A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 November 2011






If you make a wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11 it will come true. Provided that your wish was to waste seconds of your life.



Perry Lists Top 10 Excuses For Debate Gaffe On Letterman
Krauthammer On Obama's Pipeline Call: "A Terrible Decision"
Matthews: The Tea Party Has Failed To Take 2012 Seriously
Ingraham: "Is Foreign Policy Not Going To Be Important This Election?"
O'Donnell: Grover Norquist's Tax Pledge Is "Anti-American"

10 NOV.

Carney On Obama's Netanyahu Remark: No Comment
Voice Analysis: Cain "Totally Truthful" While Accuser Is "Inaccurate"
Herman Cain Cracks Anita Hill Joke
Obama: GOP "Focusing On How To Turn Back The Clock" On Women
Crossroads GPS Ad Slams Elizabeth Warren & Occupy Wall St.
Perry: "If We're Electing A 'Debater in Chief,' Then Don't Elect Me"
Gingrich: "Lifetime Record Of Being A Consistent Conservative"
Pelosi Blames Republicans On Dem Failure To Offer Budget Plan
Occupy Protesters Heckle Bachmann At Town Hall
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: GOP Field "Shockingly Deficient"
MSNBC: Herman Cain Gives Right-Wing A Way To Say They're Not Racist
Newt To CNBC: "Sad How Media Doesn't Report On How Economy Works"
Rick Perry: "I Stepped In It Last Night, That's For Sure"
Corker: Supercommittee Will Reach A Deal Now Or It Will "Never Be Done"
Ingraham: GOP Must Unify To Beat Obama In 2012
Ingraham Suggests Perry Appear On SNL During Interview
Halperin: Labor Is Back In Force
Krauthammer: Russian Reset Didn't Help Obama With Iran
O'Donnnell: Perry Had "A Meltdown Moment The Likes Of Which We Have Never Seen In A Presidential Debate"


Inside The New Threat Matrix
Will Iranian Nukes Hamper Oil Distribution?
Papademos Vows To Keep Greece In The Eurozone
Portuguese President Optimistic Over Euro
It's Official: Eurozone Faces Double-Dip Recession
Edging Towards End Of Euro Era
Moderator: Foreign Policy Front-and-center In Next GOP Debate
Landis Convicted Of Hacking In French Court
Ex-banker Papademos Is New Greek Prime Minister
South Korean Police Disperse Protesters
Iran Warns U.S., Allies Against An Attack
Venezuela Vows All-Out Hunt For Nationals' Ramos
An Overview Of The Global Debt Crisis
Are China, Russia Helping Iran?

10 NOV.

Pervez Musharraf On Pakistan
Fake Military Parts Threaten Security
China's Economic Superpower Status
Nuclear Showdown Coming In Iran?
Bailout For Italy - Out Of The Question
Turkey Scrambles To Find Quake Survivors
Police Arrest Occupy Sydney Protesters
Tahrir In Review: A Revolution Begins
European Crisis Felt Across The Pond
USS Cole Case Arraignment A New Gitmo Chapter
Students Take To London's Streets
Raw Video: Egypt Gas Pipeline Explosion
Greek PM: New Interim Government Will Secure Debt Deal
Iranian-Israeli Military Battle Eminent?



Why Oil And Energy Stocks Are Set For A Massive Fall - Seeking Alpha

Tax Credits Fueling Green Energy Could Vanish

No offshore drills without good deal | |

Obama Rejects Reason, Kills Keystone XL - Forbes

Fuel Fix » Energy companies spent $750 million lobbying for hydraulic fracturing

Obama Should Still Resist Congress on Solyndra: Stephen Carter - Bloomberg

Why Solyndra’s Death Could be Good for the Solar Industry at Oil Price

It's Carbon Tax Time! | The Energy Collective

Cold, Hard Economics - By Gernot Wagner | Foreign Policy

John Deutch: The World's 7 Most Powerful People In Energy - Forbes

Fuel Fix » Editorial: BP oil giant must show the way with rigor

Biofuels: Not the Savior we Hoped For at Oil Price

Internet voting: Exactly what the 99% needs | ExtremeTech

HTML5: The Technology Changing the Web -

Internet TV: Difference Engine: From boobtube to YouTube | The Economist

Digital Music Sales Still Dependent on Ringtones - Peter Kafka - Media - AllThingsD

How to Stand Out Among 800 Million Facebook Users | Moneyland |

Smart steering wheel gives a health check while driving

High-Tech 'Spaceport America' Readies for Space Tourists | New Mexico Commercial Spaceport | Commercial & Private Spaceflight |

Why we need to take computers out of computing — Tech News and Analysis

A Guide for PC Buyers Not Looking for a Tablet -

Mozilla Reinvents Web Video With Popcorn 1.0 | Webmonkey |

‘Biggest Cybercriminal Takedown in History’ — Krebs on Security

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: War Ends with German Defeat

First World - Primary Documents - Allied Armistice Terms, 11 November 1918

Arafat: A Life in Retrospect - TIME

Conspiracy Theories Persist on Arafat's Death (

Amazon is hit by fallout from the Penn State sex scandal -

The Wilson Quarterly: From the Editors : Paterno and the Poet by Christopher Clausen

Dr. Harold Koplewicz: Wimpy Kid: Why 'The Ugly Truth' Is So Appealing

Book Review: The Limit -

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

Why do people reject science? Here's why ...

What ate dinosaurs?: Old crocs | The Economist

Squid and octopus switch camouflage according to which enemies are close | Science |

How The CIA Uses Social Media to Track How People Feel - Jared Keller - Technology - The Atlantic

539 - Vive le tweet! A Map of Twitter's Languages | Strange Maps | Big Think

We're in trouble: time to limit future warming to just 2°C has nearly run out

Tiny Organism Could Fight Gold Rush : Discovery News

Pompeii Is Crumbling—Can It Be Saved?

