A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 July 2011


Nonconformists are all alike.

» House panel approves bill forcing ISPs to log users’ web history Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Lockheed Martin Wins $72 Million Contract To Install Body Scanners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Exclusive: ATF Intimidates Gun Owners With Home Visits Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Separation of Money and State

Big Brother is watching you: Every car in Royston is tracked by police | Mail Online

President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day

What is Poverty in America?

wm3316_chart1.ashx (GIF Image, 500x718 pixels)

Red Tape: Rising Cost of Government Regulation | The Heritage Foundation

Debt Ceiling | The Heritage Foundation

The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

Tea Party Protester Theron Cal Explains White Racist Gene |

Rep. McCarthy: Lax American gun laws helped arm Norwegian shooter -

The Presidential Planner: Obama Announces New Fuel Efficiency Standards - Political Punch

Barney Frank: Default Is Now "More Likely Than Not"

‪Government Overregulation Threatens Economic Growth‏ - YouTube

‪Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious‏ - YouTube

PJTV - Fast and Furious' Plot Deepens: White House Knew, Says ATF Official - PJTV Report

What Happens When You Put a Coffee Table at a Bus Stop? - Transportation - GOOD

Van Jones: GOP ‘Faction’ Puts ‘Gun to Head of 310 Million People’ | Video |

Home Depot Founder Ken Langone Calls President Barack Obama Divisive and Unpresidential | Video |

Herbie Hancock, Jennifer Hudson, OK Go set for Obama birthday fundraiser

What Can a Lunatic Farmer Teach Us? – Episode 059 | Off The Grid News

Navy P-8 Sub-Killer Plane Makes First Flight

The Daily Bell - Ron Paul: If Debt Is the Problem, Why Do You Want More of It?

Home free on Facebook? Think again

Real Christians hate death

How could Obama hoodwink a whole generation?

Brain May Live on After Decapitation | Wave of Death & Rat Beheading | Brain Death & Mysteries of the Mind | LiveScience

How Banks Make So Much Money

The End Of The False Flag Wars :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

Pajamas Media » Truth in Advertising: Cowboys & Aliens Does in Fact Offer Cowboys and Aliens

Pajamas Media » Red States, Including the ‘Newly-Reds,’ Excel at Job Growth

RINOs | RedState

NYPD pioneers new dirty bomb detection system

Activist Post: 4 Recent Scientific Blows to the Global Warming Theory - shorten that long URL into a tiny URL

Global Governance Archive - Globalization: The Road to Global Governance

Anjem Choudary and Islamic extremists set up Sharia law zones in UK cities | Mail Online

BBC News - WHO: Hepatitis toll 'in millions'

Chinese rush to buy US land | Industries |

Debt fight could bring more airwaves for broadband - Yahoo! News

When Should You Shoot A Cop | Cop Block

Activist Post: S.C. Police on Alert After Political Activist "Liked" Article on Facebook

Activist Post: FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment

Texas Lawmaker Calls for Congressional Probe Into Ban of Christian Prayers at Military Funerals - - Questions Surround Official Titanic Story

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

The Steady Drip: 51 Bullet-Pointed Facts That Dispute Barack Obama's Identity & Eligibility to be President!

Is America the greatest threat to world peace?: Forget Russia. Forget Iran. In a brilliantly provocative new book, the Mail's legendary columnist Andrew Alexander poses an extraordinary question | Mail Online

George W Bush 'was projecting calm' with 9/11 blank look - Telegraph

Incompetence Sets A Precedent- GE Alfalfa

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : NASA warns of global catastrophe post upcoming 'huge space storm'

Recruiters pressed to reach out to gays once ban is lifted - Washington Times

Oslo attack: killer parked car bomb at door of PM's office - Telegraph

Israel Shamir's Analysis Of Breivik's Ideas

media twist over killings in Norway to detract attention from Mossad: bombing and shooting suspect was anti-immigration. - total_truth_sciences | Google Groups

Libyan rebel leader shot dead 'by own side’ - Telegraph

Qassem Suleimani: the Iranian general 'secretly running' Iraq | World news | The Guardian

Washington's Blog:Giant Banks Lobby to Raise the Debt Ceiling and Slash Public Benefits ... So They Can Keep Sucking at the Public Teat E

US accuses Iran of 'secret deal' with al-Qaeda - Telegraph

'Grandpa Wen' left helpless as internet drives wave of unrest through China - Telegraph

PressTV - US may end loan guarantees to Israel

PressTV - US not to probe Israel data theft

PressTV - US voices 'strong commitment' to Israel

Palestine and the Irresistible Winds of Change. Smoking Mirrors

Paul Drockton M.A.: Wells Fargo Bank and Mormon Illuminati Racism

‪Economic Armageddon and You‏ - YouTube

US municipal bonds may tip cities into bankruptcy | Business | The Guardian

iPhone Damn You Auto-Correct: Smartphone users left red-faced | Mail Online

Israel backers worried about Murdoch’s pro-Israel media empire

Roy Tov – Declared Political Prisoner in Bolivia

Extreme Weather & Natural Disasters How Do We Prepare?

House Committee Approves Bill Mandating That Internet Companies Spy on Their Users « News Worldwide

Elder Abuse: The (Almost) Invisible Crime

ICE Investigating VA School's Visa Program | NBC Washington

Stem Court Ruling a Decisive Victory for NIH - ScienceInsider

Scientist who claimed polar bears were drowning is investigated for 'scientific misconduct' | Mail Online

Flu vaccine based on 'super-antibody' could prevent all pandemic strains | Science | The Guardian

Colour coded children: School puts bright children in different uniforms | Mail Online

In Test Tube, Hint of Chemicals Coming Alive -

Hug-a-porn-star draws crowds to Hong Kong comic fair - Berita teranyar dunia dan pengembangan terdekat dengan tanah air - MSN Indonesia News

Ex-Astronaut Lisa Nowak Forced Out of Navy -

Rosa Parks alleges attempted rape by White neighbor from beyond the grave | JAMES EDWARDS

'Earth Clock' measures hours, months, solstices and equinoxes

Home Depot Co-founder Langone: Obama's 'Unpresidential' Behavior Destroying Economy, Country - The Talmud - "An Ocean of Nonsense"

‪Rense & Dr John Coleman - Death Of America's Constitution‏ - YouTube

Nation & World | Unmanned Army blimp brought down in Pa. woods | Seattle Times Newspaper

Earth stalker found in eternal twilight - space - 27 July 2011 - New Scientist

Incomplete URL Error Message

Genetically engineered maize with synthetic toxin approved for usage in EU food and feed | Farm Wars

Paul Drockton M.A.: In Mormon Utah, Sheep Get Slaughtered

State Department to begin tracking its personnel | Homeland Security News Wire

Push Back Against FDA Growing – Tenth Amendment Center

Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered

Ghost towns on the increase as rural America accounts for just 16% of population | Mail Online

Glenn Beck likens Obama administration to the Third Reich - Telegraph

images15-is-this-many.jpg (JPEG Image, 550x413 pixels)

Facebook director Randi Zuckerberg calls for an end to internet anonymity | Mail Online

A Camera in Every Courtroom

The Sexual Assault Case Against DSK—Did the Media Rush to Judgment?

Our media partner on 'Russia's Afghan Addiction' With major funding provided by * * Become a member and receive a signed copy of a CCIR advisor's book. Click here to find out how. * CCIR Newsletter Stay up to date on our latest news! Email Address: * Media We Work With Russia’s Afghan Addiction

Grits for Breakfast: Appointed counsel get worse results than public defenders, private lawyers

‪One World One Revolution‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Explanation Of How The Mainstream Media Works With Military Complex To Brainwash Americans

Revolutionary Politics : Rahm Emanuel Imposes New Curfew For Chicago Children

Revolutionary Politics : Alan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011

The Selling of America

The Black Swans of Politics by Justin T. P. Quinn

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Progressives Should Join the Ron Paul Revolution

‪Max Keiser: 'America will lose its sovereignty'‏ - YouTube

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

States negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures | Reuters

Project Mindwake: Iranian Governor: gas pipeline explosion caused by" Zionist's and US mercenaries"

Project Mindwake: 26 AK47's and 1 Sniper Rifle stolen from California military base

Big Brother is watching you: Every car in Royston is tracked by police | Mail Online

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Dubya sticking with the "didn't want to scare the kiddies" excuse for sitting on his ass with his eyes glazed over as country was attacked.

