**RNC 2012 Schedule of Events & Speakers: August 29, 2012 - Politico Staff - POLITICO.com
2012 Republican National Convention - (http://www.gopconvention2012.com/)
**Ron Paul 2012 | It's NOT too late!(Sign)**
**FULL UNEDITED Ron Paul Speech @ We Are the Future Rally - Tampa Sun Dome - Aug 26 2012 - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News: Monday (8-27-12) Lloyd Chapman - YouTube
Alex Jones Show: Monday (8-27-12) Joseph Farah & Michael J. Murphy - YouTube
Illegal immigrants' children stay orphans in the US? - YouTube
Ron Paul refuses to speak at RNC to avoid endorsing Romney — RT
Texas delegates planning floor mutiny over RNC rules changes | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Ron Paul to Make Appearance on GOP Convention Floor - Ken Walsh's Washington (usnews.com)
Ron Paul Rallies His Supporters in Tampa - NYTimes.com
Is Ron Paul Winning the Future? - NYTimes.com
Ron Paul delegates try to strike down new GOP rules - Nation - The Boston Globe
Ron Paul Camp Assails Romney and GOP for Alienating Latinos | Fox News Latino
Rand Paul: GOP needs Ron’s fans - Mackenzie Weinger - POLITICO.com
Ron Paul delegates protest treatment by Romney campaign
GOP may embrace Ron Paul and the gold standard - CSMonitor.com
Ron Paul staying busy after helping change dialogue | Deseret News
GOP convention gets rolling tonight, delegate says - Beaumont Enterprise
William Hartung: What if Republicans Had a Debate on Military Spending?
Military Terror Plot: Murder Case Uncovers Terror Plot By 'Militia' Within U.S. Military
U.S. Marines filmed urinating on Taliban corpses punished by military | Mail Online
VIDEO | Watch: 2,300 Planets Orbit One Star
No more niceness: Obama, Romney try to rain on each other's parade - CNN.com
An Open Letter To Every Voting Democrat | State of the Nation 2012
The Ticket: Romney and Ryan Go to Tampa | Swampland | TIME.com
Rense & Frank Feschino Jr - Stunning 1952 Flatwoods Mass UFO Invasion - YouTube
Troopers Escort Woman Driver After Accelerator Gets Stuck going 110mph | ZenHaven
Troopers Escort Woman Driver After Accelerator Gets Stuck going 110mph in Kia Sorento SUV - YouTube
Gary Johnson's Speech At PAUL Fest - YouTube
HIV Misdiagnosis Claims May Include “Emotional Distress”
New AIDS-Like Disease Currently Spreading Around the World
PROHIBITION Returns with a Vengeance! | Kirwan's Art & Articles
UN eyeing Texas invasion? Probably not, but ‘civil war’ fears abound - CSMonitor.com
ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute: Secret Vaccine Database
Peak cheap oil is an incontrovertible fact - Telegraph
China announces £800bn stimulus to boost confidence - Telegraph
China warns U.S. off island dispute | Video | Reuters.com
Is Going Off the Grid Practical?
Why Is the Night Sky Turning Red? | ZenHaven
Activist Post: 7 Reasons to Consider Off-the-Grid Independent Living
PressTV - US destroys very original basis of internet: Analyst
PressTV - Ex-FBI agent: Americans targeted for political views
Rupert Murdoch defends Sun showing naked Prince Harry pictures | Media | The Guardian
The Reasons For Endless Immigration
Private islands go out of fashion as celebrities sell up their luxury homes | Mail Online
Doctors zap high blood pressures with radio waves: Procedure could be permanent cure | Mail Online
What's driving the decline in US meat consumption?
Seniors Arm Selves in Record Numbers Despite Big Media’s Anti-Gun Hype | American Free Press
DNA – The Super-Data Papyrus for Biologically Induced Enlightenment - Waking Times : Waking Times
Fractals and the Nature of Truth - Waking Times : Waking Times
Nanoparticles in Sewage Sludge May End Up in the Food Chain | Wired Science | Wired.com
Add It Up: Taxes Avoided by the Rich Could Pay Off the Deficit | Common Dreams
Hemp Habitats – Homes of the Future? - Waking Times : Waking Times
Moth that looks like a poodle has Internet abuzz (Bizarre photos)
**Graham Hancock Presenting at the 2012 Conference - YouTube
48 min./UFOs: 50 Years of Denial - YouTube
Bigfoot Hoaxer Killed in Accident - Yahoo! News
RNC unveils national debt clock, immediately recesses | The Daily Caller
Some Colorado delegates hold out on Mitt Romney for Ron Paul - The Denver Post
Ron Paul's Faithful Continue To Make Noise; Floor Fight Tuesday? : It's All Politics : NPR
Democrats Slam GOP for Ron Paul Tribute, Citing Israel Criticism -- News from Antiwar.com
Romney's challenge: 1/3 of voters have no opinion of him yet - CBS News
Reality Check slams Mitt Romney- The Biggest GOP Power Grab in the Party | XRepublic
2012 US Elections: Obamney vs. Rombama « THE INTERNET POST
Russia Orders System To Manipulate Mass Audiences Across Blogs, Social Networks
poorrichards blog: Prosecutor Says “Anarchist Militia” Planned Obama Assassination
Activist Post: AIDS-Like Disease Mysteriously Appears Where Merck Conducted Vaccine Trials
Activist Post: The Western Onslaught Against International Law
The Case for Regional Currencies « Real Currencies
Obama's real legacy - $10 trillion in new federal debt over just four years
Iran's Call for Nuclear Abolition by 2025 is Unreported by New York Times | War Is A Crime .org
Category Archives: Battleland | TIME.com
The Drugging of Our Children (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Feds: Too few Americans ‘turn to government for assistance’ | WashingtonExaminer.com
The Elite Fiddle as the US Crumbles | _
An eclectic consensus for immigration | _
Newsflash: Bin Laden Was Not In The Bin Laden Raid « THE INTERNET POST
* Ron Paul Delegate Party (8/26) vs. Mitt Romney Delegate Party (8/27) - YouTube
2012 Revolution Wide Awake - YouTube
