A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 December 2012

26 Dec.

Refreshing News: One in 12 in military has clogged heart arteries
The Story Behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | _
Slavery By Consent (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
IRS Insider Joe Banister Exposes Federal Reserve Coup and IRS Fraud - YouTube
Former IRS Agent Joe Banister and Ron Paul On CNBC - YouTube
Former IRS Agents Tell All - YouTube
Americans Chained by Illusion | Brainwash Update - YouTube
The Federal Reserve, the IRS & Communism - YouTube
Mezuzahs in '911' Deep Secret Bunker in Tel Aviv - Jewish World - News - Israel National News
The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of Income & Social Security Tax — Home
America : Freedom to Fascism - YouTube
This Is How The Banksters Took Control Of You!!! - YouTube
The Case against the 16th Amendment |
Top Stories - U.S. Government Redistributes Wealth…to the Rich - AllGov - News
Inside Oklahoma's 16th Amendment lawsuit
David Gregory Under Police Investigation Over Gun Magazine On ‘Meet The Press’ | _
Codex Nutrition Committee Chooses Malnutrition :
You are a slave to the Government | XRepublic
New taxes for Americans coming in 2013 | _
Kevin Barrett: Ehud Barak masterminded 9/11 - YouTube
Rupert Murdoch urges America to ¿wake up¿ as he joins gun control debate with tweet about New York firefighter killings | Mail Online
If You Are On This List You May Be In Grave Danger
Generation Y Wakes Up From The American Dream, Faces An American Nightmare | ZeroHedge
Activist Post: Is It Too Late to Start Prepping?
Is The Universe Just A Big Computer Simulation? Physicist Martin Savage Explains - YouTube
Newtown Observes Moment Of Silence One Week After Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
FBI Investigated 'Occupy' As Possible 'Terrorism' Threat, Internal Documents Show
OWS Activists Called Domestic Terrorists
Scrambling For Africa's Resources
Most Extreme Space Discoveries of 2012 - Yahoo! News
Too much Internet may leave kids brain-dead - Lifestyle - DNA
Devvy Kidd -- There Is No Money In 'Peace On Earth'
The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information | Global Research
Agenda 21 – GMO Poison Documentary (Full Version: Playlist) « Underground Documentaries
Prison » “Queen James Bible” Clumsily Cleanses Scriptures of “Homophobia”
Introducing The Queen James Bible
Prison » Republicans Join Democrats to Destroy Second Amendment
Prison » Children of President Obama, media elite go to schools with armed security guards
Prison » Congress, at Last Minute, Drops Requirement to Obtain Warrant to Monitor Email
State Dep’t Avoids Direct Criticism of Egypt’s New Islamist Constitution | CNS News
Prison » Beware of Big Brother: ‘Rental’ computers discovered tracking users’ locations, passwords and private lives
Prison » Mother’s Obesity May Lead to Infertility in the Next Generation
Prison » “Queen James Bible” Clumsily Cleanses Scriptures of “Homophobia”
Chicago parking meter rates to rise again in 2013
Egypt Divided as New Constitution Takes Effect - YouTube
Morsi Admits 'Mistakes' in Drafting Egypt's Constitution
Is the Indian spring here?
Randi Zuckerberg loses control on Facebook (and Twitter)
What's Better for Today's Businesses: Google Apps or Microsoft Office?
Google Voice Calls Remain Free in 2013
Google Music match: Explicit songs being replaced with clean ones | BGR
Erratic Environment May Be Key to Human Evolution
Edwin Hubble Earned His Place In The Stars, Universe
Nelson Mandela Returns Home from Hospital
Asparagus may help with a hangover
Simple eye scan can reveal extent of Multiple Sclerosis
Link between pot, psychosis goes both ways in kids
Monetary Malpractice: Deceptions, Distortions and Delusions -
Dick Armey Brought Armed Guard Into FreedomWorks In Coup Attempt: Report [UPDATE]
FreedomWorks tea party group nearly falls apart in fight between old and new guard - The Washington Post
How Blasphemy Laws Are Stifling Free Expression Worldwide -
McDonald’s serving up ‘restructured meat technology’ – you want fries with that? |
Is This A CIA Navy Seal Time Traveling Disclosure? Warning For February 15, 2013 | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Psychiatrists: If You Laugh Or Cry You're Insane | Science and Technology
Goat Head On Pope's Throne | Alternative
Video: RFID Included In Obamacare 666 Microchip | Alternative
The Truth About Jonestown | Alternative
What Every Knife Owner Should Know | Survival
How: Stop Your Phone From Being Tracked | Survival
Breakfast – the Most Important Meal to SKIP Every Day if You Want to Lose Weight Fast | Health
Magnetic North Pole Rapidly Moving Towards Russia | InvestmentWatch

