’s welcome words on human rights in Turkey - The Washington Post

Stephens: News of the World vs. WikiLeaks -

The Cameron Collapse -

Commentary: Throwing Pakistan into the Arms of China | The National Interest

Why aren’t we working with Japan and India? - The Washington Post

Muzzling Rupert Murdoch will only please the guilty - Telegraph

Israel's boycott law is constitutional - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

WPR Article | Brazil Caught Between Titans in Global Currency War

Yemen Racked by Hunger Crisis, Water Shortage, Saleh Forces, Al Qaeda - The Daily Beast

Empower Iranians vs. Tehran - Daniel Pipes - National Review Online

The eurozone has a choice: Split up or die | Mail Online

Our view of Europe was from Wapping's walls | Peter Preston | Comment is free | The Guardian

Contagion in Three Forms Now Has Grip on Europe: Simon Johnson - Bloomberg

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Say Hallelujah to this week in Egypt

What Comes After the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process? - Global Spin -

We should have listened to Zhu Min years ago – don’t ignore him now - Telegraph

General David Petraeus on Leaving Afghanistan and Going to CIA - Newsweek

Ray Dalio’s Richest and Strangest Hedge Fund : The New Yorker

Economists Lower Their Expectations for GDP Growth -

Why Employers Are Slow to Fill Jobs: Business Class - Bloomberg

Ban the Debt Limit -

Cisco’s Dilemma: 6,500 Layoffs Might Not Be Enough (CSCO) - 24/7 Wall St.

RealClearMarkets - Let's Go For a Pro-Growth Debt-Ceiling Deal

Would a US default mean disaster? - 1 - debt ceiling - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - Book Review: America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb by Peter Ferrara

Three Ways Obama Can Fix The Housing Crisis | The New Republic

RAHN: The end of progress? - Washington Times

The Dollar, Gold And The Quality Of Money - Charles Kadlec - Community of Liberty - Forbes

5 buys, 5 sells for 10 long years of no growth Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Politics, Not Economics, Drives Anti-Tax Stand: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

Dissecting The Demagoguery About 'Tax Cuts For The Rich' -

News Corp. Board Stays on Sidelines Amid Scandal -- DealBook -

Why a balanced-budget amendment is too risky - The Washington Post

It’s Time To Kick Farmers Off The Federal Dole - Doug Bandow - The Politics of Plunder - Forbes


*Transcripts:Sunday 17th/Guests: Senators Durbin & DeMint; Jacob Lew

Guests: Senator Graham, Jacob Lew, Rudy Giuliani

Guests: Senator Kyl and Jacob Lew

Guests: Senators Durbin, Coburn and Rubio (PDF)

Guests: Reps. Jordan & Van Hollen; Herman Cain

Sec. Clinton's Joint Availability with Greece's FM

**Markets Video

Real Clear Markets - Video - 'Dangerous Game' Being Played in Global Debt Crisis

Real Clear Markets - Video - Geithner: Certain of a Debt Deal

Real Clear Markets - Video - Europe Stress Tests Don't Pass With Markets

Real Clear Markets - Video - An Interview With Google Employee No. 59

Real Clear Markets - Video - El-Erian: U.S. Needs to Get Its Act Together

Real Clear Markets - Video - Too Much Economic Risk to Invest in the Markets?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Want Facebook Stock? Buy This Fund

Real Clear Markets - Video - Gold Hits New Record, Will It Last?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Blame "Generation X" for Unemployment Problems?

Real Clear Markets - Video - What Happens to Goldman Sachs After Blankfein?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Barry Ritholtz Rates Ben Bernanke

Real Clear Markets - Video - Herman Cain vs. Barack Obama

Real Clear Markets - Video - America's Disappearing Recovery

Real Clear Markets - Video - How to Hack Like a Pro


**World Video-Translating the Middle East

Petraeus Hands Over Command of Afghanistan

Human Rights Watch's Sarah Leah Whitson On Syria

Syrian Activists Meet Secretly To Debate

U.S. Overcome With Troubles

U.S. Troops Begin Afghanistan Pullout

Hacking Scandal Widens: Top Cop Quits

News Corp Suffers 'Reputational Damage'

Hungarian Court Clears 97-year Old Of WWII War Crimes.

Clinton Arrives In India.

Syria: New Homs Video

Hacking Whistleblower Dead.

Russian Girls Urged To Strip For Putin

Is The CIA Running Secret Prisons In Somalia?

18th/Arctic Oil and Gas Development

How Will Afghanistan Look in 2015?

Bin Laden Had Plot to Kill Obama?

European Stress Tests Not Stressful Enough?