+25 Cutting Edge Companies Funded By The Central Intelligence Agency - Business Insider
Police Outnumber Convention Protesters by 4-1 in Tampa :
No More Forced Labor for Un-Convicted Inmates | _
Gingrich: Ron Paul won’t embarrass son – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
China eyes next lunar landing as US scales back
Legality Of DNA Collection - Business Insider
Squarespace - Application Error
poorrichards blog: Ban Ki-moon urges immediate investigation into ‘Daraya massacre’ (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
The Most Important Chart In The World And The 80% Crash Ahead
Repudiating the National Debt - Murray N. Rothbard - Mises Daily
Britain’s barbaric ‘special relationship’ with Arab dictators | Veterans News Now
Nazi Gun Control: The Iron Fist Of Hitler Tyranny
Domestic terrorism American style > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis
How The Media Lies (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
TSA, DHS Order 1,400 Pounds of High Powered Explosives Set to Deliver August 31 :
AISD: GPS tracking to boost attendance | _
Vet Round Up Continues, Another Declared Mentally Defective Has Guns Seized
The Republican “Small Government” Fraud » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
How Are US Religious Fundamentalists Any Different Than Middle Eastern Ones? « THE INTERNET POST
+Printable Checklist: The Preparedness Test by Gaye Levy - LPC Survival
Botched 1980 Gaddafi Assassination Kills All Aboard | Veterans Today
45 min./BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters - YouTube
+World Of Technology: 25 Best Nutrition Secrets
The Evil Doers: A Children’s Book about Terror
9/11 - Coloring Book Graphic Novel We Shall Never Forget - YouTube
Homeland Security campaign expands to sports - Yahoo! Sports
Cyborg tissue is half living cells, half electronics - tech - 28 August 2012 - New Scientist
It Is Not Just Your Imagination – American Families ARE Getting Poorer - BlackListedNews.com
FBI to Share Facial Recognition Software with States - BlackListedNews.com
The Battle Over NDAA's Police-State Provisions Continues in Court - BlackListedNews.com
Top 10 Reasons We Should Fear The Singularity
Britney Spears Forced to Stay Under Conservatorship Due to “Psychological Issues”
Newsmax: Rubio Says Obama Misusing Illegals to Win
Newsmax: McDonnell Only Romney Can Revive Nation
Newsmax: Norquist Says Romney Must Emphasize Defense
Newsmax: Rove Says Obama Discouraging Voting
Newsmax: Voight Says Hollywood Doesn't Welcome Conservatives
Newsmax: Gingrich Says Obama Like 'Teenager' With Debt
Palin: Voters Must Break Addiction to Obama 'Hope-ium'
Cardinal Dolan Now Offering Prayer at Both Conventions
Christie: Romney Believes Obama Birth Not an Issue
Santorum Slams Obama on Welfare Reform
Newsmax: Rubio Says Obama Misusing Illegals to Win
Gov. Walker: Romney-Ryan Is Reform Ticket of 2012
Haley Barbour: Romney Needs a Ronald Reagan Moment
No Easy Day Movie based on book about death of bin Laden is not in Spielberg's plans
US-Sought Islamist's Killing Sparks Kenya Riots
Do Genes Determine How You Vote?
Study: You Can Learn While You Sleep
Teen Pot Use Linked to Drop in IQ
Scientists Hack Brain, Gather Pin Numbers and Bank Info
FAA to Study Use of Electronics on Planes
Prehistoric Tiny Bugs Found Trapped in Amber
Hollywood Blindsided by ‘2016: Obama’
Romney’s Best Argument to Win in 2012
Reince Priebus Opens Up The Republican National Convention, Tampa, Florida – August 27 2012
Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Janesville, Wisconsin – August 27 2012
Mitt & Ann Romney Sit Down With Chris Wallace On Fox News Sunday – August 26 2012
Mitt Romney Talks To Chris Wallace On Fox News Sunday – August 26 2012
Barack Obama Full Interview With Associated Press – August 25 2012
Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Powell, Ohio – August 25 2012
MRC Delivers Message in Tampa: 'Don't Believe the Liberal Media' | CNSNews.com
Last Hurrah of Nixon's 'New Majority'? | CNSNews.com
Health Insurance Costs Skyrocket For College Students Due To ObamaCare | CNSNews.com
BLTs, Hate Crimes, And Christaphobia | CNSNews.com
Boehner Mocks GOP Platform: ‘I’ve Not Met Ever Anybody’ Who Read It (Video) | CNSNews.com
Boehner: 'I Can Find Common Ground With the President' | CNSNews.com
Boehner: ‘99 Percent of My Colleagues Are Decent, Honest People’ | CNSNews.com
Gender Gap Shifts in Romney’s Favor: Expands Lead With Men | CNSNews.com
75% of Books in Library for Afghan Detainees Contained 'Extremist' Material | CNSNews.com
Chris Christie Schools George Stephanopoulos and His Democratic Talking Points | NewsBusters.org
MSNBC’S Mika Brzezinski Trashes Intelligence of Republicans in Tampa | NewsBusters.org
Obama courts college students returning to campus | CNSNews.com
West: Obama Feeding America ‘A Crap Sandwich’ | CNSNews.com
As Obama Begins Another Campaign Trip, He Tells Gulf Coast to Take Isaac 'Seriously' | CNSNews.com
Same-Sex Marriage Advocates Don't Want Supreme Court to Decide Issue Now | CNSNews.com
Matthews Accuses RNC Chair, Romney of Playing the ‘Race Card’ | CNSNews.com
Russians, Americans Take Part in Joint Air Force Counter-Terror Drill | CNSNews.com
Obama Administration’s Claim to Have Improved U.N. Human Rights Council Faces Test | CNSNews.com
RNC Backup Plan: Just Read Obama's 2008 Promises From the Podium
Exclusive: SEAL Ad to Excoriate Obama for Bowing to Foreign Leaders
Samuel L. Jackson Upset God 'Spared' GOP From Hurricane, Quickly Apologizes
Priebus On Matthews Attack: If More Than 10 People Watch His Show I'd Care
Gingrich To Matthews: 'What Kind Of Racist Thinking Do YOU Have?'