11/11/11: How Friday Is Tied to the Mayan Apocalypse | Synchronicities & Numerical Meaning | Doomsday & Spiritual New Year | LiveScience

Strange Pictures from Science - Blog

A Fetus Can Sense Mom’s Psychological State - Association for Psychological Science

Protein love triangle key to crowning bees queens | ASU News

Plant With "Eggbeater" Texture Inspires Waterproof Coating

Exploring the last white spot on Earth

Are The Fundamental Constants Really Constant? : Starts With A Bang

Astrobiology Magazine:The Methane Habitable Zone

Researchers Create a Pituitary Gland from Scratch - Technology Review

Did humans trade guts for brains? | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

The FDA Kills - Reason Magazine

Engineering Replacements for Essential Perfume Ingredients | Magazine

Pristine Big Bang Gas Found : Discovery News

Seth Stein: The quake killer : Nature News & Comment

Faking it in ministry | The Christian Century

The cult of agreeableness | Joel J. Miller

Colleen Carroll Campbell: Report abuse to police, not higher-ups

Seeming parallels abound in Penn State, Catholic Church abuse scandals – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

RealClearReligion - The Courage to Shed a Loyalty to Evil

People power – a stranger at the Catholic church's door | Joanna Moorhead | Comment is free |

Andrew Blackmore-Dobbyn: Eïd al-Adha: The Significance of Ritual Sacrifice

WORLD Magazine | Holding fast | Mindy Belz | Nov 19, 11

Veterans: What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen | Crisis Magazine

Newt Gingrich’s Freddie Mac Fib

Rick Perry's Off-Base Even When He's On-Point

Team Obama’s Foreign Policy - Sen. Lindsey Graham - National Review Online

The bomb will not save Iran from its deepening isolation - The National

RealClearWorld - To Stop Iran, Build a Nuke-Free Mideast

Asia's Free-Riders - By Justin Logan | Foreign Policy

Asia Times Online :: Will Aba be the CCP's Waterloo?

[Viewpoint] Our meek president-INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Good Morning, Vietnam! — The American Magazine

Iran: bolting the stable door | Comment is free | The Guardian

Not the End of the World As We Know It: Nuclear-Armed Iran and the Mid-East Balance of Power | Yale Journal of International Affairs

Financial Reform: Unfinished Business by Paul Volcker | The New York Review of Books

Legends of the Fail -

Conn Carroll: Facts show Fannie, Freddie led mortgage market to the collapse | Conn Carroll | Columnists | Washington Examiner

The Mortgage of the Future - Businessweek

One Easy Way Congress Can Juice the Job Market

There Are Only Three Ways To Reinstate a Gold Standard - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - The Price of Civilization

The Undeserving One Percent? - Raghuram Rajan - Project Syndicate

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs - Businessweek

Legends of the Fail -

Barack Obama is facing an anti-Big Government revolution – Telegraph Blogs

RealClearPolitics - Gingrich Mixes Populism & Policy Wonk

RealClearPolitics - Booing the Character Issue

Bill Clinton Offers Obama a Surplus of Ideas: Michael Kinsley - Bloomberg

Fire Eric Holder | Facebook

Mark Schmitt: Let’s Get Real, No One’s Eliminating Any Cabinet Departments | The New Republic

The 2011 elections: A split decision - The Washington Post

Capitalism vs. the Climate | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - The Battle Begins: The Rise of the Tea Party

In health-care ruling, precedent trumped politics - The Washington Post

Holder on the hot seat -

Veterans Day 2011: Debt of gratitude - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Newt's Night | The Weekly Standard

Philip K. Howard: The Public-Union Albatross -

Doyle McManus: Bill Clinton's got a point, President Obama -

The irresistible force of college football - The Washington Post

RealClearSports - At Penn State, They All Had to Go


*9th/Transcripts: The Michigan Republican Presidential Debate

Obama Signs Executive Order on Gov't Waste

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Senator John McCain

Reporters Discuss the Ohio Union Law Referendum


*InfoWars Nightly News : 11092011


Prison » Dr. Burzynski’s Cancer Research Institute Threatens Big Pharma

Prison » Ventura: Media Lied Over Citizenship Controversy

Prison » DHS Official “You Would Never Know” If New Street Lights Were Spying On You

A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 1/3 - YouTube

A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 2/3 - YouTube

A Legion of Evil: The Penn State Child Sex Scandal 3/3 - YouTube

Prison » The Long Battle for Liberty with Michael Badnarik

Prison » If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster

Prison » 9 Ways The Hijacked Federal Government Is Waging War Against The American People

Prison » Bernanke Says That Any Criticism Of The Federal Reserve Is Based On “Misconceptions”

Prison » Survive The Banker Sociopaths

Prison » Yesterday At Occupy: A Suicide, A Murder And Reports Of Tuberculosis

Prison » Rumor Claims Sandusky “Pimped Out” Boys to Rich Donors

Prison » FOIA lawsuit reveals FBI collecting biometric information for massive interagency database

Prison » CDC Forced to Admit False Raw Milk Death Link After Misrepresenting Stats

Prison » Japanese Debris to Start Hitting Western U.S. and Canada THIS WEEK

Prison » The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a ‘New Human Species’

China tries to stay in control of the web with new rules for reporters - Telegraph

The Beginning of the End of Fiat Money | Euro Pacific Capital

Clinton urges China to put pressure on Iran - Channel NewsAsia

Obama challenger Romney says 'prepare for war' against Iran

Czechs say nuclear iodine not from power pla... JPost - Headlines

BBC News - Low levels of radioactive particles 'found in Europe'

