A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

02 December 2012

2 Dec.

December 1, 2012 US-European Refugee Crisis Stuns Russia
Holohoax Survivors who Tell the Truth - YouTube
Obama The Great Deceiver Cynthia Mckinney YouTube - YouTube
Criminal Outcast as Victims of Government Sanctioned Sexual Abuse? - The Lone Star Watchdog | The Lone Star Watchdog
Max Igan & Ken O'Keefe - 10 Days in Gaza - YouTube..
US Government media manipulation & lies (Psywar clip) - YouTube
Is America's largest COINTELPRO operation crumbling? - YouTube
Alex Jones supports Zionist israel - YouTube
Homeland Security - Safeguarding the Jewish Community - 12160 Social Network
Kuwait transfers $50 million to PA | Maan News Agency
UN Chief: Israel's West Bank Housing Plan is 'Almost Fatal Blow' to Peace
Charleston Voice: Sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 was an Anglo-American Staged False Flag Conspiracy
Activist Post: 10 Ways to Prepare Your Community for Economic Collapse
What Happened to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs? | _
Seismic Evidence Implies Controlled Demolition on 9/11 | _
Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Psychopaths, 'Dark' Personalities Better At Making Themselves Look Attractive, Study Suggests
Former Prosecutor: “Drug Policy Kills More People Than The Drugs Themselves” | _
Ron Paul: Iran Sanctions = Act of War | XRepublic
Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham Have 'Crazy Bastard' Fight | XRepublic
Beyond The Phantom Of Terror: Five Real Ways America Is Under Attack | _
37 Facts That Show How Cruel This Economy Has Been To Millions Of Desperate American Families
Brzezinski : Israel,‘you’re not going to be making national decision for us.’ | My Catbird Seat
Ron Paul: I Hope Rand Sticks to the Principles of Liberty | XRepublic
Dominique Strauss-Kahn denies £3.7m deal with maid who accused him of raping her in hotel bedroom Nafissatou Diallo - Europe - World - The Independent
Activist Post: 11 Facts That Show That Europe Is Heading Into An Economic Depression
DOJ Mysteriously Quits Monsanto Antitrust Investigation | Mother Jones
Top Gun meets Terminator: Autonomous US stealth drone completes 1st test launch (VIDEO, PHOTOS) — RT
Signs The Bankers Are Prepping You For World War Z | Video Rebel's Blog
Ron Paul Right, Thought Controllers Wrong, on Secession | XRepublic
Fracking chemical used in US linked to organ damage - Americas - World - The Independent
It’s the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World « WEB OF DEBT BLOG
Ice Age Columbus – Solutreans Are Indigenous Americans (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Noam Chomsky: Palestine 2012 - Gaza and the UN resolution - Sabbah Report
Walmart's New Health Care Policy Shifts Burden To Medicaid, Obamacare
Military Robotic Drones Come In Many Shapes And Sizes | XRepublic
PressTV - US set to establish new spy network as big as CIA: Report
Judge Napolitano Applauds Passage of Email Privacy Bill 'Preserves Constitutional Right to Privacy' | XRepublic
Anti-Neocons • View topic - Why 911 still matters
Nato Makes Inroads To Middle East, Establishes Command Center | StratRisks
Deadly Pesticides Linked to Increased Prostrate Cancer Risk -
The Government Can Still Black Bag Any American -
Study: American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth « CBS DC
Convergence: Globalists Push Russia-EU Merger -
Who Is The Real John McAfee? | Disinformation
Joe Rogan Podcast #290 - John Mcafee - YouTube
Citizens Are Winning the Battle Over Cops and Cameras | This Can't Be Happening
Teacher's Reward Program Charges Second-Graders for Bathroom Breaks | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
battleground for weapons of the future
DIA sending hundreds more spies overseas -
DIA to send hundreds more spies overseas - The Washington Post
Empirical evidence: Top-secret colonial files missing in UK -
Beyond The Phantom Of Terror: Five Real Ways America Is Under Attack -
How Joe Biden Stages Those Average-Joe Pictures... in Pictures - Politics - The Atlantic Wire
Patriot Pastors Take on The IRS - YouTube
Prison » Convergence: Globalists Push Russia-EU Merger
Prison » Intelligence Asset Anonymous Declares Cyber War on Syria
Prison » Our Collapsing Economy and Currency
City: Give Us Your Guns, Get A Free Flu Shot - And A Wegman's Gift Card | CNS News
Muslim Brotherhood 'paying gangs to go out and rape women and beat men protesting in Egypt' as thousands of demonstrators pour on to the streets | Mail Online
DIA to send hundreds more spies overseas - The Washington Post
Sen. Hatch: Obama fiscal proposal 'classic bait and switch' - The Hill
Prison » The Chart That Keeps Ben Bernanke Up At Night
The plot against the Internet - Eliza Krigman -
Prison » Cops arrest man at Christmas parade for telling children Santa isn’t real
