A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 October 2011

7 OCT.



To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.



"You're So Rude" by Faces - Grooveshark

"Miss Judy's Farm" by Faces - Grooveshark

"That's All You Need" by Faces - Grooveshark

"Changes Iv" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"Can't Keep It In" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"The Hurt" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark

"Sitting" by Cat Stevens - Grooveshark


Newsvine - Bush-Era Admin lied about the USS San Francisco accident to distance its covert involvement with the 26 Dec 2004 9.3 quake offshore Sumatra.

Newsvine - Part 2 - The true story of the USS San Francisco blown hull.

Protests spread to more than a dozen cities - Yahoo! News

The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens

Sirte Update till Noon GMT Oct6 - YouTube

Tripoli Update Oct 6 - YouTube

Benghazi & Eastern Libya Update - Oct 6 - YouTube

Libyans Resist NATO's Killing Machine

Nato defence ministers meet to debate ending Libyan air war | World news | The Guardian

Roy Tov: NATO’s Missile Defense Backfires

Palestinian state quest wins first victory in UNESCO vote - Telegraph

Saudi forces pull out of Shia troublespots - Middle East, World - The Independent

Syria attacks 'media fabrications' by showing 'beheaded' woman alive on TV | World news | The Guardian

Syria sanctions: 'outraged' US seeks fresh resolution after double veto blow | World news |

Andreas Whittam Smith: Death by drone is swift and efficient – it's also murder - Andreas Whittam Smith, Commentators - The Independent

USS Liberty survivor Phil Tourney interviews James Morris about Cindy McCain's email - YouTube

16-year-old Omar Khadr being interrogated in Guantanamo Bay | Mail Online

Three men walk free on a historic day for US justice - Americas, World - The Independent

Graphene is so strong a sheet of it as thin as clingfilm could support an elephant | Mail Online

Scientists create autistic mice which could lead to new drugs for the condition | Mail Online

'Humans are still evolving': Technology hasn't killed off natural selection, says study | Mail Online

'Cloning' used to create embryonic stem cells in humans - Telegraph

Steve Jobs Earned His Place in the American Business Pantheon | Daniel Gross - Yahoo! Finance - The Folly of Long Term Investing


First Read - Ron Paul suggests media could be targeted by government

Unadulterated, Unfiltered, Uncensored, 100 Octane | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House – Telegraph Blogs

Rather than spiraling into a meltdown, we may be heading into next ice age

On the Contrary: Kaparot and Yom Kippur: Voodoo and Perjury in Judaism

Alexander’s curse | Opinion Maker

UK facing most serious crisis ever, says Mervyn King - Business News, Business - The Independent

Quantitative easing boosted by £75bn by Bank of England | Business |

Quantitative easing warning over pension schemes | Money |

German Chancellor Angela Merkel backs moves to recapitalise eurozone banks - Telegraph

General strike brings Greece to a standstill as public sector closes down | Business | The Guardian

Broke? Buy a few warships, France tells Greece | Reuters

Wikipedia protests Italy's wiretap plan | World news | The Guardian

Russia arrests Chinese 'spy' in row over defence weapons | World news | The Guardian

Cashew Cheese - YouTube

10 ways Steve Jobs changed the world - Steve Jobs (1955-2011) (1) - CNNMoney

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 - YouTube

Prisoners Help Build Patriot Missiles | Danger Room |

Europa & Palestine News « Kawther Salam

The Crime of Making Americans Aware of their Own History

Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter? | The Weekly Standard

ATF officials reassigned in latest Fast and Furious fallout -

Issa to Holder: Admit you knew - Print View

Italian Worshiper Tears Both Eyes Out at Mass | NBC New York

Japan's Ministry of the Environment Determined More Than Ever to Spread Radioactive Disaster Debris All Over Japan | EX-SKF

Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street: Who Wants to Hijack the Movement? «

Putin Foils The Jews Again | Real Zionist News

Obama blasts sheriff investigating eligibility – Patriot Update

Activist Post: FDA Rejects Merck’s Attempt to Expand Deadly Gardasil to Older Women

New Tick-Borne Disease, Distantly Related to Lyme, Is Found -

How almost half of U.S. population lives in a household that receives state benefits | Mail Online - "Human Rights?" Fired for Opposing Immigration Policy

Obama - The Assassination Of Anwar Al-Awlaki By Fiat

Obama Admin Refuses To Offer Any Proof That Anwar Al Awlaki Was Involved In Terrorist Activity - YouTube

APNewsBreak: Obama to step up power line projects - Yahoo! News

Sheep Just One Vector Of Listeria To Cantaloupes

Department of Pre-Crime: Santa Cruz police test software that predicts where and when criminals will strike | Mail Online

Occupy Yourself |

Person diagnosed with tuberculosis used MTS bus - Ramona Sentinel | Ramona Sentinel

Key regulator calls for limits on speculation in commodities markets | McClatchy

Argentina Hit By Magnitude-6.2 Earthquake

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - A New Video about the Annexation wall

Occupy The Wall Street | Opinion Maker

OpEdNews - Article: Andy Kroll: Flat-Lining the Middle Class

Activist Post: Occupy Wall Street protesters sue New York City

OpEdNews - Article: Obama Double Crosses The Environmentalists

Herman Cain On Occupy Wall Street: 'If You Don't Have A Job And You're Not Rich, Blame Yourself' (VIDEO)

CDC Vaccine Secrets Revealed « The PPJ Gazette

The Fleeting Comfort of Familiar Lies | Farm Wars

'Staggering' Fraud Uncovered At Army Corps Of Engineers

PressTV - EU, union of debt: Czech premier

Activist Post: After Libya, US cannot bail out NATO shortfalls: Panetta

The EyeOpener- Exposing ‘In-Q –Tel’: The CIA’s Own Venture Capital Firm

When Winning Becomes Losing | Nullify Now!

Bottom Line - IRS ruling strikes fear in medical marijuana industry

Activist Post: Blurring the technological lines between good and evil

IAEA to help decontaminate Japan nuke plant area | World news | The Guardian

Rense & Dr Deagle - SmartMeters and Electropollution - YouTube

Rense & Dr Mohammed Miraki - Eyewitness Account Of US Slaughter In Afghanistan - YouTube

'We The People' Petition Seeks Truth Of Alien Visits From Obama Administration

Josh Rogin's blog | The Cable

Occupation USA! - YouTube


Green Activist John Stewart Denied Entry To United States

George Soros Fails To Clear His Name Of Insider Trading In France

Activist Post: Father of Reaganomics to American Youth: Leave the Country

Activist Post: Grim outlook for America’s unemployed and the future of our economy

How America's middle class was destroyed - Part 4 - YouTube

Activist Post: The shocking truth of America’s secret, unaccountable, unlegislated death panels

Northern Pass foes: It’s about money | New Hampshire NEWS05

9 US Sheriffs Announce Press Conference to Call for Holder’s Resignation / OCCUPY PHOENIX « The Mad Jewess With Breaking News By Donna Spellbound

NY State Senators Say We’ve Got Too Much Free Speech; Introduce Bill To Fix That : Federal Jack

SIGTARP Report - Bank Of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup Left TARP Early To Avoid Restrictions On Executive Pay - Home - The Daily Bail

Military Supports Wall Street Protests

Libertarian Wall Street Protesters Demand End to the Fed :

Ann Coulter "This Is NOT Our Tradition! America Was NOT Founded By Mobs!" - YouTube

AP: The NYPD spied on its anti-terror partners

Former CEO John Reed Apologizes For Creating Citigroup 'Monster' - Home - The Daily Bail

Ron Paul With Dylan Ratigan: "Boomshakalakah! 100k Signers In One Week As The Anti-Money Wave Surges" - Home - The Daily Bail

Book Review: The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand | Veterans Today

Federal & Local Law Enforcement Agencies Try to Take Family Motel from Innocent Owners - YouTube

Dale Farms, Fighting House Demolition in N. Ireland by Ken O'Keefe on Vimeo

Irish Wanker Bankers - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics : Elementary Economics: Is Obama smarter than a 2nd Grader?