Obama Campaign Video: Unintentionally Hilarious
Ron Paul Supporters: We 'Have More In Common Than Not' With Occupy
Jon Voight: Obama Controls Media Just Like Venezuelan Leader Chavez
'Newsroom' Finale Dubs Tea Party 'American Taliban'
World View: China Condemns Romney for 'Cold War Mentality'
World View: Venezuela Refinery Explosion Threatens Chavez's Reelection
Name of SEAL Team Six Member Revealed: Islamists Call for His Death
Hallelujah! Romney to Media Fact-Checkers: Drop Dead
Dennis Prager's Peanut Butter Confiscated by Secret Service at Republican Convention
Brokaw, Scarborough Enable Chris Matthews' Racialist Attack on RNC Chair
Palin, Conservatives Urge RNC Delegates to Reject Rule Changes
Dem Convention Chairman Admits Obama Economy Broken
Occupy RNC Website Offers Maps of Tampa CCTV Cameras
GOP Convention to Feature More High-Profile Hispanics than DNC
Republicans Arrive United: It's All About the Economy
Report: Over Half Of Reemployed Workers Now Earn Less Money
Dennis Miller Demolishes Leno on Phony 'War on Women' Meme
'The Hope And The Change' Highlights Disillusioned Democrats
40 Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World
New Study Reveals Children Are Being Poisoned by Common School Supplies
Blind To The Truth: The Eye-Damaging Effects of Statins
Beware: Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Baby Formula
TPP - Worse Than ACTA? - YouTube
Prediction: The Day of Economic Reckoning is Near
+GOP Elite Fear 1880 Convention Redux with Ron Paul - YouTube
US Veterans Forcibly Sequestered in Mental Hospitals is Indefinite Detention
Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012
Be Prepared: 4 Foods for Your Survival Food Storage
'America doesn't need a birther-in-chief'
People of color: Obama's useful idiots
Immigrants do not boost economy
Will Americans be fooled, again?
How about insurance against politicians?
B. KINCHLOW: Do we really want more government?
E. RATNER: Time for party conventions to go virtual
J. FARAH: Proof! Liberal NEA members are racist
C. NORRIS: Top 10 reasons not to re-elect Obama, Part 3
B. SIMPSON: If not Islam, then what?
Romney's an extremist, and Obama isn't?
Why American Atheists hate 9/11 cross
M. BARBER: Defeating the Islamo-'progressive' axis
Women’s Groups Upset Dem Convention Banning Kid - Flash Player Installation
Spanish magazine puts Michelle Obama's head on a portrait of topless slave | Mail Online
Will RNC stand against Internet tyranny?
James O’Keefe not allowed to fly to Tampa - Tarini Parti - POLITICO.com
SCHLAFLY: Republican Party platform best yet - Washington Times
Arlen Specter seriously ill, hospitalized for cancer - The Washington Post
MSU Student Knocked Unconscious, Mouth Stapled Shut In Alleged Hate Crime « CBS Detroit
Reggie Love: Obama leads like he plays – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Study: Phrase ‘That’s So Gay’ Causes Lasting Harm « CBS Detroit
12 Mexico police held over US embassy car shooting - Yahoo! News Canada
Woman Arrested For Tossing Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison | ThePostGame
Prince Harry’s Naked Las Vegas Romp Caught On Video! | Radar Online
Human Organs Found In Fla. Storage Locker « CBS Miami
Who Is Thursday’s Mystery Convention Speaker? - Washington Wire - WSJ
US race a dead heat as conventions kick off: poll - Yahoo! News Canada
GM: Chevy Volt output break due to Impala retooling
Underground sex club found at Whiskey Row | WHAS11.com Louisville
Captured Alien Being Interviewed - Secret Leaked | Paranormal
Captured Alien Being interviewed - Secret leaked documents of Roswell entity (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube
Captured Alien Being interviewed - Secret leaked documents of Roswell entity (Part 2 of 2) - YouTube
Bloodlines Of The Nephilim – A Biblical Study | Religion
Scientists: The Human Race Is Dying | Science and Technology
KRYDER EXPLORATION Research and Recovery Team's Official Website - EGYPT - Secrets Found
Pictures: Floating Cities of the Future
Planetary alignment pyramid scheme | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Pressing Issues: Soldiers Plotted to Kill Obama--U.S. Soldiers
Eat, Drink And Be Merry Say Heart Doctors And Here’s How To Do It For Health | Health
7 Foods You Should Never Eat, Seriously | Health
Psychology of Survival – How Your Mind Affects Your Ability to Survive.
