A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 July 2011


‪**"Please Stand By" - The ORIGINAL opening titles to "The Outer Limits!!"‏ - YouTube


flashback: Bill Gates: Register Every Birth by Cellphone To Ensure Vaccination, Control Population Growth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‪Rense & Devvy - Dangerous Smart Meters‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Oates - Shocking NASA Reversals Reveal Mars, Space Secrets‏ - YouTube

‪Rense & Dr Judy Wood - Where Did The Towers Go?‏ - YouTube

USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart Meters | Farm Wars

GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination « The PPJ Gazette

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

Walnuts Are Drugs, Says FDA

Embryos involving the genes of animals mixed with humans have been produced secretively for the past three years | Mail Online

‪Banned US Commercial about the national debt‏ - YouTube

Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

Department Of Justice Accused Of Racketeering Cover Up

- - Lady Gaga Collaborators Continue to Die


‪Cornel West AND Tavis Smiley Refuse To Say They Will Vote To Re-Elect Obama!‏ - YouTube


‪*Film:Food, Inc.‏ - YouTube


Radioactive Cesium from World-Famous Super Premium Matsusaka Beef | EX-SKF

Ex Japanese Nuclear Regulator Blames Radioactive Animal Feed on "Black Rain"

Ship carrying nuclear cargo slips in, out of port |

Norway to support Palestinians – Norwegian FM: Voice of Russia

Oslo Norway attacks: Blast hits government buildings; shooter opens fire at Labour youth camp - This Just In - Blogs

Anders Behring Breivik arrested over 'holiday island massacre' | Mail Online

At least seven dead in bomb, gunman attacks in Norway

Exclusive: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq | Danger Room |

Russian Navy’s Nuclear Power Plant Repair Funding Stolen | Oil

Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Apple to Consider a Bid for Hulu - Bloomberg

Activist Post: Neocon Jeffrey Feltman Visits Libya Brandishing The Dahiyeh Doctrine and “The New Realities”

Kirwan - Localizing The License To Kill!

A Candid Interview With Beelzebub T. McGlobalist

Good Cop Vs. Bad Cop (A Tale Of Two Cops) | Pixiq


Sinkholes around the world | World news |


The Continuing Saga of Mel's Hole

Mel's Hole Information

Mel's Hole - The SCP Foundation


Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers | Daily Ticker - Yahoo! Finance

Apple to Consider a Bid for Hulu - Bloomberg

Michele Bachmann - Way Out There In The Blue

Roy Tov – September's War

Al Qaeda cartoon film will encourage children to commit acts of terrorism | Mail Online

Pakistan vs The US - Moving On

James Murdoch misled MPs, say former NoW editor and lawyer | Media |

MP contacts Met over Murdoch claims - Crime, UK - The Independent

Phone hacking: Met police to investigate mobile tracking claims | Media |

Justice Department investigates News Corp ad arm: report | Reuters

Phone Hacking: setback for Rupert Murdoch over Australian pay-TV 'monopoly' fears - Telegraph

Egypt's generals accused of subverting revolution - Telegraph

Into the wild: Photographer captures animals as they battle it out in fight for survival | Mail Online

Loch Ness Monster or a stick? Walker claims to have photographed creature | Mail Online

At least two terrorists behind Norwegian youth camp massacre - witnesses | World | RIA Novosti

Google Translate:Jonas Gahr Store: - The occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now

Financial Survival Radio Show – The Network You Need in the New Economy

Lone Star Watchdog: We Need States to Start Criminal Anti Trust Investigations Against General Electric,The EPA and the White House. Or We will Have More Rolling Blackouts.

Oslo bomber is a Norwegian Freemason and a super ZIONIST! | Wake Up From Your Slumber

'07/Counterjihad Brussels 2007: European Conference Resists Islamization | The Brussels Journal

Space shuttles will soon be museum pieces | The Raw Story

‪Boehner: Obama 'Moved the Goal Posts' on Debt-Ceiling Deal‏ - YouTube

‪Watch President Obama's Full News Conference on Debt Talks' Latest Breakdown‏ - YouTube

‪Arizona police officer executes man for telling him a warrant is needed‏ - YouTube

Suspect in deadly Norway attacks charged - World news - Europe -

A Norwegian View on the 'Mutation of Jihad' - James Fallows - International - The Atlantic

Revolutionary Politics : "The Government Will Default By Inflation" - Ron Paul on The Lou Dobbs Show 07/21/11

‪Banned US Commercial about the national debt‏ - YouTube


Islamic extremist claims responsibility for Oslo bombing, group retracts / News / The Foreigner — Norwegian News in English.

Yet another program on “What Do White, Jewish Think-Tankers in D.C. Think the U.S. Should Do About Iran?” « Aletho News

Lone Star Watchdog: Is the False Flag Terror Card Getting Harder to Play?

‪Arizona police officer executes man for telling him a warrant is needed‏ - YouTube

‪The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : The Department of Homeland Security would like to remind you to be afraid of everyone and everything.

GMO’s: Invasive Species Council and USDA ignore environmental infection and contamination « The PPJ Gazette

Oslo Terror: Whose Agenda Does It Serve?

‪Norwegian attack, three targets one lone nut? I doubt it.‏ - YouTube

‪**Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald's Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker‏ - YouTube

“You Will Not Bomb Us Into Silence” – Norway :

‪The Times Newspapers 'I've Had A Bellyful Of Phone Hacking' Controversial Famine Cartoon‏ - YouTube

‪Tom Watson: 'This Is The Most Significant Moment In Over Two Years' - NOTW Phone Hacking *NEW*‏ - YouTube

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: Something Rotten In Norway?

Norway attacks gunman Anders Behring Breivik was a right-wing extremist who hated Muslims | Mail Online

States Where People Pay the Most (and Least) in Taxes

‪Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab‏ - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - The Business Of America Is War - 19-Jul-11

Norway backs Palestinian bid for UN recognition in September | SHOAH

Dr. Thomas Woods Explains Why Ron Paul Is The BEST Candidate For President In 2012 - Home - The Daily Bail

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Dr. James Galbraith, Professional Fed Killer - Home - The Daily Bail

Secretary Of Predation Geithner, Bank Of America, And The Law Of The Foreclosure Jungle - Home - The Daily Bail

FLASHBACK: Stockholm blast has all the hallmarks of a Mossad Hit -

Lieberman accuses Norway of promoting anti-Semitism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News - "Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father

Former DEA and CIA Operatives: Los Zetas May Attempt to Overthrow Mexican Government in 2012 (Using U.S. Government Weapons) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Major Terrorists Attack Hits Oslo Norway - Bombings Coupled With Ongoing Shootings Reported | The Borders Of Islam, Stig Jarle Hansen | Engelse boeken

Oslo Terrorist Attacks Appear To Have Been Launched From Times Square Style Al-Qaeda Car Bombs

Activist Post: NASA says Mars mountain will read like 'a great novel'

Corporate Media Runs False CIA Story Stating Muslim Group Claimed Responsibility For Oslo Bombings

World Blog - Death toll jumps; suspect still being questioned

Dead NYPD Officer’s Body Snatched By New York City To Deny Link To 9/11 Related Illness : Federal Jack

‪The 11th Marble (Michael Rivero)‏ - YouTube

‪Beware of a Possible False Flag Event, Media & Feds Pushing Fear for 10th Anniversary of 9/11‏ - YouTube

Norway Oil Fund divests from Israeli compani... JPost - Headlines

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "We Don't Have To Cut Medicare Or Social Security To Get Our House In Order"

Revolutionary Politics : 72 YO Great Grandmother Tasered by Police Durring Traffic Stop Austin Texas

Hacking judge partied at Murdoch's daughter's house-Cameron is screwed:Today's News Roundup - Democratic Underground