P C Roberts : Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis | My Catbird Seat

Zero Gov - Anti-Government, Pro-Liberty » Blog Archive » US Out of North America! When The Law of the Land is Simply Too Much By Bill Buppert

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente: 'Deal or no debt deal, the debt still exists'

‪Gene Burnett - Jump You F*#kers (A Song For Wall Street)‏ - YouTube

Top military brass slam Obama, Reid proposed budget cuts - National Law Enforcement |

‪SR 21 Debt Limit Debate 3 - July 29, 2011‏ - YouTube

- » Atheist Toast » Crazy Lady Rebukes Devil at CVS Pharmacy » God’s Image


60 Minutes: New Corporate Tax Havens - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul Announces 2012 Candidacy On Colbert: 'Biggest Counterfeiter In The World Is The Federal Reserve' (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Food, Control and the Growing Police State :: Weekly Blitz

Activist Post: The Buzz Around Gold is Growing Louder

‪China's Ghost Cities‏ - YouTube

Can Obama Use The 14th Amendment And Raise The Debt Ceiling Alone? Hell No Says Judge Napolitano - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Is Bush Lying About Sept 11 Again When He First Heard the News We Are Being Attacked?

Only a Domestic Terror Attack Can Rescue Brand Obama :

Reports that Breivik carried "walkie talkie" during rampage | Wake Up From Your Slumber

No debt ceiling for the Federal Reserve and too big to fail banks – The double standard of American banking and opaque Federal Reserve policy.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Tim Geithner and the IMF in "Hank (The Hammer) Paulson Created The Financial Crisis That Brought Down The World" | Before It's News

Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China -

New Article On The Big-Name Hollywood Film Producer Exposed as Covert Agent for Israel |

The extraordinary 'ring of steel' around Ground Zero - 12160

Just 47% of Working Age Americans Have Full Time Jobs - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Paul Ryan gets booed for supporting wealthy tax breaks‏ - YouTube

More Christian terrorism? Texas Planned Parenthood fire bombed

Ron Paul: Spending Cuts Are Meaningless Without Transparency Into The Shadow U.S. Government Run By The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Alyona: FBI Using Warrantless GPS To Track Citizens - Home - The Daily Bail

‪Anger Over Decision For 9/11 Healthcare Fund Not To Cover Cancer‏ - YouTube

Feds Refuse To Pay Cancer Costs For 9/11 Responders After WTC Air Cover Up - Jersey City Civil Rights |

Why Everyone Hates Goldman Sachs And Wall Street - Home - The Daily Bail

Special report: Is Israel Inc. too powerful? - Yahoo! News

Tarpley on PressTV: Libyan Rebel Supreme Commander Younis, Two Colonels Murdered by al Qaeda Faction - 12160

Activist Post: More proof the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are actively destroying America

Is Iceland on Israeli radar after Norway? | Rehmat's World

Internet censorship will end FREEDOM OF SPEECH - 12160

Congress Using Child Porn Bill As Trojan Horse To Spy On Everyone's Internet

Zero Gov - Anti-Government, Pro-Liberty » Rules for Radicals

Passing Bad Checks : CJR

What Rupert Wrote : CJR


**Executive Orders | The FEMA List of Presidential Executive Orders

**Communist Manifesto 10 Planks


Boehner Debt Ceiling Plan Drops A 26-Year-Old Exemption That Protects The Poor From Budget Cuts | ThinkProgress


The Bachmann Cometh: Video: Michele Bacmann using 14th amendment makes the President a Dictator

Conservative Blogs Central: Video: Is President Obama A Loser?

Conservative Blogs Central: Hiding from History

Conservative Blogs Central: Donald Trump: America Is Being Laughed At All Over The World

Conservative Blogs Central: Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40 Percent

The Story of the Beginning of the End of the World - July 29 2011 | NowPublic News Coverage

Norway: 'Embrace Freedom' after Anders Breivik Attacks | NowPublic News Coverage


What's really in the food? The A to Z of the food industry's most evil ingredients


SEC Failure to Regulate Mortgage Backed Securities Resulted in Ponzi Scheme Fraud

SEC Bernie Madoff Report

*477 pgs/Investigation of Failure of the SEC to Uncover Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme

*22 pg/Investigation of Failure of the SEC To Uncover Bernard Madoff's Ponzi Scheme


+ Project Mindwake: The Big Picture: War on Libya is War on Entire Africa

'NATO after Libya's natural wealth'

No Agenda Show : Audio

*Audio:No Agenda Show for Thursday July 28th 2011


e Book/Audiobooks

LISTEN Chapter 1-1/1-2/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapter 1-3/1-4/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapter 2-1/2-2/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapters 3/4-1/4-2/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapters 5-1/5-2/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapters 5-3/5-4/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism

LISTEN Chapters 6/Eustace Mullins - THE WORLD ORDER - A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism


*227 pgs/Eustace Mullins ;The Secrets of the Federal Reserve


*The Protocols:Text To Audio


*76 pgs/The Ultimate World Order


*Audio:The Syngogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

*Text/The Syngogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock


*167 pgs/The Money Manipulators the Bankers That Stole America

THE OTHER ROAD TO SERFDOM In the words of John Kenneth Galbraith

*The Controversy of Zion by DOUGLAS REED


How To Stage Osama Just bin Killed


*Obama Says Becoming A Dictator Is Very Tempting As La Raza Crowd Cheers -


CIA and FBI Tried to Get U.S. Lawyer to Betray Arab Clients -

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Tea Parties, Part 1

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet -

The Norway attacks are “from the same Gladio-type stable” – former European MP -

WHO ARE THE EXTREMISTS? « The Burning Platform

The World’s Biggest Central Bank Has Private Shareholders -

The Tea Parties -

NATO war crime: Libya water supply - English

Researchers Expose Cunning Online Tracking Service That Can’t Be Dodged | Epicenter |

Hideouts or Sacred Spaces? Experts Baffled by Mysterious Underground Chambers - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Japan’s largest supermarket tests beef for radiation | International Supermarket News

House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill | Privacy Inc. - CNET News

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on

Google Offers To Re-Write Your Webpages On The Fly, Promising 25% To 60% Speed Improvements | TechCrunch

U.S. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators | Danger Room |

TSA readying new behavior detection plan for airport checkpoints - Josh Gerstein -

Untitled Anonymous Book Stirs Curiosity

"Trojan Asteroid" Discovered In Earth's Orbit

Atheists Sue Over 9/11 Cross At World Trade Center Memorial

Neanderthals Were Outnumbered by Humans?

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Maher creates ‘It Gets Better’ video for socialists | Raw Replay

Scientists create DNA ‘brain’ in a test tube | The Raw Story

Bush to be in NYC to mark 10th anniversary of 9/11 -

Harry Reid debt ceiling bill to be targeted by House on Saturday - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan -

Feds Defend Seizure of WikiLeaks Supporter’s Laptop | Threat Level |

Bill Would Force Intel Chief to Renounce ‘Secret Patriot Act’ | Danger Room |

Gaddafi is Stronger Than Ever in Libya

Why Americans Are So Angry

Disastrous Outcomes From An Orchestrated Crisis

+ Untold Wealth: The Rise of the Super Rich / Video

USA: A Sea of Silent Peasants.