Census: Housing bust worst since Great Depression

The Associated Press: Wall Street protesters fed up with both parties

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

The Intercept: Solyndra and the Solar Shakeout: Bankruptcies in Context

Waterproof jacket, sleeping bag, tent from JakPak

YayaCanada: Arctic ice melt: a blessing in disguise

Activist Post: US seeks WTO action on China, India subsidies

Activist Post: Obama 'comfortable' with tax on millionaires

Activist Post: Crumbling Canadian Sovereignty

Activist Post: FDA Rejects Merck’s Attempt to Expand Deadly Gardasil to Older Women

Bob Blaskiewicz, Faux Skeptic Exposed! : Federal Jack

Here Come The New Climate Crazies – Hoping To Geoengineer Our Planet :

Occupy Wall Street Spreading Like Wildfire :

BBC News - Libya conflict: Muammar Gaddafi urges mass protests

Obama news conference: Obama: Occupy Wall Street protests show Americans' frustration -

Did Ahmadinejad really say Israel should be ‘wiped off the map’? - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Tale Of The TARP Two Years Later: How The Elite Media Perpetuated The Lies - Home - The Daily Bail

EPIC MEDIA FAIL: Ed Schultz Gets Heckled During His Live Show At OWS Protest : Federal Jack

With latest ruling, IRS threatens to crush the whole medical marijuana industry | The Raw Story

-OccupyWallStreet-When-you-call-on-the-99percent,-they-will-come-10-5-11 - YouTube

Obama chides banks, taps anger over Wall Street | Reuters

Occupy Wall Street Vs. Erin Burnett: A Primer In Media Failure

The Intercept: Cuccinelli says EPA report supports his assertions

Reid triggers ‘nuclear option’ to change Senate rules, end repeat filibusters -

World facing worst financial crisis in history, Bank of England Governor says - Telegraph

Libertarians Support Wall Street Protest Demand to End the Fed

IMF advisor says we face a Worldwide Banking Meltdown - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Will Obama Goons Provoke Riots Using Occupy Wall Steet As An Excuse to Bring In Martial Law?

Drugmakers Charged With Defrauding Medicaid // Pharmalot

Dawning realizations re Occupy Wall Street - Tom-Atlee's posterous

The Intercept: Investigations Intensify for Operation "Wide Reciever", the 2006 Predecessor to "Fast and Furious"

Activist Post: Obama and Congress ARE Wall Street, Geithner IS the Federal Reserve - Now What?

POLICE BRUTALITY: WNYW News Crew Beaten by NYPD Police While Covering Occupy Wall Street : Federal Jack

Report from the Frontlines: Police Attack Protesters, 28 #OccupyWallStreet Arrests (Videos) | AmpedStatus

Mace Spray Treatments - Occupy America Social Network


'07-'08/The Bill: H.R. 2755 [110th] -H.R. 2755: Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act:

112th Congress (2011-2012) - Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (Introduced in House - IH)/ THOMAS (Library of Congress)


Activist Post: Iowa Insiders: Ron Paul is Only One with Ground Game

Activist Post: A New Start For Humanity: Our Current Crisis - John Perkins (Video)

Activist Post: What to do Before and After Receiving a Vaccine to Help Block the Immune Response

Obama Jobs Bill Defies Both the Constitution and the Supreme Court – Tenth Amendment Center

Why Do You Care Whether I’m Insured? | Health and Education Right Side News

The American Spectator : Obama's Solyndra Complex

The American Spectator : The Book on Obama

Obama: Holder "Not Aware" Of What Was Happening With Fast And Furious

Bodies Doubled Up Again At Cook County Morgue CBS Chicago

Obama: "If Congress Does Something Then I Can't Run Against A Do-Nothing Congress"

Daley: The White House's Women Problem Was Rahm's Fault

Activist Post: New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

AFP: Finland vows care for narcolepsy kids who had swine flu shot

US Needs To Generate 261,200 Jobs Per Month To Return To Pre-Depression Employment By End Of Obama Second Term -

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know -

Nestle chief warns of new food riots - FRANCE 24

Average Duration Of Unemployment Rises To New All Time High -

White House order to establish new cybersecurity policies - The Washington Post

Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ -

Calif. Appeals Court Approves Cell Phone Searches Without Warrant |

New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health -

Secret panel can put Americans on ‘kill list’ | StratRisks

Things Are So Bad In America That Now Even Sesame Street Muppets Are Poverty-Stricken And Hungry -

A Florida School District is Taking Attendance by Scanning Students' Fingers | Popular Science

Georgia may use prisoners to fill farm labor gap |

The Associated Press: Feds target Calif. pot dispensaries for closure

Mario Cal: The mysterious suicide that has rocked the Vatican - Europe, World - The Independent

AP sources: Bush-era probe involved guns 'walking' |

Issa: We'll Get To The Bottom Of Bush's Gun Walking Program Too (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker

'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal | TPMMuckraker

Issa: Obama DOJ's Blame Bush Strategy In ATF Scandal 'Reeks Of Desperation' | TPMMuckraker

MEXICO: News of another U.S. gun-tracking program stirs criticism -

Eric Holder on Fast and Furious: Stretching the Truth or Just A Mistake?

ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010 - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

Bookworm Room » Operation Fast and Furious (Sex)

Holder Takes Heat Over 'Fast And Furious' Scandal : NPR

Fast and Furious Testimony Fallout: ‘Attorney General Holder Must Step Down Immediately’ |

David Koch dodges questions over shady Iran deals

Monkey mind control — a breakthrough for paralysis?

Exclusive: A six-minute tour of ‘Occupy Austin’

News Corp. sets up staff hotline to report ‘illegal activity’

Dems endorse 'Occupy Wall Street' in droves

The ‘Getting’ of Assange And The Smearing Of A Revolution

Rule of Law in an Age of Terror

Execution By Secret White House Committee

Obama Worse Than Bush

Impeach the President

Truth and Falsehood in Syria

Remembering the Real Montana Freemen | American Free Press

Corruption Plagues Obama | American Free Press

Christians Muzzled in California | American Free Press

Federal Reserve to Monitor Internet for Critics | American Free Press

The People vs Wall Street | American Free Press


+Speak Up, But Not Against Israel | American Free Press

*Interview:AFP PODCAST


USDA Funny Bunny Money | American Free Press



Nothing Gained in Ten Years of Afghan War

Romney Calls for Century of US Dominance

The End of Pax Americana?

Judge Refuses to Sanction CIA for Destroying Waterboarding Videos

New York City Council Grills Kelly on Police Surveillance of Muslims

'Calm Down' About Fast and Furious Gun Sting, ATF Acting Director Says

Blackwater: You Know the Name Now Play the Game

Dozens of US Parachutists Injured in German Exercise

Military Report: Few Soldiers With Animal Bites in Combat Receive Rabies Vaccine

Jury Deliberating Case of Navy SEAL Accused of Smuggling Machine Guns, Selling Arms in US

Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Trio of Liberian, Yemeni Women

Afghans Mark a Decade of War

US Mulls Additional Pyongyang Nuclear Talks

Dalai Lama to Make Video Appearance at S. African Celebration

The World of Mind Control Through the Eyes of an Artist with 13 Alter Personas

Want a RFID Chip In Your Pants? No? Well They’re Coming Anyway

UK Think Tank Wants School Teachers to Address “Conspiracy Theories”

Media collusion with Bilderberg Group confirms hidden agenda (video)

Panetta Details Guidelines for Ending Libya Mission

Navy Names New Joint High Speed Vessel

Taliban See Writing on the Wall, U.S. Commander Says

UN, Sudan, S Sudan & troops in disputed area

UN: Death toll from Syrian violence tops 2,900

Russia & missile defense cooperation threat

The First Manifesto of the Wall Street Protesters! - YouTube

Activist Post: Constitution Watchdog Oath Keepers and The Wayseers Join 'Occupy' Protests

Food Rights Network » Food Rights Network Interviews Food & Farm Hero John Kinsman

Activist Post: Slain Qaeda militant's family hits out at US govt

Activist Post: GAO Pushes to Share Incapacity Declarations of Veterans and Disabled

The Military-Aid Complex, Agrofuels and Land Struggles in Aguan, Honduras | Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy

Obama: Wall Street protests symptom of 'frustration'


U.S. Rastafarian Is Exempt From Probation Pot Testing - Toke of the Town




Is No Agenda the Best Agenda for the Occupy Movement?


