A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

23 December 2011

23 DEC.

NORAD : Santa Tracker (


"Christmas Song" by Bob Dylan - Grooveshark

"Run, Run Rudolf" by Chuck Berry - Grooveshark

Michael Savage:

» Banned in Britain HQ: The Uutrage Continues



Space the Final Frontier

Incredible pictures of Comet Lovejoy taken by Space Station commander | Mail Online

A rare sight: All 7 planets in the night sky - Technology & science - Space - -

11 Most Amazing Astronomy Stories of 2011 - Technology & science - Space - -


Did Bo Return From Hawaii for Obama’s Photo Op? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier


North Koreans Grieve Over Obama Hawaii Vacation Delay - YouTube


How Kim Jong Il Starved North Korea - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Kim Jong Un expresses condolences to Kim Jong Il again: report - Xinhua |

BBC News - Kim Jong-il death: 'Nature mourns' N Korea leader

Was the Star of Bethlehem a Star, Comet … or Miracle? | Christmas Star & Historical Skywatching Stories | Three Wise Men & Birth of Christ |


Congress Approves Two-Month Tax Cut Extension, Tees Up Talks On Yearlong Package | Fox News

Mitt Romney highlights his marriage — not because of Newt Gingrich, he says -

GOP field enters home stretch before Iowa - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Inside the Ring ;NUKE SCIENTIST EXCHANGE PLANNED - Washington Times

Christianity May Be Eradicated in Iraq and Afghanistan, Says Chair of U.S. Religious Freedom Commission |

Black Panther murderer George Wright to remain free as Portugal rejects extradition request | Mail Online

Prez kin’s defense targets patrolman -

Review & Outlook: Holder's Voter ID Fraud -

U.S. exit from Iraq leaves a power void - Washington Times

'UNESCO funds Palestinian magazine glori... JPost - International

Ex-President Carter sends condolences to Kim Jong-un - Washington Times

Holder Cites Race In Explaining Scrutiny Of Justice Department Actions | Fox News

Officials Plead Guilty In New York Voter Fraud Case | Fox News

Extremist Teachings Remain In Saudi Textbooks Despite Kingdom's Claims Of Reform | Fox News

Arpaio: ICE refuses to take illegal immigrants - Flash Player Installation

Merry Christmas From Rush Limbaugh 2011 – Silent Night


**The Manning Report – 22 December 2011


Is Ron Paul A Racist?

Michael Steele: A Good Use of Racism

Investigate MF Global and Solyndra

Did Congress Just Endorse Rendition for Americans? | Mother Jones

EXCLUSIVE: EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power In Name Of 'Sustainable Development' | Fox News


IBM Predicts Mind-Reading Machines on Their Way

IBM says 'mind control' possible in five years | DVICE

IBM News room - 2011-12-19 IBM Reveals Five Innovations That Will Change Our Lives within Five Years - United States

IBM Next 5 in 5: 2011 - YouTube

History of IBM - Wikipedia

Did IBM Help Nazis in WWII?

IBM and the Holocaust(

IBM Punch Cards in the U.S. Army

EDWIN BLACK: IBM's unique role during WWII (THE CORPORATION) - YouTube



AntiChips: (

Radio-frequency identification - Wikipedia


The Worst (and Best) War-on-Xmas News of 2011 | Mother Jones

*(Videos)Mind-Reading Machines Are Here -

Louisiana State Officials Call For Troops On Streets - - Breaking news, politics, online news, world news, feature stories, celebrity interviews and more - ABC News

BBC News - Plants 'can think and remember'

It is not a Brave New World but rather a World only for the Brave | Codgerville (Home of the Country Codger)

Spying on Americans rising rapidly as warrantless use of undercover police, drones increases

Indefinite Detention isn’t the Only Troubling Thing About NDAA

Bankers, Billionaires Try to Form Movement Against OWS | Mother Jones


George S. Patton, Jr. U.S. Army

George Smith Patton, Jr. General, U.S. Army 1885-1945

General George S. Patton Quotes

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book - Telegraph

The Assassination Of General George Patton - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: War hero Patton 'murdered by the CIA'


Video: My RT Interview on the Arab League in Syria & More

Back Story on Syria: Sibel Edmonds & Journalist Pepe Escobar

Quick Update: Payoff for Jordan’s Syria-Front Generosity, AntiWar.Com Status, RT Today


*ARTICLES:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 22, 2011


Why Do GOP Bosses Fear Ron Paul?

Defense Says Manning Victim of Military Overreach

Study: Female Vets More Critical of Iraq, Afghanistan Wars

Baghdad Bloodbath Threatens Sectarian Chaos in Iraq: Will Iran Stoke or Douse the Fires?

At Presidency's 11th Hour, Medvedev Proposes Systemic Change

Problems Possible With Nearly 65,000 Arlington Graves, Report Says

Would US Nonintervention Have Led to a 'Nazi Century'?

Loom of the Jackboot: Obama Gives Military Extreme Powers

Americans Should Fear New Detention Law

Gay Rights and American Foreign Policy

Meet the Republican Chickenhawks

Thousands of Egyptians Protest Violence Against Women

S. Korean Economy Strong Despite North's Transition

Rush to Extract Natural Gas Stirs Health Concerns

F.C.C. Seeks to Ease Media Ownership Rule -

One year after FBI subpoena, civil liberties protections in US frighteningly eroded even further | The Electronic Intifada

Ron Paul Touted His Controversial Newsletters In 1995 C-SPAN Interview

Fed’s Once-Secret Data Released to Public - Bloomberg

From Mind Control to Superstardom: The Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Marry the Night”

The Excavator: Upon Release of Martial Law Documents, The Plan For America's Destruction Becomes Apparent

Lone Star Watchdog: 2012 Could Be the Year of the Sheriff, the Last Line of Defence Against Tyranny

Activist Post: Is This Humble Plant Capable of Alleviating Most Human Suffering?

Your Bank Account is Bleeding - The Casey Report

Univision promoting war with Iran? - YouTube

Ron Paul is like Martin Luther King. Black voters support Ron Paul! - YouTube

Madness: Even School Children Are Being Pepper-Sprayed and Shocked with Tasers | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Mehanna verdict compromises First Amendment, undermines national security | ACLU of Massachusetts

False Flag Attacks - YouTube

Bank Of America Minority Home Loan Settlement - $335 Million - YouTube

Activist Post: Corporate-State Media Creating a Fool's Paradise

D.M.C "Hey Mr. President What The Hell Are You Doing" - YouTube

Activist Post: FDA Targets ‘Unproven’ New Supplements While Allowing Harmful GMOs

Activist Post: Psychological Preparedness

Activist Post: Seafood 10,000 Times Over Safe Limit for Carcinogenic Contamination, FDA Says to Eat it Anyway

Activist Post: With all of the pieces in place, when will the hammer drop?