Death and Contradiction: The Case of Iran’s Nuclear Scientists

Is America Caught In The Closed Mind Trap?

The Saudi States of America

Fundamentalism Kills

The Unintended Consequences of Debt Ceiling Intransigence

Wealth Gap Widens Between US Whites, Minorities In 25

Anti-Muslim Ideologues Spurred Killer to Attack

Big-Name Hollywood Film Producer Exposed as Covert Agent for Israel

U.S. Now an Electronic Concentration Camp

The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony: Hustler Offers $500,000 For Nude Photos, Larry Flynt Reports

Casey Anthony Personal Photos

Casey Anthony Trial Evidence


The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists

The War on Libya : An Imperialist Project to Create Three Libyas

This Is What A Collapsing Ponzi Scheme Looks Like

The Pentagon Rules America: Militarism and the Crisis of the Civilian Economy

The Debt Ceiling Crisis: The Objective is to Scrap Social Security and Medicare

The "Towers of Basel": The World's Biggest Central Bank Has Private Shareholders

The Sentencing of Tim DeChristopher Highlights the Conflict Between the People and Corporate-Government

Arrested Cop Held Without Bond | NBC Washington

Cop pulling DARE trailer charged with DUI - WAVE 3 News - Louisville, Kentucky

Why Capitalism Is Worth Defending - informationliberation

"Shared Sacrifice": Obama's Demagoguery - informationliberation

Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users - informationliberation

The Government Is Watching You - informationliberation

5 video game patents you didn't know existed | Multiformat | Pocket Gamer

Former Intel Chief: Call Off The Drone War (And Maybe the Whole War on Terror) | Danger Room |

Mullen: Surge in Afghan violence expected - Yahoo! News

Some Neglected Questions on the Attempted Fort Hood Attack by Anthony Gregory

Five Remedial Lessons from the Norwegian Tragedy | The National Interest Blog

As Afghanistan Deteriorates, Withdrawal Said to Still Be on Track « Blog

AWOL soldier defiantly shouts '09 suspect's name - Yahoo! News

Judge blasts prosecution of alleged NSA leaker - The Washington Post

Military mentors program casualty of disclosure law -

APNewsBreak: Ark. soldier shooter sent FBI letter - Yahoo! News

Activists, lawmakers renew push to end military’s ban on women in combat roles - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

White House Adviser Says U.S. Has 6 Months to 'Knock Out' Al Qaeda Leadership -

Part Human/Part Animal Hybrid Monsters Are Being Created By Scientists All Over The Planet

Capitol Hill reviews Reserve role, budget, mobilization

Army airborne ISR platform slated for early 2013 arrival

Islamists Show Solidarity in Massive Egypt Rally

Gunmen Kill Head Of Libyan Rebel Armed Forces

Lebanon: UN tribunal identifies names of four men accused of Hariri murder

Officials say Joint Strike Fighter program is on track

S. Korean Nuclear Envoy Cautious About Renewed Diplomacy with North

Reserve Chiefs Press for More DOD Call-Up Authority

Monsanto Nation: Taking Down Goliath

FEMA, Reagan Aides and the Secret Government :

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Turkey’s Military Chiefs Resign Over Staged Terror Plot | Old-Thinker News

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon | Old-Thinker News

Predictive Programming or Warning? Video Game Trailer Shows Transhuman Future | Old-Thinker News

The Scientific Dictatorship Explained | Old-Thinker News

Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users | Old-Thinker News

Globalist Imperial Network | Old-Thinker News

As the American Empire Spreads Abroad, it Becomes a Police State at Home -

Activist Post: GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

Genetic Armageddon: Humanity’s Greatest Threat | Old-Thinker News

Test Tube DNA Brain Gets Quiz Questions Right : Discovery News


Video:Interest Payments at Historic Low - There is no Debt Crisis

Video:The Tyranny of Bondholders

Video:Protest Demands Obama Stop Immigrant Deportations

Videos:Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal on the media

Gore Vidal on the future

Gore Vidal on the Democrats and religion

Gore Vidal on US media and society

Gore Vidal on liberty

Gore Vidal on "The Emperor"

Gore Vidal on the Cold War


Obama: Failing to Reach Debt Agreement Would Be 'Inexcusable'

Islamists Show Solidarity in Massive Egypt Rally

Obama Meets African Leaders at White House

Democrats Try to Break Debt Impasse

Tim Pawlenty Aims for Strong Showing in Iowa

Details of Rival Plans on Spending and Debt

Senate Kills Debt-Limit Bill Passed by House GOP

House Roll Call: How They Voted on Debt Bill

James Murdoch Asked to Clarify Testimony

Search for Missing NH Girl, 11, Enters Its 5th Day

Edwin Edwards Marries Young Prison Pen Pal

Norway Suspect Was Considering Other Targets

Dr. Brownstein: Your Heart Needs Potassium, Unrefined Salt

Pumping Iron May Lower Diabetes Risk

Does a Daily Vitamin Boost Your Memory?

Default on US Debt Is Obama’s Choice

Norway Delegate: Terrorism Against Israel Warranted

Ron Paul and the War on Drugs

Americans Are Taking Note of the China Threat

Weak Economy Sinks Obama's Approval Numbers

Legal Guns Would Make Norway Safer

What your cocktail says about you

The Black Swans of Politics by Justin T. P. Quinn

Obama v. Obama by Gary North

Some Neglected Questions on the Attempted Fort Hood Attack by Anthony Gregory

The Essential Rules of Tyranny by Brandon Smith

Jul 29, 2011 Gold & Silver Pullback: Textbook Bullish Morris Hubbartt 321gold ...s

The World According to Gold – Literally by James West

Obama: House Republicans wasted 'precious days' with Boehner plan - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Democrats enforce filibuster against their own debt bill - Washington Times

Washington Is Annoyed at Wall Street's Failure to Panic - CNBC

Rebel feud puts UK's Libya policy in jeopardy - Africa, World - The Independent

Cops nab bizarre Prospect Park poachers • The Brooklyn Paper

BBC News - California police arrest 100 over marijuana growing

President Barack Obama takes debt battle to Twitter, loses more than 40,000 followers in one day

New York Times | Obama Administration | Media Twitter | The Daily Caller

Summer TV Press Tour 2011: What Harry Belafonte would ask Congress about the debt crisis - The TV Column - The Washington Post

Noonan: They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling -

My Way News - Chavez turns 57 vowing to stay in power until 2031

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars -

Improving Mexican economy draws undocumented immigrants home from California - Sacramento City News -

"My Big Fat Computer Geek Wedding" | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

FBI’s News Corp. 9/11 Probe Moves Forward - Bloomberg

Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus -

Scientology book author reveals church's inner workings | Reuters

Reid: ‘Extremists Have Locked Down This Congress’ |

FLASHBACK: Obama's Budget Called for Doubling Publicly Held Debt Over 10 Years

VIDEO: Pelosi: Boehner Bill ‘Pulls The Plug’ On 50 Years of ‘Progress for America’s Families’

Top Iranian Revolutionary Guard in Line to Become Oil Minister, OPEC Head

GOP Seeks to Resurrect 9/11 Commission to Examine Domestic Radicalization

Woman Who Killed Kids at Center of Custody Fight |

How to Become a Renaissance Man for Free | The Art of Manliness

+ To Shed Pounds, You MUST Eliminate This From What You Eat by Joseph Mercola

‪Max Keiser: 'America will lose its sovereignty'‏ - YouTube


Gulf Coast Stories : Oil , Chemicals , and Illness Part 1

Gulf Coast Stories : Oil , Chemicals , and Illness Part 2


Activist Post: More proof the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are actively destroying America

Dylan Ratigan: Save Yourself to Save the World

The Flavor Of Your OJ Is A Chemically-Induced Mirage - The Consumerist

Activist Post: The Globalist Imperial Network, As Explained by a Globalist

Activist Post: US, Saudi Arabia to discuss nuclear cooperation

ZCommunications | The Great Seed Robbery by Vandana Shiva | ZSpace

Vague Anti-Stalking Law Threatens Protected Speech Online | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Who Owns Your Genes? The Case Continues… » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