Paul McGuire -- 2013: Dawn of the Luciferian Era, Part 1
Paul McGuire -- 2013: Dawn of the Luciferian Era, Part 2
Bill Burr Breaks The Left-Right Paradigm
Indefinite Detention Without Trial: Completely Unconstitutional, Yet Routine - informationliberation .
Repudiate the National Debt The Future of Freedom Foundation
Illinois Eavesdropping Law Finally Dead: State Attorney’s Career also Likely Dead. | PINAC
Tech Companies are Developing TV’s that Watch You
US to Sell $1.2 Billion in Spy Drones to South Korea
Washington’s Dilemma: The “Good Terrorists” versus the “Bad Terrorists”
The Achievements of Cuba’s “Ecological Agriculture”
America`s Retreat? What next for Afghanistan after NATO’s scheduled pullout?
Flashback to 2001: Hollywood Celebrities Salute Afghanistan’s “Enduring Freedom”
Massive Growth of Social Inequality across America
9/11 Revisited: War, Justice and the Search for Truth
Drone Warrior: Outrage Over Children Killed in Cold Blood
Political Prisoners in America. Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention
Anti-Russian Sentiment in the US Congress. The Magnitsky Act. Another US Provocation against Russia
US Deploying Troops To 35 African Countries
Enriching Big Oil and Coal U.S. Energy Independence is a Sham
Are Some Members of Congress Waking Up?
Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding - Why?
Seeking Total Security Leads to an Orwellian Surveillance State
Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny
Expansion of Surveillance and Intelligence Community Empower Big Brother
Top 10 Books for Tenthers by Michael Boldin
Global Warming? Not a snowball's chance in hell – Telegraph Blogs
A Way of Life Has No Finish Line | Mark's Daily Apple
Japanese man Jiroemon Kimura to become oldest living man ever on record - Telegraph
Expressing Anger Can Add Two Years to Person's Lifespan : Healthy Living : Medical Daily
BBC under fire over Hitchcock drama - Telegraph
KABB Fox San Antonio :: Newsroom - Local News
George H.W. Bush Fighting Fever in ICU - ABC News
D.C. Hotels Less Busy For Obama’s Second Inauguration « CBS Baltimore
Blind dog finds her way home in depths of Alaskan winter - Americas - World - The Independent
Report: GOP senators won’t confirm Kerry until Clinton testifies on Benghazi |
Where's Hillary? | The Weekly Standard
Hidden-Tax Heist Implemented by Obama and Fed
US To Hit Debt Ceiling Dec. 31
Sotomayor Refuses to Block Contraceptives Mandate
Rubio Calls on Clinton to Testify on Benghazi Attack
Shariah's Threat to The United States
Aide: Bush Sr. in ICU as Fever Rising
CNNMoney: Homeowners Now Foreclosing on Banks
Employees 'Beamed' Into Work Using Robots
The Case Against Public Education
Conservatives Must Not Seek All Low-Info Voters
The Truth about Costs in Health Care
The Cost of Living in a Free Society
Quoting Obama as We Fly Off the Fiscal Cliff
NRA's LaPierre Getting the Alinsky Treatment
The left's Alinsky tactics in the gun debate
Boko Haram suspected in deaths of 12 Nigerian Christians in church attacks
A ray of hope in new Brahimi initiative in Syria
Kerry nomination proves Obama doesn't understand Latin America
Why Fort Hood shooter still awaits trial 3 years later
Journalists’ Addresses Posted In Revenge For Newspaper’s Google Map Of Gun Permit Owners | TechCrunch
State Dep’t Avoids Direct Criticism of Egypt’s New Islamist Constitution | CNS News
Doc infects patients with hepatitis B during surgery | Fox News
Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times
Senior Hamas leader calls for third intifa... JPost - Middle East
From behind bars, Bernard Madoff offers Wall Street commentary -
Scientists to Seek Clues to Violence in Genome of Gunman in Newtown, Conn. -
For Gandolfini, small roles prove his acting muscle - Washington Times
CNN anchor now faces double deportation
Glenn Beck: Obama destined for prison?
ICE Scraps 287(g) Program That Allowed Local Police to Enforce Immigration Law | CNS News
Michael Moore: ‘Calm Down, White People, and Put Away Your Guns’ | CNS News
Gallup: Americans 77% Christian, 0.6% Muslim | CNS News
Rahm Emanuel Receives 'Godfather'-Style Portrait as Gift | CNS News
Iranian Christian Pastor Nadarkhani Re-Arrested in Tehran | CNS News