Activist Post: Smart Meters Make Themselves At Home . . . by Force

Activist Post: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to be Released in the US for the First Time

You Are The Battlefield! - YouTube

Senate, House Pass Payroll Tax-Cut Extension

McCain: Payroll Tax Impasse Put Republicans in 'Box Canyon'

George H.W. Bush Backs Romney for President

Norquist: Obama Used Tax to Stoke Class Hatred

Ron Paul Dogged by Racism Charges

Senate, House Pass Payroll Tax-Cut Extension

Socialist France Leads World as Gloomiest over Economy

Rick Perry Texas Job Claims Exaggerated

Callista Gingrich Steps Up Presence on the Trail

Ron Paul Letter Warned 'Race War' Coming

Radio Host Clovis: Paul Victory Could Tarnish Iowa

Despite Controversy, Paul Draws Crowds in Iowa

Romney Welcomes Bush 41's Unofficial Endorsement

+Scrapbook Tells How Rudolph Went Down in History Super PAC Site Targets Candidate

Wave of Bombings Across Iraqi Capital Kills 60

Oil Approaches $100 on Global Security Concerns

Obama Recovers as Candidates Break ‘Eleventh Commandment’

Some Endorsements Come With More Strings Than Others

We Are Defined By Our Holiday Traditions

Obama Channels Visions of Jimmy Carter

Vatican Denies Pope in Ailing Health

Republican Voters Split Between Idealism and Pragmatism

VIDEO: Syrian Death Toll Claim: Thousands Dead, Zero Verifiable Sources

Nuclear Energy: Profit Driven Industry

Russia's Elections. Who is Calling the Shots at the Duma?

VIDEO: Money for Nothing: US Military Defense Industry Shows Vulnerabilities

North Korea: The Broad Geopolitical Implications of the Death of Kim Jong-il

America's Drone Wars in Africa: A Constellation of Secret Airstrips and Drone Bases

Israel-US Largest-ever Missile Defence War Games


**The Alex Jones Show – December 22nd, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 22nd, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 22nd, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – December 21st, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – December 21st, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – December 21st, 2011

NEWS | Bill of Rights: Born Dec. 15, 1791 – Died Dec. 15, 2011

Ron Paul Ad: Staying on the Right Path - YouTube

CNN Lobs Veiled Charges of Racism at Ron Paul – Mac Slavo |

Ron Paul Walks Out On CNN Interview After Veiled Charges of Racism - YouTube

Lawmakers back genocide bill, Turkey recalls envoy - FRANCE - FRANCE 24

Paul facing scare tactics and "racist" smears. - YouTube

CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites |

Neocon Says Ron Paul Would Appease Hitler and the Nazis |

Ron Paul Polling In Top Tier In Nevada |

The Unexplainable Store; Brainwave Recordings and Crystals For Spiritual Development(

Pakistan Needs to Declare Its Independence

The Worst Case For War with Iran

The 'Arab Spring' And The West: Seven Lessons From History

May You Live In Interesting Times

Sheldon Adelson: The Deep Pockets Behind Newt Gingrich

Pvt. Manning and Imperative of Truth

Bill Authorizes Rendition of Citizens Living On U.S. Soil to Other Countries for Torture

Tarek Mehanna: Victimized by Racist Injustice

Almost 33% in U.S. Are Arrested by Age 23, Study Finds

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

What If Occupiers Armed Themselves?

We Get Off On Warfare - YouTube

The Manas Question: Drugs, Revolution, and Terrorism - YouTube

Rand Paul on Ron Paul's principled leadership. - YouTube


Burl Ives - Silver & Gold - YouTube

=HQ Sound= Burl Ives - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer - YouTube

"A holly jolly Christmas" Burl Ives - YouTube

Christmas Songs(

Hardrock, Coco, and Joe - YouTube


Romney ‘promises’ student she will have job if he wins | The Raw Story

In ad for newsletter, Ron Paul forecast ‘race war’

James O’Keefe accused of sexual harassment

+How to Get into the Christmas Spirit | The Art of Manliness

Obama's FEMA Camps and the Deaths of Vaclav Havel and Kim Jong-Il by Scott Lazarowitz

Why Ron Paul Can Win by James Jaeger

A Simple Plan to Keep Your Assets Safe From an Out-of-Control Government by Terry Coxon

What Would Ron Paul Own? by Jeff Berwick

Overseas Radio Network to Launch with P.T. Freeman as Host

Welcome Back Grok: 30 Days of Self-Discovery | Mark's Daily Apple

+Getting Worse: 40 Undeniable Pieces Of Evidence That Show That America Is In Decline - informationliberation

TSA Seeks to Expand the Airport Experience Into Everyday Life - informationliberation

TSA Responsible For Over 9,000 Unannounced Checkpoints In Last Year - informationliberation

Jeffrey Tucker, "Government is based on Coercion not Cooperation" - YouTube

Mythmaking begins for NKorea's next leader - Yahoo! News

Coders Are Already Finding Ways Around SOPA Censorship - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

SOPA Supporters Learning (Slowly) That Pissing Off Reddit Is A Bad Idea | Techdirt

Paul Graham: SOPA Supporting Companies No Longer Allowed At YC Demo Day | TechCrunch

Newt Called Out In Grocery Store - YouTube

Schaeffer Cox: FBI Informants Kidnapped Me, Turned My Life Into The Truman Show | TPMMuckraker

10 Economic Myths That Need To Be CorrectedSilver Circle Underground | Silver Circle Underground

Cenk Uygur Cuts Off Peter Schiff's Mic Then Kicks Him Off The Show! - YouTube

Google Refuses to Censor Police Brutality Videos


+Activist Post: The Beatles Conspiracy: Is Sir McCartney an Imposter?

Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament Of George Harrison | Before It's News


*Paul McCartney Really Is Dead: The Last Testament Of George Harrison @ Vimeo


Hollowed Earth: Aliens Underground, Humans Above Ground | Before It's News

Michael Tsarion. Hollow Earth,2012,Alien Bloodline! - YouTube

New Evidence Aliens Invading Our Solar System Now | Before It's News

Mysteries of the Multiverse: If there was ever a Must Read... - English

The Noah Diaries 2011 (5): "Who is going to shoot Obama?" | Before It's News

Election Fraud? Sorry, Vote’s Over - Court Rules Inauguration Cancels 'Standing' In Obama Case | Before It's News

Justice Thomas: We are evading the eligibility issue - YouTube

Ron Paul: Contender Or Spoiler? | Before It's News

The Court: Any Challenge To Obama Would Have To Be Brought By The Attorney General!...what A Joke!...holder Was Appointed By Obama And Holder Was Put There Specifically To Protect Obama!!!! | Before It's News

The Real Tragedy of the NDAA 2012 | Before It's News


FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 1/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 2/3 - YouTube