Prison » Drone Makers Push Congress to Move Up Domestic Deployment Date
US 'shocked' by new settlement plan - Israel News, Ynetnews
Unusual activity at Syrian chemical weapons sites amid rumors Assad is dead or fled
Prison » Geithner: Raise U.S. debt limit to infinity
Prison » The Destruction of America: Brought to You By JP Morgan Chase
The Destruction of America: Brought to You By JP Morgan Chase - YouTube
Prison » Fun Fact: Aspiring Dictator Morsi Is A 9/11 Truther. But Does That Make Him Good?
Prison » Just ONE soft drink a day increases prostate cancer risk
Prison » Special Report: Dr. Nick Begich – The Technologies of Political Control
Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Mind Control - YouTube
Prison » Deadly Pesticides Linked to Increased Prostrate Cancer Risk
DOJ Mysteriously Quits Monsanto Antitrust Investigation | Mother Jones
Witness Claims Batman Shooter was Programmed to Kill - YouTube
White House Deploys Secret Service To Stop Press From Talking To Goldman Sachs CEO
Top NDAA Myths - #1 - The NDAA doesn't apply to U.S. citizens - YouTube
PressTV - US set to establish new spy network as big as CIA: Report
Flying into trouble? Drones to use US airspace as safety record questioned — RT
Drones kill more innocents in SWA
The Boeing computer-blitzing drone that could cripple a nation's electronics | Mail Online
Hacking the President’s DNA - Andrew Hessel, Marc Goodman and Steven Kotler - The Atlantic
Secret US Construction In Israel
Israel Routes US Forces in “Six-Hour War” | Mantiq al-Tayr
PressTV - Democracy in Syria through iron, blood counterproductive: Russia
Turkey requested Nato missile defences over Syria chemical weapons fears | World news |
New flagpoles in Iran spark rumors of clandestine satellite jamming technology | Fox News
Iran says nuclear fuel removed because of debris | World news | The Guardian
Taliban attack Nato airbase in Afghanistan | World news |
Video: Cars trapped after Japan tunnel collapse starts fire - Telegraph
Janine Shepherd: A broken body isn't a broken person - YouTube
Agenda 21: Pinko or Progress? - YouTube
VIDEO: Ohio sinkhole, size of 4 football fields, swallows highway -
Activist Post: Decentralizing Telecom For Local Communities
Page not found « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
NASA scientist answers end-of-the-world questions | Watch the video - Yahoo! News
Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation by Alex Constantine
Rigorous Intuition: April 2005
Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
Illustrations to spoon
Sex addiction: The truth about a modern phenomenon - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent
Harvard officially recognizes, but doesn't endorse, kinky student club -
Pelosi Won't Defend First Amendment Rights of Historic San Francisco Catholic Hospital | CNS News
Native Americans and Northern Europeans more closely related than previously thought
How Sustainable Development Affects Our Cities - YouTube
OpEdNews - Article: If Fighting for the Majority Is "Radical," Call Me Radical
21/12/12 - Tibetan monks make a statement for NASA Doomsday |
Researcher Offers Alternative Explanation for Global Warming
200 square foot homes prop up in DC as aspiring homeowners look for their piece of the American dream after the housing crisis | Mail Online
Forget McMansions. Tiny-home advocates make the case for less square footage: Room-size houses are smart, green and affordable - NY Daily News
Homestead Survival: Homemade Square Gardening PVC Watering System & Dibbler Project
So, How Do We Stop The Spraying? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Alex Jones taken to the wood shed - YouTube
Facebook ordered to remove paedophile monitoring page - Telegraph
Watergate scandal: secret files released | World news |
'White witch coven' took part ritualistic sex abuse of young girls, court told | UK news |
TrackingPoint Demonstration - YouTube
PressTV - Obama wants dictatorial power to increase debt
Reining in Obama and His Drones » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
PressTV - Nuclear Christmas, false flag in America to blame on Iran
Planet Earth Under Chemical Attack from ChemTrails :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website
Mohammed Salarbux: The Other Dark Side of GMO Corn
Academics to Study Threat of Robot Uprising - Tech Europe - WSJ
BBC News - 3D printers could use Moon rocks, say scientists
Sinister Sites: IRS Headquarters, Maryland
Odd Danske Bank Commercial “A New Normal” Tells You What is Normal in the NWO
Our Collapsing Economy and Currency
Federal Court Rules D.C. Political Postering Law is Unconstitutional
NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US Under Virtual Surveillance, All Info Stored.
Bradley Manning: A Tale Of Liberty Lost In America