BP Has Built An Artificial Island To Get Around Offshore Drilling Ban In Alaska

ATF position on pistol grip shotguns creates new danger for gun owners nationwide : Federal Jack

Pentagon mulls options in case Pakistan closes military supply routes -

Freedom of expression subverted in Israel, US - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Activist Post: US condemns 'despicable' Norway violence

Israel: Norway inciting against us |

Obama Prays for Solution to Debt Crisis |

The Real Crime: Concentration of Power

FOCUS: New York Post Has a Hacking Problem

A Voice In The Wilderness: Their System is Breaking

The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying? - Home - The Daily Bail

The Intercept: Journalists with High Ratings Punished by MSNBC for Opposing the Wars

MUST SEE VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich Calls For Congress To Take Back The Power Of The Purse, Demands The Abolition Of The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Video: Norway Attacks - At Least 91 Dead In Youth Camp Shooting In Utoya And Bomb Attack In Oslo | World News | Sky News


PressTV - Majority of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks not carried out by Arabs

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: UNHOLY ALLIANCE The Press, NATO and the Attack on Libya

Norway: Norwegian News in English / The Foreigner on 23rd July 2011

[redacted] news: What Dying Economy?: House Kills Bill to Keep Compact Fluorescent Bulbs off Capitol Hill

Activist Post: Analyzing the Oslo attacks: terrorist event or false flag distraction?

Activist Post: 150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for the past three years

U.S Government Smuggled Missles, Grenades And Other Military Grade Weapons To Mexico Drug Cartels

‪Oslo Explosion Aftermath.mp4‏ - YouTube

Euro-geddon: The EU, born out of idealism 60 years ago, now a byword for waste, financial chaos and unaccountability | Mail Online

“Lone Nut,T Party, Freemason, Cop, Terrorist” Kills Liberal Children in Norway? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Analyzing the Oslo attacks: terrorist event or false flag distraction? -

Who owns America? Hint: It's not China -

Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast -

Terrorist Bomb Attack in Oslo, Norway ... Who Dunnit? -

The Banks Keep Stealing - Why Should You Keep Paying? -

Exclusive: U.S. Blocks Oversight of Its Mercenary Army in Iraq | Danger Room |

Max Keiser - On The Federal Reserve -

WalStreetPro Bailout Insanity Redux: "Tim Geithner is a worthless piece of maggot #@#!..." - Home - The Daily Bail

Rupert Murdoch's Fox News ran 'black ops' department, former executive claims - Telegraph

‪Strong explosion rocks Oslo, 7 dead, 15 injured in 'car bomb' blast‏ - YouTube

Police: At least 87 dead in mass shooting, bombing in Norway -

“Sucker Punch” or How to Make Monarch Mind Control Sexy

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Bill Maher mocks conservative Republican ‘pledges’ | Raw Replay

Boehner at White House for debt talks, despite dramatic walk-out Friday | The Raw Story

Barney Frank: ‘There are worse things than default’ | Raw Replay

Norway Twin Attacks: Suspect Anders Behring Breivik Is A Right-Winger With Anti-Muslim Views | World News | Sky News

Gov't to allow use of less-demanding radiation detector for beef - The Mainichi Daily News

Some Democrats fuming at Obama -

WRAPUP 7-Top Republican breaks off debt talks with Obama | Reuters

Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq

Video :Interview With Libyan Prime Minister al-Mahmoudi

US House C'ttee Saves Israeli Aid in Foreign Aid Cut

"Stop The Machine! Create A New World"


The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research

Steele’s Attorney: Incompetent or Complicit?

Feds Want Every Home ‘Metered’

At least 91 dead in Norway shooting, bomb attack | Reuters

Sources: Young woman accuses Oregon Rep. David Wu of aggressive, unwanted sexual encounter |

Roswell UFO Controversy: Former Air Force Officer Says Gen. Ramey Lied To Cover Up Space Ship Crash

Akshat Saxena Has Most Fingers And Toes: Guinness World Records

Somalia: the Real Causes of Famine

ECHELON: The Global Eavesdropping Scheme

Remember Libya?

Michael Hudson on the Debt Ceiling. Imposing a Radical Pro-Rich Agenda

Alleged Norwegian Terrorist Is An Anti-Islam, Christian Nationalist

Tim DeChristopher’s Battle for Justice Is Our Battle

Class War Without Mercy

Semantic Propaganda Feeds Stupidity: Lies are being fed to the Public by America's Two-party Plutocracy

The Fed Audit: "U.S. provided a whopping $16 trillion in secret loans to bail out US and foreign banks"

Maintaining the Status Quo: Outsourcing Power and the British Whitehall Establishment

Puppets in Revolt: Afghanistan , Iraq , Pakistan and the United States

Terrorist bombing in Mumbai. Pakistan versus the US: Moving on

The UN's "Green Helmets". Climate Change as a Pretext for Military Intervention?

Impeach President Obama

‪FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops Campaign‏ - YouTube

Costumed Assailants Are Never to Blame - informationliberation

SHOCK VIDEO: Police officer threatens concealed-carry driver with execution, beating - informationliberation

Exclusive: DPD excessive force victim shares story - KWGN

Is This Really Entrepreneurship? - informationliberation

The Profound Hypocrisy of a Clintonian State Department - informationliberation

Bob’s Corner: Time Travelers of the Bible | Prophecy In The News

The Internet is Making us “Superhuman”

Technolog from - Hackers to FBI: 'We are not scared anymore'

Hackers target intelligence agency contractors | Reuters

The Jack Ass Show by Brian Wilson

We Don't Need No Stinking Amendment by Mark Carroll

100 Basis Points to Armageddon by Bill Bonner

+A Thousand Pictures Is Worth One Word by Jeff Clark

Counterfeit Gold Standards by Gary North

Sizing Up the Republican Field: Fascists, Clowns, and Creeps by Anthony Gregory

2011: A DMV Odyssey by Eric Peters

‪Total Information Awareness - Using Social Networking Sites To Compile Info On Everyone‏ - YouTube

Social Media Targeted by Pentagon for “Strategic Communication” | Old-Thinker News

Pentagon perception manager knows how to manipulate search engine algorithm | Old-Thinker News

IBM Tackles Personalized Medicine's Big Data Challenge, One Genome At A Time | Fast Company

CIA's DARPA working on human-brain-mimicking tech • The Register

CGS : How to Hack a Genome

Full Speed Ahead For Facial Recognition Technology - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

‪[Libya] NATO Bombed Libya's Nasser University [libyasos]‏ - YouTube

Activist Post: Seeking Context and Understanding from Libya’s Youth

EFF Action:Don't Let Congress Order Internet Companies to Spy on You: Oppose the Data Retention Bill

‪Free Bullets, not free speech‏ - YouTube

‪Max Keiser - On The Federal Reserve‏ - YouTube

Little-known firms tracking data used in credit scores - The Washington Post

Activist Post: Obama urges anti-terror cooperation after Norway attack

Activist Post: Cambodia, US call for regional talks in border row

Federal Reserve audit highlights possible conflicts of interest - The Washington Post

Young people should not take flu vaccine, watchdog says - Telegraph

Activist Post: Access denied: Judicial Reform Activist William Windsor deemed “vexatious litigant”

Marijuana for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder May Be Studied -

Boehner: Obama Kept Moving Goalposts in Debt Talks

Obama: Republicans’ Fault If Social Security Checks Don’t Go Out

A Frustrated Obama Calls Saturday Debt Talks at White House

Obama Blames ‘Splintered’ News Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington - NYT & MSNBC on Left vs. FoxNews and WSJ on Right

Sen. Boxer: GOP Using Term ‘Job Creators’ Is ‘So Much Bull'