Imperialism as Spectacle by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com
Tampa Lockdown: Is the RNC Really Worth It? by Kelley B. Vlahos -- Antiwar.com
On Translating Securityspeak Into English by Kevin Carson -- Antiwar.com
Questions about Assange the media won’t ask - Edward Wasserman - MiamiHerald.com
Ron Paul Stands for Manning and Assange | The American Conservative
Anthony Gregory: The FBI Lurking Behind Every Corner
Meaningless Words in Politics by Ron Paul
The Prisoner: ‘I Am Not a Number. I Am a Free Man!’ by John W. Whitehead
NSA, Pentagon Using Elementary Schools to Train Future Federal Agents
Use This To Remove Splinters – and To Address Many Other Health Needs by Joseph Mercola
I Have a New Lease on Life | Mark's Daily Apple
» Big Sis Begins Releasing Biological Agents In - Flash Player Installation
Abortion Survivor Rips Obama On Infanticide Support in New Ad | LifeNews.com
Second person dies after contracting rare rodent-borne disease at Yosemite | Fox News
“The Storm” A Movie on SYFY that Gives a Dramatized Depiciton of Using the Weather as a Weapon :
Robots may one day head into Mars underground - SlashGear
Destroying Our Military From Within | Opinion - Conservative
Orwell's 1984 Solution to Criminalize War: “If There was Hope, it must Lie in the Proles”
"The Art of War" and the Pentagon's Reality Show
With "Friends" like these... : America’s "Contact Group Industry" is Overthrowing Governments
Should Banks Be Allowed in Commodity Futures Trading?
VIDEO; Firefighters' Analysis of the 9/11 Attacks Refutes the Official Report
GRTV: IAEA and Nuclear Monopolists a "Gang of Thugs"
Are Human Rights Becoming a Tool of US "Smart Power"?
When the World Outlawed War: Reviving the Kellogg-Briand Pact
September 11, 2001: Criminal Negligence and 9/11 Political Coverup
Britain’s Barbaric "Special Relationship" with Arab Dictators
Police State Spying and the Criminalization of Justice in America
Orwell's 1984 Solution to Criminalize War “If There was Hope, it must Lie in the Proles”
Video-Revolution 2012: It's Time To Rise
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty
Romney and Ryan: Right Wing Billionaires Think it's Time to Take the Gloves Off
US “Fifty Wealthiest Lawmakers” list: A Congress of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich
Solitary Confinement: Torture Chambers For Black Revolutionaries
Golden Dawn threatens to deploy party 'stormtroopers' | Athens News
Russian Troops Welcomed Into NORAD, America's Cold War HQ | Danger Room | Wired.com
The strange Case of Gwenyth Todd & the Foiling of War on Iran | Informed Comment
Israel: Israelis get gas masks, shelters in order - latimes.com
What are China’s global intentions? - Conservative News
Carrier strike group rushes to PersianGulf - UPI.com
The Global Demise of Pension Plans | Finance
U.S. Foreign Arms Sales Are Most of Global Market - NYTimes.com
charles hugh smith-The Rot Runs Deep 1: The Federal Reserve Is a Parasitic Wealth Transfer Machine
Asian cities to become top finance centres by 2022 - survey | Reuters
AFP PODCAST: The Obama Birth Certificate Investigation, Exploded | American Free Press
Feds Stockpiling Ammo | American Free Press
Secessionist Movements Grow Across U.S. | American Free Press
Prison Industry Stealing U.S. Jobs | American Free Press
AFP PODCAST & ARTICLE: USDA Uses Hamsters to Wipe Out Family Farm | American Free Press
'Militia leader' Isaac Aguigui was page at 2008 Republican convention | Mail Online
False Flag Fires! The Rise of The Phoenix - YouTube
+Ron Paul's Rally: Not the End, Just a Continuation of His Revolution - Hit & Run : Reason.com
54 min./New Seal Team 6 Book A Fraud: Steve Pieczenik - YouTube
How They Can Brainwash You in a Psych Ward | Dprogram.net
Friends and Enemies of Your Right to Know
Drew Peterson trial updates: Testimony done for the day
Peterson witness: 3rd wife died accidentally
Drew Peterson trial: Attorneys begin their defense of Drew Peterson - chicagotribune.com
Rahm Emanuel: Chicago's Not 'Treading Water' On Gun Violence
Baby Beluga Whale Born At Chicago's Shedd Aquarium (PHOTOS)
Quinn to Show Hand on Illinois Gambling Bill
Chicago gas prices dip, but highest in nation
Janine Turner to speak at Republican National Convention
Human organs found in Florida storage locker
Christie Gets His Time in Spotlight
Colo. theater victim families question fundraising
Empire State Building gunman's mom says police justified in killing him
Romney Keeps Changing Rules On What's Allowed In Campaign Ads
Denied: Quinn Vetoes Chicago Gaming Expansion
Ex-US Sen. Specter of Pa. says he has cancer again
Montana man killed while trying to create Bigfoot sighting
Romney, Ryan arrive in Tampa as convention kicks into gear
Republican National Convention Back on Track After Tropical Storm Isaac Postpones Day One - YouTube
Foreign Policy: Romney Can Win On Foreign Policy
Ann Romney Takes Biggest Stage Yet to Humanize Mitt
Villaraigosa: Republicans 'can't just trot out a brown face'
An Obama Champion, Now in Romney's Camp
Another U.S. Republican steps into controversy over rape comments
Mitt Romney's tax plan, obscured by 'underbrush'
Should Chris Matthews be fired for 'race card' rant at RNC chief? (+video)
Quoted: Donald Trump lashes out at Arianna Huffington
House Speaker John Boehner Revs Up Missouri GOP Delegates
Karl Rove on the Defection of White Democrats
Four ways the president affects abortion rights
US: Israeli probe into Rachel Corrie's death wasn't 'credible'