Prepare For Alien Contact Urge Scientists | Beyond Science
This Is What The Luciferians Are Waiting For! - Important Reminder Of 12/21/12 | Alternative
Vatican Issuing Microchip ID's In Wake Of Vatileaks Controversy: Is There A Widespread Rush Into World Government? | Religion
New-World-Order....R.F.I.D Microchip...The enslavement of humankind. - YouTube
New Accurate Location Of The Magnetic Pole Shift At Half Way Point & Factual Events Occuring | Alternative
Al Bielek ~ Future Map of the U.S. - YouTube
Obama, Military Leaders Lied About Osama's Death Date, Admiral Relieved of Command | Obama
21 Lies Obama has Told you Directly to your
Curcumin inhibits telomerase and induces telomere shortening and
The Single Deadliest Ingredient in Your Pantry? | GreenMedInfo | Blog
3 of the Most Potent Healing Foods | Health
Reduce Wrinkles Naturally with Aloe Vera: Nature's Gift
The Pyramids and the End of the World; 12/3/12 to 12/21/12 | Prophecy
Cannabis Oil Eliminates Infant's Brain Tumor
Judge Signs Protection Order Against Anti-Drone Activists
A Plan to Improve the American Electoral System
Understanding a Republican Form of Government
Mycotoxins: The Hidden Hormone Danger In Our Food Supply
International study launched in attempt to fight illegal organ trafficking as industry continues to thrive
A Higher Conscious Conversation
Abandoned Medieval Town Turned into Self-Sufficient Village
Egyptians fear decades of Muslim Brotherhood rule, warn Morsi is no friend to US - World News
It¿s probably better to talk: How checking our phones 60 times a day is driving away friends | Mail Online
Sex addiction: The truth about a modern phenomenon - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent
Police: Tech mogul John McAfee still on the lam, despite blog's claim of capture | Fox News
Obama Campaign Still Asking for Contributions | Politicker
Nader: War Criminal Obama Worse Than Bush
CIA-Sponsored Trolls Monitor Internet & Interact With Users to Discredit Factual Information
Fiscal Cliff Negotiations With Obama Are ‘Nowhere,’ Boehner Says
Norquist: 'Tea Party 2' Backlash if Obama Sends Nation over Fiscal Cliff
Obama Plans for Climate Deal as Fiscal Cliff Negotiations Rage
Morsi Fuels Muslim Brotherhood Delusion
Obama Will be Defined by Obamacare Outcome
Israelis to Withhold Tax Transfers to Palestinians
Brinksmanship on Obama Medicaid Expansion for Poor
Republicans in Congress Split Over How to Handle Immigration
» Ron Paul: “Why I Don’t Run As An Independent” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Ron Paul: Why I Didn't Run as an Independent - YouTube
Changes to 11-plus to stop parents 'buying' access to top selective schools by hiring tutors for their children | Mail Online
The plot against the Internet - Eliza Krigman -
» Just ONE soft drink a day increases prostate cancer risk Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Study: Stress Causes Brain To Shrink « CBS Connecticut
Anti-Muslim film which sparked Middle East riots WILL stay on YouTube after judges dismisses second bid from actress to take it down | Mail Online
Stand-Up Desks Gaining Favor in the Workplace -
Unusual activity at Syrian chemical weapons sites amid rumors Assad is dead or fled
Obama, Bill Clinton Enjoy Round of Golf | CNS News
The Corporation - YouTube
Penn Jillette Weighs in on ‘The War on Christmas’
Catholic Priest Tells Fox Hosts: ‘You Guys Look So Angry About This War on Christmas’
President Obama Honors Rosa Parks Anniversary With a Picture of Himself on a Bus
‘The Government Shouldn’t Have Let Him Have Kids’: Disturbing Possible Motives for Man Who Killed Father With Bow & Arrow Emerge
French Mother Faces Charges After Sending Son Named ‘Jihad’ to School Wearing ‘I Am a Bomb’ T-Shirt
Allen West on His Future: ‘Abraham Lincoln Only Served One Term in Congress…’
‘We Don’t Forget’: Thousands Attend Anti-Nazi Rally in Hungary After Lawmaker’s Chilling Anti-Semitic Remarks
Egypt’s Top Court Has Suspended All Its Work Indefinitely Due to ‘Psychological…Pressures’ From Islamist Protests