FBI Complicit in OKC Bombing Terror Attack: K9 Unit Police Officer Tells All! 3/3 - YouTube


Alex Jones: FBI Complicit In Oklahoma City Bombing - K-9 Unit Police Officer Tells All | Before It's News


A Breathalyzer Test For Lung Cancer | Before It's News

Myths And Truths Of Obesity And Pregnancy: Vitamins, Weight Gain, Preterm Birth And More | Before It's News


+Angels, Aliens, and the Antichrist - Prophecy Depot

+Part 1

+Part 2

+Part 3


+Part 1

+Part 2

+Part 3

Apollyon Rising 2012 – Exposing America’s Deep Dark Secrets - Prophecy Depot

Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed - YouTube




Remy: Grandma Got Indefinitely Detained (A Very TSA Christmas) - YouTube

David Icke Says Enough! - YouTube

(flashback)George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want. - YouTube

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Racist Bank of America fined $335 million for discrimination against African-Americans

Adam Levitin Tells Congress: Citigroup, Bank Of America, JPMorgan & Wells Fargo Are All INSOLVENT - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Predicts EVERYTHING Happening to America and Around the World, EVERYTHING!!

CNN Hit Piece: Ron Paul Is A Racist! (Nice Fair & Balanced News) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : How Ron Paul Would Defend America

Revolutionary Politics : Mitt Romney is a vulture crony capitalist.

Revolutionary Politics : TYT Is Just Another Traitor, Makes A Hit Piece Against Ron Paul

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Lockerbie bomber: 'I am an innocent man'

poorrichards blog: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse

Activist Post: Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate

Activist Post: 9 Steps to Keep Your Assets Safe From an Out-of-Control Government

What if Ron Paul wins Iowa – and New Hampshire, too? -

» CNN Deliberate Insider Hit Job on Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Lone Star Watchdog: All I want For Christmas Is Americans to Take Back the Power to Say "No" to Tyranny

Ann Coulter: "I Would Prefer Ron Paul As President Over Newt Gingrich" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

YayaCanada: CBC's "The Current" panders to CIA propaganda

Lieberman Caught Passing Insider Information to Hedge Fund Managers | Get Smart News

Model busted for smuggling cocaine in breast, buttocks implants | The Raw Story

The Two Faces of the United Nations | Intifada Palestine

Paul draws hundreds to event in Bettendorf

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Paul facing scare tactics and "racist" smears.

Rick Santorum gives green light to racial profiling of Muslims - New York Daily News

The New America by Richard Russell

Ron Paul Polling In Top Tier In Nevada - 12160

Gingrich condemns Ron Paul for abandonin... JPost - International

Vatican Uses NASA Technology to Preserve Ancient Tomes | InnovationNewsDaily


Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Appeals court tosses Obama birthplace challenge - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

Revolutionary Politics : The 9/11 Tower Collapses: Richard Gage Of AE911Truth


**Egg Nog | Before It's News


Cooking and Recipes(Before It's News)


Congress approves short-term payroll tax, unemployment benefits - Washington Times

Inside the Ring - Washington Times

Gingrich to Campaign With Pets and Music - ABC News

Paul's Positions Play Well in Iowa -

In ad for newsletter, Ron Paul forecast race war | Reuters

Former Super Bowl Winner Ben Utecht Suffering Memory Loss At Age 30 | ThePostGame

Holder Cites Race In Explaining Scrutiny Of Justice Department Actions | Fox News

Ancient Roman pillar collapses at Pompeii villa

Barack Has No Pet Peeves Of First Lady; Michelle: "My List Is Too Long" | RealClearPolitics

Michelle Obama: "Practical" To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List | RealClearPolitics

World News - Girl swept away by 2004 tsunami weeps after reunion with family

Citing medical condition, Edwards seeks delay in trial ::

Rare Violin Worth $172K Lost On Bus - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston

"Space ball" drops on Namibia - Yahoo! News

IMF urges members to boost funding under 2010 plan | Reuters

Facebook Photos Lead Police To Suspects In Burglary « CBS Pittsburgh

Race for New Air Jordan Sneakers Turns Ugly

A multi-trillion dollar scheme that will end in tears - YouTube

Does Airport Security Really Make Us Safer? | Culture | Vanity Fair

'Birthers' vow to appeal Obama ruling on right to be president -

Interest Rates in a Gold Coin Standard by Gary North

The Drone


Warning! Neocon Push For War with Iran! (MORE ILLEGAL & UNNECESSARY WARS) - YouTube


** U.S. Bases


Fars News Agency :: Former IRGC Cyber War Commander: Iran Can Make Drones More Advanced than RQ-170

Does This US And Israel Joint Missile Defense Drill Say Anything About Plans For Iran?

Jews, Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide Holocaust

Statement by the Press Secretary on Syria | The White House

50 US experts implore Obama to press Syr... JPost - International

Report: Israeli company sold surveillance equipment to Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News - What is the REAL Jewish World Population?

Agenda 21 Total Surveillance Smart Cities are HOT Investments | Farm Wars

Food Grade Activated Charcoal is an Excellent Detox Agent | Natural Society

Jesus Is Behind The Apartheid Blockade

A $2.5 Million Libel Judgment Brings The Question: Are Bloggers Journalists? | Fox News

Rense & Rosa Koire - Agenda 21 Eco Terror War - YouTube

USDA Deregulates Monsanto Soybean Trait - Farm Chemicals International

Destroying the Black Culture - Thomas Mountain - YouTube

Hong Kong culls 17,000 chickens after bird flu scare - video | World news |

Halfpasthuman - the 'played' is the thing

CIA and Russian Protesters | Opinion Maker

Greg Mankiw's Blog: The Ron Paul Portfolio

The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III

Potbelly Globalists Want You Dead – The Kissinger Report :

The GOP's Iowa Chaos | National Memo | Breaking News, Smart Politics

BBC News - Turkey retaliates over French 'genocide' bill

Iowa Novel Influenza Testing Paradox

Jonathan Kay: Three reasons why Winnipeg’s Human Rights Museum is doomed to failure | Full Comment | National Post

You Are The Battlefield | Before It's News

Tarek Mehanna - Victimized By Racist Injustice

The speculative scrum driving up food prices | Frederick Kaufman | Global development |

Palestinians are heroes, braving Israeli dictatorship - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Turkey Beyond Horizons | Opinion Maker

US admits mistakes in deadly Pakistan air strike - Telegraph

Bankers ready to take legal action to protect bonuses | Business | The Guardian

Six men jailed following ¿300million tax evasion on carbon permits | Mail Online

Economic standstill sets Italians on the move | World news |

Cafferty : People In Iowa Are Rallying Around Someone Who Represents real change, REAL CHANGE! - YouTube