Report: France opens murder inquiry into Arafat's death
Iran hosts the Non-Aligned Movement summit
China, Wary of Arab Spring, Hosts Egypt's Morsi
Israel calls Iran the greatest nuclear threat
Syrian opposition leader criticizes US
Pakistan Clerics Want Impartial Blasphemy Probe of Minor
Colombia sets the stage for FARC peace talks
Suicide Bomber Kills Muslim Cleric, 5 Others in Russia's Dagestan
Home Values Rise in US for First Time Since 2010: Economy
Washington Drivers Crash Most of Any US City
IBM Pumps Up High-end Mainframe Speed, Capacity
Firefox adds new Awesome Screen and Flash to Android app
T-Mobile begins prepping employees to sell 'against the iPhone'
FTC: 'Your Baby Can Read' ads deceptive
Kindle-Only E-Book Downloads, Purchases Top 100 Million
Rackspace Acquires Email Application Integrator Mailgun
Mars rover beams back spectacular photos, NASA greeting
Arctic Sea Ice Has Reached Its Lowest Ever Recorded Extent
Your Take: 5 reactions to Bill Nye's creationism critique
Ancient, 230 Million-Year-Old Mites Found; Remarkably Similar To Today
NASA Builds Your Own Private Satellite — With Google Android
Scientist Solves 180-Year-Old Oceanic Mystery
5 crazy inventions from the mind of Nikola Tesla
Ultrathin, distortion-free flat lens could replace bulky glass lenses
Ancient termite-digging fossil added to mammal family tree
Now on Kickstarter: a space elevator
Changing Superconductor Temperatures with Rays of Light
Yosemite officials say 1700 visitors risk rare rodent disease
West Nile outbreak: More questions and answers
How could cannabis alter the teenage brain?
Chemicals Banned From Toys Lurk in School Supplies
Medical condition that causes 100 orgasms a day?
National Medical Marijuana Group To Endorse Obama For Second Term As President
Little Evidence on Value of Treatments for Autism: Report
Memories of Neil Armstrong, Shy hero, American Patriot - Businessweek
Neil Armstrong: Reluctant, Modest Hero Who Inspired Nation - YouTube
**Coast To Coast AM - Pyramids, Egypt & Angels - Monday 27, 2012 - C2CAM - YouTube
Howard Bloom's Big Bang Tango(http://www.bigbangtango.net/)
200-Year-Old 'Monster Larva' Mystery Solved | LiveScience
World’s oldest woman celebrates her sweet 116th birthday - Good News - TODAY.com
2,600-Year-Old Brain Found in England, in Remarkably Fresh Condition : US/World : Medical Daily
42 min./Richard Belzer: The Ruling Class is Running Scared - YouTube
Breaking Evidence in Gov't Fraud Revealed - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » It Is Not Just Your Imagination – American Families ARE Getting Poorer
Prison Planet.com » Black Hawk Helicopters Over - Flash Player Installation
Prison Planet.com » The Western Onslaught Against International Law
Prison Planet.com » Mini Documentary Reveals Full Extent of ‘Stellar Wind’ Domestic Spy Program
Op-Doc: The Program (Stellar Wind) - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » Anarchists and Lawbreakers: Media Ramps Up Propaganda Prior to RNC
'Obama puts off Iran invasion until November' - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » It’s not just the U.S. – Food inflation will affect entire globe in 2013
+Ron Paul and the Future by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
44 min./Joseph Farah: Obama 2nd Term Will Destroy America - YouTube
44 min./The Many Hidden Agendas Behind Chemtrails/Geo-Engineering Programs - YouTube
Prison Planet.com » In Defense of Liberty Extremism
Homeland Security Today: TSA Disagrees with Call to Centralize, Redistribute VIPR Teams
Prison Planet.com » RNC, Romney Combine to Quiet Ron Paul and his Delegates
Low-Flying 'Copter Measuring Radiation Levels - Piedmont, CA Patch
Prison Planet.com » Beware: Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Baby Formula
Prison Planet.com » Is your home making you sick?
Prison Planet.com » Is McDonald’s stalking children online?
» TSA Workers Perform Bag Searches at RNC Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
TSA Invades GOP Convention - YouTube
Venezuela Refinery Burns Fourth Day After 48 Die in Blast - Businessweek
» RNC 2012: You Are On a Watch List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
(A26) RNC 2012: You Are On a Watch List - YouTube
U.S. arms sales nearly triple in 2011, researchers say | The Raw Story
Drone U. rides flight boom - Washington Times
Henry Paulson Confronted on Threatening Congress With Martial Law - YouTube
New Navy SEAL ad blasts Obama: Bow to Nobody
*Mark Levin eviscerates Obama on his position on babies that actually survive late-term abortions
Rules fight NOT OVER – Team Romney trying to give RNC power to change rules between conventions
*Full Interview: Paul Ryan on Special Report
+ Mark Levin explains the RNC rules change and why we must defeat it
NC Black Pastor records radio ad: Let’s say ‘no more’ to Obama’ for supporting ‘homosexual marriage’
Newt Gingrich blames Chris Matthews for his viewers thinking that Romney’s ‘birther’ joke is racist
Reince Priebus: Sometimes you just have to tell Chris Matthews to go jump in a lake
*FULL SPEECH: Watch Paul Ryan’s rousing speech in Janesville, WI
FANTASTIC: Dennis Miller unloads a few rounds of truth on Jay Leno » The Right Scoop -
AZ Gov: Obama admin politically pandering by supporting law breakers » The Right Scoop -
Sarah Palin on Hannity: The status quo has to go » The Right Scoop -
Ron Paul, kicked up some dust, and that's all, so why?
US home grown Energy a big part of Romney's economic plan!