PIC AND PUB: Washington considers selling bunker-busting bombs to UAE - Telegraph

Paul Craig Roberts: Military Works for The 1/% 1/2 - YouTube

Paul Craig Roberts: Military Works for The 1/% 2/2 - YouTube

Eurozone crisis: Obama orders European leaders to take more dramatic action | Mail Online

» Health department tyrants raid local ‘farm to fork’ picnic dinner Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Idiot’s guide or classified presidential briefing? CIA reveals videos it made for Reagan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - Egyptian gas pipeline to Israel attacked

S.C. protesters disrupt Michele Bachmann speech | Reuters

Jerry Sandusky Rumored to Have Been 'Pimping Out Young Boys to Rich Donors,' Says Mark Madden - College Football -

US 'kill team' trial: jury considers Calvin Gibbs verdict | World news |

Vincent Buffoni jumped in front of tube train as he could no longer afford to send his children to private school | Mail Online

Riverside County, California To Charge Prisoners $142 Per Day Of Their Stay

Grade school public service announcement or classified presidential briefing? CIA reveals videos it made for Ronald Reagan | Mail Online

» FOIA lawsuit reveals FBI collecting biometric information for massive interagency database Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Government Wants to Seize Your Vitamins : Personal Liberty Digest

Japetella heathi octopus uses duel camouflage system to baffle all predators | Mail Online

» Eugenics-linked Gamble family member promoting free alien technology in film Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Addictive as Cocaine, Fructose Fuels Cancer and Obesity as American Diet Staple Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Blogger beheaded by Mexican gang and left with note warning others not to snitch | Mail Online

US 'losing battle' to stem flow of illegal guns into Mexico – attorney general | World news |

» Major Wars and Suppression of American Freedoms Planned BEFORE 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Catherine Austin Fitts: Black budget and leveraged buyout of world using stolen money Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Jim Brown: Veterans Honored Around the World! «


Remains Of Fallen US Marines, Soldiers & Sailors Treated Like Garbage - YouTube

Montford Point Marines To Receive Congressional Gold Medal - YouTube


Veterans Day Money Bomb: Ron Paul 2012 - YouTube


**Full CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at Oakland University, Michigan (Ron Paul Wins) - YouTube

**CNBC Transcript of 'Your Money, Your Vote' Republican Presidential Debate - CNBC


U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Expands War on Drugs -

PressTV - IAEA political tool in US hands: Iran MP

» Judge Napolitano: Feds Fix Economic Numbers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: US military adds armed robotic helicopters to fleet

Justice Breyer warns of Orwellian government - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Would Earth Survive Without The Moon? | Before It's News

» Scripted MSM News/Blackouts & More: Infowars Nightly News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Who Is Alex Jones? Coast to Coast AM Interview With George Noory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


(1:55:54)201111.07 Coast to Coast am Preserving Freedom Alex - YouTube


Prison » From 9/11 To World War III:Towards The Construction of A Global Fascist State

Is there any possible way Jesse Ventura could win the Presidency? | ZDNet

Robert Fisk: Do those who flaunt the poppy on their lapels know that they mock the war dead? - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 11/7/11: Taking Executive Orders Too Far - YouTube

Prison » 12 Facts About Money And Congress That Are So Outrageous That It Is Hard To Believe They Are True

Prison » Ex-Officer Calls Homeland Security Corrupt

Pentagon looks for weapons to wage cyber warfare | The Raw Story

Internet Advertisers Revise Privacy Program - Bloomberg

Prison » Study suggests ‘green’ biofuels are more environmentally harmful than fossil fuels

Bernanke Says That Any Criticism Of The Federal Reserve Is Based On “Misconceptions” -

Secret Snoop Conference for Gov’t Spying: Go Stealth, Hit a Hundred Thousand Targets | StratRisks

Europe’s shadowy new parallel government | StratRisks

Member of Family Closely Linked to Eugenics Movement Makes Film Promoting, Among Other Things, Free Energy Technology from Aliens -

Conrad Murray Documentary to Air on NBC

Iran Nuclear Report: Why It May Not Be A Game-changer After All

U.S.: Strike of Iran May Have Unintended Consequences

Undercover Cop At Occupy Oakland Condemns Police Brutality, Supports The Movement

Why Do We Let The Government Dupe Us?

Alert: Stop Farm Bill, Alleged Back-Room Dealing | American Free Press

AG on the Firing Line for Gunrunning | American Free Press

Sky Metalwala's mom DIDN'T run out of gas before she abandoned him in car | Mail Online

Boy - who could be as young as 13 - wanted for raping a girl of just five in a McDonald's is arrested | Mail Online

Angie Varona: 'Most Googled' teen in tears over risqué photos that 'ruined her life' | Mail Online

11/11/11 is a divine date for many interested in numbers - The Washington Post

Iraq's Stolen Memory

The IAEA Report on Iran is based on Fake Intelligence. IAEA "Soviet Nuclear Scientist" Never Worked on Weapons

IAEA Iran Report Unravels: Tainted Mossad Evidence Alleges Russian Scientist Aided Nuclear Weapons Research

Will Fukushima Bankrupt Japan?

In Mexico, a Universal Struggle Against Power and Forgetting

United States Moving into Africa’s Nile River Basin: Securing Central and Eastern Africa via the Nile River

VIDEO: Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship

The Case for Regulation. The Failure of Free Market Economics

Postmodern Imperialism

BREAKING. Cynthia McKinney offered Justice Department protection after assassination threat

USA Spending More on Nukes Now Than During Cold War

U.S. to Sell Bunker Buster Bombs to UAE for Use Against Iran

Soviet Scientist Never Worked on Iran's Nuclear Program

US Moves to Overturn Ban on Cluster Bombs

US-Supported Mexican Security Commits Widespread Abuse

Why Do the US Media Believe the Worst About Iran?