Chinese scientist sentenced for stealing US secrets - Telegraph

Mexico disbands entire police force in tope port | World news | The Guardian

Lockerbie bomber: 'I am an innocent man' | World news |

Kim Jong-il's death 'may have been stage managed' - Telegraph

Acupuncture really can reduce stress levels, scientists claim after alternative therapy experiment | Mail Online

Majority of new HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis B cases are found in immigrants | Mail Online

Cancer fears as fatty diets trigger 50% surge in acid reflux in just a decade | Mail Online

Experts call for 10% 'fat tax' on soft drinks to prevent obesity | Society | The Guardian

IBM predicts it will be making 'mind-controlled' PCs within five years | Mail Online

Activist Post: Gingrich Skulking Behind Ron Paul Attacks

Fars News Agency :: Capture of US Hi-Tech Drone Signifies Iran's Power in Electronic Warfare

PressTV - Blix rebuts West's claims on Iran N-plan

Paulonomics: Ron Paul’s plans for taxes, spending and Social Security | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

DAVID ICKE - THEY WANT TO TRIGGER WORLD WAR THREE (FINAL CUT)Viewer discretion is advised. - YouTube

Interview with Retired Surgeon David Halpin (Dr David Kelly case) - YouTube

+Inception becomes reality: People can teach themselves new skills in dreams | Mail Online

When is the winter solstice? | Science |

Grim Holiday Season Tidings


Twas the Night Before Christmas - Full Video - YouTube


*Night Before Christmas


**A CHRISTMAS CAROL-Marley's Ghost

A CHRISTMAS CAROL - The First of the Three Spirits

A CHRISTMAS CAROL - The Second of the Three Spirits

A CHRISTMAS CAROL - The Last of the Spirits



Listening With The Mind's Eye

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The path to business uncertainty ;Rep. Kevin Brady rips Senate for not finishing work, previews debt-ceiling deadline

It's massive new assault on Christmas across U.S.

Obama's new manufacturing czar a globalist activist

What $40 Means to President Obama: Treats for His Dog |

Indiana Secretary of State was not eligible for office: judge | Reuters

Officials Plead Guilty In New York Voter Fraud Case | Fox News

Agency finds defects in ballot scanners –

Report: Hamas to Join the PLO - Middle East - News - Israel National News

The Jamestown Foundation: Former Pakistan Army Chief Reveals Intelligence Bureau Harbored Bin Laden in Abbottabad

US posts $10 million reward for al-Qaeda fundraiser - Telegraph

BP axes solar power business | Environment |

'Underwear Bomber' Plane Hero Suing Airlines - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

What Ron Paul thinks of America

Top 10 'gay' abuses of 2011

Is this the dreaded 'civilian national security force'?

New 'Silent Night' descends on Austria

Hanukkah: Kindling the flame of God's word

A Christmas warning

Time to return America to the God Standard

Ron Paul rising

Paul's presidential dance: Cute, but unstable

Make Congress vote on war on Iran

Public schools are teaching what?

Sometimes caution can backfire

John Boehner destroys GOP record on taxes

Progressive honor roll of 2011

'Too late' to contain research into deadly bird flu strain, warn scientists - Telegraph

Man Eats Cocaine From Brother's Butt, Dies - Louisville News Story - WLKY Louisville

WaPo Features 'Sex Comedy' Novel for Teens With 'God As a Horny Guy Named Bob' |

Kim Jong-Il's fate on 30 Rock - what happens next? | Reuters


NORAD Santa trackers stand by for another big day -


*Article Links: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

**Days in History:23-26

American Minute for December 23rd

American Minute for December 24th

American Minute for December 25th

American Minute for December 26th

December 23rd This Day in History

December 24th This Day in History

December 25th This Day in History

December 26th This Day in History

December 23rd in History

December 24th in History

December 25th in History

December 26th in History

This Day in History for 23rd December

This Day in History for 24th December

This Day in History for 25th December

This Day in History for 26th December

Today in History: December 23

Today in History: December 24

Today in History: December 25

Today in History: December 26

December 23 Events in History

December 24 Events in History

December 25 Events in History

December 26 Events in History

Today in History: December 23

Today in History: December 24

Today in History: December 25

Today in History: December 26

Today in History for December 23rd - YouTube

Today in History for December 24th - YouTube

Today in History for December 25th - YouTube

Today in History for December 26th - YouTube


The Alex Jones Show 12-22-11 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 12-22-11 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 12-22-11 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 12-22-11 Hr 4

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-22-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 12-22-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-22-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 12-22-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 12-22-11 Hr 3


+30 min./The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube


*2:00:00/Zeitgeist - The Movie - YouTube

*2:03:00/Zeitgeist Addendum - YouTube



What Does the 2014 ObamaCare Tax Increases Mean to You? «

7 Questions: Ron Paul «

Obama Doesn’t Care That Keystone Pipeline Is Key For Middle Class «

Barb Adams: UFO in Tow on Kansas Streets? «

New Poll: Ron Paul Betters Other GOP Candidates Vs Obama «

Race On To Cover Up Details Of Lab Created Killer Bird Flu «

Keiser Report: Capitalism Without Capital? (E226) - YouTube

House, Senate Clear Payroll-Tax Accord

Bomb Blasts Hit 2 Security Facilities in Syrian Capital

Westmont man gets 25 years for strangling wife

Bail set at $500000 in Aurora woman's murder

CPS students lose homeroom, gain 36 more minutes of class time

More Strong Quakes in Christchurch, New Zealand - YouTube

Kremlin nervous as protesters return to streets of Russia

New Zealand quake: Your memories

Pakistan Military Denies Conspiracy to Seize Power

Ukrainian court upholds 7-year jail sentence for former premier Yulia Tymoshenko

Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi Registers Party, Visits Parliament

Chen Wei jailed in China for 'subversive' writing

Canada imposes new sanctions against Assad regime

Romney won't release tax return if he's GOP nomination

Ron Paul 1993 appeal letter warns of 'race war,' assails 'Israeli lobby'

Republican speaker Boehner makes U-turn on tax cuts - YouTube

Obama to make tax cut statement, leave for Hawaii

NYPD's spying programs produced mixed results

Mitt Romney fires back at Joe Biden for 'chutzpah' in op-ed

Bradley Manning pre-trial hearing: what we learned

Coin worth $1700 donated to Salvation Army kettle

Police: Cab Driver Suspect's Remains Found in Ocean

Bodies of 2 off-roaders found in Mojave Desert

Homeless NJ man beaten in YouTube video, out of hospital

Search for Missing Maine Toddler Hampered by Snowfall

Four GOP Candidates To Be In Virginia Primary

Jack Goldman, founder of Xerox PARC dies at 90

Lawmakers, FTC Want ICANN to Delay New Domain Plan

Facebook-Related Searches Dominated U.S. Web This Year

Seth Rogen to produce Disney spy comedy 'The B Team'

Pigeons surprise the world with glimmer of intelligence

HIGH QUALITY - Space Station Commander Captures Unprecedented View of Comet - YouTube

Frankincense tree facing uncertain future

Large Hadron Collider discovers new form of quarkonium

Hubble Telescope Spots Complex Organic Molecules on Surface of Pluto

Who's afraid of a 13-foot-tall walking robot?