Rush: Only Way To Speak Positively About Obama’s Record Is To Lie About It
Rush: GOP Establishment Are Embarrassed By Conservative Positions On Abortion And Immigration
Rush: Ronald Reagan’s 1980 Convention Speech Still Relevant Today
Rush: Establishment Republicans Want To Kick Conservatives Out Of GOP
Limbaugh: Why Is The Republican Establishment SO Invested In Amnesty?
Rush: Republicans Scared By ’2016: Obama’s America’ Movie
Limbaugh: Jeb Bush Saying ‘We Need To Make A Deal On Immigration’
UN Agenda 21 – Got Milk, Cheese, and Hot Dogs?
Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch
Beware of the Mainstream Media
Learning To Live With A Nuclear Iran
All-Out Marxist Media Assault on Romney/Ryan begins with Gusto!
The “Social Engineer’s Manifesto” Is Still Flawed
Making the U.S. Military Submit to Shariah
The Gospel According To Barack: Where Did Barack Obama Get His Ideas About Christianity?
China’s New Shadow Government, Cash for Organs, and the Threat to America
MSM: focusing on the minor while ignoring the major to help Obama
The Grand Old Party: 1854 to 2012
Destroying Our Military from Within
Boehner Can't Explain Why Voters Should Trust GOP With Control of White House and Congress Again
Here's Latest Version of The Attack On Our Earned Benefits
Pat Robertson's CBN Suggests God Moved Hurricane to Protect Republicans
Military Militia Was Plotting To Blow Up Dam, Kill Obama
Report: Chris Christie Turned Down Veep Slot Because He Thinks Romney's Going to Lose
Real GOP: Pregnancy From Rape Same As Pregnancy Out of Wedlock
Leaked Photo Reveals UK Assange Arrest Plot
Huckabee Uses Akin Controversy to Revive Obama Infanticide Myths
Jeb Bush On Economy: Look, Over There!
Howard Kurtz Asks if Media Overhyped Akin Rape Remarks
Sensata Workers React to Romney Bragging about Chinese Sweatshops
Can Prosperity Economics Save Us from the Devastation of the Austerity Agenda?
Report: Romney/Ryan Plan Will Cost $60K More For Medicare
Chris Matthews Destroys RNC Chairman on Live TV for Playing Race Card
Romney: Women Should Support Me Because of 'Romneycare'
Campaign Reveals Republican Rep Donated to Democratic Campaign
Seen Karl Rove‘s Impersonation of ’Mouth of the South’ James Carville?
GA Murder Case Unveils Bizarre Terror Plot by Soldiers to Overthrow Gov’t, Assassinate President
Have You Seen the Anti-Allen West Ad That Uses Kids? West Accuses It of ‘Exploiting Children’
Report: Biden Preparing to Run in 2016
What Would Happen if Everyone on Earth Jumped at Once?
Democratic National Convention Bans Babies and Now the Feminists Are Upset
Why Raising Taxes on the Wealthy Won’t Work
Are GOP Efforts to Woo Minorities at National Convention Too Little Too Late?
Will Man-made Global Warming Become Required Learning for K-12?
Elizabeth Warren Staffer Roughs Up Cameraman: ‘You’re Messing With the Wrong People’
Paul Ryan Makes Pitch to Ron Paul supporters: ‘We See Eye to Eye on a lot of Issues’
Did GOP Senate Candidate Tom Smith Compare Pregnancy From Rape to ‘Having a Baby Out of Wedlock’?
Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Know Why God ‘Spared’ GOP From Tropical Storm Isaac
‘Made in the USA’: Team Obama Selling Anti-‘Birther’ Campaign Buttons for $5
Watch Chris Matthews Snaps at RNC Chairman Over ‘Foreignization’ of Obama in Heated Segment
MSNBC Host to Meghan McCain: You Fit in With GOP Because You‘re ’Well Off, White, & Blond’
The Best Domino-Toppling Video You’ll Probably Ever See
Fast and Furious IG Report Blasts ATF Phoenix Officials, Who Claim Higher-Ups Approved Operation
How Much Has the Tea Party Infiltrated the GOP Convention? More Than You Might Think
Recovery? Household Income Has Fallen More in Past Three Years Than During Recession
Louisiana Teacher Fights for His Job After Displaying Students’ Anti-Obama Cartoons
Ronald Reagan Was a ‘Socialist!’…At Least According to This Magazine Cover
Tables Turned: Newt Gingrich Grills Chris Matthews About His ‘Racist Thinking’
5 Ways Faith & Religion Will Matter at the Republican National Convention
Is Penn State Axing Neil Diamond‘s ’Sweet Caroline‘ Over ’Touching You’ Lyrics?
Ever Wonder How You Become a Convention Delegate? Here’s a Primer on the Selection Process
Curiosity Sends ‘Interplanetary Voicemail’ and High-Res Photos of Stunning Martian Landscape
Shocking Report: MSU Student’s Mouth Stapled Shut During Horrific Anti-Semitic Hate Crime
Topless Michelle Obama Portrayed as Semi-Nude ‘Slave’ on Cover of Spanish Mag
Minneapolis Residents Catch Footage of Black Hawks Conducting Urban Training Exercise
Did Netanyahu Tip Off Military Strategy in Asking for Changes to His Personal Stock Portfolio?
Scathing New SEAL Ad Blasts Obama for Literally ‘Bowing’ to Foreign Leaders
President Obama's Problems with Women
Obama versus Jesus: Black Christians Must Decide
The Party of Factions, Republican or Democrat?