Sen. McCaskill: TSA Pat-Downs 'Get Ugly'

Mexican Drug Cartel Tries to Silence Internet

Chavez: Navy Detects Submarine Off Venezuela

Looking at the ’Big Picture’ by Justin Raimondo --

Washington Loses on Own-Goal Hat Trick by Philip Giraldi --


*1:20:14/Gerald Celente - Alex Jones Show 03 Nov 2011[FULL] - YouTube


Crystal Bridges, Atlantis, Mt. Pennacle, Quartz, 11.11.11 - is there a connection? | The City Wire

Baxter, same company that unleashed tainted avian flu vaccines, recalls 300,000 flu vaccines for serious adverse reactions

Controlling An Avatar With Your Brain? Israeli Lab Is Trying | Technology News

Cellular operating system set to revolutionize synthetic biology | ZME Science

Outrage: Government Forces Private Citizens to Pour Bleach on Home-Grown Organic Food *Video*

Levin: U.S. Has Become A 'Post-Constitutional Gov't' Heading For 'Utopian Tyranny' |


A History of Transhumanism

A Brief History of Transhumanism Part 2

A Brief History of Transhumanism Pt. 3

A Brief History of Transhumanism Pt. 4


UN Panel Deadlocked on Palestinian Membership Bid

India's Internet Growth Fuels Net-Based Businesses

Allen West: US Must 'Absolutely' Support Israel in Attack on Iran

Norquist: Democrats Want Supercom to Fail

Quinnipiac: Rubio Family's Story Had No Effect

Perry on Letterman: Romney 'One Handsome Dude'

Cain Gets Back to Campaigning amid Scandal

Ron Paul: Obama Dictatorial in Skirting Congress

Cain, Perry Scramble; Gingrich Seeks Opening

Karl Rove's Super PAC Ads Target 5 Democrats

Spitzer: Obama Hasn't Reformed Wall Street

Sen. Grassley: US on Brink of Fiscal Armageddon

Penn State Scandal Gets Political

Supreme Court Says Nothing about Obamacare

Obama Donor Kaiser Pushed WH on Solyndra Loan

Coulter: Chicago Machine Behind Cain Allegations

Green or Yellow Phlegm Does Mean Infection

Church-Goers Have Sunnier Outlook

Obama's War on Christianity Continues

FDA Regulation Will Be the Death of Us — Literally

18th Century Secret Society Code Cracked

Gingrich Moves Past Cain and Romney to Become Tea Party's Top Choice, Says CBS Poll

DOJ Refuses Judiciary Committee’s Request for Kagan-Obamacare Documents; Holder Then Testifies He Was Unaware of Request

Kagan to Tribe on Day Obamacare Passed: ‘I Hear They Have the Votes, Larry!! Simply Amazing.’

Democrats Offer $1-Trillion Tax Increase in Super Committee Deal

Senate May Force Shutdown of Religious Freedom Watchdog

Obama Putting Election Concerns Ahead of Jobs by Deferring Keystone XL Pipeline Decision, Critics Say

White House Lashes Out at Congress Over 'Partisan' Solyndra Investigation

House GOP Likely to Offer Balanced Budget Amendment That Permits Unlimited Federal Spending

Marco Rubio: GOP Must Be the ‘Pro-Legal Immigration Party’

On Letterman, Rick Perry Offers 'Top 10 Excuses' for Memory Lapse During Debate

Bishop Harry Jackson Launches New Coalition to Help Minority Voters Achieve the ‘American Dream’

N.Y. Governor Cuomo's 'I Am the Government' Quote Is Now a Ringtone

Clinton: Despite Economic Hardships at Home, It's Not the Time to ‘Downsize Our Work Around World’

Rep. Giffords Speaks in TV Interview; First Time Since Shooting

Penn State's McQueary Won't Coach Saturday Due to Threats

Venezuela Vows All-Out Hunt for Kidnapped Nationals' Catcher Ramos

Blasted for Tweets on Paterno, Actor Kutcher Hands Twitter Account to His Manager

NATO Worried About Possible Libya Probe by Int'l Criminal Court

Obama Administration Not Keen on Congressional Calls to Crack Down on Iran’s Central Bank

11-11-11 Viewed As Lucky Day by Some

U.S. Soldier Who Killed Afghan Civilians for Sport Gets Life in Prison

Joint News Conference Planned by Cain Accuser Fizzles

Gallup: 26% Percent Approve of Obama’s Handling of Deficit

Obama Defends Planned Parenthood Funding; Says GOP Wants to ‘Turn Back the Clock’ for...

Networks Curb Cain Obsession as They Pounce on Rick Perry's Forgetfulness

NBC Uses Penn State Scandal to Slam Catholic Church

CNN to Perry: Convince Us Your Campaign Isn't Finished

Occupy Wall Street Socialism-Capitalism?

Scandals, Penn State-Style Ethics and Journalist Hypocrisy

Grammy Nominee’s Violent 'Occupy' Anthem: ‘Strung Up You’ll Bleed,’ 'Your Blood Is Our Paint'


60 min./Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary) - YouTube


11-11-2011 A Day Dedicated To Peace | Video Rebel's Blog

Michele Bachmann Says If You Are Unemployed, You Should Starve | Addicting Info

poorrichards blog: Out Of Control Goverment (Video)

+Refreshing News: Google buys 2 startups: Apture, Katango

Apture: A Glossary for the Web

Revolutionary Politics : "There Is A Political Calculation Going On Here & Our President Is Indeed A Political Animal"

The Daily Bell - Bernanke Mulls Military Protection for Embattled Fed?