‪Gerald Celente - RT America 29 July 2011‏ - YouTube


+The Alex Jones Show – July 29th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 29th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 29th, 2011


‪07/29/11Full Show - Bill Still: Pay the debt in quarters?, Boycott PayPal #OpPayPal‏ - YouTube


Audio:CounterSpin: Devin Burghart on Norway terror, Julianne Escobedo Shepherd on Strauss-Kahn case |

THE issue of our time: Genetic Armageddon |

‪Ron Paul: It's All a Fraud - Boehner's "Cuts" Are Fictitious‏ - YouTube

» U.S. Treasury Pushes War Propaganda Claim al-Qaeda and Iran in Cahoots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Talking with Madmen, Playing for Time |

About Obama’s secret plan | Power Line

Rule: ‘Martial Law’ – Obama To Use Dictatorial Powers To Raise Debt Ceiling If Need Be |

In Secret, Senate Panel May Re-Up Vast Surveillance Dragnet |


*ARTICLE LINKS:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials |


Strange,Weird And Unique Natural Phenomenon | Before It's News

Claim: Evidence For Fall 2011 Apocalypse | Before It's News

5 Ways to Visualize Our $14.5 Trillion National Debt | Before It's News

The U.S. Debt Matrix – Are you ready for the red pill? | Before It's News


Dr. Jack Thrasher on the Health Dangers of Molds


Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 1

Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 2

Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 3

Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 4

Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 5

Toxicology Expert Dr. Jack Thrasher on Mold Exposure pt 6


Scientists Control Sleep And Social Activity With Light | Before It's News

Electromagnetic Energy (EMFs) Linked To Miscarriage Risk

7 Essential Rules of Tyranny | Before It's News

9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out | Before It's News

The Scapegoat in American Culture: From Lee Harvey Oswald To Osama bin Laden | Before It's News

Ancient Aliens - Jason Martell Clips | Before It's News

Ancient Egyptians And Their World Of Dreams | Before It's News

Manipulative Extraterrestrials Rather Than Human Beings Control Earth Suggests Dr. Michael Salla | Before It's News

Smartphone Photos as Art - Gear Feature at IGN

Man Who Grew Breats Has Reduction On TV | Before It's News

Thought Controls Car Brakes, Faster & Safer Than Pressing Pedal, A World First Say German Engineers | Before It's News

World's First 'Printed' Aircraft Soars | Before It's News

They Know What You Touch: New Fingerprint Technology Reveals Substances Handled By Suspects | Before It's News

The Face of TREASON: Harry Belafonte, "singing his song," condemns OBAMA as a tyrant! OBAMA's ship is critically flooded and sinking fast! | Before It's News

David Icke - The Law of Attraction | Before It's News

The myth of America's tranquil border | Before It's News

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (w)as Propaganda Created by the Mainstream Media (a la Murdoch) to Build Support for "Charlie Wilson's War." | Before It's News

Mystery surrounds man on “most wanted” list for deportation | Before It's News

US Pays for Zionist-oriented Policies | Before It's News

John Boehner And Republican Leaders Pressure Legislators To Approve Debt Plan - Secaucus New Jersey News | Secaucus New Jersey News

Does Boehner Have a Deal? 'I'm Smiling', Christian News

Rahm Emanuel limiting his options in tackling budget woes -

Goose Island 312: Goose Island to brew 312 in New York -

South Side woman has been missing more than a week -

FBI offers reward in case of missing New Hampshire girl -

Burned Body Identified as Missing Detroit Girl -

Relatives charged in murder of 10-year-old found locked in box -

Report: Casey Anthony seeking psych help -

Casey Anthony NUDE IN HUSTLER – HER ANSWER | Ringside Report

Casey Anthony Seeking Treatment For Mental Issues | Live | Fashion. Music. Lifestyle

$10,000 reward offered in theft of rifles from Army base -

Public Sector Added to Texas Job Boom -

Nixon's secret Watergate testimony ordered released | Reuters

Mendocino County pot raids net 100 arrests, 469,000 plants - San Jose Mercury News

Ramadan around the world - Photos

Tim Pawlenty struggles to step out of Michele Bachmann’s shadow - The Washington Post

NJ Gov. Chris Christie blames health issues squarely on his weight -

Gene Patent in Cancer Test Upheld by Appeals Panel -

Pro-Democratic outside groups raised $10M - The Boston Globe

Al-Qaeda could collapse, U.S. officials say - The Washington Post

Seniors fear losing Social Security in debt ceiling drama - Jul. 30, 2011

FAA Shutdown: Airlines Pocket The Difference, Customers Pay The Same

Volunteer Towns Sought for Nuclear Waste Sites, Panel Says - Bloomberg

2 planes clip wings at O'Hare - Chicago Tribune

Google Acquires 1,000 IBM Patents -- InformationWeekGoogle Acquires 1,000 IBM Patents - internet Blog

Study: Dumb People Use Internet Explorer | News & Opinion |

Google+ Passes First Tests, but Challenges Remain | PCWorld

Social Barrel » Facebook Offers $500 For Every Bug Found

Obama Sets New Fuel-Efficiency Standards for Cars, Light Trucks - Autos & Trends

Google TV More Enticing After Set-Top Box Price Slash | PCWorld

Gmail Man Stages Email Intervention - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

Music service Spotify in patent infringement suit - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Google's 'Hotel Finder' Preps for Travel Push | News & Opinion |

Google Search Now Optimized For Tablets - The Washington Post

Jerry Lewis Slams Reality T.V. - Entertainment & Stars

Oprah Winfrey Sued for Allegedly Stealing "Own Your Power" Slogan |

Brad Pitt News - Saddle Up: Hollywood Cowboys Through the Years (PHOTOS) - Celebuzz

Smurf movie is cute, but ... - Gridley, CA - Gridley Herald

Polanski Film to Open New York Film Fest -

Clark Gable's grandson says arrest was a 'misunderstanding' -

World Population to Top 9 Billion by 2050, 49% Growth from Africa - International Business Times

BBC News - Trojan asteroid seen in Earth's orbit by Wise telescope

Modern Human Invasion Caused Neanderthals’ Extinction - International Business Times

A Vine Bounces Back Sound to Signal Bats -

Juno's Jupiter mission may yield clues to Earth's origins - Los Angeles Times

SpaceX set to send supply ship to ISS in November • The Register

Fishing crews set to hunt Asian carp in Chicago's Calumet Lake | Detroit Free Press |

Low Tide Reveals Rare Dinosaur Fossil -

Kane County Chronicle | Officials: Layoffs possible at Fermilab

Weird Moon Crater May Be Crash Site of Old NASA Spacecraft | Lunar Impacts & the Lunar Surface | NASA's Lunar Orbiter 2 |

Has Warren Jeffs turned his trial into a sermon on polygamy? -

Court records show criminal history of Fort Hood suspect’s parents -

Increasing muscle mass may lower type 2 diabetes risk -

BBC News - 'Super antibody' fights off flu

Study: Some Nose-Job Patients Have Mental Health Problem

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Embryonic Stem-cell Research

Heat-linked illnesses strike thousands each year -

BBC News - WHO: Hepatitis toll 'in millions'

Blue-green algae bloom warning for Lake Winnebago - WTAQ News Talk 97.5FM and 1360AM

McDonald's Goes Blue...and Green?

Michael Douglas caught smoking again after beating throat cancer

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

Planned Parenthood firebombed, right wing silent - War Room -

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Rand Paul talks debt-ceiling debate with WND;GOP senator rejects 'fuzzy Washington math' of Boehner plan

Just why is Obama constitutionally eligible?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


CPAC vote tally confirms GOProud out for 2012

Pentagon, CIA open targets for crippling attack?