Obama Ends Ban on Homosexuals Openly Serving in Military

Tax Hikes Are ‘Not About Punishing Wealth,’ Obama Says

GOP Sen: Obama Against Budget Amendment Because It Ends Government Expansion

Grassley Sees DOJ Cover Up in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation

Grassley Suspects Botched Gun-Tracking Program Was Motivated by Desire to ‘Restrict Guns’

Border Patrol Official: Drug Cartels 'Have Taken Control' of 'Several Areas Along Our Border'

USDA: 6,501 ‘Food Deserts’ Are Spread Across Most of U.S. Mainland |

Missile Collaboration: Iran Has the Technology, N. Korea Has the Uranium Enrichment |

Britain: Who Else Hacked Phones? |

States Enact Wave of Pro-Life Laws |

Somalia Central Government Condemns Militants' Famine Denial

Obama Meets With Congressional Leaders After Debt Talks Collapse

Norway bomb suspect bought 6 tons of fertilizer - Yahoo! News

CNN Poll: Drop in liberal support pushes Obama approval rating down – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Obama 41%, Ron Paul 37% - Rasmussen Reports™

Biggest dog in the world: Meet George the 7ft long Great Dane... who's terrified of chihuahuas | Mail Online

Britons deprived of internet feel 'upset and lonely' | Mail Online

Jeb Bush doesn't 'anticipate' a run - Maggie Haberman -

Wu at center of sex allegation - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Allen -

Sources: Young woman accuses Oregon Rep. David Wu of aggressive, unwanted sexual encounter |

Man dies after suffering 19 Black Widow spider bites - KDVR

My Way News - Witnesses describe scene of terror at Norway camp

Oslo bombing evokes memories of Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma City attack -

‘Don’t Ask, Don't Tell’ Repeal Certified by President Obama

‪US military spending-On the Edge with Max Keiser-07-22-2011‏ - YouTube

Oslo Refuses to Be Defined By An Act of Terrorism

Castaways Found On Small Pacific Island

Jesus Receipt Found By South Carolina Couple

Chinese EMP Weapons Program Confirmed by Intelligence Agencies; Designed to Attack US Carrier Fleets, Taiwan :

Cell Phones: Of Course They Cause Cancer :

Gates Foundation Partner in Malawi Vaccinates 131 Children At Gunpoint :

The 50 Best Quotes About Health & Nutrition | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

New Debt-Limit Talks: No Sign of a Breakthrough

Boehner Confident Government Won't Default

Angry Obama Demands Tax Increases or No Deal

+Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assassinated in Tehran

Ahmadinejad Amps Up Iran Nuke Development

Walter Reed to Close after More than a Century

US Rep. Rivera Facing Federal Probe

Obama Debt Offer Risky for 2012 Chances

Teens Swam for Their Lives in Norway Carnage

Norway Terror: 'He Came Out of Nowhere'

Norway Suspect Visited Fundamentalist Websites

Doctors’ Top 10 Anti-aging Tips Fight Effects of Time

Abortion, Yes — Other Choices? Forget It

Time Is on the Side of Tea Party Reforms

Why and How I Self-Published a Book Altucher Confidential

The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur Altucher Confidential

8 Alternatives to College Altucher Confidential


*film:Burzynski The Movie ~ Cancer Is Serious Business


Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work


Dems worry that Obama might retreat on 'revenue increases'


Plato and Aristotle: An Introduction to Greek Philosophy | The Art of Manliness


Online Library of Liberty - The Dialogues of Plato, vol. 1

Online Library of Liberty - Dialogues, vol. 2 - Meno, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Gorgias, Appendix I - Lesser, Hippias, Alcibiades I, Menexenus, Appendix II - Alcibiades II, Eryxias

Online Library of Liberty - Dialogues, vol. 3 - Republic, Timaeus, Critias

Online Library of Liberty - Dialogues, vol. 4 - Parmenides, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman, Philebus

Online Library of Liberty - Dialogues, vol. 5 - Laws, Index to the Writings of Plato


The Internet Classics Archive | The Republic by Plato

When the Sugar Police Go Marching In by Karen De Coster

We're Going To See A Black Hole! | Before It's News

Libyan Connection? Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls Alex with Exclusive Account of Bombing | Before It's News

Oslo False Flag: Now Everyone's A Suspect! | Before It's News

Oslo Norway Bombing, Utoya Attack: Shock After the Blast and Shooting - The Daily Beast

Anti-Terrorism Investigation of Bus Fire | Before It's News

Wall Street Preparing For A "Doomsday Scenario" | Before It's News

Gigantic Crack Opens Up In Mexico | Before It's News

Donald Trump on Obamacare | Before It's News

#1 Breakthrough: Solid State Generator

Animals Containing Human Material: New Report on Chimera Research | Before It's News

Yes, I Now Agree That Hinduism Is Compatible With Reason | Before It's News

Obama Whines About His Job...says That The Nation's Debt Problem Is Keeping Him From His Daughters The Past Three Weeks....can You Spell Pathetic?... | Before It's News

Former Neocon Now Supports Ron Paul (good to share w/ Tea O Cons) | Before It's News

Liberals Smearing Allen West With The 'Angry Black Man' Brush | Before It's News

Hardcore NWO Transhumanism 'Deus Ex Human Revolution' NWO Predictive Programming? | Before It's News

Redon files: Detective Astronomers Unearth Hidden Celestial Gem.....

VIDEO: Naked Woman Defied Heat Wave By Getting Naked In New York Subway | Before It's News

Obama in secret negotiations: Do no cave, say supporters | Before It's News

High-Speed UFO Filmed in Minnesota (Video) | Before It's News


*Article Links:Oslo Bombing News – 7-23-11 |

*Article Links:Oslo Bombing News 7-22-11


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – July 21st, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – July 21st, 2011


Audio:CounterSpin – Mary Bottari on ALEC Exposed, Marjorie Cohn on prison hunger strike |

**Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident |

*2 Parts:The Murdoch Scandal: Toward the heart of the onion |

Beware 'Planet of the Apes' experiments that could create sci-fi nightmare | Mail Online

UN's Arms Trade Treaty Endangers Your Right to Bear Arms - John Birch Society

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

Big Brother database could map drivers’ whereabouts with police cruiser-mounted scanners - 12160

An Economy Destroyed: The Enemy Is Washington – Dr. Paul Craig Roberts |

Horde of 'gay barbarians' glitter Bachmann clinic

Ezra Klein On Likely Debt Deal: It's An Unnecessary Concession To Republicans, Takes Bush Tax Cuts Off Table

Generic Ballot Has Good News For Dems and God

Here's What Listening To Grover Norquist Gets Us: Cuts To Energy Aid During Massive Heat Wave

Are Oslo Bombings, Shooting Retaliation For Charges Against Islamist Cleric?

The New McCarthyism: Oregon Tea Partiers invade quiet MoveOn picnic, break it up with threats -- and boast about it

'Cap, Cut & Balance' is Dead in Senate and Debt Ceiling Round Up

Bernie Sanders Expresses Dismay Over Debt Ceiling Negotiations and the Lack of Shared Sacrifice Being Debated

ALEC's Influence On Campaigns Exposed

Breaking: John Boehner out of talks with Obama as the Soap opera goes on with Debt Ceiling

Stephen Colbert - It Gets Better

Randian King Weasel


+Rupertgate Friday - "For Neville"


Laura Ingraham and Fox's Dr. Siegel Paint Bachmann Migraine Story as Left Wing Attack

Tom Coburn Accuses People of "Sucking Off" Government Programs, While Trying To Re-Privatize One Of The Most Wasteful

+Michelle Rhee and Rupert Murdoch: Thick as Thieves?