10 Counterinsurgency And 'Psy-Ops' Tactics Companies Use Against Protesters

11/11/11 Arrives Smoking Mirrors

Mike Tyson Plays Herman Cain in Parody Ad - 12160

Activist Post: FOIA lawsuit reveals FBI collecting biometric information for massive interagency database

13 Staggering Facts About The Global Super Rich

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Black Budget And The Leveraged Buyout Of The World Using Stolen Money | Video Rebel's Blog

"Oops!" Not Even Ron Paul Can Save Rick Perry From Himself - YouTube


+John F. Kennedy Jr.: Evidence Of A Cover up | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Rothschilds the new troll buzz word - YouTube

ALASKAN Diomede Storm Nov 2011 - YouTube


*1:53:52/David Irving - The Holocaust Lie - YouTube


Canada News: B.C. doctor told to stop using hallucinogenic tea to help addicts -

Obama to Aid Uzbek Dictatorship by Stephen Zunes --

Nuclear Hypocrisy-News Analysis-11-09-2011 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Highlights in 11/09/11 Debate

Has Obama Just Kicked Off Another Oil War -- This Time in Africa? | | AlterNet

Will There Be More 9/11s? | Sabbah Report

Guest Post: Be Honest CNBC - You Are Biased Against Ron Paul | ZeroHedge

Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find

Northern Hemisphere Sea Level Falling For Almost A Decade | Real Science

The Intercept: How the War on Terror Militarized the Police

Activist Post: The Brave New World of Genetically Modifying a 'New Human Species'

Activist Post: Your Most Expensive Thanksgiving Meal: Food Costs Soar, Highest Jump in 20 Years

Activist Post: Radiation Exposure -- Variables to Consider for Protection

Activist Post: Nanotechnology Ushers in Cloak of Invisibility (Video)

Activist Post: Senate rejects resolution scrapping 'net neutrality'

Activist Post: Will Americans Be Conned into War Again by the WMD Mirage?

Squeeze This Rice, and It Drips Blood | Care2 Causes

‘We The People?’ — Voters Act To Reduce Municipal Marijuana Penalties, Cops Have Other Ideas | NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

12 Triggers: from "Globalization" to World Government - Update at Nov 2011 - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – November 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – November 10th, 2011


*Articles:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- November 10, 2011


Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations | Reuters

Poll: Cain tops 3-way race with Romney, Gingrich - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Open Channel - Paterno contacts criminal defense lawyer, source tells NBC News

Assistant coach who reported Penn State incident threatened, won't be at game -

A Patriot-News Special Report: Who knew what about Jerry Sandusky? There were many missed chances to investigate as early as 1995 |

My Way News - 11-11-11 brings hopes of good luck

Pentagon reviews punishment over war dead remains | Reuters

Obama to Watch College Basketball Game on Carrier that Buried Osama bin Laden - Fox News

Holder shares apology letter with press before slain agent’s family

Biden to continue collecting rent from Secret Service - Washington Times

Future of Occupy Burlington encampment uncertain after police clear City Hall Park to investigate man’s death | Burlington Free Press |

Occupy Oakland: Man shot to death near camp

‘Occupy’ 2012: Plans Underway To Disrupt Rose Parade With ‘Human Float’ « CBS Los Angeles

Margate Man Finds Lost Diamond Ring in Pile of Trash | NBC Miami

‘You get used to being shot at’ -

Kimberley Strassel: Obama's Virginia Defeat -

Nixon’s Secret Watergate Testimony Released To Public « CBS Washington

Girl, 10, gives birth to baby in Mexico | Mail Online

Billy Crystal returning to host the Oscars

Teenager is mayor-elect in small eastern Iowa town - - News & Weather for Waterloo, Dubuque, Cedar Rapids & Iowa City, Iowa |

Victory Sinks In For 22-Year-Old Mayor-Elect Of Holyoke « CBS Boston

So Long, America by Andrew P. Napolitano

The Paterno Affair and Western Liberty by Gary North

One Reason Why Christians Should Not Recite the Pledge of Allegiance by Laurence M. Vance

And the Big Time Banksters Come Marching In by Robert Wenzel

CNN Defends the Fed – Calls Ron Paul Economically Illiterate

The Real Scandal by Thomas Sowell

Do You Know How To Defend Your Property? by Bob Bauman

Odd Object Training Primer | The Art of Manliness

10 Most In-Demand Gadgets This Holiday Season | Business News |

Ron Paul Still Top Tier; Some Ponder a Third-Party Bid

Massive Derelict Spaceship Found Beyond Neptune | Before It's News

The Meaning Of 11/11/11 | Before It's News

Nov. 11, 2011 | Before It's News

11:11:11 11/11/11 [Dynamics of Cats] | Before It's News

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web Analyst confirms 'Harrison J. Bounel' identity getting scrubbed from databases | Before It's News

Solar System May Have Lost Fifth Giant Planet | Before It's News

How To Erase Your Digital Footprint | Before It's News

Does Obama Have A Base Problem-- And Why His Camapign's Understanding Of That Matters | Before It's News

Another Sitting Congressman Goes On The Record About Obama's Constitutional Eligibility | Before It's News

Michael Savage: Why Is The Media Ignoring Obama's Multiple Social Security Numbers - YouTube

Canary Islands Underwater Volcano Spewing 20 Metres High As The Sea Boils With Smell Of Sulphur | Before It's News

Canary Islands Underwater Volcano Spewing 20 Metres High As The Sea Boils With Smell Of Sulphur - YouTube

Starchild Skull: Shocking DNA Results Show The Skull Is Alien- Update 2011 | Before It's News

Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of Dodge! 1/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of Dodge! 2/3 - YouTube