Voters asked to stop sexual indoctrination of children

Poe plan: Sell unwanted federal land to raise cash

The birth certificate please! Subpoena to be delivered

Subpoena plans hit airwaves

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

AWOL GI yells Fort Hood suspect's name in court - CBS News

Anti-war group raised money for Fort Hood terror plotter

Hamas leader: Palestinian UN bid a 'scam' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Spy agency doubts far-right network exists - The Local

ATF: The White House Knew -

Strange GOP strategy: Heads you win, tails I lose

Establishment must be removed

Talk about 'peddling paranoia'

Iran's missiles could soon reach U.S. shores

Poor are not poor because rich are rich

So you say you want a revolution?

America at the abyss

Liberal fascism through the ages

Why are we ignoring simple, painless debt solution?

Opinion: The tea party's terrorist tactics - William Yeomans -

Marriage: God's original plan

State of Arizona breaks silence on madness in 'Nazi'-cop town

CPAC balloting confirms GOProud out for 2012

Science stunner! 'Missing link' for 150 years and now it isn't?

Obamacare's fate in hands of Supreme Court?

Jihadists boast of 'paradise' since departure of U.S. ally

Talk about 'peddling paranoia'

BBC News - Apple holding more cash than USA

‪Sound of Jerusalem Bell from Second Temple Period‏ - YouTube

Website deflates writers full of hot air - The Local

Jesus’ apostle’s tomb unearthed in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

BBC News - Doubts over authenticity of 'ancient Christian' books

Short clip explaining about the altar « The Tell es-Safi/Gath Excavations Official (and Unofficial) Weblog

Egyptian tomb mystery may be world's first protractor - physics-math - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

'Natural' flavor: Not so natural

London 2012 Olympics: Online campaign for tramp Gordon Roberts to carry torch | Mail Online

Fair goers line up for 1,500-calorie doughnut burger in N.Y. | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle

Yum - or yuck? 20 freakish fried foods Pictures - CBS News

Dolphin healing ability offers import... JPost - Health & Science

Dog faking own death: The incredible puppy who fakes death for his canine pal | Mail Online

Cougars | Miss Cougar International | Amy Luna Manderino | The Daily Caller

Afghans to get comedy series based on 'The Office' - Telegraph

Monte Carlo Or Bust - How One Driver Caused Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds Of Damage To Luxury Cars | Strange News | Sky News


**BlaBlaMeter - Bullshit detection tool(


Universal flu vaccine a 'step closer' - Telegraph

UFO fans latch onto report of underwater anomaly - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Low Tide Reveals Rare Dinosaur Fossil -

Pa. girl, 11, hit by lightning on sunny afternoon - Yahoo! News

'Vampire' stalks Siberian livestock | RUSSIA | The Moscow News

Massive Sun 'Twister' Swirls Up 12 Earths High | Sun Photos From Space & Space Weather | Sun Storms & Solar Storms |

Massive meteorite found in China | MNN - Mother Nature Network

BBC News - Trojan asteroid seen in Earth's orbit by Wise telescope

The Big Crunch: Physicists Make Time End | Wired Science |

Korean Scientists Produce Glow-in-the-Dark Dog -

Are We Alone? New Analysis Suggests Life Could Be Extremely Rare In the Universe| Statistics Crush Optimism in Search for Extraterrestrials | Search for Life, SETI |

Naica Mine: Crystal caves discovered by chance in Mexico | Mail Online

God particle: The Large Hadron Collider - Telegraph

Time Travel Impossible, Say Scientists : Discovery News

BBC News - Carving found in Gower cave could be oldest rock art

Lair of the Beasts: Exotic Animals Increasing -

From the Shadows: The Ouija Board Spelled 'Join Me in Hell'

The Weirdest Mystery Animals in the World

House panel approves bill forcing ISPs to log users’ web history | The Raw Story

Stegobot steals passwords from your Facebook photos - tech - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

Facebook unmoved by Shoah survivors' plea - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Ex-astronaut Lisa Nowak forced out of Navy - Yahoo! News

Black Arkansas student forced to share Valedictorian spot with white student | Washington Times Communities

Rosa Parks Essay Reveals Rape Attempt (PHOTO)

Jail Phone Glitch Makes One Inmate Enough Money To Post Bail

Cost of Casey Anthony case near $700,000 - US news - Crime & courts -

Police: Woman Ticketed For Obscene Objects On Truck - Greenville News Story - WYFF Greenville

Train driver sues parents of suicide victim - The Local

Mo. high school bans "Slaughterhouse-Five" - CBS News

First academic journal on secularism, nonreligion to debut in January – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

In Test Tube, Hint of Chemicals Coming Alive -

Capitol Weekly: Religion-politics fight flares over Bible study groups

Budget Control Act of 2011 Passes House with Berg Support | The State Column

Caribbean Airlines 737 Crash Lands in Guyana - Bloomberg

Islamist militia killed general, say Libya rebels

Mixed Economic Data, Again

World Population to Top 9 Billion by 2050, 49% Growth from Africa - International Business Times

Modern Human Invasion Caused Neanderthals’ Extinction - International Business Times

Weird Moon Crater May Be Crash Site of Old NASA Spacecraft | Lunar Impacts & the Lunar Surface | NASA's Lunar Orbiter 2 |

Google Acquires 1,000 IBM Patents -- InformationWeekGoogle Acquires 1,000 IBM Patents - internet Blog

Study: Dumb People Use Internet Explorer | News & Opinion |


Are America's citizens smart enough to follow what is really going on concerning the debt ceiling?.


How Treasury Bonds Work - A Quick Lesson

Solving the Debt Crisis Through Energy Freedom

Power Plant Efficiencies: It’s Only Getting Better

Top military brass slam Obama, Reid proposed budget cuts

U-TURN: Obama Nominee Wodder Admits No Proven Case of Groundwater Contamination from Hydraulic Fract

Sunset Clause for the C-Tax?

Media’s Disgraceful Coverage of Debt-Ceiling Debate

Liberty Lovers Are Counter-Revolutionaries

Labor Unions, GE, and the Job Czar

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to act

There Is NO Plan to CUT the Deficit!

Truth Versus The Politics of Washington

Breivik and totalitarian democrats

Obama administration cancels DHS nuclear detection program

Debbie Schlussel:Anti-Israel Whole Foods Wishes You a Happy Ramadan

Debbie Schlussel:Karma #2: Norway Utoya Camp Was Also FATAH PLO Terrorist Camp

Debbie Schlussel:HAMASGOP: Chris Christie Calls Opponents of HAMAS “Crazies”

Debbie Schlussel:Fort Hood Massacre II: “Modest” Muslim Child Porn Addict Had Bombs – How Many More Like Him in Armed Forces?

Speaking as a Hobbit

When Rucker called the roll—A Soldier’s Story

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – The insanity must be stopped

‘Blankies’ for Barry!

With Malice Aforethought

Road to Niagara Falls

An Innocent in America

Obama and the Drug Cartels

Confessions of a Birther Evangelist

Secrecy Surrounds Silver Star Medal Revocation

Give The Post Office A Break

America: Time to Start Over

Multiculturalism Revisited

The Federalist from Texas

'They sure as hell didn't call him a leader'

'Jesus is a Muslim and worships Allah'

Reid Strikes Back

An alternate default; inflation

Big Labor: The Real Hostage Takers

America Abdicates

Presiding over the downgrade of our political system

Collecting more than they spend

'Arab Spring' becomes 'Sharia Summer' on Tahrir Square

Fort Hood II suspect yells Major Nidal Hasan's name in court

SC Democrats hit new low in race baiting

I Won in an Historic Landslide and All I Got Was This Lousy Rounding Error

The Boehner Plan is the Best Deal for the Country That Our Divided Government Can Deliver

Tea Party Crashes Washington Orgy

The Gray Lady's Sexual Agenda Revealed

Learning the Work Ethic Young

The Old Deal

A Tip of the Hat to Glenn Beck on His Way off the Air

Overexposure is Dangerous for Gays and Jews

Differentiation is the New Diversity!