Russian Satellite Crashes in Latest Failed Rocket Launch

NASA's Got “Space Balls”: A Holiday Package of Saturn and Its Moons

Elephant's sixth 'toe' discovered

Two more players join in the odyssey

Winter Solstice 2011 at Stonehenge, Druids Say 2012 Will Be Good | Geekosystem

Health Secretary: no need to remove breast implants - YouTube

France, UK issue clashing advice on breast implants

More retailers pull formula after Mo. infant death

Are You a Woman Suffering from Acid Reflux?

Hepatitis B vaccine recommended for adults with diabetes

Scientists Name Top Breakthrough of 2011

3 contract hepatitis C from infected donor

Cigar company's Orange Bowl sponsorship is protested

Controversy over 'inhaled caffeine' grows as as Sen. Schumer calls for FDA probe

Dutch Lab Creates Killer Flu, Al-Qaeda Origins & More: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Louisiana State Rep Demands Troops on The Streets: Infowars Nightly News 1/2 - YouTube

Louisiana State Rep Demands Troops on The Streets: Infowars Nightly News 2/2 - YouTube


FEMA (COG) Plans Total Takeover of Society Under Economic Collapse: DOD Joe Joseph Reports - YouTube

MILITARY TO DESIGNATE US CITIZENS AS ENEMY-Alex Jones Infowars Nightly News 2011-12-21 - YouTube


Prison » FDA Targets ‘Unproven’ New Supplements While Allowing Harmful GMOs

Natural gas issue affecting 1,600 homes |

Which Gold and Silver Stocks Does Ron Paul Favor? |

Prison » Citizens to be Declared Enemy Under FEMA’s (COG) Plan: Infowars Nightly News

Prison » War Woe: Suicide kills more US soldiers than combat

Prison » Seafood 10,000 Times Over Safe Limit for Carcinogenic Contamination, FDA Says to Eat it Anyway

Prison » Iran to Stage Naval Wargames Saturday

Christianity May Be Eradicated in Iraq and Afghanistan, Says Chair of U.S. Religious Freedom Commission |

Prison » Gingrich Labels Ron Paul’s Entire Support Base As “People Who Want To Legalize Drugs”

Prison » Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

Prison » Bachmann Campaign Lies About Iowa Poll Numbers

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Hariri: Damascus blast ‘engineered’ by Syrian regime

Prison » Iran Launching “Massive” Ten Day War Game Tomorrow In Close Proximity To CVN-74 John Stennis

Prison » How to make a speech for Ron Paul in Iowa (or anywhere else!)

Prison » Amish Dairy Farmer Selling Raw Milk Won’t Be Cowed by FDA

Prison » Corporate-State Media Creating a Fool’s Paradise

Total Despotism in America with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein 1/2 - YouTube

Total Despotism in America with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein 2/2 - YouTube


Infowars Nightly News for Monday, December 19, 2011 (FULL) - YouTube

12-20-2011 Infowars Nightly News with guests James Lane, Hoppy Heidelberg - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Wednesday,December 21,2011 (FULL) - YouTube

President Ron Paul Channel Presents 2011-12-22 Infowars Nightly News and Bruce Fein - YouTube

Coast to Coast AM

C2CAM - 2011.12.04 - Ancient Aliens - Alex Jones NDAA Concerns - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.17 - Jordan Codices - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.18 - Rock & Roll and the Paranormal - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.19 - Environmental Activism - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.20 - Spiritual Intervention - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.21 - Secret Door XIII - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.22 - YU55, ETs, & Roswell - YouTube

Art Bell C2CAM - Comets & Electrical Energy - 2004.12.12 - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.11 - Billy Meier's ET Info - YouTube

C2CAM - 2011.12.03 - Government GPS Spying - YouTube


+Prison » Total Despotism in America with Constitutional Lawyer Bruce Fein


**Exclusive: Military to Designate U.S. Citizens as Enemy During Collapse Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Military to Designate Americans as Enemy During Collapse: DOD Contact Joe Joseph Reports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists

DARPA's new spy satellite could provide real-time video from anywhere on Earth


*Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» TSA Responsible For Over 9,000 Unannounced Checkpoints In Last Year Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Rules Make It Possible For Republican Establishment To Steal Nomination From A Candidate They Don’t Like Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Kiss heard 'round the world: Lesbians chosen for Navy tradition -

» DemocracyNOW supporting Ron Paul 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DemocracyNOW supporting RON PAUL 2012 - YouTube

Daily Kos: Anonymous: Night Raid Equipment-Maker Lobbied for NDAA, Singles Out Sen. Rob Portman.

» Saudis begin nationwide mosque sit-in Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Revolution in Saudi Arabia - YouTube

» Obedience to Authority: Milgram & Stanford Prison Experiments Ask Why Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Aaron Dykes Reviews Milgram & Stanford's Experiments on Obedience to Authority - YouTube

Weapons procurement could fall to private sector under new proposals | UK news |

Local police stockpile high-tech, combat-ready gear | America's War Within

The Daily Bell - Former President Bill Clinton Calls for a Return to "Big 3" News Networks?

Americans are scared to fly thanks to TSA — RT

» Monsanto Launches Phony ‘GMO Co-Existence’ Protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Woman left a virtual recluse by Tourette's syndrome cured by electrodes implanted in brain | Mail Online

Pentagon gets the go-ahead for offensive cyberwars — RT

Forget bulky panels on your roof - could the future of solar power be solar paint? | Mail Online

Too late to contain killer flu science, say experts - Science - News - The Independent

DHS Spent $9.8M to Store $44M of Steel It Bought But Did Not Use to Build Mexico Border Fence |

The Dangerous Supreme Court – Tenth Amendment Center

» Sweden legalizes and regulates cannabis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Standing up for unpopular truths about 9/11 comes at a personal cost Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Treasonous War Street Journal Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hot News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Economic Solutions Of Vampires

Why The Globalist Agenda Is Backfiring | Before It's News


*Hoppy Heidelberg: OKC Bombing was Designed to Get Clinton’s Anti-Terrorism Bill Passed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Walter Reed Banned Family Members From Bringing Bibles to Wounded Warriors

Navy Biofuel Deal is 'Cost Prohibitive,' 'Another Solyndra,’ Critics Say

Third Christmas Behind Bars for Death Row Christians Asia Bibi and Youcef Nadarkhani

House GOP Eats Humble Pie, Passes 2-Month Extension of Payroll Tax Cut

FAA Clears Santa's Sleigh for Fuel-Efficient Christmas Eve Take-Off

Spielberg, Clooney, Hanks Give Maximum Contributions to Obama’s Reelection Bid

Attack Dog: Biden Makes Pre-Nomination Strike on Romney in Newspaper Op-Ed

Romney Says He Will Continue Obama's Policy of Having Homosexuals in Military

Consumers Paid More for Food in 2011, CPI Data Show

By 2-to-1 Margin, Americans Prefer 'Merry Christmas' Over 'Happy Holidays'

Pakistani Army Rejects U.S. Report on Airstrikes

Ugly, Gaudy Christmas Sweaters All the Rage

Michelle Obama Says She'd Live Her Next Life As Bo the Dog

Electronices Store Makes Christmas Tree From Cellphones

Obama’s EPA Killing Jobs With New Pollution Rule, Coal State Senators Say

Occupy Hecklers Drown Out Bachmann at Iowa Diner

'Occupy' Using Drones To Spy On Police, Capture Video

Was Administration's '09 Announcement Of 'Project Gunrunner' Actually A Reference To 'Fast And Furious?'