Max Keiser: Time to Get The Hell Out of Dodge! 3/3 - YouTube

Internet Freedoms Under Attack - GRTV Behind the Headlines - YouTube

Let’s Talk Turkey


Sour Cream and Leek Mashed Potatoes from Fine Cooking Magazine, October/November 2011 | Before It's News


The Crafty Hostess(


Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship | Global Research TV

TRANSCRIPT:The Corbett Report | Perfect Storm of Internet Censorship


Port of Oakland Shutdown Smells of Van Jones Protégé

Blacks Still 'Played' and Controlled by Tired Old Democrat Paradigms

What the Conservative Movement Can Learn from the Democrats after the Ohio Failure

The Blue Wall Street Blues

Ron Paul Ignores Iran's Treachery

The Middle East Studies Establishment vs. Walid Phares

Military Dogs

Happy Veterans Day, Gilad Shalit

Solyndra modified limited hangout continues

Largest municipal bankruptcy in US history

Comeback kid: Gingrich ties Romney for second in CBS poll

My Country 'tis of who?

Hugo Chavez cancer progressing faster than expected - US official

30,000 young Muslims want to be senseless martyrs

Gay marriage too holy for satire at New Yorker Magazine

Murder at Occupy Oakland leads Mayor Quan to call for end of tent city

How the EPA Is Like DDT

Further Observations on the Penn State Case

Israel and the Two-State Delusion

The Iraq War Deserves a Worthy Epitaph

Sexual Harassment Accusers: Not Automatic Saints

Style, Substance, Perry, and the Media

Obama's Socialism in God's Name

Joe Paterno and Bishop Finn

Man Fatally Shot At 'Occupy Burlington' Protest | Fox News

Senate May Force Shutdown of Religious Freedom Watchdog |

Reggie Love, Obama ‘body man,’ to leave White House by year’s end - The Washington Post

Cain defamation lawyer hired to monitor accusations | Reuters

Tuberculosis Breaks Out At Occupy Atlanta’s Base « CBS Atlanta

NYPD gets tough on OWS protesters -

China: Iran's New Best Friend | Fox News

‘Star Wars’ actress: Date with Sen. Dodd brought wild questions from Sen. Kennedy - The Washington Scene -

5 nabbed in deaths linked to the Zetas - San Antonio Express-News

United Nations to Regulate the Internet? - Fox News

BBC News - EU censors own film on Afghan women prisoners

Students Challenged To Wear Muslim Head Scarves On Campus « CBS Los Angeles

Perry kills his own state's history and heritage!

Ron Paul Stump Speech Excerpt

On the Left and Right's Occupiers

Ron Paul versus the Establishment

The Thought Slavermasters

Spending America into Oblivion

Throwing all ethics out the window

Another High-Tech Lynching is Underway

The Blank Check

Is Socialism’s True Father—Satan?

Islam, the Religion of Slavery

Obama Keystone Decision Halts Creation of 20,000 Jobs

Obama Administration Plays Keystone Cops with US Jobs and Energy by Delaying Keystone XL

U.S. Congress Agrees: Defense of Marriage Act is Constitutional

California Mayor Will Skip Veterans Day Memorial for Occupy Rally |

Judge Rules Against Students in Cinco de Mayo/American T-Shirt Case | Morgan Hill Unified School District |

UNESCO Reprimands Israel Over Cartoon — But Misunderstands the Meaning |

Herman Cain Jokes About Anita Hill Endorsing Him at Meet-and-Greet | Video |

Hear Gabrielle Giffords Speak in ABC Interview | Video |

Jon Stewart Recaps Epic GOP Debate and Rick Perry Gaffe | Video |

Chinese ‘Ruling Elite’ Believe they are ‘Approaching an Inevitable Breaking Point’ |

Local Radio Host Mark Madden Says Sandusky May Have Been Pimping Out Boys | Joe Paterno | Penn State | Video |

Another Human Foot Washes Up in Canada |

‘Urban Beehive’ Promotes Growth of Bee Population With Benefit to Apartment Dwelling Beekeeper |

The Most Profitable Movie Franchises Of All Time |

Iranian Anti-Semitic Feature Film | Video |

Jim Clyburn Reacts to Herman Cain‘s ’Princess Nancy’ Comments | Video |

It’s International Fraud Awareness Week, Here Are Some Tips to Protect Yourself |

So who is Greece’s New Prime Minister? |

Joe Scarborough Attacks Conservative Bloggers: ‘I’m Just Always Right…and it Pisses You Off’ | Video |

GM and Other Manufacturers No Longer Including Spare Tires |

Obama: GOP Wants to ‘Turn Back the Clock’ on Women Instead of Focus on Jobs | Video |

Top Moments of Failed Emergency Alert System Test | Video |

Software Analyzing Voice Recognition Says Herman Cain Telling Truth of His Innocence | Video |

Happy Veterans Day: Thank You

Box Office Predictions: ‘Immortals’ Does Epic Business, ‘Puss In Boots’ Stands Tall

‘Into the Abyss’ Review: A Balanced Take on the Death Penalty

‘Jack and Jill’ Review: Sandler Fans Rejoice While Critics Groan

‘Melancholia’ Review: A Remarkable Showcase for Kirsten Dunst

‘Immortals’ Review: ‘300 Lite – Less Calories, Same Great Taste

+Daily Call Sheet: Oscar Recovers, ‘Jack and Jill’

Kurt Loder on Film: ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Godawful’

Billy’s Back: Crystal to Replace Murphy as Oscars Host

Carrie Fisher’s New Memoir Recalls Another Kennedy/Dodd Sexual Tag Team Move

Why Are Audiences Laughing at ‘J. Edgar?’