Those Secretive Mormons (Who Never Shut Up about Their Church)
Terror plot uncovered in Georgia murder case
A 21st century definition of the liberal media
David Brooks take on Romney biography
5 GOP conventions speeches to remember
The dream Democratic National Convention schedule
No uncredentialed children on the Democratic convention floor
If the Birther Issue Comes Up in Debate
Laying the Groundwork of Obama's Second Term
Dissatisfaction with Obama Isn't Enough
A Campaign of Contempt and Personal Attacks
Why U.S. Elections Are Setting Oil Prices - Forbes
Energy and the Presidential Race: What's Real and What's Politics?
Five Ways The Obama Administration Revived The Oil Industry By Reducing Oil Use | ThinkProgress
Can the Navy really go green? - Fortune Tech
Guest opinion: Nonsensical rules block energy jobs | Great Falls Tribune | greatfallstribune.com
The Presidential Candidates’ Core Competencies - Hit & Run : Reason.com
Romney team “optimistic” that floor fight over rules can be avoided « Hot Air
Political Animal - GOP Coalition-Building Off the Table
The Incredible Shrinking Political Convention - Molly Ball - The Atlantic
Romney Attacks Force GOP Governors To Backtrack On Welfare Waivers | TPMDC
Morning Bell: How Obamacare Robs Medicare and Hurts Seniors
It's Reagan's party no more - The Maddow Blog
One of Many Ways the SEC Contributed to the Financial Crisis | Cato @ Liberty
The three frontrunners for Fed chairman in a Romney administration
Commentary: Partitioning the Soviet Legacy | The National Interest
On Martin Luther King Day, remembering the first draft of 'I Have a Dream'
RealClearReligion - Much Ado About Religious Liberty
Nine Reasons Why Democrats Shouldn't Invite Nuns on the Bus to the Convention | Religion Dispatches
RealClearTechnology - Opinion, News, Analysis and Videos
An overview of Next Generation Firewalls | TechRepublic
United States of Connectedness: What works for Internet of things — Tech News and Analysis
Why does the FCC want to tax Internet access? | Digital Trends
How I cracked my neighbor’s WiFi password without breaking a sweat | Ars Technica
The incredible story of the first PC, from 1965
IBM working on Watson app for smartphones | ExtremeTech
Teenage marijuana use may permanently reduce IQ | COSMOS magazine
'Torture Lab' Kills Trees To Learn How To Save Them : NPR
There are fewer microbes out there than you think : Nature News & Comment
Could the Earth share a feature with neutron stars? | Ars Technica
What Time Is It on Your Circadian Clock? - ScienceNOW
Mayo Clinic - People of Normal Weight With Belly Fat at Highest Death Risk, Mayo Clinic Study Finds
To Cap or Not to Cap: Scientists Find New RNA Phenomenon That Challenges Dogma
Getting It On: The Covert History of the American Condom | Collectors Weekly
The Salt Cave: Cure-all or Quackery? - Blog
Vital Signs: The Woman Who Needed to Be Upside-Down | Health & Medicine | DISCOVER Magazine
When the Mango Bites Back, Surviving Traveler's Diarrhea - NYTimes.com
Prenatal Whole-Gene Sequencing Raises Ethical Questions | Inside Science
King James medical mystery unraveled – USATODAY.com
Will Romney Discover His Inner Nixon? - By Jacob Heilbrunn | Foreign Policy
RealClearWorld - Why World Doesn't Care About U.S. Election
The Forgotten Soviet-Japanese War of 1939 | The Diplomat
Afghanistan: colour coded chaos | Comment is free | The Guardian
Norway must silence Breivik | The Australian
Afghanistan: ‘Green on Blue’ Killings Explained - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Something There Is That Doesn’t Love a Wall - NYTimes.com
Economy: Is the U.S. Headed for a Double-Dip Recession? | Business | TIME.com
Taxes: What Would Reagan Do? - Businessweek
What’s really wrong with our economy - Irwin Kellner - MarketWatch
Trickle-down quantitative easing: James Saft | Reuters
Tax system is broken when firms pay CEOs more than Uncle Sam - latimes.com
RAHN: Democrats' hypocrisy with the rich - Washington Times
What Do Democrats and Republicans Agree On? - NYTimes.com
The Top Ten Reasons That You Should Support the "Gold Commission" - Forbes
Charles Lane: The failing case for gold - The Washington Post
How much have Harvard MBAs made this year? - Fortune Management
Free exchange: Arrested development | The Economist
Levelling out: emerging markets and the New Industrial Revolution | beyondbrics
Why Investors—But Not Consumers—Love LinkedIn - The Daily Beast
Where's all that government spending really going? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
Republicans: We Won’t Build That
Growing Labor Force Calls for More Fed Easing - Bloomberg
The Legendary Paul Ryan -- New York Magazine
*26th/Transcripts:Interview with Mitt and Ann Romney
Guests: McCain, Wasserman Schultz, Brewer & Bush
Guests: Hutchison, Walker, O'Malley & Priebus
Guests: Rubio, Blackburn, Priebus and Barbour
Guest: Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
24th/Interview with Florida Governor Rick Scott
Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics
Panel on the Media Coverage of the Campaign
22nd/Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer
Interview with Representative Jerrold Nadler
Analysts on the Swing States in the Presidential Race
Panel Discusses New CBO Debt Report
Media Availability with Secretary Panetta
Interview with Representative Donna Edwards
Analysts on the Todd Akin Scandal
Panel Discusses Campaign's Rhetoric
19th/Guest: Senator Dick Durbin and Rudy Giuliani