Striking the blind spot: Norway terror attacks that killed 80 carried out by Islamophobic right-wing extremist

Introducing the GOP's Divine Right Pledge

The State of Play

Ice ball confusion in Czech Republic | Orange UK

BBC News - Great white shark leaps onto research boat

Physicists Confirm Existence of New Particle | Wired Science |

Explorers find bizarre, spaceship-like object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Hell of a Choice: Cerberus Leads for New Pluto Moon Name | New Pluto Moon P4 | Pluto Moons & Atmosphere |

Attack of the Urban Mosquito -

Mysterious 'Frankenstein-like' fossils provide fresh clues to evolution of insects | Mail Online

State of New Hampshire Erects Historical Marker for Betty and Barney Hill

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Another Hezbollah Car Theft Ring in N America; Disturbing Death Threats, Police Ties

Debbie Schlussel:“Captain America” Whitewashes the Nazis – No Swastikas; Disappearing Insignia on US Soldiers

Debbie Schlussel:Suehaila Amen: TLC “All-American Muslim” Star is Hezbollah/HAMAS Supporter, CAIR Activist

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO of the Week: Classiest Kid in America

The manufacture and manipulation of fear

The Gold Standard, Printing Money and the Federal Reserve

House Republicans act forcefully, Democrats in Senate punt again!

Should We Tax "The Heck Out Of The Rich"?

Semantic Propaganda Feeds Stupidity

The Last Hope for the Euro

Are the Republicans just an opposition party?


+Genesis 6 GIANTS


Herman Cain Got It Right on the Right to Ban Mosques

Obama's Whole Lotta Nothing

The Way to Win the Debt Ceiling and Budget Battle

Obama's Economic Brutality

In the Company of Wolves

Obama losing support of young and poor whites

Anti-terror laws might hinder Somalia food aid

Cost-cutting, Federal Government Style

Is Obama deliberately trying to cause a financial panic?

Defending the Full Faith and Credit of the United States

About that August 2 'deadline'...

Final act in debt ceiling melodrama unfolds

Gaddafi wants more talks with US

Teenager accuses Rep. Wu of 'unwanted sexual encounter'

The blond, blue-eyed terror suspect in Oslo (updated)

It's All About the Senate

Of Rebels and Rebellions

Demographic Dragon: Will China's Rise Provoke World War?

Mitt Romney: A Liberal's Liberal Republican

Little Green Tyrannists

A Trillion Here, a Trillion There...

Debt Ceiling's Impact is Overrated

Raising Taxes Not Revenue

The Most Dangerous Man In America

The Worst Steward of the Economy in American History

Catch-22 on Poverty and Welfare

Queer Theory vs. Reality in Chicago's Boystown

The Jews in the Basement

Why Google Replaced the Golden Rule with 'Don't Be Evil'

Feigning Powerlessness to Retain Power

Demonizing Milton Friedman

American Blacks Cannot Be Blamed For Barack Obama

The 70-Million-Check Constituency

Islamic Supremacism Trumps Christianity at Ground Zero

Are Hispanics For or Against Illegal Immigration?

Liberals Launch Christian Witch Trials

Salford burglar death: No prosecution over stabbing

Can the U.S. Military Effectively Counter “Assassin’s Mace”?

Second Thoughts on Electric Vehicles

U.S. Senate Stands with NRA in Strongly Opposing U.N Gun Control Efforts

Show us the bodies, EPA

Karzai blocking probe of missing billions of U.S. dollars in Afghanistan

Obama’s Cool Goes Missing—Again!

Voter Fraud: What a knee slapper! Matthew Vadum on “The Colbert Report”

President Wilson Could Never Imagine - Democracy Made Safe for Perversion

Col. Larry Sellin: Obama’s Eligibility Must Be Dealt With Before 2012 Election

First Lady Makes Much Ado About Produce

Borders Bites the Dust

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - A Congress of criminals

A Poll That Barack Would Like to Bury and Ignore

Treason, Redux

Obama, Senate Democrats Need to Say YES! to Cut, Cap, and Balance!

The Left Wing Circular Firing Squad

Obama is Determined to Destroy America

Lemmings, the Cliff, and 2012


+SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


+MICHAEL SAVAGE: Norway’s official story? Not so fast


Michael Savage: Norway's 'Quisling moment'

At Least 80 Dead in Norway Shooting -

91 Killed in Norway Island Massacre, Capital Blast -

Photos of two Norway terror attacks, an Oslo explosion and Utoya Island camp shooting, allegedly by Anders Behring Breivik -

Blog: Chicken Liberals

Senate Votes to Set Aside 'Cut, Cap and Balance' Plan Proposed by House GOP -

Report: China building electromagnetic pulse weapons for use against U.S. carriers - Washington Times

BBC News - Bin Laden's Tora Bora escape, just months after 9/11

Space shuttle comes to 'final stop' after 30 years -

Fast and Furious: ATF sought to downplay guns scandal, emails show -

Croat survivor recalls Hadzic-linked horrors |

'Strike' on Mexican drug cartel nabs dozens in Texas | Chronicle | - Houston Chronicle

Day laborers' suit alleges harassment by League City | Immigration | - Houston Chronicle

Illegal immigrants leaving San Francisco for cheaper pastures | Brent Begin | Local | San Francisco Examiner

Norway Island Camp | ‘Transformed Into Hell’ | Video |

Amateur Video Captures Moments After Norway Bomb Blast | Video |

Norway Attack Suspect Tied to Right-Wing Extremist Groups |

They Swam for Their Lives: 80 Dead at Youth Camp in Norway | Video |

Who’s Behind the Norway Attacks? History of Norway Terrorism | Video |

Pictures of Oslo Norway Bomb Blast |

Explosion Hits Norway Government Headquarters Parliament Oslo | Video |

Is Oslo Normay Gunman Anders Behring Breivik Really a Right-Wing Extremist? |

Update: Two New Suspects in Bloody Norway Massacre, Prime Suspect Bought 6 Tons of Fertilizer Prior to Attack | Video |

Talk Show Host Bill Press: Why Hasn’t Lightning Struck and Killed John Boehner? |

Bladder Cancer Patient Thomas Sawyer Says TSA Screener Mishandled His Urostomy Bag — Again |

Islam’s Public Enemy #1: Coptic Priest ‘Hates Islam,’ Converts Muslims to Christianity |

Texas Congressman John Culberson Undercover Reveals Houston Cemetery Still Banning God |

Obama Knocks Boehner | ‘I’ve Been Left at the Altar’ | Video |

Rick Perry Says He‘s ’Fine’ With Gay Marriage in NY |

Internal Emails Show ATF, Justice Dept. Evasive, Nervous Over Lawmaker Inquiry |

Senate Rejects Cut, Cap and Balance, Furious Boehner Says ‘We’re Broke’ | Video |

Convicted: Woman Tries to Shoot Cop With Unloaded Gun, But Gets Shot in Butt by Officer |

Selling Land to Jews Punishable by Death Says Palestinian Law | Video |

SEIU Launches New Ad Bashing GOP, Conservative Ad Responds with ‘Spenditol’ | Video |

Students Paid to Get Drunk for Will Corbin Research |

New Suspects Arrested in Bryan Stow Giants Fan Beating | Video |

‘Gay Barbarian Horde’ Glitters Waiting Room of Bachmann Clinic |

Beck Responds to Contessa Brewer’s Interview With Rep. Mo Brooks | Video |

Are These Photos of the Norway Gunman While He Was Carrying Out the Deadly Attack? |

Social Conservatives Lose Texas State Board of Education Debate Over Evolution Creationism | Video |

GOP Leaders Issue Defiant Statements as Emergency White House Debt Talks Get Underway |

Obama: Short-term debt increase would hurt US -

Norway attacks: Details emerge in Oslo bombing, camp shooting -

White House says Obama wants long-term debt solution to protect US economy - The Washington Post