Obama Seems To Be Taking His Defeat In The 2012 Election Rather Well

The Myth of White Privilege

Progressives and Their Taxes Kill Cities

True or False? Over 50% Do Not Pay Income Taxes

Tea Party's Judson Phillips' Misogynistic Attack on Nancy Pelosi: 'The Botox Has Gotten To Her"

Here's What The Tea Party Wants: Chaos

Court To Andrew Breitbart: Shirley Sherrod May Go Forward With Her Defamation Lawsuit

Ryan mocks Reid plan: 'Pass a bill to cover the moon with yogurt'

Laura Ingraham flip-flops on debt-ceiling vote, now says they should pass Boehner's "unserious" bill. O'Reilly lets her know it.

John Boehner may get the Debt Ceiling votes in a 'Delusional Manner'

Alleged Norway killer bought ammunition clips from U.S.

The 'Job Creators' myth: Our corporate masters are aiming for the Latin American model of oligarchy

Sen. Sherrod Brown on Manufacturing and Made in America

Michele Bachmann Loves Federal Mortgage Loan Agencies So Much She Wants To Dismantle Them

The Daily Show – Republicans Watch “The Town”

Rep. John Boehner's "Neck Creep"

McConnell Tells Reid He Will Not Negotiate With Him and Will Allow Filibuster on Reid Bill - UPDATED

Lawrence O'Donnell Bans "Deadbeat Dad" Joe Walsh From Appearing on His Show

Rep.Tim Ryan speaks out against the Cut, Cap & End Medicare Act

CNN Still Pretending the 'Tea Party' is Not Just the Extreme Right Wing of the Republican Party

Are there any sane Republicans?

'Special Report' 'straight news' segment features groundless gun story concocted by militiaman

President Obama And Gulf Oil Drilling: Here’s How To Create Hundreds Of Thousands of Jobs and Tens of Billion in Wealth

Iran To Help Sudan Kill Black Africans

2011 Strategy To Combat Transnational Organized Crime

Senator: Air Force Has Too Many Generals!

AUDIO:Congressman Mike Conaway: The Prevention of Fort Hood 2

Europeans Losing Patience with Washington Gridlock

Birthdays, Peaceful Protests and Code Pink Loonies

Treasury Department: Iran Has Pact With Al Qaida

The Most Powerful Man In Iraq? An IRANIAN General

AUDIO:Russia Is Involved in Terror Campaign Including U.S. Target

The Human Right to Water: A Conservative Principle

News Is Too Important To Be Left To Journolists

Muslim Journalist: Mossad Behind Norway Attack!

Fast & Furious blows up for White House--Michael A. Walsh -

Chicago museum of veterans' art battles for survival

Silicon Valley city battles surging homicide rate

Mystery surrounds loss of records, art on 9/11

400 attend roller rink shooting victims' funeral

Five deaths from Joplin tornado linked to fungal infection

Political camp tradition resumes after Norway attack

Six dead, 21 injured in Egyptian Sinai clash

Egypt changes venue for Mubarak trial

UK watches year's second, low key, royal wedding

CARTOON:UI: Polishing Crap

Media Goes Locker Room on Bachmann

Al Sharpton Earns Riches with Radio Mediocrity

Friedman Pulls the Hezbollah Card

New York Times Downplays Muslim Fort Hood Terror Plotter

Media on RNC’s new Campaign Ad: Foreboding, Ominous, Dark, Doomsday!!

Al Sharpton Hustles His Way to NBC News Gig

Tea Party Lawmakers Are the Only Honest Brokers in Washington Fox News’ Juan Williams on School Choice

Shame! AFSCME Protesters Target Company that Hires the Developmentally Disabled

GE Gets X-Rayed

House Passes Budget Control Act, Senate Poised to Reject

Atlas Shrugged Comes to Detroit

Google Continues to Spy on Unsuspecting Citizens

No Proof Required for Claims, But Darrell Issa Voted To Keep Funding Pigford II Anyway

VIDEO: Over $38 Billion in New Major Regulations Since President Obama Took Office

The Debt Ceiling Is Actually Not the Issue

Wisconsin 2011 A Test For Obama 2012

AUDIO:The Debt Ceiling Debacle and Who’s to Blame

White House Playbook: Arbitrary Numbers and Financially Ignorant Sloganeering

Van Jones: GOP Putting a ‘Gun to the Head of 310 Million People’

Man who stabbed Rabbi Abuchatzeira sent for psych exam

Tent protests expand to 'Old North' Tel Aviv neighborhoods

'Netanyahu to appoint c'tee to examine indirect tax burden'

'Explosion hits natural gas pipeline in Sinai Peninsula'

Zara Phillips wedding brings in royals, athletes and celebrities

Turkey plays down resignation of top generals

Islamists accused of killing rebel leader

Plane from New York crashes at Guyana airport

'Hezbollah preventing police from probing Beirut blast'

‘Sarah’s Key’ Review: Moving Take on Little-Known Holocaust Event

‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’ Review: This Weekend’s Must-See

Andy Dick to Stand Trial for Sex Attack Charges

I’ll Drive Him: George Lopez Says He’ll Move to Canada If Palin Wins

‘Captain America’: Little Hero, Big Heart

The Smurfs - Gay Movies For Gay People - Movies - [Gossip] Olivia Wilde Blames the Jonas Brothers For Her Lack of A Sex Life

New mileage standards aim for less fuel, pollution

Opinion: The tea party's terrorist tactics - William Yeomans -

Fareed Zakaria Flat Out Lies About Deficits, Debt Ceiling and U.S. Credit Rating |

Gawker Tries to Reveal Identity of CIA Agent Behind Bin Laden Kill -

Cable News GOP Coverage | 2012 Media Coverage | 2012 MSNBC CNN Fox News | Mediaite

Prince William 'confronted' Murdoch execs on hacking

British comedian convicted of Murdoch pie assault

Larry Flynt claims he made ‘big money’ offer for Casey Anthony to pose nude in Hustler | The Cutline - Yahoo! News


30-Jul-11 World View

29-Jul-11 World View


*SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Entrepreneur Claudio Osorio may lose home, other assets - Miami-Dade -

African-American Middle Class Eroding As Unemployment Rate Soars -

Answers to the 7 big what-ifs of debt default | Reuters

Nicolas Sarkozy explicit recognizes Israel as Jewish state--Editorial -

TVW - Washington State Public Affairs Network: MEDIA:Washington Policy Center

Appeals Court overrules lower court, upholds breast cancer gene test

Telomere tests: the buzzy new DNA analyses that claim to reveal how "old" our bodies really are. - By Amanda Schaffer - Slate Magazine

BBC News - Brain waves can cut braking distances, researchers say

Exploding Bacteria, Self-Fertilizing Bugs and Other Cool Critters - Ecocentric -

'Fluid cloak' to help submarines leave no wake - tech - 29 July 2011 - New Scientist

Fundamental matter-antimatter symmetry confirmed

Why no one hears the ocean in a sea shell

Armchair archaeologists asked to decipher ancient papyri (Wired UK)

mental_floss Blog » The Dancing Plague of 1518

Rice University | News & Media

University of Florida News – Geographic analysis offers new insight into coral disease spread

Averting bridge disasters: New technology could save hundreds of lives

Study of golf swings pinpoints biomechanical differences between pros and amateurs | Science Codex

The Psychology of Political Stubbornness - Miller-McCune

The evolution of generosity: Welcome, stranger | The Economist

Intoxicated on Independence: Is Domestically Produced Ethanol Worth the Cost?: Scientific American

Astronomy Discovery Could Help Treat Cancer Patients | Star Structure & Black Holes | Cancer & Cancer Treatment |