HuffPost 'Reimagines' Marriage - To Include Sexbots

Cantor to Obama: 'We Are Pet Friendly'

No 'Arab Spring' in Beijing, As China Sentences Rights Activist to 9 Years in Jail |

After Biden Says Taliban Is Not America’s Enemy, Taliban Lashes Out at U.S. ‘Occupation’ of Iraq |

Time's Up: Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Alan Bersin Announces His Departure |

Politics and Common Sense

A Paul GOP nomination for President is Obama's dream opponent!

The Sum of Good Government

Ron Paul On Top In Iowa Because Of Support From Poor

Debbie Schlussel:Aisha Khan: Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxer Gets Away w/ It

Debbie Schlussel:What to Wear: Clothing Co Dumps Anti-Israel Bitch From Art Contest

Debbie Schlussel:Schmuck of the Year: NYTimes’ Thomas Friedman Stands By “Jews Bought Congress” BS

Waiting for a miracle

Retailing in the Age of Political Correctness: “MERRY X-MAS!” From Your X-Customer

The US Department of INJustice

US Navy’s Lesbian Kiss Makes Waves

Three Wise Men, 2011 style

McCanns’ ask for people to keep Madeleine in their thoughts during Christmas

Ron Paul’s Dissembling About His Newsletters

China, U.S. Warn Europe’s Green Fanatics of Global Trade War

House Republicans Eat Christmas Crow, Cave on Payroll Tax Cut

Payroll Tax Cuts has Future Taxation Written all over it!

Truckers say final hours-of-service regulations won’t improve highway safety

Bankrupt Pension Plans Drive Businesses Out of the State

Happening Silently: Islam Aggressive Invasion of America

Recess Appointments by the President: What Our Constitution Really Says

The Democratic Party's War against Promotions

Obamacare and the Ratchet Theory of History

Ron Paul forecast 'race war' in ad for newsletter

Pakistan rejects US report on border attack

Israel: Some Basic Facts

Harvard Fires Critic of Jihad

Obama's Mount Gushmore

Obama's Stealth Betrayal of Israel?

Origins of the Palestinian Identity

Gay sailors' 'first kiss' more titillation than news

Obama's Ego

Politifact defends 'Lie of the Year' selection

Obama Claims He Only Lies About Little Things

DOE must release climate data

Iraq War A Great Success

Chicago Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead

The Gingrich-Churchill Comparison

The Paradox of Merit Pay

On the Holiness of Jerusalem in Judaism and in Islam

Even Before Fast and Furious, They Had Guns on Their Minds

The EPA's Unconscionable War on Fracking

Iraq’s “March Backwards Into the Sun” « Commentary Magazine

The 7 most illuminating economic charts of 2011 « The Enterprise Blog

Does Cutting the Payroll Tax Endanger Social Security? | Mother Jones

Robert Creamer: Why GOP Collapse on the Payroll Tax Could be a Turning Point Moment

Democrats, Republicans losing ground on voter affiliation « Hot Air

For the world’s bad guys, 2011 was a dangerous year - The Washington Post

RealClearWorld - On Iran, Pressure Works

Quiet Iraq Exit Won’t Have a Replay in Afghanistan: Noah Feldman - Bloomberg

Douglas Ollivant: Iraq Is A Mess. But Leaving Was The Right Call. | The New Republic

An enemy of totalitarianism the Mideast misunderstood - The National

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: Kuwait’s Brotherhood see an opening

Political crisis in Iraq undermines fragile security - The National

Tread carefully on North Korea -

You Can't Always Get What You Want: On Stephen King | The Nation

Launching the Innovation Renaissance at Steven Landsburg | The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy with Ideas from Mathematics, Economics, and Physics

Nature’s Tory - Taki's Magazine

Three new books about the King James Version of the Bible - The Washington Post

The Onion: Best Christmas Articles

The Heritage of the Great War / First World War 1914 - 1918

Ceausescu¿s legacy: Romanian women endured 22 million abortions over 50 years following dictator¿s ban on contraception | Mail Online » 1948: Hideki Tojo and six other Japanese war criminals

Ku Klux Klan

On the Disposal of Dictators | Hoover Institution

Boulder Police Redeemed in JonBenet Case with John Mark Karr? — **New Chapter:
Hasty Investigation — Crime Library on

BBC News - Profile: Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab

Why bankers are Scrooge this Christmas - Portfolio Insights by Brett Arends - MarketWatch

The Failure of the Euro | Foreign Affairs

Let's Hear It for Lousy 2011 Forecasts: Caroline Baum - Bloomberg

New Bubble May Be Growing in 30-Year Mortgages: Edward Pinto - Bloomberg

The Way The World - And Free-Market Economics - Works - Forbes

Who Will Fix the US Economy? - Henry Mintzberg - Project Syndicate

Liquid metal capsules used to make self-healing electronics | ExtremeTech

What is SOPA and how does it work? The Stop Online Piracy Act explained | The Verge

Tech firms! Stop using us to beta test unfinished kit | News | TechRadar

Keepers of the Internet face their greatest challenges ever -

Cellphone towers fade into landscape

The Next Billion Dollar Wireless Industry Has Officially Launched

Do You Know What Happens to Your Cellphone When You’re Done with It? | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

16 most-anticipated tech products of 2012 - Yahoo! News

Help, We're Being Disrupted! - Technology Review

RealClearTechnology- Killing the Internet to Save Hollywood

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Dec 21, 2011 - Don't expect the phone to replace the wallet soon

Getting the most out of your new smartphone - iPhone app article - Marty Gabel | Appolicious ™ iPhone and iPad App Directory

'Sims' Creator Hopes to Turn Life into a Game | Will Wright HiveMind | InnovationNewsDaily

Energy Tribune- Do Lighting Standard Delays Threaten Consumer Choice?