Singer Amy Winehouse Found Dead -

China train crash: Bullet train crash in China kills at least 11 -

San Diego Comic Con: Spider-man Makes Surprise Appearance - ABC News

Iranian physicist killed in attack in front of his Tehran home -

The Warner Robins Patriot - Pentagon s Don t Ask Don t Tell to be history Sept 22

Heavy rains soak Chicago, as east coast continues to steam | Reuters

Across New York, Hundreds of Gay Couples to Marry on Sunday -

FAA furloughs thousands amid congressional funding stalemate | Reuters

iPhone Bolsters Verizon Results -

Comic Con 2011 In Video: Eric Catches You Up On Day 2 In Hall H -

Comic-Con 2011: ‘The Walking Dead’ rises again | Hero Complex – movies, comics, fanboy fare –

NASA’s big asteroid plan is one engineers ‘will eat up’: mini-spaceships, harpooning, jetpacks - The Washington Post

NASA Picks Rover’s Destination - A Mountain on Mars -

NASA braces for massive layoffs | TG Daily

Astronomers Find Largest, Most Distant Reservoir of Water - International Business Times

Scientists Urge Rules on Controversial Hybrid Animal-Human Experiments

New Semiconductors Sequence Human DNA | The State Column

Frogs That Spread Salmonella Are Being Sold Again | SmartAboutHealth.Net

First Measles Case Appears In Mexico, Said To Come From France

Could U.S. Gas Prices Rise Above $5 Per Gallon? - Commodities & Futures

Nato investigates Anonymous hacking claims - Telegraph

Microsoft’s big gaming gamble is finally paying off | Reuters

Will You Ditch Facebook for Google+? | News & Opinion |

Google buys facial recognition firm, despite privacy concerns | Silicon Valley Local Wireless News

Google Says It Rejected Sun’s $100 Million Java-Android Deal - Bloomberg

Survey: Nearly 1 in 4 Americans binge-drink -

Medical News: HHS Proposes New Rules for Human Research - in Public Health & Policy, Clinical Trials from MedPage Today

Tuberculosis Tests Are Unreliable, Reports the WHO | ThirdAge

Hospitals Threaten Life More than Flying | The State Column

Documents: Loughner crying, pacing in prison cell |

Bath Salts: Deadly and Increasingly Illegal | ThirdAge

Hot Weather Fuels Mosquito-Breeding, West Nile Virus - Fairfield, CT Patch

Victoria Advocate | Study: HIV risks rise with some birth control

Sexual Health: More Abortion Bans At State Level | ThirdAge

The Associated Press: Tortoise's artificial limb came from Ace Hardware

Diet Disasters: Top 8 Calorie Heavy Menu Items - ABC News

Tighter Label Rules for Certain Meat Proposed -

Perry, Palin left off Ames ballot - Maggie Haberman - Local News: Clay Waller: Community on 'witch hunt' (07/20/11)

Fiery crash kills truck driver, sets Saugus buildings ablaze

FAA funding ends; almost 4,000 may be furloughed -

Angry buyer crashes 'lemon' into N.H. dealership - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

Charles Manatt obituary: Charles T. Manatt, Democratic Party chairman, dies at 75 -

Anti-tax leader sides with Obama on raising debt ceiling beyond 2012 -

Pawlenty says WH hopefuls must be able do the job - Jonathan Martin -

Northwest Voices | Contributing to Social Security | Seattle Times Newspaper

Four Paths to a Debt Hike -

Struggling Huntsman campaign loses manager - The Washington Post

BBC News - Large Hadron Collider results excite scientists

What Should We Name Pluto's New Moon? -

BBC News - Vesta rock turns for Dawn probe

UN countries divided over security council climate role | Environment |

Illinois - More Signs of Invasive Carp Found -

Race to Moon by Private Companies -

Mass Extinction Caused by Deadly 'Earth Burp' -

Lights go dim at Mission Control - Space - NZ Herald News

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin: the tragic speech Nixon was prepared to give -

Loch Ness Monster-Like Animal Filmed in Alaska? : Discovery News

Mutant Mouse Resistant to Poison

tehran times : Aurora on Exoplanet 'hot Jupiter' depicted

DNA Tests Unravel The Story Of Pacific Coast Killer Whales - Irish Weather Online

40 arrested for buying fake IDs from China -

Theravada Buddhist monks walk away from sex-abuse allegations -

Tribune architecture critic pans post office development proposal -

In Syria, Protesters Show Their Staying Power -

Egypt police fire warning shots after clashes | Reuters

Libya wants more talks as NATO strikes hit capital | Reuters

Clinton issues challenges on North Korea, South China Sea - The Washington Post

World Leaders Share Sadness, Outrage Over Norway Deaths | News | English

The Associated Press: Al-Shabab prevents aid from reaching 2.2M Somalis

BBC News - Phone hacking: PM says James Murdoch has 'questions to answer'

Turkey PM demands Israeli apology for flotilla dead | Reuters

BBC News - Sri Lanka holds local elections in northern ex-war zone

Malawi: 18 dead, US and UK condemn violence - BusinessWeek

6.4 earthquake hits northern Japan; no damage - MarketWatch

BBC News - Stepping Hill Hospital: Two more patients die

Maradona visits Chavez during cancer treatment - Taiwan News Online

Palestinians don't see benefit in protesting now

China Arrests Top Fugitive After Canada Deports Him -

The Associated Press: Clinton condemns terrorism regardless of source

» Evidence Shows Norway Terror Attack a False Flag Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» ‘Caution! Watch out for false flags’ – Oslo attacks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Was Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik a Freemason? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Establishment Media Rushed To Blame Madman Attack on Muslims With No Evidence Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Norway Twin Attacks: Suspect Anders Behring Breivik Is A Right-Winger With Anti-Muslim Views | World News | Sky News

BBC News - Norway police say 85 killed in island youth camp attack

» 500 Million Debt-Serfs: The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Norway attacks: Survivors tell police of attacks in two different areas on Utoya | Mail Online

» Analyzing the Oslo attacks: terrorist event or false flag distraction? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Obama urges anti-terror cooperation after Norway attack

» A Police State In An Arizona City? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Investigators Say China Was Behind The 'Very Major' IMF Hack Attack

The cost of spurning GM crops is too high | Jonathan DG Jones | Environment |

» The mass overmedication of foster children with psychiatric drugs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Michael Piraino: Another Prescription Drug Abuse Problem: The Overmedication of Foster Kids

» U.N. Flag Stands Taller than the American Flag in Local Village Court Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Psychopathic Cop Threatens to Kill Man for Legal Concealed Carry Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Snap Analysis: No clear pointers in Norway twin attacks | Reuters

Euro-geddon: The EU, born out of idealism 60 years ago, now a byword for waste, financial chaos and unaccountability | Mail Online

» Debt Crisis Being Used as Shock Doctrine to Steal More Money from the People Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Thousands stage anti-govt. rally in Cairo

PressTV - 'US might redeploy Bahrain fleet'

‪Hal Sparks On Living Forever And The NWO‏ - YouTube

Prison » Sky News Pundit Blames Massacre on People Who Believe in “New World Order”

Prison » Oslo Bombing: Why Would “Terrorists” Attack Near-Empty Office Building on Public Holiday?

Default Now, or Suffer a More Expensive Crisis Later: Ron Paul - Bloomberg

‪Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls Alex with Exclusive Account of Bombing - Alex Jones Tv 1/2‏ - YouTube

‪Oslo Eyewitness/Survivor Calls Alex with Exclusive Account of Bombing - Alex Jones Tv 2/2‏ - YouTube

Prison » 6 Steps by the IMF for a One-World Currency

Michael Boskin: Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate -

Part-time troops on the front line: Government to replace 17,000 professional combat soldiers with reservists | Mail Online

‪Millions Being Spent Lobbying On Debt Ceiling Issue‏ - YouTube

‪James Murdoch Being Called Back To Parliament!‏ - YouTube

‪Dennis Kucinich "War Takes Money From The American People & Gives It To War Profiteers!"‏ - YouTube

Oslo Bombing: Is CIA Contact Krekar to Blame?