Dem. Senator Traces Partisanship To ‘1994 and Newt Gingrich’ | CNS News
End of Bush Tax Cuts Will Affect All Demographics, Income Earners | CNS News
Robert Bork Dies and Rachel Maddow Smears Him With Ancient Slander |
NRA: ‘Only Thing That Stops a Bad Guy With a Gun Is a Good Guy With a Gun’ | CNS News
CNBC Anchor Bartiromo Attacks Sen. Cardin Over 'Fiscal Cliff' Negotiations
No Truce In Fox News’ War On Christmas!
Wingnuts in Disarray: Dick Armey Leads FreedomWorks Coup, Gets Bought Off
Newtown, Firefighter, Aurora Shooters Used Same Model Gun
Would Someone Tell Fareed Zakaria We've Known About Baby Boomers for Years?
Ruth Marcus: Let The Elderly Just Eat (Cheaper) Cake!
Comcast/NBC Merger Weakened U.S. Telecom Consumers
Like a ‘Roller Coaster’: Survivors of Christmas Plane Crash Describe the Horrifying Experience (See the Pictures)
Piers Morgan: Both the Bible and U.S. Constitution Are ‘Inherently Flawed’ and Need to Be Amended
Nightmare: Innocent Man Mistakenly Locked Up in Mental Hospital, Injected With Powerful Antipsychotic Drugs
Report Claims Officials Who ‘Resigned’ Following Scathing Benghazi Report Never Even Left
Watch This Competitive Eater Devour All 11 Items on Denny’s Hobbit-Inspired Menu (More than 8,610 Calories)
‘Will We Ever See Her Before She Leaves Office?’ Clinton Missing From Events and Still No Health Status Update
D.C. Cops Told NBC ‘Meet the Press’ High-Capacity Magazines Were ‘Not Permissible’ Before the Show
Horrific New Details Revealed in Christmas Eve Firefighter Murders
Philadelphia Mayor: NRA’s Idea to Have Armed Officials at Schools a ‘Completely Dumbass Idea’
Youth Pastor in Pajamas Foils Christmas Day Robbery: ‘I Hope You Don’t Have a Gun, I Hope You Don’t Have a Gun’
Think You’re Getting a Good Deal? Think Again — Some Online Stores Charging Different Prices Based on Where They Think You Live
6 Misconceptions About Jesus’ Birth & the Nativity That You Won’t Find in the Bible
Brave Hollywood Won't Defend Itself Versus Government, Media Critics
More Meth Labs Showing Up in Cities, Suburbs
Hawaii Lieutenant Gov. Picked to Fill Senate Seat
Doctors Brace for Heavy Medicare Cuts
Record 8.8 Million Receive Disability Benefits
ObamaCare Tax Hikes May Precede New Health Care Taxes
No One Loses Job Over Benghazi Security Lapses
L.A. May Regulate Burger Joint out of Existence
Online tax vote unlikely in this Congress
Rahm's Kids' School Protected by Armed On-Duty Police
Washington State Pushes Electric Cars, Then Taxes Owners
Gallup: 77% Americans Identify As Christian
Jesse Jackson to Inmates: Help Citizens Get Rid of Guns
Will the RNC's 'Fleischer Report' Address the GOP's Digital Deficit?
Claim: ATF Said Police Okayed 'Meet the Press' Gun Stunt
Who Is Gabriel Sherman? How the New System of Tax-Deductible Lefty Journalism Threatens All of Us
The Tea Party Has Not Yet Begun to Fight
Report: NBC's Gregory Refused Permission to Display High Capacity Magazine
Newsweek Calls Drudge's Lewinsky Bombshell 'Epic Newsweek Scoop'
Chicago Tribune, Six Other Papers Drop Associated Press
BBC's 'Top Gear' Host to America: 'It Took Us 40 Years to Get Rid of Piers Morgan, Please Don't Send Him Back'
No Virtue in Media's Quest for External Scapegoat in Sandy Hook
US Urges Citizens to Quit Central African Republic
Cartels Dump Seventeen Mutilated Bodies Near U.S. Border
UN Arms Trade Treaty Resurrected
Afghan Bomber Attacks near Major US Base
Head of Syrian Military Police Defects
Shinzo Abe Returns as Japan's Prime Minister
Russia Set to Advance Ban on US Adoptions
Egypt: Nobody Gets Out With More Than $10K
Russia Unveils $25B Oil Link to Pacific
Even Inouye’s funeral is all about Obama
Can low-information voters be reached?
Black racism unchained
Is black America lost?
Abortion, eugenics and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Kwanzaa: Holiday brought to you by the FBI
“Wheel of Fortune” Did What?! Then ABC News Did What?! – VIDEOs
+Audio Interview:Stanton Friedman
Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas | LiveScience
FBI labels Occupiers "domestic terrorists" - YouTube
Police: Man Who Shot 2 Firemen Had Killing Plan - YouTube
Holiday Movies - Urantia & Jesus - 12-25-2012 - YouTube