Mouthwashing moms less likely to have a preemie | Reuters

Will New 40x Caffeine Coffee Make Your Heart Explode? | Is 'Black Blood of the Earth' Deadly? | Life's Little Mysteries

Sifting through the risks and benefits of coffee. - By Christie Aschwanden - Slate Magazine

The science and magic of beer | Andy Connelly | Science |

Sex abuse scandals and the secularisation of sin | Massimo Franco | Comment is free |

You Are Here - Money Cometh to Me Now! -

Where's the Condemnation? | Politics & Media |

Slaughterhouse Rules » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Ramadan etiquette: A guide to your Muslim neighbor’s holy month - Altmuslimah@On Faith - The Washington Post

Pro-Life Youth Dominate U.N. Conference

The Erotic Theology of Mad Men | First Things

Jesus: Democratic King | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

First academic journal on secularism, nonreligion to debut in January – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

RealClearReligion - J.R.R. Tolkien's Wonderful Life

Anders Breivik as a Pragmatic Agnostic | Philosophical Fragments

Asma Uddin: The Role of Men in Religious Terrorism

Torah and Social Justice | First Things

The Suppression of Sin in Evangelical Abolitionism: The Wilberforce Problem | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Brad Hirschfield: Why It Matters Where You Pray

Why the WTC cross does not belong at the 9/11 memorial | Dave Silverman | Comment is free |

Seeing the ghosts in a prison hospice » GetReligion

Getting Serious in Syria - Michael S. Doran and Salman Shaikh - The American Interest Magazine

A War on Multiculturalism, a Massacre in Norway: Pankaj Mishra - Bloomberg

Imagining a world without Hugo Chavez - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - Default and the Death of American Exceptionalism

Robert Fisk: The Arab world's dictators cling on, but for how long? - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Deal with reality

The world needs America to come to its senses - Telegraph

Behind Africa’s famine, more than just drought Famine isn’t inevitable - The Washington Post

Five reasons to be sceptical about ‘Arab Spring’ - New Europe

Tolstaya: Russia Has Little Reason to Sober Up - Bloomberg

Israel's Identity Crisis -

The internet nourished Norway's killer, but censorship would be folly | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

The kingdom betrayed?

Progressive Jews should not give up on Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Insiders selling at unusually fast pace - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

President Obama Is No Longer Tethered To Reality - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

The end of Obamanomics | Economy | Financial Post

RealClearMarkets - Free Market Forces Will Win in the End

Golden Era of Rock Star Traders Concludes - Bloomberg

The Madoff Trustee’s Bad Day -

Tim Durham, the Madoff of the Midwest - BusinessWeek

Memo to Tea Party: The US Government's Budget is Not Like a Family's | Mother Jones

The Folly Of Trying To Time The Market | Moneyland |

Tom Petruno: Debt drama fails to hit markets' panic button -

Wall Street Finally Gets the Gridlock It Was Hoping For - CNBC

Why are we in this debt fix? It’s the elderly, stupid. - The Washington Post

Debt ceiling | Ignore the fire alarms | The Daily Caller

Rating Agencies Exploit Debt Drama to Regain Trust

A Global Entrepreneurship Crisis? What Crisis? -

China's economic miracle may be about to come off the rails - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - What Is the Actual Value Of Money?

Making Change: The Simplest Practical Gold Standard System -

America's economy: Distress signal | The Economist

Wall St. hypocrites -


**Week in Pictures: July 24 - 30**


Obama’s approval numbers hit all-time low

Debt-ceiling drama: Obama is not invisible - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Raasch: Politics of fear in a hot summer's discontent -

Debt-limit debate: House passes revamped bill; Senate immediately tables it - The Washington Post

No Compromise in Sight on Debt as Congress Heads into Saturday Session - Dan Friedman, Billy House and Susan Davis -

A Global Entrepreneurship Crisis? What Crisis? -

Obama Approval Drops to New Low of 40%

The end of John Boehner? - War Room -

Debating a pivotal policy question -- like grown-ups | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

The Debt-Ceiling Divide - National Review Online

Obama, Geithner May Regret Threats of Default: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

Five Reasons the House GOP Is to Blame - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic

RealClearMarkets - The Failure of Central Planning Lite

RealClearPolitics - Rick Perry's Roots: A World of Difference From Washington

What Expansion? -

New vehicle fuel-efficiency standards make sense -

News Analysis - Obama’s Crucible Moment at Intersection of Politics and the Economy -

Obama's leadership deficit | Anonymous | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Democratic Delay and the Way Forward - By Sen. John Barrasso - The Corner - National Review Online

Kerry: Tea Party A "Group Of Absolutists" Who Don't Understand What They're Doing | RealClearPolitics

Opinion: The tea party Taliban - Martin Frost -

If Obama Likes Lincoln So Much, He Should Start Acting Like Him | The New Republic

GDP grows slender 1.3% in second quarter - Economic Report - MarketWatch

A Tale of Two Signs: "Hiring Now!" or "Going Out of Business"? - HUMAN EVENTS

Rush Limbaugh’s anti-Obama rant - The Washington Post

Robert Reich: The Empty Bully Pulpit

Mark Steyn: ‘Life on this planet’ about to change | planet, life, know - Opinion - The Orange County Register

My Very Own Captain America -

The Weekend Interview with Theodore Dalrymple: Unraveling the Mystery of Murderous Minds -

It’s Up to the Senate -

‪Ron Paul Interview On CNN AC 360 About The Boehner Bill‏ - YouTube

‪Keiser Report: Ghettofication of America (E168)‏ - YouTube

‪Ron Paul on Bloomberg 07/28/11‏ - YouTube

‪Rand Paul on Freedom Watch 07/28/11‏ - YouTube

‪07/28/11 Full Show - NO MORE VEITCH!, What drives Obama?‏ - YouTube

White House Announces Goal to Double Fuel Economy Standards by 2025

Bank Financed Drug Gang Plans to Overthrow Mexican Government Next Year

Investing in Gold is the Only Option for American Investors

The Third American Republic and the Coming Constitutional Collision

Obama to Approve ‘Al-Qaeda Embassy’ in Washington

++Genetic Genocide: Humanity’s Greatest Threat

Senate Quickly Kills Boehner Debt Bill -

Washington Is Annoyed at Wall Street's Failure to Panic - CNBC

Prison » Gerald Celente: ‘Deal or no debt deal, the debt still exists’

Prison » Ron Paul & Rand Paul On The Debt Ceiling Theatre

Prison » More proof the Department of Homeland Security and TSA are actively destroying America

Prison » Exclusive: ATF Intimidates Gun Owners With Home Visits

Prison » Feds Refuse To Pay Cancer Costs For 9/11 Responders After WTC Air Cover Up

Prison » The Scapegoat in American Culture: From Lee Harvey Oswald To Osama bin Laden

Prison » Ron Paul: “Default Is Coming”

Prison » Paul Watson & Webster Tarpley: Media Paints Breivik as Lee Harvey Oswald Type Gunman

Boston Scientific to lay off 1,200-plus -

Scientists create DNA ‘brain’ in a test tube | The Raw Story

Facebook and Twitter creating vain generation of self-obsessed people | Mail Online

‪Quartzsite, AZ Mayor Ed Foster: Selective Enforcement by Gestapo Police Chief! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Quartzsite, Az Mayor Ed Foster: Selective Enforcement by Gestapo Police Chief! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏ - YouTube

‪Busting Posse Comitatus: Military Cops Arrest Civilians in Florida City! - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

‪Genetic Armageddon: Humanity's Greatest Threat‏ - YouTube

‪Bradlee Dean's Fight Against MSNBC & Rachel Maddow for Defamation - Alex Jones Tv‏ - YouTube

» Mr. Tea Party Wants a Balanced Budget Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Globalist Imperial Network Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. debt ceiling fiasco and total abandonment of leadership in Washington Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Celente: Elite won’t trade off revenues to save America from default Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BofA Donates Then Demolishes Houses to Cut Glut of Foreclosures - Bloomberg

» After Democracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

NIH sends more than $90 million in taxpayer-funded grants to China - Yahoo! News

» Boehner Deficit Plan Passes: Here Is What Happens Next Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Recovery Job Growth Concentrated In Low-Paying Occupations

NATO Strikes Libyan State TV Transmitters -

Pentagon to Use Genetic Code to Identify Perfect Soldier?