Ron Paul at the National Press Club (1/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (2/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (3/4) - YouTube

Ron Paul at the National Press Club (4/4) - YouTube


It Is Dangerous to Be Right When the Government Is Wrong by Andrew P. Napolitano

The Federal Government Wants a Million More Hearts To Keep Beating To Gain Votes, Not Save Lives by Bill Sardi

The TSA: Protecting Us From Bald Women and Artificial Knees by Becky Akers

Your Car Passed… But That Doesn’t Necessarily Mean It’s Safe To Drive by Eric Peters

Celente: Obama Will Win If Republicans Pick Establishment Candidate

If you want more jobs, look to Steve Jobs | Sovereign Man

Occupy Wall Street Protester Privacy by Bill Rounds

The Battered Goldbug Hotline by Bill Bonner

Obama Loan Official Resigns as Solyndra Scandal Widens

Obama Defends Bad $528 Million Solyndra Loan

Grassley: Holder 'Stonewalling' on Fast and Furious

Issa: Emails Prove Holder Told About Fast And Furious

Biden: GOP 'Absolutely' Can Beat Obama in 2012

Biden Says Absolutely The GOP Can Beat Obama And Me - YouTube

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is 'Setting Up Riots'

House Republicans Introduce Own 'Buffett Rule'

Hunstman: America Needs 'Agile' Foreign Policy

Sen. Graham: Obama Too Easy on China

McConnell: Working With Clinton Easier Than Obama

CBS Reporter: More Revelations to Come on Holder

Global Investors in Poll Favor Romney

Obama Backs Wall Street Protests as Sign of Times

McKinnon: Any GOP Candidate May Beat Obama

Romney, Perry Try to Recruit Christie, Palin Fans

Romney: Rebuild Defense, Add 100,000 Troops

Hannity: Obama Punishes Rich With His Debt

Obama Defends Holder on Fast and Furious

Hannity to Mark His 15th — and Fox's — in Atlanta

Democrats Call for Head of Housing Regulator

1st of 'Cuban 5' Spy Ring out of US Prison Unveils Blog for Women Warriors

Singer Shakira Tapped for Obama Administration

Obama Adopts 'Obamacare' Term With Own Spin

IMF Official Retracts Statement on Bond Purchases

Top Performing Funds: Gold to Stay Strong

GOP Primary Continues to Be a Wild Ride

Cain and Gingrich Show GOP Has Georgia on Its Mind

Don't Let America Become a Medicaid Nation

ESPN Caves to Political Correctness in Axing Hank Williams Jr.

McKeon, the Congressman Fighting to Keep America Strong

6 Foods to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

The Food Crisis & Big Box Thinking · Environmental Management & Energy News · Environmental Leader

Cliff Kincaid -- The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests

ACORN linked to Occupy Wall Street protest, says DC watchdog - National Law Enforcement |

PhotoBlog - Who is occupying Wall Street? Not just your average Joe

Frosty Wooldridge -- Immigration's Onslaught: Utter Incompetence of Our Leaders

My Way News - APNewsBreak: Hundreds of Nazi probes reopened

Michelle Obama’s taxpayer-funded spending is an embarrassment for the White House – Telegraph Blogs

Is US Economy Flirting With 'Modern-Day Depression'? - CNBC

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Derry Brownfield -- Our Land - Collateral For The National Debt

Flight, Reimagined: The First Robotic Hummingbird - 2011 Breakthrough Award Winner - Popular Mechanics

Growing drug shortage leaves patients in the lurch | The Tennessean |

Monsanto is secretly poisoning the population with Roundup

Documents Suggest Holder Knew About 'Fast And Furious' Earlier Than He Claimed | Fox News

New Document Sheds Light on Fast and Furious - Fox News Video - Fox News

China Corn Crop Won’t Meet Demand, U.S. Grains Council Says - Businessweek

The Inside Story Behind the Awlaki Assassination » Publications » Family Security Matters

An EMP Attack on America? | FrontPage Magazine

Obama's New Black Panther Problem - HUMAN EVENTS

Breaking: Obama AG Eric Holder Lied Under Oath - YouTube


Fast and Furious II - HUMAN EVENTS

The American Spectator : The Supreme Arbiter of Your Liberty

MP3:Introduced Species As A Form Of Biological Weapon

UFO's OVER KANSAS CITY: Area Residents Report Strange Lights, Hovering Craft Over Kansas City - WDAF

Response to Why Christianity & Transhumanism Are Not Enemies by Guillermo Santamaria — Logos Apologia

The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Should Know

Obama's Behavior Is Getting Worse by David Limbaugh on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Do Not Allow President Obama To Impose Martial Law by Scott Lazarowitz

Life-like cells are made of metal - life - 14 September 2011 - New Scientist

Congressman: Obama admin may be accessory to murder with ‘Fast and Furious’ | The Daily Caller

US says new 'connected' power grid equipment is at risk - and 'there have been intrusions' | Mail Online

Van Jones Says ‘Watch Out’: Occupy Wall Street and Leftists Will Eclipse Tea Party in 2012 |

BBC Does It Again: "In The Absence Of A Credible Plan We Will Have A Global Financial Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks" - IMF Advisor | ZeroHedge

+Activist Post: Be Prepared: 6 Foods to Store Forever

Articles: Fast and Furious in a Rotten Nutshell


4 Oct./Earthquake Swarm Continues On El Hierro, Canary Islands - Irish Weather Online

5 Oct./Earthquake swarm after officials confirm eruption at Iceland volcano Katla > International News > News | Click Green

4 Oct./Rare Subsea Earthquakes Rattle Bermuda Region - Irish Weather Online


The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest "This Isn't A Joke! Media Would Be Well Advised To Take This Seriously" - YouTube

Dustin Reid on Freedom Watch - 10/6 - YouTube

Ron Paul Interview With Wolf Blitzer On Cnn 10 / 06 / 2011 - YouTube

Keiser Report: Debts & Slavery (E193) - YouTube

9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections - YouTube

Obama Says Jobs Plan Can Grow GDP as 'Much as 2%'--But WH Estimates It Will Cost 3%

‘Playboy Club' Collapses

Palin: 'We Have The Most Asinine Energy Policy In Our Country Imaginable'

Does Obama See A Mandate To Completely Scrap 'How Our Financial System Works?'

The Tea Party vs. The Establishment

Social Security Disaster

Obama On Occupy Wall Street: 'It Expresses The Frustrations That The American People Feel'

Palin's Not Running: 'I Can Be More Effective' Helping to Elect Others

Obama’s New Mantra: Senators Must 'Explain to Me' Why They Would Vote Against My Jobs Bill

Republicans Say 'Sad' Unemployment Number Reflects a 'Failed Economic Policy'

Pelosi: Without Stimulus Unemployment Would Have Hit 14.5%

Biden on U.S. Economy: ‘We Have Turned It Around’

Gallup: 'Recent Surge' of Young Adults Want Gov’t to ‘Promote Traditional Values’

Mitt Romney’s Foreign Policy Team Includes Former Nat'l Security Figures, Conservative Scholars

Feds Designing Basic Health Insurance Package for Millions of Privately Insured Americans

'Occupy Wall Street' Is What a Mob Looks Like

Ed Schultz -- Who Called Laura Ingraham a 'Slut' -- Complains Sen. Scott Brown 'Has Degraded Women' |

WaPo's Hearts and Flowers for Anita Hill and the 'Hearing That Never Adjourned' |

Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined |

Romney: 'God Did Not Create This Country to Be a Nation of Followers' |

School Lunch Directors Tell USDA, No Reason to Spurn the Spud |

South Asian Rivals Jostle for Influence in Afghanistan Ahead of U.S. Pullout |

Prince Harry Due in US for Military Training |

Jackson Death Investigator Grilled by Defense |

Schwarzenegger to Dedicate Museum to Himself in Austria |

Dems change rules; Senate in chaos

NJ woman could be first American Muslim to wear hijab while competing at Olympics

White House feels pressure on Keystone oil pipeline

Kansas Man Sues Facebook Over Privacy Breach

Nancy Pelosi: ‘God bless’ Wall Street protesters

GOP freshman calls on Holder to resign

Geithner denies that the White House intends to cap banking industry profits

Child-porn warrants detail federal official’s online activities

Cain: I’m running against ‘Romney’s money’

Momentum in Congress builds for approval of corporate tax holiday

White House order to establish new cybersecurity policies

Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Steve Jobs' funeral

Judge Grants Illegal Immigrant Work Privileges in Jail Sentence for Drunken-Driving

GOP lawmaker: Obama ‘doesn’t understand this country’s economic system’

Boehner: Obama has 'given up' on governing to campaign for 2012

$1B foreclosure aid program ends with $568 million unspent

Frustrated Democrats want top Obama housing official to resign

Kids' ER concussion visits up 60 percent over decade

Anita Hill, back in Washington, re-enters an old debate

Billy Bob Thornton's daughter gets 20 years for child's death

ATF's new director shakes up agency - BusinessWeek

+Parallel Universes: Life Does Exist In Multiverse Parallel Universes | Before It's News

All Third-Dimensional Beings Wear a Veil | Before It's News

'Earthscraper' concept hides a 1,000-foot skyscraper underground | DVICE

Why You Should Avoid Cooking With Olive Oil! | Before It's News

Famous Egyptologist: Great Pyramid Contains Something Unworldly | Before It's News

Author: End-Times Mysteries Revealed | Before It's News

8 Big Changes A Comet Brings | Before It's News

Farmers Say UFOs Destroying Crops: Global Food Supplies Under Assault | Before It's News

Democrats Introduce Legislation To Seal Obama's Presidential Records After He Leaves Office | Before It's News

HAARP Blue Beam Smoking Gun | Before It's News

David Wilcock: Personnel And Materials Mysteriously Removed From More Bases | Before It's News