Piers Morgan Faces Deportation... But Jeremy Clarkson Pleads 'Don't Send Him Back'
» Brits Petition Government: We Don’t Want Piers Morgan Back Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Charity Begins With Wealth Creation -
Mayan Apocalypse Results in Damaged Pyramid Caused by Tourists | Fox News Latino
» U.S. and Israel allegedly launch cyberoffensive at Iran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
U.S. and Israel allegedly launch cyberoffensive at Iran - The Globe and Mail
First marijuana growers in D.C. clear regulatory hurdles - Washington Times
Hazel Crest Cops Shoot, Kill Dog During Search For Fugitive « CBS Chicago
Assad sends envoy to Moscow for talks on ending Syria's conflict -
Marines to undergo random Breathalyzer tests -
» China to be Surrounded by US Stealth Jets by 2017 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Russia ban on US adoption clears parliament - Yahoo! New Zealand News
Poor Students Struggle as Class Plays a Greater Role in Success -
Top 10 myths about mass shootings - James Alan Fox - Crime & Punishment blog -
Phil Gramm: The Multiple Distortions of Wind Subsidies -
Really alternative schools rising -
Talking Turkey - Daniel Pipes - National Review Online
Syria: Interview with Official of Islamist Militia Jabhat Al-Nusra |
Russian Duma’s ill-considered adoption bill - The Washington Post
RAHN: Obama's hidden-tax heist - Washington Times
President Obama's Health Exchanges Are Mistakes, Not Markets - Forbes
The History of the End of the World: Mayans and Other Silly Apocalypse Predictions - 24/7 Wall St.
Half the Facts You Know Are Probably Wrong -
Redrawing the Tree of Life – Phenomena: The Loom
Phantom Eye Syndrome: When People Without Eyes Can Still See
Three gods: The hardest logic puzzle ever - physics-math - 26 December 2012 - New Scientist
“Biological concrete” promotes vertical gardens
Energy Conservation and the Puzzle of the Body's Healing Rate | MIT Technology Review
New calculations solve an old problem with DNA
A new type of nerve cell found in the brain - Startpage - Karolinska Institutet
Galileo meets the Mayan apocalypse
Peter Higgs criticises Richard Dawkins over anti-religious 'fundamentalism' | Science | The Guardian
Important numbers that help tell technology’s top news stories of 2012. | MIT Technology Review
Smartphones, tablets make us think about technology like the Amish do.
Lead Like Patton At Bastogne -
The 10 most destructive tsunamis in history - Australian Geographic
U.S. ruling on Keystone XL could be delayed again: report | Energy | News | Financial Post
Morning Bell: Obama's Cap-and-Trade Scheme for Cars
Phil Gramm: The Multiple Distortions of Wind Subsidies -
Pulling the Plug on Energy Waste: A Guide to Efficient Consumer Electronics | The Energy Collective
Why the world is headed toward more oil scarcity - Quartz
Pipeline Safety Enters National Spotlight in 2012 | InsideClimate News
Obama’s Gesture Just for Show « Commentary Magazine
Democrats Can’t Avoid Fiscal Cliff Blame « Commentary Magazine
How Unions Promote Wage Inequality - Bloomberg
A Cleared Bill of Health
In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes - Forbes
Getting More for Less in Health Care | RealClearPolitics
The GOP’s 1 Trillion Dollar Lie - In These Times
The Anecdotal Presidency - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online
Why Democrats insist on upper-income tax hikes
Real Clear Markets - Video - Forget Stocks? Shilling's Backing Bonds for 2013