Guests: Governors Bob McDonnell and Martin O'Malley
Guests: Eric Fehrnstrom & Stephanie Cutter
Guests: Robert Gibbs and Ed Gillespie
What If Everyone’s Wrong? | The Weekly Standard
An Early Electoral College Guide: Which States Will And Won't Matter In 2012 | The New Republic
Why the weak economy hasn’t (yet) doomed Obama - The Plum Line - The Washington Post
On the Failed Job Creation Front, Obama Has Completely Run Out of Ideas - Forbes
Niall Ferguson: College Becoming the New Caste System - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Eye of the storm: The GOP must answer doubts at its convention - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Neil Armstrong: The Eagle landed | Richmond Times-Dispatch
SHIRLEY: Another history-making GOP convention - Washington Times
Romney Cribs From The GOP’s Willie Horton Playbook | The New Republic
In Speech, Can Sandoval Pull Latinos to the GOP? | RealClearPolitics
The Gold Standard Is Nuts—and Perfect For Today’s GOP | The New Republic
The Great Medicare Switcheroo | RealClearPolitics
A Rational Discussion of the Federal Budget | RealClearPolitics
Obama’s Team of Idolizers - NYTimes.com
The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post
Kimberley Strassel: The Reform Governors Who Led the Way - WSJ.com
Focusing on the issues will help Romney win - Chicago Sun-Times
Huggability and Helium - NYTimes.com
Blog: Neil Armstrong: 'There Was Work to Do'
Destroying Precious Land to Drill for Gas - NYTimes.com
One More Bush Legacy Romney Has Discarded: Running As A ‘Uniter, Not A Divider’ | The New Republic
Vote fraud & its beneficiaries—Glenn Reynolds - NYPOST.com
Ann Romney Profile: On Her Traditional Family Path, Fight Against MS | Swampland | TIME.com
Levin: Romney spins falsehoods on welfare reform | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
Christie Speech a Key to Romney’s Effort to Re-Brand GOP | Fox News
TAMPA, Fla.: GOP convention to make case for changing course with Romney - Florida - MiamiHerald.com
Why Is Obama So Confident? -- Daily Intel
» ‘We’re seeing the beginning of Soviet-style repression here in the U.S.’
Allen West: I’m tired of people talking about Obama’s likability » The Right Scoop -
» Is Obama playing for the opposing team?’
Savage: ‘Bhagwan Shree Obama’ leading Democrat cult
Animals Are as With It as Humans, Scientists Say : Discovery News
The Manning Report – 27 August 2012
Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-27, Monday
Alex Jones - 2012-Aug-26, Sunday
The Michael Savage Show 08/27/2012
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday August 27 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday August 27 2012 Hour 2
Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
Priorities USA Action: "Olive"
Dennis Miller Discusses Todd Akin On "The Tonight Show"
Dennis Miller Discusses The RNC And Same Sex Marriage On "The Tonight Show"
Krauthammer: Romney Can Be "Earnest And Sincere"
Gibbs: If You Think Unemployment Is Bad For Grads, Look At Unemployment Rate For Non-College Grads
Schultz: "Republican Medicare Lies Could Be Working"
Gov. Jan Brewer: Obama Is Race-Baiting
O'Reilly: The Democratic Convention Is Full Of Zealots
Gregory: RNC Is Focused On Big 4: Romneys, Ryan & Christie
Dennis Miller Slams Joe Biden On "Tonight Show"
Egyptian President Arrives in China
Diplomacy Destined to Fail Between Israel, Iran
All Eyes on Chinese Activist Ai Weiwei
Winner and Losers from the Samsung Apple Clash
Bin Laden Book Raises New Questions About Intel Leak
Relief as Typhoon Tembin Skirts Taiwan
Colombia Seeks End to FARC Conflict
Life is a Robot Cabaret in Tokyo Club
Syrian Rebels Receive Arms
Cindy Corrie Speaks to Al Jazeera
Afghan Insider Attacks: Three Things to Know
Apple vs. Samsung: Tale of Two Countries
Will Israel strike Iran before November?
Salafis Blamed for Libya Mosque Destruction
Samsung and Apple Both to Blame-South Korea Judge
China Warns U.S. Off Island Dispute
Alleged Massacre by Government Outside Damascus
Pakistani PM Appears Before Supreme Court
Syrian Rebels Claim to Shoot Down Helicopter
Raw Video: Fatal China Bus Crash
Raw Video: Deadly Venezuela Refinery Explosion
Rethinking Human Security: The Nexus on the Ground
Nuclear Standoff with Iran Heats up Ahead of Election
NRCC TV Ad: Maffei "Went Along With The Crowd"
Steve King Campaign: "Land"
Rove, Trippi Break Down Pre-Convention Electoral Map
Sen. Rand Paul: Republican Party Needs To Embrace Libertarians In Order To Win
Palin: U.S. On "A Path Toward Fewer Freedoms And Orchestrated Chaos"
Elizabeth Warren Driver Roughs Up Cameraman
Bret Baier Interviews Rep. Paul Ryan On "Special Report"
Jon Voight: Left "Full Of Baloney" With Claim That Romney Is Stiff And Robotic
NBC's Andrea Mitchell Ties GOP Convention To Katrina, Bush
CNN's "Romney Revealed: Family, Faith & The Road To Power"
Romney: Abortion Should Be Legal In Cases Of Rape, Incest And Health Of Mother
Gingrich To Chris Matthews: "Racist" To Say Food Stamp Refers To Black
Chris Matthews To Priebus: GOP Playing The Race Card
Priebus: "We Need To Prosecute The President Who Seems To Be In Love With The Sound Of His Own Voice"
Rep. Allen West: Obama Has Fed America A "Crap Sandwich"
Trump: Romney Needs To Be "Not So Politically Correct"
Romney Sons Talk 2012, Convention
*28 Aug.
This Day in History for 28th August | HistoryOrb.com
August 28th This Day in History
Today in History for August 28th - YouTube
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