The Cost of War in Afghanistan

Clinton Calls For Peaceful Reforms In Syria

The Challenges Of A Social Network Ban

Military Aid in Pakistan

The Challenge of Population Growth

Boris Johnson Called Phone Hacking Story 'Codswallop'

Petraeus Hands Over Command

Japan Wins Women's World Cup Soccer Title

Libya Rebels Keep Fit Playing Volleyball

Mubarak Stable After Reports Of Coma

Chavez To Get Chemotherapy In Cuba


**Politics Video-Brit Hume's Commentary: Debt History Repeats Itself

Boehner: "Cut, Cap & Balance" Will Help Stop Spending Binge Hurting Job Growth

O'Reilly: Future Of U.S. Depends On Debt Debate

Sen. Johnson: "Business As Usual Is Bankrupting This Nation"

Elizabeth Warren: I Will Fight Republicans For Consumer Agency

Ezra Klein Predicts Obama Will Not Get Tax Increases In Debt Deal

Krauthammer: Rick Perry Could Be The Anti-Mitt Romney

Chris Matthews Takes On Grover Norquist Over Tax Pledge

18th/Paul Ryan On Mark Levin: Obama "Going To Veto Limited Government"

Sen. Coburn: Worst Tax Comes From Government Printing Money

Wynn Slams Obama On Business: "Responsible For Fear In America"

SC Gov. Nikki Haley Pushes For Balanced Budget Amendment

Warren Buffett Explains Why Obama's Corporate Jet Rhetoric Is Wrong

Chris Matthews: GOP Like "Happy Indians" Burning Things Down

Rick Perry Feels "Called" To Run For President

Sen. Conrad: "Republicans Are Dealing In A Dreamworld"

Obama Makes Joke About Confirmation Process ... No One Laughs

American Crossroads Launches Ads Against Dems Over Spending

Buchanan On 2012: "Romney Or Someone On The Right"

Carney: Obama Never Banned Lobbyists In WH, Just No "Special Access"


Conor Friedersdorf: The Colonel Klink of the Blogosphere Responds to Breitbart and The Bigs

Morning Call Sheet: Andrew Klavan, Kyle Smith, Stephen King, and a Hearty ‘Screw You’ to DC Comics

‘Dark Knight Rises’ Teaser Trailer Arrives!

What Constitutes a Conservative Film?

Political Success of ‘The Undefeated’ In No Way Tied to Box-Office Performance

‘Summer of Love’ Legacy Lives On

Numbers Don’t Lie, Does Jon Stewart?

‘Eunuchs’: Did Anyone Notice Bill Maher Trashing Sarah Palin’s Children as ‘Family of Inbred Weirdos’?

Morning Call Sheet: Bristol, Crowder, Pacino, Cowboys, Aliens, Dinosaurs…

Palin Doc Director Bannon: With Almost No Marketing Dollars We Hit ‘a Home Run’

Sucker Punch Squad: ‘The Whistleblower’: Anti-Americanism & Factual Inaccuracies Plague Screenplay

EPA Offers Golf Clinic Whilst Complaining About Draconian…Slices?

Illinois AFSCME: Three Raises in Seven Months is ‘Fair’

Audio:2012 Fundraising and the Tough Road to the GOP Nomination

The Debt-Limit Fight, ‘Cut, Cap, and Balance,’ and Rescuing America from Greek-Style Fiscal Collapse

Nevada DMV + Pro-Palin License Plate Request = Liberal Hate (and Who’s Surprised?)

Free Market Challenge to Obama Labor Board Can Be Parlayed into Larger Effort to Reverse ‘Progressive Era’

A Beginner’s Guide to the Debt Ceiling Debate

Carmageddon or Lameageddon? Billion Dollar Project Isn’t Apocalyptic After All

Missouri Rabbit Raiser Responds to USDA Proposal

T. Boone Pickens on Bloomberg: Why Crony Capitalists Need Spokesmen

Economist: Ending Tax Relief for Oil Companies Could Drive up Deficit, Debt

The Abject Failure of the Age of Bailout

Connecticut State Union Layoffs: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t?

Did Obama Officials Lie About Their Stealth Amnesty Scheme?

Rupert Murdoch Attacked At Hearing! (VIDEO) …Update: A Leftist UK Uncut Activist

MMFA PROPAGANDA WATCH: Protester Outside Murdoch’s Home Repeats MMfA Talking Points

Comrades! Rejoice in the Death of Right-Wing Media!

Larry Flynt on Journalistic Integrity

‘Eunuchs’: Did Anyone Notice Bill Maher Trashing Sarah Palin’s Children as ‘Family of Inbred Weirdos’?