Why Is There Anything In The Universe? | Before It's News


9/11 WTC 7 Demolition - Facade North Face East Corner Gas Ejections And Flashes (Penthouse Missing) - YouTube

9/11 Reporter - .... This Blast, This Flame, This Explosion - YouTube

9/11 United Airlines Confirms Flight 175 Crashed Into An Unknown Location - YouTube

9/11 Eyewitness ... And Then The Building Explodes - YouTube

9/11 Ashleigh Banfield Just Heard Another Explosion ... Thats About The Fourth One - YouTube

9/11 WTC 7 Demolition - Facade North Face East Corner Gas Ejections And Flashes (Penthouse Missing) - YouTube

9/11 Reporter - .... This Blast, This Flame, This Explosion 9/11 United Airlines Confirms Flight 175 Crashed Into An Unknown Location 9/11 Eyewitness ... And Then The Building Explodes 911 Ashleigh Banfield Just Heard 9/11 WTC 7 Demolition - Facad | Before It's News

9/11 Explosive Connections - The 9/11 Masterminds - YouTube


**List Of Politicians, Military And Intelligence Experts Who Question The "Official" 9/11 Narrative | Before It's News


On Faith Panelists Blog: Is Obama the Antichrist? - Lisa Miller

Obama - The Lottery and 666 - You have GOT TO SEE THIS! What are the CHANCES? Is he the Antichrist? - YouTube

Mystery Scar on Obama’s Head : Other Mysteries


* 25 Foods That Fight Cold & Flu | Before It's News

+ Stuffed Chicken Marsala | Before It's News


Occupy Wall Street Was Organized From Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front - The Working Family Party - YouTube

An Eyeball Camera - Zooming Into The Future | Before It's News

Eyeball Camera: Zooming Into The Future! - Materials Scientists and Mechanical Engineers Develop Camera with Better Zoom Capabilities, No Bulky Lens

Fact Sheet: Safeguarding the U.S. Government's Classified Information and Networks | Before It's News

Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport - YouTube

D.U.M.B.S - Underground bases being build - Preparation for 2012? - YouTube

Dancer Gets Naked On Argentina’s “Dancing With The Stars” Watch the Video | Before It's News

'We Could Live Inside A Supermassive Black Hole Eventually... But Super-Aliens May Have Already Beaten Us To It,' Claims Russian Cosmologist | Before It's News


Self-Tracking: Take Control Of Your Phone's Sensors With Funf | Before It's News




A "Third Realm"? --Alien Technology Could Exist That's Beyond Matter | Before It's News

Computer Chemicals Linked to Pancreatic Cancer : Discovery News

Make a Laser Etching PCB CNC | Before It's News


2012 Doomsday - Part 1 - YouTube

2012 Doomsday - Part 2 - YouTube

2012 Doomsday - Part 3 - YouTube

2012 Doomsday - Part 4 - YouTube

2012 Doomsday - Part 5 - YouTube

2012 Doomsday - Part 6 - YouTube


*30 min./The Case for Free Trade, Not Imperialism | Walter Block - YouTube

*35 min./Property, Freedom and Society | Hans-Hermann Hoppe - YouTube


Elizabeth Warren Flunks Marijuana Question — MPP Blog

Federal Agents Visit Larken Rose - Mention Blog Post | Cop Block

The Fascist Threat - informationliberation

Obama's Very Real Death Panel - informationliberation

And What Happens to the Perpetrators of These Crimes? Nothing. They Have Immunity. - informationliberation

October 7, 2001: America and NATO's Decision to Invade Afghanistan. The Pretext to Wage a "Just War"

The Al Qaeda Legend : Wither The "Global War on Terrorism"?

America's Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel

VIDEO: On the 10th Anniversary of NATO's Occupation of Afghanistan

Financial Polarization and Corruption: Obama’s Politics of Deception

The Assassination of Anwar Al-Awlaki serves to justify Obama’s Arbitrary Use of Death Squads

Haiti, Occupied Country

Occupy Wall Street: “The Blood-suckers of Wall Street”.The Size of the Ripoff

The 'Getting' of Assange and the Smearing of a Revolution

Libya: NATO Provides the Bombs; The French "Left" Provides the Ideology

VIDEO: Japanese Government Insiders Reveal Fukushima Secrets

Hate Speech Finds a Mainstream Platform

European Union: Protecting The "Rights of Investors" at the Expense of Democracy

Lucrative Weapons Market: Europe Competing with US in Selling Arms to Developing Countries

VIDEO: Proper Regulation of Nuclear Power has been Coopted Worldwide

Are "Democracy Now" Correspondents in Libya Feeding Us the State Department and Pentagon Line?

Political Change and The Funding of Education in Nigeria

The Iran Al Qaeda Relationship: Friends or Foes?

Speculation in Agricultural Commodities: Driving up the Price of Food Worldwide and plunging Millions into Hunger

One Third of Americans One Paycheck Away From Homelessness

Rasmussen: NATO Ready To Build Libyan Proxy Armed Forces

Syria's National Transitional Council Mirrors Libyan Prototype


*List of Politicians, Military and Intelligence Experts who Question the "Official" 9/11 Narrative


The American People Are Damned: The US government has been selling out its Citizens in Pursuit of Money and Power

Occupy Wall Street: A Globalist Op?

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Tax Proposal Is Backed By Wall Street Itself

Occupy Wall Street: "Revolution and "Counter-Revolution"


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 6th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – October 5th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – October 5th, 2011


*Video:Ron Paul: Federal Reserve is why Americans are protesting on Wall St. |


+3 Parts ; Video:Roseanne Barr: Put Bankers In Re-Education Camps |


Audio Page: 95.1 FM The Bridge: Ongoing 9/11 Discussions |


+Ron Paul Leads Hearing On First Ever Audit Of Fed |



Freedom Lost – Chuck Baldwin |

Noam Chomsky to RT: Bush torturer, Obama just kills |

+2 Videos:Media Roots Speaks to Ralph Nader |


The Big Lie: The 9/11 Comic Book One Month After Release |

9/11 Comic Book - The Big Lie (2011) - YouTube


Audio Page:CounterSpin: Harvey Wasserman on Solyndra, Diane Ravitch and Brian Jones on MisEducation Nation |

Global Debt Crisis: Investing in “Toxic Waste Treasuries” or Gold and Silver? – Bob Chapman |

Obama Repeals the 5th Amendment by Bob Bauman

Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet |

Carl DeHart: Hitler had rise to power due to the inflation of Germany’s currency |

5 Facts That Prove Radical Islam Is A Child of American-British-Israeli Intelligence |

Introducing Siri: DARPA’s Ghost in Apple’s Machine |

Why Ma and Pa America Can Get Behind Occupy Wall Street

Obama: 'Protesters Are Giving Voice' to Americans' Frustrations

We're No. 1! In Lack Of Vision And Leadership on Infrastructure Projects!

Herman Cain Quotes Obscure 20th-Century Strike-Breaker and Misattributes it to Lincoln

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Supports Occupy Wall Street

Vintage Right-Wing Whine: Hank Jr. Says His First Amendment Rights Were Violated By ESPN

OccupyTogether: They Can't Defame All of Us

Alabama Harvests the Bitter Fruit of Its Harsh New Immigration Laws: Tomatoes Dying On the Vine

Keith Olbermann Reads First Collective Statement of Occupy Wall Street

CNN's Trader Suck Up, Alison Kosik Ridicules #OWS Protesters

Why Do Some Democratic Senators Want To Protect Tax Loophole For Hedge Fund Managers?