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

» Super Congress: An Institutionalization of Gang Structure Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food, Control and the Growing Police State :: Weekly Blitz

» 6 Ways Food is Being Used as a Weapon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Raw Milk Unfreedom and FDA Propaganda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Executive Order–Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

15 Years in Prison For Taping the Cops? How Eavesdropping Laws Are Taking Away Our Best Defense Against Police Brutality | | AlterNet

'The Knights Templar': Mexico's newest drug cartel | Al Jazeera Blogs

Activist Post: US sanctions alleged Iran-centered Qaeda network

» Feds Refuse To Pay Cancer Costs For 9/11 Responders After WTC Air Cover Up Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Fake war on terror cause of racism’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*3 PARTS: Bob Chapman’s Economic Report: Stakes Are High In Debt Ceiling Showdown Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Amateur Video: Aftermath of Oslo Bomb Attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Euro debt crisis: The EU - a byword for waste, financial chaos and unaccountability | Mail Online

» Wall Street Prostitution Ring BUSTED Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Target Africa: GMO crop push is depopulation scheme Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The cost of spurning GM crops is too high | Jonathan DG Jones | Environment |

Young people should not take flu vaccine, watchdog says - Telegraph

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism - Yahoo! News

**GM Human-Animal Hybrids Emerging Market for Organs, Babies, Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FBI Director’s Term Extension Ensures Neo-COINTELPRO Operations Will Prevail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Facebook– Pied Piper of the New World Order’s technological control grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Essential Rules Of Tyranny

Ghost towns on the increase as rural America accounts for just 16% of population | Mail Online

Rural US disappearing? Population share hits low


July 29, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 07/29/2011

07/29 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, July, 29, 2011

The Manning Report – 29 July 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-29, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-29-11

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-30-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-30-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-29-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 07-29-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 07-29-11 Hr 3

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

*30 July

American Minute for July 30th

This Day in History for 30th July

Today in History: July 30

July 30 Events in History

July 30th This Day in History

July 30th in History

Today in History: July 30

‪Today in History for July 30th‏ - YouTube

**News Videos

**Politics Video:Obama: House GOP Plan Would Hold Economy "Captive To Washington Politics"

Sen. Kyl Gives GOP Weekly: Dems Want "Much Broader Tax Increases"

Sen. Sessions: "The President Thinks It's All About Him"

AfP Ad: President Obama's Leadership Failure

29th/Peggy Noonan: Obama Is A "Loser"

Boehner To Democrats: "Put Something On The Table!"

Maher: Where Were The "Teabaggers" Before "Blackie McBlackman?"

GOP Rep: Obama Wants Us To Take "Pitchforks" To A "Rich Guy's House And Take His Stuff"

McConnell To Dems: Where Is Your Plan?

Spitzer And Hoover Debate Who To Blame For The Economy

Reid: "The Only Compromise There Is, Is Mine"

Frank: Boehner's Theme Song Is "It's My Party And I'll Cry If I Want To"

Limbaugh: We Are Living In An Obama "Man-Made" Disaster

Obama: "We Do Not Have AAA Political System To Match Our AAA Credit Rating"

Obama: "Tweet" Your Congressman ... "Keep The Pressure" On DC

Kerry: Tea Party A "Group Of Absolutists" Who Don't Understand What They're Doing

Carney: Obama Telling People To Tweet GOPers Is A "Bipartisan Message"

Carney: "Preposterous" To Say That Reid Plan Isn't Compromise

Rep. Allen West Slams Tea Party "Schizophrenia"

Scarborough: Dems Say Privately Obama Is Invisible, Not A Leader

Robinson: President Has The "Right" To Invoke 14th Amendment

O'Donnell: There Is Just No Educating Of Tea Party People

Huntsman On Debt: We Need to Cut This Cancer Out

O'Reilly: Obama's Lack Of Leadership Will Damage Him In 2012


**29th/World Video:North Korea: The Role Of Economic Statecraft

Janusz Lewandowski On EU spending

Libyan Rebel Army Leader Killed

China Stuck With U.S. Debt

Al Qaeda 2.0?

Pawlenty's Foreign Policy Plans

Lagarde On 'Worrisome' U.S. Debt Debate, Eurozone's Future

Yemeni FM On Saleh: 'History Will Judge'

The U.S. Debt Ceiling Debate Is Strengthening The Euro

South Korean Scientists Create A Glowing Dog

16 Dead In Ukraine Mine Blast

Three Killed In Argentina Clashes

Murdoch Back On The Hot Seat

Details Murky On Libya Rebel Chief Death

**Markets Video :29th/Corporate Insiders are Selling Faster Than Usual


**NEWS VIDEO:Vision of Competence: Reid’s Cell Phone Interrupts Own Press Conference

Wasserman-Schultz: GOP Debt Plan Causes Pain

Politics of Personal Destruction: CNN Reports on Lawmakers’ Personal Debt

Putin’s ‘Army’ Girls Wash Russian-Made Cars in Bikinis

29TH/The Speaker Roars: ‘This House has Acted’

Sharpton Embarrasses NBC News with Laughable Boehner Plan House Vote Coverage

Lib Pundit Carlson: GOP ‘Strapped Explosives to the Capitol’

White House Reporters Challenge Carney on Obama’s Community Organizing Tactics in Debt Ceiling Debate

Obama Blames America’s Political System for Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Rep. Paul Ryan Destroys Reid Bill in Blistering Speech; ‘Let’s Cover the Moon with Yogurt!’

Reid: ‘Extremists Have Locked Down the White House’

NBC News’ Sharpton Offers Rambling, Incoherent Answer

Obama: Boehner Plan ‘Has No Chance of Becoming Law’

Child Dies in Box: 4 Family Members Arrested

Rep. Allen West Slams Tea Party ‘Schizophrenia’

Coulter: Pass the Boehner Plan

Dem Pundit Comes Unhinged on ‘Hannity’; Shoves Hugh Hewitt on Air

28TH/White House: ‘If We Have No Other Alternative We Have to Take Action’

Al Sharpton Hustles His Way to NBC News Gig

Must See: Government Unions and the Bankrupting of America

Van Jones Compares ‘Un-American’ GOP to Terrorists; Putting ‘Gun to Head of 310 Million People’

Drama Queen Pelosi: ‘We’re Trying to Save World From GOP Budget, Trying to Save Life On This Planet as We Know It”

HuffPo Contributor Compares Tea Party with Taliban; Says They Oppose President Because He’s Black

The Great Debate: Candidate Obama Vs. President Obama

Dem Rep at Radical Islam Hearing: Let’s ‘Have a Hearing on Right-Wing Extremists’

Christie Hospitalized for Shortness of Breath

CNN’s Morgan Embroiled in British Hacking Scandal

Big Government Contributor: Obama and Holder Knew About ‘Fast & Furious’

O’Reilly Producer Crashes Elite Polo Party in Hamptons

27TH/Embattled Dem Rep Refuses to Resign Before Debt Vote

Reporter Attacked During Live Shot

Trump: ‘Obama is Totally Lost’

Al Franken’s Theatre of the Absurd Hits the Senate Floor

Jon Stewart on Obama’s Debt Speech: ‘Did the President Just Quit?’

Freshman GOP Rep: We Were Sent Here to Wrangle Spending

26TH/House Oversight Hearing: What Did ATF Know About ‘Fast & Furious’ and When Did They Know It?

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