EPA power plant rule has greens pro-Obama - Erica Martinson -

The EPA Unveils New Rules to Cut Mercury Pollution from Coal Power Plants | Ecocentric |

The EPA's Mercury Madness -

Google Changes Green Energy Formula | EnergyBiz

Oil and geopolitics: a turbulent year, and no end in sight | The Oil and the Glory

Understanding The Grid-Scale Energy Storage Boom - Seeking Alpha

RealClearMarkets - EPA Tries To Pull a Fast One

Solar Millennium Files For Bankruptcy As Solar Shakeout Continues - Forbes

The top 10 trends for cleantech in 2011 — Cleantech News and Analysis

MU News Bureau/“Painless” Plasma Brush Is Becoming Reality In Dentistry, MU Engineers Say

'Mysterious Webs' on Nuclear Waste: 'Totally Awesome!' - Blog

Study linking virus to chronic fatigue syndrome retracted amid controversy - The Washington Post

Large Hadron Collider finds new particle variant | COSMOS magazine

Can Tiny Amounts Of Poison Actually Be Good For You? - Forbes

BBC News - Ultracold science finds new method to get even colder

The First Direct Measurements of Earth's Rotation, Made With the World's Most Stable Ring Laser | Popular Science

Food We Eat Might Control Our Genes: Scientific American

Murderabilia and the market in true crime collectibles. - Slate Magazine

We Are Not Alone in the Universe, Just Effectively Alone - Blog

Genetic study of black chickens shed light on mechanisms causing rapid evolution in domestic animals - Uppsala University, Sweden

Beethoven chose lower-frequency notes 'due to progressive deafness' - Telegraph

Pigeons Can Learn Higher Math, Study Finds -

Inception becomes reality: People can teach themselves new skills in dreams | Mail Online

When censoring science makes sense -

Smut baron buy-up of rumour exploded • The Register

David Gibson: No Church This Sunday—It's Christmas -

Cardinal under fire for comparing gay rights movement to Klan -

Seeing Through Crystal Glass Darkly | National Catholic Reporter

How (Not) to Understand What Mormons Believe | Religion Dispatches

North Korea's godless miracles mean nothing | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Georgia Family Council - Professions of Faith Revisited » Center for Policy Studies

Joshua Stanton: Hanukkah's History: Challenging but Full of Meaning

Contemplating Christmas | Acton Institute

The church of the Salvation Army – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Christmas Epistles: A Most Human Understanding of Godliness | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Top Ten Peacemakers in the Science-Religion Wars | Science | Religion Dispatches

How to Survive a Family Holiday

Review & Outlook: Holder's Voter ID Fraud -

Voters are leaving main parties in droves –

Strassel: The GOP's Message Problem -

RealClearPolitics - Sebelius' Masterful Muddle

RealClearMarkets - Paul Ryan's Old-Fashioned American Vision

The GOP’s Payroll-tax Debacle - Charles Krauthammer - National Review Online

Vice President: This is what a real opportunity society looks like | The Des Moines Register |

President Obama's Christmas Present to America | Mother Jones

The Administration Is Costing America Jobs By holding up Vital New Energy Projects -

Ron Paul Ugly, Racist Newsletters Not Going Away, But Do They Invalidate His Candidacy? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Column: Is America still a great nation? –

The House Backs Down on the Payroll Tax Cut -

Five Myths About President Obama's Sluggish Economic Recovery -

RealClearPolitics - ObamaCare Abominations

Newt Sets Up a Surprise - Conrad Black - National Review Online

America’s Next Anti-Romney: Is There Another Last-Minute Surge Left? | TPM2012

The Progressive Honor Roll of 2011 | The Nation

RealClearMarkets - EPA Tries To Pull a Fast One

Dorothy Rabinowitz: What Ron Paul Thinks of America -

Break up the banks — Charles Gasparino -


**NEWS VIDEOS:Romney: Elect Me, You’ll Get A Job; Elect Obama, You Won’t

Pelosi Asks Friend And Business Associate To Testify In Congress, Doesn’t Disclose Relationship

NBC News Going To The Dogs

Hand Over The Gavel?

Obama’s Our 4th Greatest President – Just Ask Him

Terror In Damascus: 40 Dead In Twin Blasts In Syrian Capital

UPS Driver Spreads Holiday Cheer With Middle Finger

High School Basketball Game Ends In Ugly Brawl

AP Poll: Santa Claus Is Real

Earthquakes Rattle New Zealand


22nd/Awkward: Bob Beckel Tells Story Of Hitting On Eric Bolling’s Wife

Allen West: Holder Invoking Race Card A ‘Slap In My Face As A Professional African American’

Ed Schultz: Eric Bolling Is Lying, We Never Met

Dodger 1st Baseman Tries To Flee Car Accident In Conspicuous Silver Maserati

Durbin Has No Excuse For Dem Senate Not Producing A Budget

Democrats Start Blaming Rush Limbaugh For Payroll Tax Fight

Jib Jab’s Biggest Stories of 2011, Told with Paper Cutouts

Flashback 1994: Romney Slammed Kennedy For Negative TV Ads

Ron Paul Says He ‘Can’t Handle The Controversy’ To ‘Come Out About The Truth About 9/11′

Navy’s 1st Lesbian Homecoming Kiss

Cantor Implores Obama To Meet On Capitol Hill: ‘He Can Bring His Dog’

Bombs Explode In Baghdad

Housing Market Worse Off Than Estimated

No Prosecution From Fiesta Bowl Ticket Probe

NASA Finds Earth-Sized Planets Beyond This Solar System

Romney To Newt: ‘Obama’s Hell’s Kitchen’ Will Be Tougher Than Me

Ron Paul 1995: ‘I Put Out A Political Newsletter’ For Education

Flashback 2009: David Ogden Announces New Efforts For ‘Project Gunrunner’, ‘Directed By the President’

21st/Newt: Romney Is ‘Defending The Right To Lie,’ Dishonest Like Obama

Milbank: Obama Shouldn’t Have Poll Numbers This High

AB Stoddard: House Republicans Acting On Principle, Not Politics

Rick Perry Takes On Fracking Myth


23-Dec-11 World View

22-Dec-11 World View

21-Dec-11 World View

20-Dec-11 World View

19-Dec-11 World View


Czechs Bid Farewell to Vaclav Havel

CBS News Shills for Castro: Reef Preservation Covers a Multitude of Human Rights Abuses

Audio: What Was Iran’s Role in 9/11?

The Terrorists in Europe’s Backyard: Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Is a Growing Threat beyond North Africa

John Bolton on Kim Jong Un, ‘The Great Successor’

Audio:Interview: Rick Santorum on Foreign Policy and American Leadership

+Friday Crib Sheet: Twitter Accusations, Cocktail Weiner

Is Operation Fast And Furious Finally Going To Be Reported?