Scott Brown Replies To Warren: ‘Thank God’ She Didn’t Take Her Clothes Off

Reflections on Steve Jobs: Apple is All of Our History Now

Sarah Palin Refuses the 'Title' of President

Photo Essay of #OccupyLA in the Rain | Crooks and Liars

Susie Occupies LA! - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest Media Coverage Hypocrisy - Tina Dupuy Crooks and Liars - YouTube


+Articles:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority ; BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 5, 2011

*ARTICLES:Occupy Wall Street 10-6-11 |

+Articles:Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post;BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – October 6, 2011


The Michael Savage Show 10/06/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/05/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/04/2011

The Michael Savage Show 10/03/2011

The Michael Savage Show 09/30/2011


Illinois town evacuated following fiery train derailment -

Cicero pays town board member $1,000 for 250 rubber chickens - Chicago Sun-Times

Security guard dead, 5 others wounded in shootings across Chicago -

Libyan Fighters Assault Main Qaddafi Base In Sirte | Fox News

Taliban can't move finger without Pakistan: Karzai - Hindustan Times

A South African visa for the Dalai Lama? Not as simple as it sounds. -

US Mulls Additional Pyongyang Nuclear Talks | News | English

Calendar creators take another jab at Putin: a coloring book -

France urges Turkey to recognize Armenian genocide - CBS News

New bin Laden raid fallout for U.S., Pakistan? -

Panetta Says U.S. Troop Extension in Iraq Hinges on Safeguards - Businessweek

Cuban spy freed from U.S. prison -

Amanda Knox: I was sexually harassed in prison - CBS News

UPDATE 1-Italy's Berlusconi dismisses calls to resign | Reuters

Syria's risks mute talk of Libya-style action |

Lawmaker wants Pakistan to police fertilizer used in IEDs - CNN

New Charges Filed in Politkovskaya's Killing - TIME

Higher Education Students Take Advantage of Smartphone Apps

Insight: Occupy Wall St, the start of a new protest era? | Reuters

Obama meets with Democrats on jobs bill vote

Did Sen. Brown's 'Thank God' remark cross the line? - TODAY People -

Romney: Obama’s “fleckless policies” have weakened the nation - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Expert: Racial flap more about old South than Perry today -

Tennessee woman released after 25 years on death row | Reuters

Police arrest man for child pornography after tipoff from burglars -

The Associated Press: White House sets new cybersecurity safeguards

Loughner should stay in Tucson prison, attorney tells court -

111 Charged In Global ID Theft Investigation In NY : NPR

'Simpsons' actor breaks silence, says Fox should share profits | Inside TV |

Court will hear from Jackson's doctor -- on tape - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Johnny Depp Signs on for Dr. Seuss Biopic | Johnny Depp : Just Jared

Schwarzenegger inaugurates his museum in Austria - CBS News


+New site lets consumers monitor health insurance rate hikes –


Insurance Company & Rate Increases: (


Researchers Announce Stem Cell Cloning Breakthrough - California Healthline

Calif. pot dispensaries to close? What federal prosecutors say - HealthPop - CBS News

Monkeys use mind control to move a virtual arm and experience touch | Science | The Guardian

Panel Recommends No Prostate Screening for Healthy Men | Fox News Latino

Surprise High Energy Pulses Blast From the Crab : Discovery News

Areva in 'Full-Scale' Talks to Build India Nuclear Plants -

Double-Whammy Knocked Uranus to Its Side : Discovery News

Comets created Earth's oceans, study finds - Technology & science - Space - -

'If the God particle exists we will find it by next year,' says CERN boss | Mail Online

NASA working on Solar Orbiter mission instruments - SlashGear

Dinosaur Tracks Studied In Arkansas | ThirdAge

Watch: ‘Invisibility Cloak’ Uses Mirages to Make Objects Vanish | Danger Room |

Three weird planets found around a sunlike star - Technology & science - Space - -

Chinese Plan Unmanned Space Docking | AVIATION WEEK

Colorado researchers discover ancient Maya road

Cricket Chivalry: Ladies Into Burrow First, Please - ABC News

Peering into space, camera snaps colliding galaxies - CBS News

Steve Jobs authorised biography tops bestseller list on pre-orders | Technology | The Guardian

After Adding Some Jobs, U.S. Economy Still Uncertain -

IMF Official Says Greece Review Is Making Good Progress - Businessweek

Germany, France split on bank aid before summit | Reuters

HSBC North America Names a New Chief -

Time to Refinance? Not So Fast -

The Associated Press: Pipeline becomes flashpoint in US energy debate

Emanuel Goffer Sentenced to Three Years for Insider Trading - Businessweek

Chinese Car Maker to Build in Brazil -

Debit Card Fees

The Ignorant American Label

Debbie Schlussel:Nazi Soros’ Media Matters: “Schlussel a Fake Jew” – HOW YOU CAN HELP

Debbie Schlussel:Toronto Allows “Muslim Only” Apartment Rental

Debbie Schlussel:Again: Saudi Passenger Tries to Storm Cockpit; Set Free By Police

Debbie Schlussel:Steve Jobs, Genius, RIP; Enough of the “Jobs Was Muslim” BS

Meteor Shower This Weekend: Space Station at Risk?

Body suit may soon enable the paralyzed to walk -

3 Weird Alien Planets Found Around Sun-Like Star | Exoplanets & NASA Kepler Space Telescope | Multiple-Planet Systems | LiveScience

Gallery: Artists Pay Tribute to Steve Jobs | Underwire |

Mystery of break-ins in Amish community as robbers cut hair and beards off victims | Mail Online

BBC News - Comet's water 'like that of Earth's oceans'

Kim Noble: The woman with 100 personalities | Life and style | The Guardian

UFOs get mixed up with the Maya in 2012 hype - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

How Do We Re-Industrialize America

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark

Rep. Howard ‘Buck’ McKeon, Keeper of the Flame

Tea party: We’re takin’ America back & not because he’s black

Obama’s Senate Dems Prove They are NOT Interested in Working With Republicans

American Revolution is coming in 2012

Obama disingenuousness in his speeches

The “Wills” Versus the “Will Nots”

Military dogs help sniff out IEDs, saving hundreds of innocent lives

The “list”

Occupy Wall Street crowd failing to attract average people

Ninety-Nine Percent Narcissists

Obama’s premeditated murder of America

I Stand With the ‘One Percenters’


+Sting's wife Trudie Styler to guest edit Big Issue | Mail Online


Big Issue(


CHICAGO/ Streetwise, Inc. (


France's Islamic suburbs becoming 'separate communites in a divided nation' | Mail Online

Soros Loses Bid To Overturn Insider Trading Conviction | Fox News

Ala.: Inmates can replace Hispanic farmhands - Mackenzie Weinger -

Pelosi on Occupy Wall Street Protesters: "God bless them" | The Weekly Standard

Obama chides banks, taps anger over Wall Street | Reuters

Wall Street protests: liberal cable's tea party moment? - Keach Hagey -

The Administration’s Expanding Scandals « Commentary Magazine

Jews have human rights, too - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

Police Question Saudi Man Accused Of Attempt To Break Into Plane's Cockpit | Fox News

Democrats vs. Republicans: Stars they Won’t Pay to See; Movies They Hate and Love (Poll) - The Hollywood Reporter

Unshakeable courage of the real War Horses: The eight million forgotten animals who were killed on the frontline | Mail Online


Chicago Dispatcher: Taxi News (


Tipping Points in the Race for the Presidency?

Republican Debate Prep 101

On Steve Jobs, Roseanne Barr, and the Wall Street Mob

Do Dems Dare Dump Barry?

Is a Progressive Tax Constitutional?

Marching for Shackles and Chains

IMF advisor: 'In The Absence Of A Credible Plan We Will Have A Global Financial Meltdown In Two To Three Weeks'

Unemployment rate for September unchanged at 9.1%

Steve Jobs Never Got a Government Loan

Holder's Words Matter

How Obama Got Around Congress Withholding $200 M In Aid To The 'Palestinians'

Has Harry Reid presented the GOP with the means to overturn Obamacare?

Making Afghanistan Safe for Sharia - Child Brides Division

Nonie Darwish vs. CAIR

The Bush Tax Cuts: Threat or Menace?

How much is too much profit? Ask Obama

Pitch-Perfect Palin

Questions for the Co-Chairmen of the Joint Coast Guard - Minerals Management Service Investigation Team

Oprah, Entitled America, and the Coming Reclamation of Our Nation

Warren Buffett, the Keystone Pipeline, and Crony Capitalism

Fed Punishing the Prudent

Old Energy, New Applications

School District Shenanigans: Seeking a Better Education Means Jail Time for Parents

Obama, the Hitman: Killing Due Process

Free-Market Green Jobs for $2.63 a Day

How Conservative Candidates Can Give Us a RINO Nominee

Who Will Be the First Victims of Obama's Decision to Lead from Behind?