MMfA Propaganda Watch: Piers Morgan / Daily Mirror Blackout

Define “Transformation”: Correcting Gloria Borger

Dylan Ratigan: Hates Newspapers, Claims Not to be a Common Leftist

Sound Bite For the Day: The Meaning of Compromise

Reading A Death Sentence For Apostasy in Iran

WaPo Reporter: JFK ‘The Flat-Out Absolute Worst U.S. President Of The 20th Century’

Fact-Checking NPR’s Agenda Journalism on Terrorism

Threatening Military Pay Emboldens Adversaries and Destroys Morale…Way to Go, Obama!

Pentagon’s New Cyberspace Strategy Is….No Strategy

Gold-Plated Asylum In Norway

Coming Soon To Marines: Groin Armor

Syria Proceeds With Weapons Program And Hezbollah Armaments

Wilders on Protecting Holland’s Jews: ‘Jews Shouldn’t Emigrate, Antisemitic Moroccans Should’

Did COIN Bear One ‘Fruit’ or Two In A-stan?

Upheaval in Syria, Somnolence in The White House

What?! Soldiers Ordered Not To Shoot Taliban Terrorists Planting Mines; It Might Wake Up Locals!

Gov't advisers: Cover birth control for free

Obama backs emerging bipartisan debt plan

Pope assigns Denver archbishop to troubled Philly

Man gets 32 years in Chicago beating death

Exclusive: Americans to stay thrifty this back-to-school

Senate group offers $3.75 trillion deficit cuts

Netflix streaming dilemma: too fast, too cheap

Defense calls no witnesses in 11 Cleveland deaths

Hamas: Seizure of Gaza-bound ship is 'piracy, war crime'

CITYsights: The home of complex Christian history

Wounded children show ferocity of Misrata's war

China blames 'terrorists' for attack in Xinjiang

Bradley Manning, American hero

A feminist approach to domestic violence education

Anti-HIV drug made by GM plants begins trials in humans

Bill Maher Panelist Apologizes for Wishing Death to All Republicans on 'Real Time' (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: U.S. Supreme Court again rejects most 9th Circuit decisions -

No doubt Chavez will run in 2012 vote, aide says

Secrets of Somali pirates revealed in new book


19-Jul-11 World View

18-Jul-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:NBC News’ Contessa Brewer: Murdoch Attacker ‘Encapsulates’ British Mood

Own It.

Murdoch Attacked At Parliament Hearing

O’Keefe Team Investigates Carolina Medicaid; Gov’t Health Care for 25 IRA Terrorists?

Video Response: Big Gov Tries to Throw Uncle Sam Off Cliff

Steve Wynn Goes Off on Obama in Conference Call

Unhinged Protester Outside Murdoch’s Home Repeats Media Matters Talking Points Verbatim

Santorum Responds to Dan Savage’s Disgusting ‘Hate Sex’ Rant

18TH/Whistleblower in Hacking Scandal Found Dead

Couple Sees Face of Jesus in Walmart Receipt

Obama Vows Veto of GOP Debt Plan

Warren Buffett Hits Back Against Obama’s Corporate Jet Rhetoric

Marine Asks Betty White to Ball

Obama Tells Joke: {Crickets}

Perry: Running for President May Be My Calling

Newest O’Keefe Video Sting Targets Medicaid Offices in Ohio

NBC’s Curry Asks Dalai Lama to Advise Obama on his ‘Fierce Struggle’ with Republicans

Rep. Allen West: Obama is a Marxist; I’ve Been Racist All My Life According to Liberals

San Francisco Police Accused of Shooting Teenager Over $2 Bus Fare

Fox News Anchor: Romney ‘Obviously Not Christian’

CNN’s Borger: Tea Party ‘Hijacked’ GOP Preventing Obama From Becoming ‘Transformational President’

CBS’ Schieffer to Senators: Why Are You ‘Wasting Time Debating Balanced Budget Amendment?’

Herman Cain: Any Community Has Right to Ban Mosques

Palin Film Opens Strong

17TH/Man Arrested for Alleged Sen. Boxer Threats

GOP Rep to Cokie Roberts: Why Does Compromise Always Mean Raising Taxes Now and Cutting Spending Later?

Rubio: ‘Where is the President’s Plan?’

The ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Book of Mormon’ Viral Video Mash-up

Obama’s Budget Director Leaves Seniors Dangling

Murdoch’s News Empire Must Be Dismantled – Labour Party Leader

Ex-Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested


Look who Obama's hired for cybersecurity team

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Tax hikes vs. balanced budgets;Rep. Ellmers touts 'cut, cap and balance' despite Obama veto threat


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Obama 'reckless' in Afghanistan;Bing West dissects change of command, impact of troop-reduction plan

Shock video: Medicaid caught encouraging fraud

Senate Confirms First Openly Gay Federal Judge - Olga Belogolova -

Convicted wife killer Vernon Lawson has what it takes to be an American citizen, judge rules

Environmentalists: Keep 'secret highway for illegals' open

FBI: Pakistani spy agency spent millions in secret US lobbying campaign; Va. man arrested |

Students punished for Krispy Kremes want rights back

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Wynn CEO Goes On Epic Anti-Obama Rant On Company Conference Call

Obama Makes Joke About Confirmation Process And No One Laughs | RealClearPolitics

'Irrefutable' proof of Obama forgery

Video story explains proof of Obama forgery

Surprise! Obama can't remember his birthday

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

You'd think we would have learned from NAFTA

The real Donald Trump

Radical roots of Obama's debt-ceiling crisis

Obama's ideological obsession

The long retreat of liberalism

Corrupters of the Constitution

The RNC's 'change direction' deception

10 ways leftist policies harm society's moral character

Carney's response to 130,000 Maryland voters

Too much of a 'Good Thing' is bad

Time to say goodbye to the WTO

Al Jazeera Incident Shows Xenophobia Alive in America | The Progressive

I confess …

ESR | July 18, 2011 | Green living through conservatism

Rebecca Rescate set to make $1m from her CitiKitty cat toilet training kit | Mail Online

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Weinergate 2: Huma mom tied to boomin' bombers

Hillary Clinton snagged in web of 'Weinergate 2'

Did ATF train corrupt Mexican police?

Debt-ceiling war could leave Boehner facing primary

McClintock: Obama passed eligibility requirements

Leaders, media 'hiding what they know' about Obama eligibility

Google spying on you for NSA? Judge: 'None of your business'

The real Donald Trump


U.S. citizenship losing its meaning - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Odd News :: I just can’t stop eating polish says mum-to-be

Fort Lauderdale man arrested after allegedly trying to saw cast off son's hand - South Florida

This is Nottingham | Study to see if Wii helps new mums

Study: Vitamin C keeps cataracts away |

Nuts may help control diabetes |

Drinking too much water 'can be bad for your health': Benefits are a myth | Mail Online

Bee keeper Wang Dalin attracts 26kg worth of bees | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Hasselhoff's girlfriend mystified by Baywatch

Men are happy for women to propose |

Uncovering the Kingdom of Israel | Spero News

*19 July

American Minute for July 19th

Today in History: July 19

July 19 Events in History

July 19th This Day in History

This Day in History for 19th July

July 19th in History

Today in History: July 19

‪Today in History for July 19th‏ - YouTube


Hit Piece In The Daily Caller Says Bachmann A Heavy User of Migraine Meds; Sources 'Concerned' About Incapacitation

Murdoch attacked with pie at hearing

McConnell: GOP will still block CFPB nomination

Andrea Mitchell Gives Tom Price a Pass on Republicans Handcuffing the SEC

Audio:Elizabeth Warren Sidesteps Question About Possible Run in Conference Call, Praises President's Choice To Head CFPB

Piers Morgan on Rupertgate: 'Murdoch victim of a 'witch hunt'

Audio:Rupertgate Monday - More Scalps Than A Rogaine Seminar.

Obama Picks Former Ohio Attorney General To Head CFBP

Last Year, America Spoke Loud and Clear. We Still Haven't Changed Our Minds: Tax The Rich, Cut Defense Spending!

DeMint: Congress shouldn't investigate Murdoch

Taibbi: Obama's Not Pretending. He Doesn't Want A Progressive Budget Deal.

After Slamming Elizabeth Warren, McHenry Rakes In The Dough

Leaving the Church Of Bachmann

Howard Kurtz Carries Water for the Wall Street Journal

Asked Why Workers Should Pay For Tax Cuts, Romney Repeats The Right-Wing Lie That We Need Lower Taxes On Business To Compete

Debt, Lies and Videotape

“Cut, Cap & Mangled”: Latest Dogmatic Right Wing Political Stunt from the House GOP

Obama: 'Don't Set Up A Situation Where You're Guaranteed To Be Disappointed.' Is That His Idea of Leadership?

Tea Party Group to Host GOP Debate on Twitter

Fox News host: Romney 'obviously not a Christian'


July 18, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-18, Monday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-18-11

The Manning Report- 18 July 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, July, 18, 2011

The Redding News Reveiw 1

The Redding News Reveiw 2

The Redding News Reveiw 3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 16th 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 16th 2

07/18 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/18/2011



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