Exclusive Photos: Michael Moore’s Massive Michigan Vacation Mansion Beyond 99 Percent’s Wildest Dreams

AUDIO:re We Headed for a Two-Tiered Eurozone?

CFPB: The Bureau of Situational Social Justice

#OccupyDC Mom Who Used Kids To Blockade Door Says She Doesn’t Regret It

#OccupySanFran Sparks Rise in Theft, Shoplifting

Meet David Prend, RockPort Capital Managing Partner, Energy Dept. Advisor, and Guru of Government Green

CARTOON:With A Mistake Like That, Is He Qualified To Be President?

Will the Stupid Party Agree to Higher Taxes and More Wasteful Spending?

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO–BREAKING: Shooting– UPDATE: Fatal –at #OccupyOakland Over ‘A Bag of Weed’; Second Fatal Occupy Shooting; Mayor Faces No-Confidence Vote

Capitalism and Marxism Are Headed for a Violent Showdown

Post-Punk Icon Joe Jackson on the Nanny State, Smoking Bans, and His Next Musical Adventure

With an #OccupyVermont Shooting in Their Backyard, Will Ben & Jerry’s Admit Their Mistake?

Winners, Losers and Misses: Breaking Down the CNBC Debate

White House agrees to hand over Solyndra documents to GOP - The Hill's E2-Wire

Programming Note: ABC’s “This Week”

+Friday Crib Sheet: Will OWS Shootings Change Media’s Reporting?

Media Attempt to Cover up Obama Comments on Israel

NewsBusted: What is Herman Cain’s Next Move?

Sound Bite For The Day: Gingrich Vs Bartiromo

Poynter Review: ESPN’s early coverage of Penn State sexual abuse scandal slow, ‘tone-deaf’ | Poynter.

Memo to headline writers: Child sex abuse is not a ‘sex scandal’ | Poynter.

NBC Uses Penn State Scandal to Slam Catholic Church |

CNN 'Belief Blog' Piles on Comparing Penn State to Catholic Hierarchy |

Media Parrot Obama Financial Crisis Campaign Propaganda - Forbes

BREAKING: Mideast Diplomat Dennis Ross Leaving White House

AUDIO:Special Agent Matt Allen: Operation Pipeline Express

Waiting out Obama

Clinton to expand US relations in Asia-Pacific


10-Nov-11 World View

9-Nov-11 World View

8-Nov-11 World View

7-Nov-11 World View

6-Nov-11 World View

5-Nov-11 World View

4-Nov-11 World View

3-Nov-11 World View

2-Nov-11 World View

1-Nov-11 World View


PA confirms Abbas, Mashaal to meet this month

Egypt closes Pyramids over 11-11-11 'Ceremony of Love'

Lipton tea faces safety scandal in China

Siberian court rejects claims against BP

Universal closes in on $1.9bn bid for EMI

Obama observes Veterans Day with Arlington rites

Sheriff: Amish man's beard cut in new Ohio attack

More than 1,000 MF Global workers let go

Stocks surge after Italy passes economic reforms

Swedish sperm donors are well-adjusted men: study

Italy closer to new government after reforms vote

Three deaths rock Wall St protest camps

France lashes out at S&P's 'shocking' error

Oil price flirts with $100 per barrel

Teachers, facing low salaries, opt to moonlight

Activists: More than 250 Syrians killed this month

Mystery of moon's lost magnetism solved? - Technology & science - Space - -

Alexandra Holzer: 'Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, Aliens Oh My... ' (VIDEO)

10 Cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion

Science Explains Time Travel | The KoldCast TV Blog

Curse of Tutankhamun may have been work of Satanist killer - Telegraph

An 'Operating System' That Runs on Cells Could Create Whole New Life Forms | Popular Science

How Leaving a Room Affects Your Memory : Discovery Channel

Endangered Rhinos Airlifted to New Home | Critically Endangered Species & South Africa Wildlife | Rhino Horn Poaching & Black Rhinoceros Population | LiveScience

Juror in Cellini trial appears to have hidden two felony convictions, Tribune ...

Sheriff wants changes to Cook County ordinance

Local Japanese-American WWII vets enjoy overdue thank-you

Egypt closes pyramid on 11/11/11

At Least 13 Killed in Syrian Protest Violence

Papademos sworn in to lead party-packed Greek cabinet

Diplomats: Ex-Soviet helped Iran's nuke program

Jury gives life in prison to solider who killed Afghan civilans for "sport"

Death toll from Turkey quake rises to 22; two journalists missing

Fighting flares in South Kordofan

Japan will seek to join talks on U.S.-led trade pact: PM

Yemeni Forces Kill 11 During Protests

Poaching blamed for loss of Western Black Rhino

William's Falklands deployment 'provocative'

China opens embassy in Maldives

Russian Industries May Rile WTO by Undermining Trade Pledges

Veterans Day: How colleges are easing leap from war zone to classroom

John Kerry, Scott Brown underscore military backgrounds with Veterans Day ...

Fatal shooting near Occupy Oakland under investigation

Herman Cain draws Clarence Thomas analogy with Anita Hill joke [video]

Missing tot: Parents cited in '09 after he was left in freezing SUV

What next for net neutrality?

Remains of war dead dumped in landfill

Solyndra: Energy Department failed to sound alarm as solar company sank

Wall Street Follows Europe Higher

More Than 1000 MF Global Employees Reportedly Fired

Facebook Privacy: 6 Key Moments

Logitech says Google TV was a 'big mistake'

Is Google+ or Facebook better for business?

Google Adds Apture For In-Page Search in Chrome

Five great Adam Sandler songs

Dr. Murray Defends His Actions -- I Didn't Kill Michael Jackson!