Dems Say No Thanks to Walmart Offer to Eliminate Food Desert

NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly: Protesters - Flash Player Installation

Thomas the Tank Engine Cartoon Avoids References to Christmas |

Shocking Video: Frances Fox Piven & Fellow Professors Indoctrinating College Students at CUNY To Get Involved and Be Ready For Violent Street Battles & Breaking Down Capitalism |

Jesse Jackson Says Steve Jobs Would Have Supported Protests | Video |

Occupy Wall Street’s 99%… Meet the 53% |

Interview With World’s Most Wanted Hacker Kevin Mitnick | Video |

Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized From Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros | Video |

Justice Dept. Asks Appeals Court to Block Alabama Immigration Law |

Glenn Beck Video Montage on Wealth Redistribution | Video |

Fact Check of Obama’s Jobs Speech |

Pelosi Praises Wall Street Protests | Video |

Lawrence O’Donnell Interviews Herman Cain | Video |

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Behind Occupy Wall Street Riots |

Shocking: Reid Rewrites Senate Rules By Using Obscure Legislative Maneuver |

Joseph’s Tomb Vandalized With Swastikas & Graffiti |

New Low? MSNBC‘s Bashir Uses Steve Jobs’ Death to Blast Sarah Palin |

Steve Jobs‘ ’iLeadership’ Reached Employees, Consumers and Admirers | Video |

Code Pink: Unions, Van Jones Not Behind ‘Occupy Wall Street’ | Video |

Washington, D.C. Program Teaches Job Skills to Transgendered People |

‘First We Ought to Kill Them and Eat Them’: Sights and Sounds from Occupy DC | Video |

Fast and Furious Testimony Fallout: ‘Attorney General Holder Must Step Down Immediately’ |

The Blaze Interviews the ‘Jews Control Wall Street’Protester | Video |

Judge Upholds Firing of Christian Science Teacher John Freshwater |

Jon Stewart Compares Occupy Wall Street Protesters to Tea Partiers | Video |

ESPN Panel With Zirin and Finebaum Gets in Heated Debate Over Hank Williams | Video |

Obama Responds to Wall Street Protests | Video |

Geithner: ‘It’s Inexplicable’ Why Banks Are Now Against Obama |

Energy Department Official in Charge of Solyndra Loan to Step Down |

Feds Crack Down on California Pot Dispensaries |

Huntsman Blasts Palin for ‘Stringing People Along’ | Video |

Software Developed to Find Minds Also Helps Doctors Identify Cancer Cells |

Bill to Waive Environmental Regulations Along U.S. Borders Passed House Commmittee |


'Savage Nation' No. 2 talk show on Internet


**All Stations & Times for "The Savage Nation"

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**Listen :Michael Savage Podcasts @ ConservativeReview.Us


Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin 1/2 - YouTube

Universal Serfdom with G. Edward Griffin 2/2 - YouTube


Prison » Russia May Sell Syria Advanced Weapons as NATO Prepares to Attack

Prison » At The Gates of The Great Beast: Occupy The Treasonous Fed Revolution Begins in Dallas, Texas

Prison » Libertarian Wall Street Protesters Demand End to the Fed

Prison » Average Duration Of Unemployment Rises To New All Time High

Prison » Obama Channels Clinton ” I Feel Your Pain”

Prison » In Defense of Civil Liberties with Danny Panzella

Prison » Ode To The Oligarchs: Financial Protest Images

Prison » ‘Fast and Furious’ scandal grows as tone-deaf White House facilitates Justice Dept. denials

Prison » The Greenie Love EcoFest – Nightly News Report

Prison » Hijacks ‘Occupy’ To Push Obama Tax Agenda

Occupy DC | Progressive Labels | McPherson Square | The Daily Caller

Prison » US Needs To Generate 261,200 Jobs Per Month To Return To Pre-Depression Employment

Prison » Idiotic Marxists, Communist - Flash Player Installation

Prison » DC organiser admits to paying ‘Occupy DC’ protesters

Prison » Kelly: Protesters To Be ‘Me - Flash Player Installation

Prison » Rand Paul: Obama’s Rhetoric Could Turn ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Violent

Prison » Could Occupy Wall Street be infiltrated by political groups?

Federalizing Society Via Terrorism 1/2 - YouTube

Federalizing Society Via Terrorism 2/2 - YouTube

Caller is Frantic Over CPS Visit 1/2 - YouTube

Caller is Frantic Over CPS Visit 2/2 - YouTube

» Video: First Day of Occupy the Fed Demo in Dallas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Constitution Watchdog Oath Keepers and The Wayseers Join ‘Occupy’ Protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Florida School District Installs Fingerprint Scanners on Buses Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Social Programs can’t exist without Capitalism (or force) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Deutsche Mark is coming, and Germany will still lead the European super-state Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fitch slams proposed foreign profit tax break - Yahoo! News

» Putin wants Eurasian Union to compete with EU and US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PressTV - US plotted to change world political map

Long Dead Kings - Ode To The Oligarchs - YouTube

» Zainab al-Hosni alive: West still waging their bitter propaganda war on Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dennis Kucinich Tells Occupy Wall Street to Nationalize the Federal Reserve Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Right to private life 'at risk’ in plan to store DNA of innocent people - Telegraph

Annals of government toothlessness, HAMP edition | Felix Salmon

» The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy On Citizens Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN Ambush: India vs. Monsanto Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Heroin and crack addict numbers dip - Home News, UK - The Independent

» Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BPA exposure before birth linked to breast cancer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Here come the New Climate Crazies – hoping to geoengineer our planet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Scientists 'clone' human stem cells in scientific first reducing miracle of life to a few scientific steps | Mail Online

William Hague meets Israeli Tzipi Livni for talks - Middle East, World - The Independent

» WTC Buildings 1, 2 & 7 Plans Exempt From Disclosure, Deemed “Sensitive Buildings” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Family of al-Qaida propagandist issues statement - Yahoo! News

Oxford University PhD student Goudarz Karimi mistaken for suicide bomber | Mail Online

Box Office Predictions: ‘Real Steel’ Tramples ‘Ides of March,’ ‘Courageous’ Draws Bigger Crowds

- Morning Call Sheet: ‘Dead’ Streams, Unions Rise, Theatres Whine

Apparently Jon Stewart Won’t Tolerate Being Mocked

Palin: Hank Williams Jr. Victim of Media Double Standard

Movie Review: No Need to Beware Clooney’s ‘Ides of March’

Movie Review: ‘The Human Centipede 2 [Full Sequence]‘

Blu-ray Review: ‘Jackie Brown’

The ‘Avengers’ Tease Continues

Audiences Listen, and Vote With Their Wallets, When Celebs Talk Politics

Interview: ‘Tucker and Dale vs Evil’ Director Eli Craig

- Morning Call Sheet: Loss of a Legend, ‘Tower Heist’ for $59.99, and Some Really Cool Links

Trailer Talk: Spielberg’s ‘War Horse,’ Williams as Marilyn

ESPN Fires Hank Williams Jr., Who Claims He Quit

Romney At The Citadel: ‘I Will Not Surrender America’s Role In The World’

Obama EPA Destroying Our Electrical Generation Capacity

Pakistani Doctor Who Helped US Find Bin Laden To Be Tried For High Treason

Despite Afghan Laws, Eight-Year-Old to Return To Husband After Evidence of Abuse

Why A USN Destroyer Fired On A Commercial Fishing Boat Off The Coast Of North Carolina

Chinese World Domination: Allowing Capitalism and Religious Worship

Congressman: China Waging Econ War Against The US

Does Northeastern University Have a Problem? Yet Another Radicalized Muslim Student Arrested in New England

What’s The Use Talking?

Allen West: Keeping The Flame Burning

Operation Fast And Furious And The Lone Wolf Landmark

ABC Race-Baiting GOP Presidential Field

- Friday Crib Sheet

MSM: Halliburton Crony Capitalism Is Bad, But Solyndra Crony Capitalism Is Okay

MSNBC’s Bashir Observes Steve Jobs’ Death with Palin Hatefest, Calls Timing A ‘Helpful Accident of Fate’

Watch WaPo Investigative Reporter Sari Horwitz Spin ‘Fast and Furiously’ for Eric Holder

New Video Suggests Media Matters Ignored Facts In Attempt to Smear Breitbart, Cover Up Pigford Fraud

The New York Times Can’t Abstain From Bias Even In An Obituary

Following New Black Panthers Story, Media Matters Circles Wagons for Obama

Pigford Press Conference: New Black Panthers Bring Racism, Antisemitism, and Homophobia to the Mainstream Media’s Clubhouse

#OccupyWallStreet’s Racist Speech Rule: White Men Last

European Court Upholds Soros’ Insider Trading Conviction

#OccupyWallSt: When the Greedy Feign Outrage

Obama Admin Launches Medical Marijuana Crackdown

AUDIO:The Latest Unemployment Numbers and the Loss of Steve Jobs

Prospects for American Recovery: Cutting Spending Isn’t Enough What We Saw At Occupy Wall Street

#OccupyWallSt: Let’s Have an Anarchist College!

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark

The ‘Injustice’ Department: J. Christian Adams’ New Book Exposes DOJ Defending Racism, Islamic Extremism

‘Capitalism: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?’: My Journey Through #OCCUPYLA

Milwaukee Union President Weeps for Lost Power

Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin: Unions, Van Jones Not Behind ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Inside The Hillary War Room: ‘It’s My Party!’