Latest DHS Fear-mongering: al-Qaeda Plans to Take Out Nuke Plant

Melatonin: The Biggest Health Bang For Your Money

Erdogan: 'Unthinkable' for ties to improve before apology

Dahlan returns to W. Bank to answer coup charges

French Muslims, Jews build friendships with Facebook

'Egypt committed to maintaining existing int'l agreements'

'Iranian nuclear scientist killed in Tehran'

Police search for survivors of Norway killing spree

Norway attacks: Utya gunman boasted of links to UK far right

Police: Singer Amy Winehouse dies

Norway massacre suspect attacked Islam online

Chinese bullet trains collide

At least 11 killed in China bullet train crash

Some flyers may not see savings from expired taxes

Boehner says lawmakers seek debt limit solution

Joplin digs out from debris 2 months after tornado

Texas game warden got peak inside polygamist ranch

White House warns Congress not to play politics with debt

Libyan women fight for freedom on the home front

McConnell: Congress committed to prevent default

Dow Jones editor reminds reporters of ethics code

Bittersweet weddings approach for NY gay couples

China inspects electronics stores after fake Apple shops report

Norway PM says terror threat level not raised

2 dead, 4 missing after boats crash on Wis. river

Sound Bite for the Day: Obama Lashes Out at Press

Cenk Uygur Out at MSNBC. Say Hello to… Al Sharpton?

Cartioon:UI: Making the News

Breaking News Misidentifies Congressman at Center of Sex Scandal as GOP

Sound Bite for the Day: Bachmann would “Extinguish Gays”

Cenk Uygur Says MSNBC Fired Him for Being Too Tough on Obama

NewsBusted: Is President Obama a ‘Centrist’?

Failed Voice Over Actor Isn’t Bitter at All Over FreedomWorks Dust Up *UPDATE

Palm Beach Post Mocks Congressman Allen West’s Military Pride

Bill Maher’s Easy, Politically Safe Humor

Why Does Media Matters Hate The Jews And Israel?

Obama Blames ‘Splintered’ News Media for Lack of Compromise in Washington - NYT & MSNBC on Left vs. FoxNews and WSJ on Right |

All But One of NPR's Guests Enthused Over California's New Homosexual Curriculum |

The Man Behind The Norway Attacks

Israel’s Premier Opportunist

UK’s Telegraph: European Bailouts Give Germany New ‘Empire’

‘Egyptian Professor of Israel Studies’ Explains ‘The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion’

Summer School….With Terrorists

On Israel, U.S. Christians Pinch Hitting For Jews

Oslo Attacked—But Why?

Two Oaths And Our Failures In Afghanistan

Norway’s 9/11?

Conquest Through Rape In Europe? Latest Victim Raped On Steps Of Parliament

VIDEO: Syrian Tribal Leader Threatens TO BARBECUE The U.S. Ambassador–’With Or Without Salt’

Covert Influence Operations: Illegal Lobbying, The Red Cross, And the National Republican Senatorial Committee

Chaos in Oslo after blast | Video |

Panetta says US must keep up pressure on al-Qaida

Democrats in ‘Volcanic’ Mood; Demand Higher Taxes

Unions Cheer When Socialist-Style Merit-Pay Scheme Doesn’t Work

Dems Gone Wild: Rep. Wu at Center of Sex Scandal

Obama’s Slippery ‘Shifts’ in the Budget Debate

Texas Congressman Goes Undercover at Houston National Cemetery

NAACP Convention: In Shift, President Ben Jealous Highlights Cooperation With Tea Party

Art Laffer Calls Obama ‘Very Poor President’, Expects Defeat in ‘12

Cartoon:First Suggested 2012 Obama Campaign Ad

Boehner Walks Out of Budget Talks with Obama What We Saw at FreedomFest 2011

Obama-backing Democrat CEO Slams Obama

The Money Maven: Obama’s Billionairess Union-Busting Buddy Turns Heat On Strikers!

Congress, Internet Privacy and Google

Secrecy in Budget Talks Gave Obama an Advantage

Breathless: FDA Bans Asthma Medication

Obama allows for possibility of US default

House makes 6.4 percent cut to congressional budget in 252-159 vote - The Hill's Floor Action

City Of Montebello | Montebello: Federal prosecutors, FBI launch probe into potential misuse of funds in Montebello - Los Angeles Times

IRS staff committed tax credit fraud - Washington Times

Tax code allowed deductions for body oils, office parties, and feeding stray cats - Washington Times

The Theology of Social Security


+ 23-Jul-11 World View


Singer Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

A Brief History of Comic Books: Part I

‘Captain America’ Review: Marvel Origin Story Done Right

Oscar Winning Documentarian Errol Morris on His Latest Film, Tabloid Journalism, and The Nature of Truth

A Lesson for Today’s ‘Comedians’ In Political Incorrectness

Down Syndrome Advocates Silent on Maher Trashing Trig Palin

Morning Call Sheet: Pee Wee, Star Wars, Aquaman, and a Happy Friday to You All

Review: Let’s Hear It for ‘Captain America’

‘Red Eye’ Podcast: That Jerk In a Mosh Pit

Actor Tom Aldredge Dies

Bozell Column: Ingraham vs. Cultural Blight |

Fox Adds Digital Downloads To DVD, Blu-ray Packages

‪How Green Is Your Internet? - (HUNGRY BEAST)‏ - YouTube

‪Free Bullets, not free speech‏ - YouTube

Woman guilty after refusing TSA patdown |

Gold Confiscation Act in the Works

The Man Who Wrote Coming Gold Confiscation Act?

HR Bill 1505 allows for DHS takeover of seashores and coastal areas - Loss of Privacy

‪Strange anomaly was found during a sonar UFO or stonehenge standing on the bottom ?‏ - YouTube

Cenk Uygur on Leaving MSNBC | Countdown with Keith Olbermann

I'm starting to think that the Left might actually be right - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Princess Diana police face arrest

Thus Spread Radiation All Over Japan - Through Contaminated Cows | EX-SKF

Another Premium Japanese Beef (Yonezawa Beef) Affected by On-Going Cesium Scare in Beef and Rice Hay | EX-SKF

Melt-Through Simulation Created by Japan's METI Well Before #Fukushima | EX-SKF

The Latest 'Lone Nut'

Paul Drockton M.A.: Norway Gun Laws Lead to Tragedy

Netanyahu may be forced to destroy settlers' homes - Middle East, World - The Independent

Saudi Arabia's new law would make political dissent a crime - Middle East, World - The Independent

The Fix Is In - Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction

Phone hacking used by Sunday Mirror, claims BBC Newsnight | Media | The Guardian

Phone hacking inquiry judge attended parties at home of Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law - Telegraph - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Son told to sell home to pay thieving mum’s debt

LulzSec and Anonymous: These hacking collectives are reshaping the online world – Telegraph Blogs

Poland population dropped by a million since joining EU - Telegraph

UN lying over Somalia famine, say Islamists - Africa, World - The Independent

Toxic seaweed on French coast sparks health fears - Telegraph

USDA Attacks Rural America with Smart Meters | Farm Wars

Feds can't make up minds on mercury bulbs

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Minnesota GOP: 'Stand with the people';State House speaker explains how budget impasse resolved without new taxes

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Worst disservice to Constitution since Prohibition';National Review's Rich Lowry makes case against balanced-budget amendment


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Contrite Gono dispenses monetary advice

UN: Syrian repression may amount to serious crimes against humanity - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Soros machine steps up assault on Murdoch's empire

Experts: Registrar stamps confirm Obama forgery

'I thought birth certificate debate was over ... until now'

White House operative heading 'birther' smear campaign?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

RealClearPolitics - Perry Surges to Second Place in Two National Polls

Grassley Sees DOJ Cover Up in ‘Fast and Furious’ Investigation |

Fast and Furious: ATF sought to downplay guns scandal, emails show -

wnd diversions

Obama endorses bill to recognize gay ‘marriage’ on federal level |

Republican Debt Talks With White House Off; Obama Angered - Major Garrett -

Debt To Me: Obama, Geithner Could Face 'Impossibly Difficult' August -

Good out of bad

'Ahmadinejad wants to go public with Iran nuclear program' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama launching appeal to Palestinians

Obama strategy guts U.S. armed services

Commander in chief Obama creates 'San Francisco Military'

AF Clarifies Dress Code, Grooming Standards

Soldier Lost in Vietnam Coming Home for Burial

Oslo explosion: bomb blast at government buildings in Norway - Telegraph

Norway shooter: Right-wing Christian or fairy tale?