MSNBC Host on Obama’s ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Offer: He’s Making Republicans an Offer They Can’t Refuse
Poll: 51 Percent of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage
Sen. Reid’s Website Scrubbed of 2005 Comments Opposing Filibuster Reform
Electronic Privacy is the New 21st Century Battleground: Why We Must Fight Back
It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for “Reelection”/growing Totalitarian Gove
Benghazi explained: Behind the lies
Are Establishment Republicans Ready to Give In to Obama?
The Working Class and the Government Class
United Nations sanctions and rewards hatred, violence, murder, terrorism, corruption and duplicity
Is Obama Fowling Up Domestic Energy Production?
Norquist: 'Tea Party' Two is Going to Dwarf 'Tea Party' One
The Real Slippery Slope to Marijuana Legalization
David Gregory Asks 'What's the Pain Point for Democrats' on Fiscal Deal
Is Ross Douthat Kidding?
Boehner: What Difference Does It Make Where We Get The Money?
Dan Senor Blasts Obama for Meeting with MoveOn, Ignores Meeting with CEOs
Geithner: President Wants Permanent Debt Ceiling Authority
Boehner 'Flabbergasted' Obama Offered His Campaign Promises in Debt Talks
Skin in the Game: Elites Demanding YOUR Sacrifice
Orrin Hatch Calls Obama's Economic Proposal 'Classic Bait and Switch'
Fox Host Asks if Leno Joke Indicates Media is 'Coming Around' Like Fox on Benghazi
Michael Savage: Talk radio ‘committing suicide’
The untold reason Jesus was born
West Point's landmark chapel hosts first same-sex wedding - NY Daily News
70 protest alleged 'maternal hotel' in Chino Hills - San Bernardino County Sun
MEMRI: Mohamed Morsi during Elections Campaign: Jihad Is Our Path, Death for the Sake of Allah Is Our Most Lofty Aspiration, the Shari'a Is Our Constitution
My Way News - Islamists rally to support Egypt's president
Few Places to Hide as Taxes Trend Higher Worldwide -
Rich Paid More Revenue Under Bush Tax Cuts
Gallup: Majority Against Government Healthcare Guarantee
Louisiana Judge Rules Jindal's Voucher Program Violates State Constitution
Obamacare Co-Author's Policy Paper: Increase Deficit, Weaken Filibuster
CA Residents Protest Alleged Chinese 'Maternity Hotel'
Harvard's Latest Addition: the S&M Club
Government Spent Half Trillion on Unemployment Benefits During Recession
Obama to Charge Health Insurers in Exchanges Additional 3.5% of Premiums
McCain Jokes with Lieberman About Judaism
Partisan Split over UN Ambassador Rice Widens
Reid Attempts Inside Straight for Casinos on On-line Poker
ObamaCare's Menu Labeling Regs Hike Costs and Stifle Creativity
McConnell: WH Must Agree to 'Structural Changes' in Entitlements
Gallup: Half Of Democrats, Quarter of Republicans Approve of Socialism
SCOTUS Directs Appeals Court To Address HHS Mandate Challenge
Environmentalists Petition Susan Rice to Divest 'Every Dollar of Stock' in Oil Pipeline Co.
ATF Takes Action Against Agents Involved In Fast and Furious
Columnist: Second Amendment to Blame for KC Chiefs Player's Murder/Suicide
Western Media Ignore Terrorists Using Journalists as Human Shields
Christiane Amanpour to Host Series on History of Israel
Media Ignores Obama Admin's Effort to Define 'Poverty' Upward
Study: Social Media Users Skew Liberal
China Overtaking US as Global Trader
Muslim Brotherhood Paying Men to Attack, Molest Morsi Opposition
Riots in Tunisia Prepare Way for Islamists
Abbas: Jerusalem Is Ours
Islamist Gunmen 'Burn Churches, Border Posts' in Nigeria
Sandra Fluke's UN: Contraception a 'Universal Human Right'
Morsi Reaches Islamist Dictator Deal With Egyptian Military
Islamist Protest Shuts Down Egypt's Top Court
EU Urges Israel to Annul Massive Settlement Plan
Taliban Bombers Kill 5 at NATO Base
World View: China Claims Sovereignty Over South China Sea Region
Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians
Iran Caught Photoshopping Claimed Drone Invention
Obama to Treat Terror as Crime, Not War
China, India, South Korea Form Partnership Excluding U.S.
Pentagon Lawyer: War on Terror to Shift Away from Military Operations
Coast 2 Coast AM: Martian Artifacts & Torsion Physics ~ Dec 1 2012 - YouTube