Congressman Labrador Demands Holder’s Resignation, but Obama Claims Holder’s Been ‘Truthful’ on Fast and Furious

OccupyWallStreet’s Modest Proposal: Seize Workplaces, Classrooms and Empty Buildings

Official in Charge of Green Energy Loan Program Resigns

OccupyWallStreet Wants to Seize Trillions from Economy

Republican State Legislators Fight Efforts for Tort Reform

Obama Seizes on Wall Street Anarchy for Reelection Campaign

Slander of Tea Party Continues: Why Blacks Must Be Critical of Race-Baiting

Explosions shake Ill. village after train derails

John Shepherd, cardiovascular expert, dies at 92

Houston school on lockdown after report of student with gun

Protesters take anti-war message to White House

Chemical makers say BPA no longer used in bottles

Tape of Jackson doctor's interview to be played

U.S. worried by North Korea food crisis, but no aid yet

Business blog live: Fitch cuts Italy and Spain ratings

Liam Fox had already been warned over Adam Werritty links

Dollar drops after upbeat US payrolls report

Psychic said stealing jewelry would remove curse, sheriff says

Security forces on high alert as Israelis mark Yom Kippur

Rosie O'Donnell regrets her famous, televised ambush of Tom Selleck -

Networks Again Trumpet What NBC’s Williams Celebrates as ‘the Protest of This Current Era’ |

CNN's Velshi Admits Press Went Soft on Obama's Tax Hike Plan |

Feds to design health insurance for the masses

GOP calls for Holder’s resignation intensify -

Obama: Full confidence in AG over Fast and Furious

Fast, Furious scandal panics Justice Department--Michael A. Walsh -


7-Oct-11 World View

6-Oct-11 World View

5-Oct-11 World View

4-Oct-11 World View

3-Oct-11 World View

2-Oct-11 World View

1-Oct-11 World View

30-Sep-11 World View


Is China's Green Energy a Myth?

There Will Be Oil, But At What Price? - Chris Nelder and Gregor Macdonald - Harvard Business Review

Idaho Samizdat: Nuke Notes: Is the nuclear renaissance in Texas toast?

Will a Failed Solar Loan Kill New Nukes? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Keystone XL pipeline foes miss the larger issue -

Where is the Best Place to Put a Wind Farm? : Greentech Media

Robert Bryce: Five Truths About Climate Change -

Top 10 Reasons Why Renewable Energy Wins — On Solyndra, Silver Bullets and Solar Buckshot | ThinkProgress

With collapse of Solyndra, is there hope for solar? | Berkeleyside

Solyndra is not a White House scandal: President is doing exactly what he promised

It’s Too Hard to Know Who Is Too Big to Fail: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Why We Mourn Steve Jobs - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Steve Jobs and the cult of the superstar CEO - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

The American Spectator : Is Keynes Finally Dead?

How Lobbyists Are Undermining Dodd-Frank: A Case Study | The New Republic

Did the World Suddenly Stop Needing Copper? (^GSPC, COPX, FCX, IVN, JOYG, JPM, SCCO, TGB)

Our one-sided trade war with China - The Washington Post

The Treasury Bank Behind Solyndra -- And Mortgage Bailouts | Fox Business

Behind the ‘Green Jobs’ Curtain: Economic Fallacies and Counterfacts — MasterResource

Widening Gap Between Sentiment and Action - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Why Microsoft should bid for Yahoo - David Callaway - MarketWatch

Columbus' forgotten voyages - American History -

The Associated Press: Faces and stories of 10-year Afghan war

Nazi Crimes: Diaries Reveal How Much Wartime Germans Knew - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Steve Jobs Interview - 1985 Playboy Magazine - Steve Jobs Article

Connally's Texas | The New Republic

Megan Buskey Reviews Margaret Leech's "Reveille In Washington" | The New Republic

DICKENS V AMERICA | More Intelligent Life

Cybersecurity in America and Europe: Freedom and security in cyberspace | The Economist

With Time Running Short, Steve Jobs Managed His Farewells -

RealClearTechnology- Reuters - Technology - Oct 06, 2011 - Apple design guru key in post-Jobs era

Facebook's bigger than the Web was in 2004. Now what? - Fortune Tech

Unraveling the tale behind the Apple logo -

Steve Jobs’s Comparative Advantage « The Enterprise Blog

Smartphone fans suffering from innovation fatigue, says HTC chief - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent

Internet Security: Are Rising Corporate Cyber Attacks a Conspiracy? - CNBC

Flying Carpet Powered by Ripples of Electricity : Discovery News

Gadgets the Pentagon Made — From the Microwave to the New iPhone | Danger Room |

Bedbugs: How contagious are they really? - Slate Magazine

Diabetic rats cured with their own stem cells - health - 07 October 2011 - New Scientist

Henrietta Lack's immortal life: one woman, many medical miracles

The Great Pumpkin | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Falling Cost of Renewables Softens Nuclear Shutdown - Miller-McCune

Design Fictions: An Eerie Vision Of Paris Under A Watery Deluge [Video] | Co. Design

If it is realistic or plausible, then it is not science fiction

Can Humans Unlock 'Superpowers' Through Our Minds? - Blog

Among insects, 'chivalry' isn't dead (w/ video)

Archaeologist argues world's oldest temples were not temples at all

Physics Nobel: Why Einstein Was Wrong About Being Wrong - TIME

The Interstellar Space Sex Fallacy : Discovery News


Keynes and Hayek’s Great Debate (Part 1): Nicholas Wapshott - Bloomberg

Wapshott: Keynes and Hayek, the Great Debate (Part 2) - Bloomberg


Inside U.S. and Iranian Competition

Iran's Growing Naval Ambitions

Russia Gripes About Missile Defense, Again

From Tahrir Square to Wall Street - By Joshua E. Keating | Foreign Policy

Obama should test Iran’s nuclear offer - The Washington Post

Will the Real Benjamin Netanyahu Please Stand Up? - By Daniel Levy | Foreign Policy

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Obama abandoning interest in Syria

President Putin of Eurasia (part 1)

Afghanistan: the limits of power | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Decline and Fall of America’s Decline and Fall - Joseph S. Nye - Project Syndicate

The shattering of U.S.-Pakistani links - The Globe and Mail

RealClearWorld - Putin's 'Eurasian Union' All About Gas

Mitchell A. Belfer: Iran's Bahraini Ambitions -

Thirty years after Anwar Sadat's slaying, Egypt barely notices -

Mollie Ziegler Hemingway: Twenty-First Century Excommunication -

“The Way”: On a pilgrimage with Martin Sheen -

Nepal’s boy ‘god’ wants to become a doctor; photographer reflects on divine subject | FaithWorld

RealClearReligion - Rosh Hashanah Is Not 'Judeo-Christian'

Lessons From Piers Morgan's Interview With Joel Osteen, Christian News

It makes sense to live as if Christ is heading back any day now | Eye of Faith

Can Neuroscience Tell Us Anything About Virtue? « Public Discourse

Dangerous Sermons –

The American Conservative » Remembrance of Things Blessed

Brian McLaren Warns U.K. Audience of U.S.-Initiated Nuclear War - Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)

Harry Reid Goes Sub-Nuclear | Mother Jones

To Tax the Rich, Stop Arguing About Who’s “Rich” » New Deal 2.0

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks | ThinkProgress

Does President Obama still have political juice? - The Washington Post

Obama Rips GOP Defeatism: ‘I’m Not Going To Surrender To Other Countries’ | ThinkProgress

Everybody Will Have Everything - By John Derbyshire - The Corner - National Review Online

Daily Kos: Secret government panel can put Americans on 'kill list'

Obama to Congress: Pass my jobs bill - or explain yourself - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The American Spectator : Obama's Solyndra Complex

Obama: Held Hostage No More? | Mother Jones

- The Washington Post

ObamaCare's Growing List Of Broken Promises -

RealClearPolitics - Can Obama & Dems Rewrite 2012 Narrative?

Is CBS News Silencing Fast and Furious Reporter? | The Weekly Standard

Solyndra: A bad bet Obama should regret - The Washington Post

Political Animal - Repeating the same mistake, expecting new results

Obama’s Empty Threats « Commentary Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Chances Could Turn on One Key Indicator

Jason Riley: Cain's Post-Racial Promise -

RealClearMarkets - The DOE Hasn't Learned Its Solyndra Lessons

Curious Cohesion - Ronald Brownstein -

Reid rewrites Senate rules with shocking move | Campaign 2012

Is US Economy Flirting With 'Modern-Day Depression'? - CNBC

Confronting the Malefactors -

Gone in 60 nanoseconds - The Washington Post

Why the Future Is Brighter Than You Think | Mother Jones

Obama's Big Sigh - Matthew Cooper -


**Markets Video: Class Warfare: America's Changing View of the Rich

6th/ Steve Jobs: In His Own Words

Social Network Sites Reflect on Jobs' Death

Demand for Oil Isn't Going Anywhere

5th/ The Case Against Commodities

Rep. Ron Paul on GAO Audit of the Fed

**World Video:America's Secret Campaign Against Al-Qaeda

Threat Of Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

No Movement On Free Trade Agreements

How China Is Cheating You

Eurozone Crisis At Heart Of Meeting

Overseas Jobs Come Home

Yuan Bill A Serious Threat To China

UK's Surprise $116bln Cash Boost

Sausage, The Riot Dog Of Greece

Severe Flooding Continues

Three Women Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

South Africa's Tutu Marking 80th Birthday

An Islamic Crowd Fills Cairo's Tahrir Square

Ernest Bai Koroma And Alassane Ouattara

China Remembers 'Master Jobs'

6th/Aspen Homeland Security Group Launch

End The U.S.'s Wars Now?