Michael Savage: Norway's 'Quisling moment'

Al-Qaida Plans Recruiting Cartoon for Kids

Families toss wrench in 'gay' indoctrination plan

Teachers' union chief: Let's ignore 'science' of homosexuality

Political heterophobia and its consequences

Obamageddon update

Is a tea party triumph at hand?

Hiring Sun-Tzu to fight the jihadists

Allen West's gentlemanly behavior

Cultivating gratitude

Can Africa be saved?

Mystery of TWA Flight 800 Persists, 15 Years Later

The 5 Craziest Things Spouted by the GOP Presidential Hopefuls ... Just This Week | | AlterNet

Dead-end debt debate

Lynching Rupert Murdoch by Daniel Johnson - City Journal

You're kidding! More travel extravagances by Nancy Pelosi?

San Francisco Considers Legal Protection for Criminals -

Israel PM guards tell women reporters to remove bras - Yahoo! News

Plantation gets letter from ACLU calling its holiday display inappropriate - South Florida

Jewish community responds to Perry rally | Believe It or Not | a blog

US arrests 2,000 in anti-drug sting - Yahoo! News

Taxpayers foot bill for Casey Anthony defense | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Massachusetts Man Says He's Cracked Zodiac Killer Code - Belmont, CA Patch

UK eugenic abortion stats released – thousands killed for Downs, cleft lip, club foot, etc. |

Border-fence website raises more than $80K

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine

Obama's citizen 'protection' bureau pick misused state funds?

Study: U.S. Marshals suited to be 'Stability Police' in U.S.

Families toss wrench in 'gay' indoctrination plan

Teachers' union chief: Let's ignore 'science' of homosexuality

Medicaid office offers 'how-to' for 'fraudster'

Obamageddon update

TerraNet Portal Site:'Stripper army' urges Putin Kremlin return

Archaeologists Discover High Priest's Bell? - - News - Israel National News

Auction of teen's Beatles photographs soars over $360,000 - South Florida

Swedish church wants to recycle cremation waste - The Local

Weather underground movie robert redford shia labeouf company you keep |

Israeli Research Links Depression with Smoking - - News - Israel National News


*21st/Transcripts:Bernanke's Testimony on One Year of Dodd-Frank

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Senators Conrad and Chambliss on the Debt Debate

Reps. Huelskamp and Hayworth on the Debt Ceiling

Panel on the Latest in the 2012 GOP Race

Interview with Presidential Candidate Buddy Roemer

Guest: Representative Steve Israel

Interview with DHS Secretary Napolitano


Asia Times Online :: CHAN AKYA: Beggars and choosers

The Next Debt Crisis Could Come from Paris - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - In Deficit Debate, Principles Do Matter

5 investments to gird against a weak market Weekend Investor - MarketWatch

Fed Policy: Dollar Devalutation Impacts Domestic Economy Via Lack Of Job Growth | Markets |

Why Rising Apple Isn't Lifting Tech Stocks -

Goldman Model Planted Seeds of Distress - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Jul 22, 2011 - Wall Street, companies brace for the worst: a U.S. default

Armageddon On Or After Aug. 2 Not Very Likely -

Tom Petruno: Global markets wait for U.S. as Europe stabilizes -

Presidential Debt-Limit Deceptions And Economic Growth - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

The Republican Party Can’t Say Yes -

The American Spectator : Fatal Flaws of Keynesian Economics

Is A Gold Standard Deflationary? -

Microsoft's Quarter: One Big Tax Dodge - DailyFinance

The Weekend Interview with Bill Gates: Was the $5 Billion Worth It? -

New U.S. Space Program Must Include the World (pdf)

RealClearSports - A Reminder of Price of Liberty

Norway's Oklahoma City? And Why Are Terrorist Attacks So Rare? - By Daniel Byman | Foreign Policy

David Rieff On The Libyan Intervention | The New Republic

The week the Yanks saved the Brits - The Globe and Mail

India's economy: The half-finished revolution | The Economist | Stars Of The Same Stripes

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Regime Change and Demobilization in Iraq and Beyond

Letting Murdoch in Through the Back Door by Geoffrey Wheatcroft | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Egypt: too big for its boots | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The moment of truth for Europe and Britain - Telegraph

U.N. Arms Trade Treaty: Still Seriously Flawed | The Heritage Foundation

Commentary: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Afghanistan | The National Interest

Thoughts of an American Warrior -

Iran's Failed Latin America Outreach - Meir Javedanfar - International - The Atlantic

Latin American politics: Lulismo v Chávismo | The Economist

Look East, Russia - Sergei Karaganov - Project Syndicate

A second chance | Opinion | DAWN.COM

The New Face of South Asia | The Diplomat

What about the whole Communist thing? - Paul Wells -

Palestinians face a dangerous U.N. clash on statehood - The Washington Post

CfA Press Room:Exoplanet Aurora: An Out-of-this-World Sight

How to Avoid Repeating the Debacle That Was the Space Shuttle | Space Flight | DISCOVER Magazine

Police raid Greenpeace headquarters | COSMOS magazine

The cost of spurning GM crops is too high | Jonathan DG Jones | Environment |

How Do You Hack Into a Phone? : Discovery News

Tattoo Tracks Sodium and Glucose via an iPhone - Technology Review

Archimedean molecule creates brand new compounds - physics-math - 22 July 2011 - New Scientist

If you care about your sperm, watch out for secondhand smoke

Eradicating polio: Late? Or never? | The Economist

Famine response needs better science communication - SciDev.Net

UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center : In the News : Scientists Create First Mapping of Molecule in Human Embryonic Stem Cells that may Regulate Genes

An eye gene colors butterfly wings red | Science Codex

Space is still the new frontier -

We're going to see a black hole!!! : Starts With A Bang

Hell of a Choice: Cerberus Leads for New Pluto Moon Name | What Will Pluto's New Moon Be Named? | Life's Little Mysteries

The rise of the dinosaurs: Pardon! | The Economist

BBC Nature - Mandrill monkey makes 'pedicuring' tool

Ethical rules needed to curb 'Frankenstein-like experiments' on animals - Telegraph

'Freaky' Mouse Is Immune to Poison : Discovery News

The New Atlantis » Why the Arabic World Turned Away from Science

The BBC And New Climate Change Rules - Science Accuracy Or Muzzling Dissent?