CBS Adds Charlie Rose, Gayle King in Morning Show Reshuffle

Is Pippa Middleton Back on the Market?

Clint Eastwood Calls 'J. Edgar' An Intriguing 'Portrait'

Here We Go Again: Another Spider-Man Musical Star Hospitalized

'Pristine' gas from early universe discovered

NASA's Newest Mars Rover Prepares For Close-Up

NASA Salutes Veterans

Strange Hyperactive Galaxies Spotted by Hubble Telescope

The Magnetic Moon

Now You Can Modernize Your Apartment With This Urban Beehive

2012: Killer solar flares are a physical impossibility

NASA Excited About Super-Black Material

EPA Finds Fracking Compound in Wyoming Aquifer

Transient ischemic attacks tied to early death

Religious services prevent depression? What new study says

High-Fiber Diet Linked to Lower Colon Cancer Risk

Salt Linked to Heart Woes, but Some Say the Evidence Is Shaky

Screen kids' cholesterol? New guidelines say yes

No money for mental health? 15 states with biggest cutbacks

Seasonal Flu Sickens 90 Million Young Kids Worldwide, Kills Thousands


**NEWS VIDEO: Issa Calls For Probe Of New York’s Reconstituted ACORN Group

‘Fiancée’ Of Cain Accuser Not Really ‘Fiancée’

Holder Sends ‘Fast And Furious’ Apology Letter To Media Before Murdered Agent’s Family

#OccupyRoseParade: Plans Underway To Disrupt Rose Parade With ‘Human Float’

Baldwin Trashes Reagan

#OccupyDC Mom Who Used Kids To Blockade Door Says She Doesn’t Regret It

#OccupyBurlington Protesters Clash With Police

‘Breeding Ground’: #OccupyZuccotti Cough Infects Protesters

GOP Candidates Tread Carefully Around Religion

Range Of Emotions On Penn State Campus

Soldier Found Guilty in Afghan Thrill-Killings

Newt: ‘Lifetime Record Of Being A Consistent Conservative’

Owning It: Rick Perry Reads Top 10 List On ‘Letterman’

10th/#OccupyOakland Shooting Eyewitness: ‘Argument Over A Bag Of Weed’

Herman Cain Cracks Anita Hill Joke

#OccupyOakland Protesters Attack News Crew Covering Fatal Shooting

Fatal Shooting At #OccupyOakland

Surfer Claims 90 Foot Record Wave

Man Shot Dead At #OccupyVermont

Mayor Announces End Of #OccupyPortland Encampment

Latest Charge: Penn State Asst Coach ‘Pimped Out’ Young Boys To Rich Donors

Screaming ‘Occupiers’ Handcuffed, Marched Out of Bachmann Speech

Pelosi Falsely Claims GOP Would’ve Filibustered Her Budget

Ingraham Tells Perry: You Should Go On SNL

Rep Walsh Goes Off On Constituent

Today In History: The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald

Penn State Students Riot, Attack News Van After Firing Of Football Coasch

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Catches Pulitzer-Winning Political Journalist Trashing Christie On Hidden Video

Citizen Journalist Assaulted At #OccupySanDiego

9th/In Zeal To Bash GOP, NBC’s ‘Reverend’ Sharpton Takes Issue With Biblical Teaching

8th/Muslims Protest NYPD Surveillance


The equality racket

Personhood and national repentance

It's not racial profiling – it's math

The greatest threat to women? Islamic law

How to end Washington corruption

Obama's China blind spot

I honor our veterans, not our president

In defense of Jacko's doctor

The left's many double standards

How football coaches are like Catholic bishops

Republican causes took it on the chin in state after state | The Columbus Dispatch

Can we now talk about Obama's accusers?

Veteran's Day Message - Paul Vallely | The SUA Blog | Stand Up America US

Bundesbank gold location kept secret - The Local

Nixon nearly blew my stack over Watergate tape gap | Reuters

Ice age painters: DNA evidence proves 'leopard' horses were REAL | Mail Online

AP ENTERPRISE: Grisly theory for Holy Land mystery - Yahoo! News

Judge endorses censorship of Old Glory

Supremes considering how much government can watch you

How to end Washington corruption

The Bible and eligibility issue

Electoral College under attack

Dumbing down Constitution for Obama's sake?

CAIR's war on free speech continues

Wall Street strikes back after Mario Batali compares bankers to Hitler and Stalin -

Victim's sister: Penn State students joke about being "Sanduskied" - Sports Blog - CBS News

Alcohol damages women's brains faster than men's: Swedish study - The Local

Another unholy controversy at Brooklyn museum: Video of ants skittering over crucified Jesus is enraging Christians - NY Daily News

Polish 'Rambo' rescues kid from foster care - Thelocal

The dogs dying for your fake UGG boots | Mail Online

Democratic senator caught fudging truth

A once-in-a-lifetime time and date: 11:11:11 on 11-11-11 -

Sheriff Joe threatened for probing eligibility

Boston Globe reporter withholds Obama file

*ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


American Minute for November 11th

Today in History: November 11

November 11 Events in History

Historical Events on 11th November

November 11th This Day in History

November 11th in History

Today in History: November 11

Today in History for November 11th - YouTube


Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - Clearing the rubbish from the road to reality

Nov. 10, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 9 November 2011 | ATLAH Media Network

Alex Jones - 2011-Nov-10, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-11-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 11-9-11

11/10 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 11-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-10-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 11-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 11-10-11 Hr 3

2011-11-10.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, November, 10, 2011

Mysterious Realms With Dr. John DeSalvo

The View From Marrs With Jim Marrs 9th

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Paul Drockton Show 1

Paul Drockton Show 2

The Michael Savage Show 11/10/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/09/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/08/2011

The Michael Savage Show 11/07/2011