The Boeing computer-blitzing drone that could cripple a nation's electronics | Mail Online
Murder May Spread Like a Disease | LiveScience
Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality? -
Do DNA tests prove Bigfoot exists ? - Unexplained Mysteries
An artificially intelligent future: Ray Kurzweil on engineering the brain - Telegraph
2012 Mayan Apocalypse Rumors Have Dark Side, NASA Warns | LiveScience
Four is the 'magic' number for our mind coping with information
The Highway Patrol Cop Of The Future Is A Robotic Unicycle | Popular Science
Universe Grows Like A Brain | Social Networks |
Letterman, Led Zeppelin to Receive Kennedy Center Honors
Obama Honors Letterman, Dustin Hoffman, Led Zeppelin
Barbra Streisand Calls Obama 'Transparent,' Rips McCain on Benghazi-Gate
+The James Bond Chronicles: Best of the 007 Franchise
Ashley Judd Urges Women to 'Come Forward'
'Killing Them Softly' Review: Gangster Tale Doubles Down on Capitalism Critiques
Emanuel offers NATO money for anti-violence youth programs
Buddy Guy honored as living legend
Obama lauds David Letterman, Buddy Guy before DC honors
Cardinal Francis George responding well to cancer treatment
Egypt court postpones ruling as protesters mass at chambers
Highway tunnel ceiling slabs fall in Japan, kill 9
Man in Barista Death Linked to 7 Other Killings
Soldier in WikiLeaks case seemed suicidal at times: sergeants
Obama Political Support Gauged on the Links
Homeless Man Is Grateful for Officer's Gift of Boots. But He Again Is Barefoot.
'Fiscal cliff' talks at a stalemate over tax hikes
SEC Chief Delayed Rule Over Legacy Concerns
SEC Seen Waiting for Prosecutors Before Pursuing SAC
Department of Energy kicks off five-year, $120 million battery research program
Facebook Powerball hoaxer is software engineer, report says
Google's New Acquisition Sure Makes It Seem Like It's Gunning For Amazon
Facebook Makes A Huge Data Grab By Aggressively Promoting Photo Sync
The Kennedy Center Honors: Seven recipients and a whole lotta love
HOT NOW: George Lucas Not Doing 'Much' On Next 'Star Wars'
With Carbon Dioxide Emissions at Record High, Worries on How to Slow Warming
The end isn't near
The Advent Sky
World's most complex artificial brain ever passes IQ tests
Signs Of Life On Mars? Not Exactly
Gargantuan black hole baffles scientists
Shackleton's Antarctic Trip To Be Recreated
Grand Canyon 70 million years old, formed during era of dinosaurs, new study claims - The Washington Post
World AIDS Day reminds us to be educated, safe in our sexual health - The Daily Illini : Editorials: aids, world aids day, hiv, illinois department of public health, global landscape
Aspirin Linked to Lower Risk of Liver Cancer - ABC News
Ecstasy to treat PTSD: One woman's story
Homeless Man Says He’s Grateful for Boots but He’s Barefoot Again -
Military History Online - Austerlitz: Napoleon Makes His Own Luck
Monroe Doctrine
The Perils of Industry: 10 Notable Accidents and Catastrophes | Britannica Blog
In an F.H.A. Checkup, a Startling Number -
Financial News on Loop | Fox Business
The Needless Tragedy of Student Loan Defaults - Businessweek
The New Middle East’s New Problems by Joschka Fischer - Project Syndicate
What Iran and Pakistan Want from the Afghans: Water |
Why Revise US-ROK Missile Guidelines? | CHINA US Focus
Unserious Democrats on the nation's debt | New Hampshire OPINION01
Shared sacrifice is the way forward - Tampa Bay Times
EDITORIAL: Obamacare’s Medicaid time bomb - Washington Times
The Sebelius Coverup | The Weekly Standard
George Will: Colleges have free speech on the run - The Washington Post
Americans' expectations for Obama 2.0 plunge by Andrew Malcolm -
Emboldened Obama now even more reckless with America’s future -
Defining the Obama Presidency | RealClearPolitics
The Not-So-Liberal American Future - The Daily Beast
Why Won’t Morsi Back Down? Read His Resume | The New Republic
The Birthrate and America’s Future -
Jared Bernstein: It's Hard for People to Believe It When Government Gets It Right