Science Posters Given a New Life Online by Skolr - Miller-McCune

Collider sees tantalizing hint of Higgs : Nature News

Malaria | Time for African leaders to take malaria seriously | The Daily Caller

Ten Senses We Have That Go Beyond the Standard Five

Retracted: Study on Genetics that Extends Human Longevity to 100: Scientific American

Obama Gets Mad | The New Republic

Charles Krauthammer: Obama At His Most Sanctimonious | RealClearPolitics

Boehner runs laps around Obama, again - The Washington Post

The party that does not know how to say yes - Budget Showdown -

Republican Party makes big gains among whites | Reuters

Me, Michele Bachmann and Our Migraines -

For Fundraising, Obama Relies Even More on Wall Street - CNBC

Mark Steyn: Obama the man without a plan | austerity, plan, debt - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The Great Evil -

'Too big to fail' bank law seen as too weak to work - Washington Times

Citizen Bloomberg - How Our New York Mayor has Given Us the Business |

China's spectacular real estate bubble is about to go pop – Telegraph Blogs

What a debt deal means -

The Republican Party Can’t Say Yes -

Debt-ceiling talks: Debt, jobs and politics -

Bending The Hiring Curve Down -

The Lesser Depression -

Noonan: Out of the Way, Please, Mr. President -

Impediment to reform - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Why Obama Will Win in 2012

Obama tests the line between campaigning and his official duties | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Jobs-Creation Idea Both Parties Can Love: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Analysis: Job Growth Was 10-Fold Higher Before the Democrats Passed Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Power Line Policy Passed by Energy Regulatory Commission -

RealClearPolitics - Will College Bubble Burst From Public Subsidies?

RealClearPolitics - The Last Space Shuttle and the Limits of Obama's Vision

New GOP hostage demand: Kill Obamacare - Budget Showdown -

Lenin, Mao and Bachmann

Reality Time by Andrew Klavan - City Journal

Disunited: Are Our States Moving in Separate Directions? - Ronald Brownstein and Scott Bland -


**This Week in Pictures: July 17 - 23**


**22nd/U.S.-China Economic Engagement In Africa

Gaddafi Rules Out Talks With Libyan Rebels

Oslo Explosion Aftermath

Musharraf: 'Gov't Wasn't Hiding Osama'

What Has U.S. Learned About Terrorism?

What Does The Greek Bailout Mean?

President Obama Calls The International Space Station

Famine Aid To Go To Islamist Areas

Libya Rebels Warned Over Abuses

Prince To Quit UK Trade Envoy Job

EU Leaders Discuss Second Greek Bailout

Ministers Arrive At Euro Summit

Morocco Can Be A Bridge Between Europe And Africa

The Effects Of The Conflict On Women And Children

Did Saudi Arabia Help Bin Laden On 9/11?


**23rd/Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: Calls For Serious Cuts And New Revenues

Reason's Gillespie On Spending, Government Waste And Tax Loopholes

Stossel: Does History Need To Be Re-Written?

Hensarling Gives GOP Weekly: "Cut Up The Credit Cards Once And For All"

Olbermann: Is Hope Dead for A Debt Ceiling Agreement?

Jeb Bush: "You Never Say Never"

Rep. Van Hollen: Obama Not Offering Cuts "For Show"

22nd/Obama: "Would Be Easier If I Could Do This Entirely On My Own"

Boehner: Obama The One Who Walked Away

Obama: Policy Has Been Right In Past Two Years; Messaging Could Be Better

Bill Maher: Palin Family Thinks "Abstinence Is Latin For No Anal"

Obama: FDR "Was Pretty Fiscally Conservative"

Obama: Boehner Walked Away From "Extraordinarily Fair Deal"

Obama: Getting "Patriotic" Rich To Pitch In Is Not "Wild-Eyed Socialistic Position"

Andrea Mitchell Asks Dem Sen: "Aren't You Giving Up Too Much?"

Boehner: Where Is Obama's Plan?

Reid: Cut, Cap And Balance Is "Over, Done And Dead"

Obama: "Not Obvious To Everyone" That I've Had A Successful Presidency

Obama Thanks Man Who Called Republicans "Hooligans" For "Excellent Question"

Cenk Talks To Olbermann On Getting Dumped At MSNBC

Ed Schultz Makes Plea With Obama: "Don't Do This"

Krauthammer: If Perry Runs, He Will Be "First-Tier" Candidate

O'Reilly: Is The Tea Party Self Destructive?


Bruce Chilton: Who Was Mary Magdalene?

Surprise: The Reformation Happened!

Polygamy | Why the polygamist rights movement will never get off the ground | The Daily Caller

Another reason to support circumcision -

The New Thought Movement is About Becoming God | Relijournal

The God of science fiction is big, but not serious | Gwyneth Jones | Comment is free |

RealClearReligion - The End of Entitlement

Adults who do not speak to a parent | Opinion | Jewish Journal

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway: Michele Bachmann and the Pope -

The Paul We Think We Know | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Lessons from Mary Magdalene

RealClearEnergy - Opinion, News, Analysis


American Minute for July 23rd

Today in History: July 23

July 23rd in History

July 23 Events in History

Today in History: July 23

This Day in History for 23rd July

23rd This Day in History

‪Today in History for July 23rd‏ - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Amy Winehouse Dead at 27

Maher Stumped by Challenge: Would You Cancel Your Show to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Liberal Talk Show Host: Boehner Should Be Struck Dead by Lightning

Crowder Takes On Politically Correct Maher

22ND/Krauthammer: Who is Obama to ‘Summon’ Leaders to White House?

Boehner: ‘It’s the President Who Walked Away’

Petulant Obama Complains: Boehner Didn’t Return My Phone Call

‘When You Go Write Your Stories’: Obama Calls Out WH Press Corps

‘We Are Out Of Time’: Obama Summons Congressional Leadership to White House

Obama Press Conference on Debt Ceiling Negotiation Break-Down

Fiery Obama Claims He’s Fighting for ‘Working Stiffs’ Who Get ‘Raw Deal’

Obama: Cut Military Not Food Stamps

NBC News Anchor Thinks Murdoch Staged Pie Incident

NBC News Anchor: President Bachmann Would ‘Extinguish’ Gays

Obama Links His Tax Increase to Patriotism

Obama: Stimulus Pulled Us From ‘Great Depression’

Terror Hits Oslo

Senate Kills Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill; Harry Reid Gloats

Disgraced GEICO Voice-Over Actor Lashes Out at Breitbart in Propaganda Parody Video

Rudy Still Contemplating White House Run

Flashback: Debbie Wasserman-Shultz Bad Mouths Allen West in 2010

21ST/House GOP Whip: There Is No Deal

Sexist Media Scrutinize Bachmann’s Migraines, Ignore Obama’s Smoking

Ousted MSNBC Anchor Reveals ‘People in Washington’ Influence On-Air Content

GOP Senator Tries to Sell ‘Gang of Six’ Deal to Hugh Hewitt

NBC News and Chris Matthews Selectively Edit Reagan’s Position on Taxes

Grim Details Emerge in Parent Hammer Murders

West: No Apology

High-end Prostitution Ring Busted in NYC

Suspect Indicted in Brooklyn Dismemberment Case

End of an Era

Breitbart Debates Journalism School Lefty in Lively Radio Appearance

20TH/Police Arrest 35 in San Francisco After Protests Turn Violent

Casey Anthony Caught on Video in Orlando?

O’Keefe Medicaid Investigation Triggers Official Ohio Inquiry

19TH/Steve Wynn Goes Off on Obama in Conference Call

Cain: Romney Can’t Win Because He’s a Mormon

18TH/Warren Buffett Hits Back Against Obama’s Corporate Jet Rhetoric

Couple Sees Face of Jesus in Walmart Receipt

NBC’s Curry Asks Dalai Lama to Advise Obama on his ‘Fierce Struggle’ with Republicans

Fox News Anchor: Romney ‘Obviously Not Christian’

Herman Cain: Any Community Has Right to Ban Mosques


July 22, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-23-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 07-23-11 Hr 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, July, 22, 2011

The Manning Report – 22 July 2011

Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 7-22-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jul-22, Friday

07/22 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/22/2011

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