Double Standards And The Reverend Wright

Politico: Our ‘Exhausted Chief Executive’ Is Too Busy Being Awesome to Vacation

Media Acts As Propaganda Arm For Occupy’s Rose Bowl Plans

Rahm Emanuel: Chicago Mayor Has Financial Ties to Chicago Newspaper Owners

Left Media: Referring to Barack ‘Hussein’ Obama Is Bigotry; Referring to ‘Willard’ Mitt Romney Is Fair Game

The Left’s War on the Second Amendment Continues as Gun Sales Skyrocket

California’s Condom Mandate: New Ballot Initiative Targets Adult Film Industry

Bachmann, Huntsman, Santorum Fail to Qualify for Virginia ‘Super Tuesday’ Primary

Unexpected: Personal Income, Spending Weak in November

Surrender: House GOP Agrees to Two-Month Payroll Tax Holiday

Obama’s Former Auto Bailout Czar Is Rewriting History

Judicial Watch Responds to Obama’s Unprecedented Secrecy

Las Vegas Teachers’ Union May Force 1,000 Layoffs to Preserve Its Profitable Insurance Company

Audio:A Year in Review: The GOP Race for President, Europe’s Economic Woes, and the NFL and NBA Lockouts

Top Ten Democrats Who Would Be Better Presidential Candidates Than Barack Obama in 2012

Mayor Calls for Budget Cuts to Offset Millions in Occupy LA Costs

Communism Is Not a Good Idea, Not Even on Paper

Ohio’s Major Conservative Blogs Agree: ORP Chairman DeWine Should Step Down

Audio:Corporate America’s Call for Immigration and Education Reform

Stephen Colbert: Satirist or Desperate Attention-Whore?

+Daily Call Sheet: ‘War Horse’ Warning, ‘Extremely Loud’ Savaging, and Merry Christmas!

‘We Bought a Zoo’ Review: Too Busy, Too Underdeveloped

Same-Sex Wedding to Appear In ‘Archie’ Comics

-‘Margin Call’ Blu-ray Review: Brilliant, Timely Drama

BH Interview: ‘Margin Call’ Director J.C. Chandor Says Economy More Complex Than OWS Suggests

-‘Dolphin Tale’ Blu-ray Review: Kids Might Like It, Parents Beware

‘A Serious Man’: The Must-See Faith-Based Film You Didn’t See

Trailer Talk: Ridley Scott’s ‘Prometheus’ Looks Like This Summer’s Must-See

World leaders bid farewell to Vaclav Havel

Poll: Obama's approval among Hispanics keeps slipping

Kremlin nervous as protesters return to streets of Russia

Oil price tops $100 on global security concerns

Education department awards grants to 7 states

Future drone pilots may fly four warplanes at once

SEC requiring coal firms to report safety problems

GE unit to pay $70 million over muni bid-rigging cases

Connecticut woman whose dogs mauled toddler to death is charged

New Air Jordans cause shopping frenzy across US

New Libyan leaders juggle demands, grievances


Barack Has No Pet Peeves Of First Lady; Michelle: "My List Is Too Long"
Obama: "I Think There's A Laziness In Me"
NYC Forces "Roll Your Own Cigarette" Store To Close For Tax Purposes
Michelle Obama: "Practical" To Put Myself Highest On My Priority List
Joan Walsh: Republicans Suffer From "Obama Derangement Syndrome"
Rove: Complaining About Attacks "Makes You Sound Like A Whiner"
Shrum: Romney Will "Say Anything Just To Become President"
"Special Report" Panel On Sectarian Violence In Iraq


22 Dec.

Pro-Perry Super PAC Ad Hits Gingrich, Romney
Krauthammer: Ron Paul "Not Reacting Well" To Heat In The Kitchen
Schumer: People Upset With Government Because It's Doing Too Little, Not Too Much
Chris Matthews On JFK's Infidelity: Cut Him Some Slack
Cenk Uygur Cuts Peter Schiff's Mic After He Says We Have Centrally Planned Economy
Obama On Divisiveness Between Him And Republicans: "You Never Want To Say It's All Them"
Boehner: Deal Reached To Extend Payroll Tax Cut
Allen West: Holder's Use Of Race Card A Slap In The Face To Blacks
Christie On Sick Pay For Public Employees: "Complete Pile Of Garbage"
American Crossroads Ad On Obama's "Fourth Greatest President" Rhetoric
Brzezinski: U.S. Has Contributed To Destabilization Of Middle East
Rep. J.C. Watts Endorses Newt Gingrich For President
NH Voter To Romney: Embrace Your Flip-Flops
George H. W. Bush Backs Romney
Romney Says Yes To Deporting Obama's Uncle Omar
Obama At Store Register: "Let's See If My Credit Card Still Works"
Cantor Invites Obama To Negotiations: "He Could Bring His Dog"
Obama On Payroll Tax Cut Impasse: "Enough Is Enough"
Durbin Blames Inability To Produce A Budget In 950 Days On GOP
DNC Hits Romney On Bin Laden Death: "Any President, Mr. Romney? Really?"
Hoyer Erupts On House Floor Over Payroll Tax Cut As House Adjourns
Gingrich Responds To Meghan McCain: By MSNBC Standards "She Is A Conservative Thinker"
Wasserman Schultz: GOP Has "Callous Indifference" For Middle Class
Ingraham: "Success In Politics Requires That You Throw Some Elbows When Necessary"
Dionne: Paul "May Have The Best Organization" In Iowa
Krauthammer: Cutting Off Aid To Saudi Arabia Won't Solve the Problem
Klein: Boehner Has Lost Control Of The House Republicans


The Geopolitics Of The Arctic
North Korea: What Now?
Brzezinski: Can U.S. Contribute To Greater Mideast Stability?
U.S. Admits To Pakistan Friendly Fire Incident
Romney: China Is A Currency Manipulator
Romney Hits Obama On Iraq
Impact Of Chinese Economy On U.S. Markets
As North Korea Mourns, Neighbors Worry About Future
Students And Security Forces Clash In Chile
Raw Video: Twin Blasts Rock Syrian Capital
Raw Video: World Leaders Remember Vaclav Havel
Shoppers Flee As Earthquake Strikes Christchurch
Pentagon: U.S. Lacks Knowledge To Gauge Iran's Nuke Program

22 Dec.

What Have We Learned About Macroeconomics From The Crisis?
How Does North Korea Stay So Secretive?
Romney On The Big Issues
Bill Clinton On The Threat From Iran
Is Biden Wrong About The Taliban?
Potential Scenarios For North Korea Future
China And North Korea A Harsh Contrast
China Hackers Stealing U.S. Secrets, Jobs
McCain: 'We Are Paying A Heavy Price In Baghdad'
Thousands Of Czechs Mourn Vaclav Havel
Lockerbie Bombing Victims Remembered
France Warned Over Genocide Vote
Raw Video: Bombs Explode In Baghdad
Talking Technology In North Korea