December 2, 2012:Political Video

Geithner: No Deal Unless Republicans Agree To Increase Tax Rates | RealClearPolitics
Pat Buchanan: Obama's Fiscal Cliff Offer Is Full Of "Contempt" | RealClearPolitics
Kristol: GOP In Danger Of Looking Like "They Don't Care For Middle Class" | RealClearPolitics
FNC's Political Insiders On Politics Of Fiscal Cliff And Susan Rice | RealClearPolitics
Grover Norquist vs. CNBC's Jim Cramer On Tax Hikes | RealClearPolitics
Sen. McCaskill: Who Is Grover Norquist? | RealClearPolitics
"Reliable Sources" On Media Coverage Of Susan Rice, Fiscal Cliff | RealClearPolitics
Cokie Roberts On Grover Norquist: "The Emperor Has No Clothes" | RealClearPolitics
Boehner "Flabbergasted" By Obama's Fiscal Cliff Proposal | RealClearPolitics
Melissa Harris Perry: "Civil War" Will Break Out Among Republicans In 2016 | RealClearPolitics
"Fox News Sunday" Panel On Obama's Foriegn Policy Challenges | RealClearPolitics
"This Week" Roundtable: Fiscal Cliff & If GOP Politicizing Benghazi | RealClearPolitics
"Face The Nation" Panel: Economists: Fiscal Cliff Negotiations Tricky, Long | RealClearPolitics
"Meet The Press" Panel: Can Washington Make A Deal? | RealClearPolitics
Graham: We're Willing To Allow New Revenue "In A Smart Way" | RealClearPolitics

December 1, 2012:Political Video

The McLaughlin Group 11/30/12 | RealClearPolitics
Obama Accuses GOP Of Holding Middle Cut Tax Cuts "Hostage" In Weekly Address | RealClearPolitics
Sarah Palin: Benghazi Has Nothing To Do With Gender Or Skin Color | RealClearPolitics
Orrin Hatch Gives GOP Weekly Address: Obama Offer A "Classic Bait-And-Switch" | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly: What The Heck Is President Obama Doing? | RealClearPolitics
The Psychopathology of the Liberal Mind
Morsi's Totalitarian Mandate Is Sharia
The Mainstream Elf on the Shelf
The Biblical Case for Reparative Therapy
Palestinian 'Statehood': The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Asymmetry of Intolerance
Ending the Spiraling Out-of-Wedlock Childbirth Rate: A Unique Opportunity for Republicans
The Temptation of Babel
Start With a Lie, Then Bury the Truth
End Runs Could Tame Obama
12,000 watch as 'The Big E' is decommissioned
Morsi supporters shut down Egypt's top court
Obama wants $255 billion stimulus to offset his tax increases on the rich
'The Crisis of American Self-Government'
Murder-suicide involving NFL player raises questions about pro-sports culture
CPUSA and Obama Voters: Perfect Together
Another Victory for the Anti-Christian Grinches
To Survive, Republicans Must Embrace School Vouchers
Is Kurt Mix Now the Government's Star Prosecution Witness?
Should Conservative Professors Come Out as Conservative?
Will We Ever Get Our America Back?
Obama and Abbas Are Destructive to the People They Represent
Putin Cracks Down on Russian Internet
The Twinkie Economist Looks at the 1950s


Video: ZoNation: Liberals Boo God, but Cheer Barack Obama
Video: Do High Taxes Raise More Money?
Video: 14 Illegal Immigrants Spill Out of Car During Routine Traffic Stop
Video: Angry New Yorkers Lash Out at Obama and FEMA for Not Helping Sandy Victims
Video: What Can We Cut to Balance the Budget?
Video: This is Small Business America
Video: Bill Whittle: What It Would Be Like to Have a Candidate Who Really Believes in Conservatism...
2 Dec.
American Minute for December 2nd
Today in History: December 2
This Day in History for 2nd December |

What Happened on December 2nd This Day in History

December 2 Events in History

Today in History: December 2

December 2nd in History
Today in History for December 2nd - YouTube
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-02, Sunday
Saturday, 12/1/12 Larry Kudlow
World Crisis Radio Saturday December 01 2012 Hour 1
World Crisis Radio Saturday December 01 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday December 01 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday December 01 2012 Hour 2
Alex Jones Show: Sunday (12-2-12) Full Show - YouTube