POLITICAL VIDEO/December 26, 2012

Luntz: "I Don't Think The NRA Is Listening; I Don't Think They Understand" | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer : Obama Admin "Enacting Legislation On Its Own Through Regulation" Shows "Arrogance" | RealClearPolitics
Outgoing Rep. Barney Frank: "I'm Tired" | RealClearPolitics
Spokesman: Former George H.W. Bush In Intensive Care | RealClearPolitics
Corn & Walsh On Dick Armey's Reported Hostile Takeover Of FreedomWorks | RealClearPolitics
Rove, Trippi On Gun Control And Violence | RealClearPolitics
NY Newspaper Publishes Gun Permit Map | RealClearPolitics
Kornacki: John Kerry, The Eternal Underdog | RealClearPolitics
Mark Steyn Takes On "Snooty, Hoity-Toity" Piers Morgan | RealClearPolitics
Santelli: Rigid Ideology vs. Freedom | RealClearPolitics
"Special Report" Panel On If Romney Really To Run For President | RealClearPolitics
Sam Donaldson To Tea Partiers: "It's Not Your Country Anymore, It's Our Country" | RealClearPolitics
Did David Gregory Break DC Law By Possessing A 30-Round Clip? | RealClearPolitics
President Obama Speaks To Troops On Christmas | RealClearPolitics

26 December

William J Federer's American Minute for December 26th
December 26th in History
What Happened on December 26th This Day in History
Today in History: December 26
This Day in History for 26th December |
December 26 Events in History
Today in History for December 26th - YouTube
The Manning Report – 26 December 2012
12/26 The Mark Levin Show
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-26, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-25, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-24, Monday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-23, Sunday
Monday, December 24, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1
Monday, December 24, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday December 26 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Wednesday December 26 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 25 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday December 25 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday December 24 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday December 24 2012 Hour 2


Alex Jones Show: Wednesday (12-26-12) Larry Pratt & Stewart Rhodes - YouTube
The Alex Jones Show December 25, 2012 - YouTube
The Alex Jones Show 12/24/12 FULL - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (12-25-12) - YouTube
InfoWars Nightly News 12/24/12 FULL - YouTube