David Cameron: We Will Never Join The Euro

Russia, China Veto Syrian Resolution

Libyan Govt Forces Claim To Control Half Of Sirte

World Economic Dominoes Could Be Set To Fall

IMF Seeks Radical Change In Euro Crisis Strategy

Europe Stands Behind Banking System

Final Push For Sirte

Spokesman: Putin's Dive Treasure Find Was Staged

Children Pay For N Korea Food Crisis

Sympathy In Asia Pacific For Jobs

The Importance Of Maintaining A Strong Defense

The United States And India

Europe's Crumbling Economy Sinking America's?

**Politics Video:Perry Web Ad Calls Romney And Obama "Carbon Copies"

O'Reilly: Feds Must Control Spending Before Raising Taxes

O'Donnell: "I Had No Idea Ticket Buyers Actually" Considered Stars' Politics

Politico's Roger Simon: Republican Candidates Are "Flailing Around"

Ingraham: "The President Wants To Use Jobs Bill As A Campaign Weapon"

Matthews: Will Obama Get In Front Of Wall Street Protesters?

6th/McConnell: Obama Advocating Plan That Is Opposed By Both Sides

Michael Reagan: Reagan Would Have Told Obama "There He Goes Again"

Fireworks: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's Hostile Interview With Herman Cain

Jesse Jackson Jr. Submits House Bill To Condemn Rick Perry

Michele Bachmann And The "Special Report" Panel

Krauthammer: Obama's Presser Gives "Feeling Of A Sinking, Contracting Presidency"

CBS Reporter Accosted By White House Talks To O'Reilly About Fast & Furious

Larry Sabato: Cain Will Not Win Republican Nomination

Fineman: 2012 Race Will Be "Nasty And Expensive As We Ever Had"

Pelosi On Occupy Wall Street Activists: "God Bless Them"

Ratigan And MSNBC's Ed Get In Heated Argument Over Jobs Plan

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Setting Up Country For Riots

Chris Matthews: Obama Walking Into A "Poo Storm"

GOP Congressman: Operation Wall Street Protests An "Attack Upon Freedom"

Jesse Jackson: Steve Jobs Would Approve Of Occupy Wall St.

Boehner: Obama Has "Given Up On The Country"

Biden: People Believe Country Is Not Moving In The Right Direction

Obama: Wall St. Protesters Giving "Voice" To Frustration

Obama: "If Congress Does Something Then I Can't Run Against A Do-Nothing Congress"

Obama: Holder "Not Aware" Of What Was Happening With Fast And Furious

Obama Threatens To Campaign Against "Do-Nothing Congress"

Moore: Rich Addicted To Greed And We Are Here To Conduct An Intervention

Maddow: American Express Poll Shows Rich People Want To Pay More

Sen. DeMint On Sarah Palin's Decision Not To Run

O'Reilly: "Groups Using Far-Left Zealots" To Gain Power

"Patriotic Millionaire" Explains Why He Wants Higher Taxes


Meet the Obama link to Wall Street terror

Holder may have had fingers in 'Fast and Furious' for years

Judge: Americans have no right to choose food

Obama blasts sheriff investigating eligibility

Pastor facing death slammed with accusation about this!

2,000 chaplains nix idea of same-sex ceremonies

Impeachment? Yes! But not for this

CAIR: Media darling, 1st Amendment enemy

Which conservatives embrace socialist politics?

Commie plot that put us in the red

The end of Pax Americana?

America's angelic O.J.

Covering up is what Eric Holder does

Fast, Furious scandal panics Justice Department--Michael A. Walsh -

Meet the real Grover Norquist

Twin Killings

Harry Reid Is Right: Redistribute Income! | The Progressive

RealClearPolitics - Perry's "Racism" vs. Rev. Wright

Biden on U.S. Economy: ‘We Have Turned It Around’ |

Hitler charges silence Lars von Trier - News, Films - The Independent

Listening to Limbaugh: Cruel and unusual punishment?

Mobile phone users suffering from 'text neck' - Telegraph

Russian artist Dimitri Tsykalov's vegetable sculptures shaped like human heads | Mail Online

Nazi Crimes: Diaries Reveal How Much Wartime Germans Knew - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

India's Taj Mahal In Danger Of Collapsing

Mystery of break-ins in Amish community as robbers cut hair and beards off victims | Mail Online

'I'm doing this chick': What naked man, 54, told officers who found him romping with woman, 71, in back of Buick Regal | Mail Online

Mexican police arrest a La Familia cartel founder | Fox News Latino

Legislators Pushing to Designate Cartel Groups as Terrorists - KRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWS - The Rio Grande Valley's News Channel - Breaking News, Breaking Stories - RGV News

Illinois kindergarten teacher hangs herself in classroom

Teacher resigns after being revealed as author of soft porn book for teenagers set in school | Mail Online

Defeating Al Qaeda With Pizza, Cookies, and the Koran | Mother Jones

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Boiler emissions and bad loans ;Rep. Griffith on House GOP efforts to remove burdensome regulations on business

WND RADIO WND Exclusive The price of pesticides on jobs;Rep. Gibbs: Senate must prevent huge regulatory burden on business owners

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Steve Jobs: Only in America!;Guy Sorman discusses impact of regulations on future American entrepreneurs


+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Feds to design health insurance for the masses

Yahoo! News: Leading ‘birther’ website brands Cain’s syndicated column as its own

Lawmakers: Holder received 5 "Fast and Furious" memos in 2010 | Fox News Latino

GOP freshman calls on Holder to resign - On Congress -

Al-Qaida cleric Awlaki 'was a sex pervert'

PERO: Soros vs. American courts - Washington Times

Activists push partner benefits for military gays - Washington Times

Analyst: Don't listen to spin: Public closed down 'Playboy'

March of Shariah continues with growth of halal foods

Local News | Hertz suspends praying Muslim shuttle drivers | Seattle Times Newspaper

'Birther' Website WND To Publish Disgraced Lobbyist Jack Abramoff's Memoir | TPMMuckraker

Reid uses 'nuclear option' to block GOP amendments - Washington Times

Judge Grants Illegal Immigrant Work Privileges In Jail Sentence For Drunken-Driving Incident | Fox News

New York State Board of Elections Blocking Access To Natural Born Citizen Requirements | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Obama's behavior is getting worse

Sarkozy: Jewish State a 'Silly' Idea - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

Carter: Obama must make good on Nobel Prize and back Palestinian statehood - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Biden Denies Comment About Pollard's Release –

Awesome Rush Caller Diana Passionately Defends Herman Cain Against Attacks From Liberals On The Left

Rush: I Didn’t Know That The Left Had Such Jealousy Of The Tea Party, I Think The Jealousy May Be Stronger Than The Hatred

Limbaugh: Lawrence O’Donnell Is The Plantation Master, The Libs Run A Plantation

RUSH: Houston Woman Sues The Police For Forcing Her To Listen To Rush Limbaugh

LIMBAUGH: Obama Is Not Only For Occupying Wall St. He Also Wants To Occupy Main St.

Limbaugh: Steve Jobs Epitomized American Exceptionalism

LIMBAUGH: Obama Is Setting Up Riots

BREAKING: Sarah Palin Tells Mark Levin: I Am Not Running [Full Audio]

Fox News Channel’s 15th Anniversary: Rush on ‘Fox News Sunday’


Oct. 6, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Oct-06, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-7-11

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 10-6-11

10/06 The Mark Levin Show

2011-10-07. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

2011-10-06. Jesse Peterson Radio Show

The Manning Report – 6 October 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, October, 05, 2011

Redding News Review 10-06-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 10-06-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 10-06-11 Hr 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-06-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 10-06-11 Hr 2

Paul Drockton Show

Paul Drockton Show 2

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

*7 Oct.

American Minute for October 7th

Today in History: October 7

October 7th in History

October 7th This Day in History

October 7 Events in History

This Day in History for 7th October

Today in History: October 7

Today in History for October 7th - YouTube


The world will end October 21, says Harold Camping … but no billboards this time - Beliefnet News


**NEWS VIDEOS:West Open To Veep Job

Fox News’ Stossell: More Widespread Pigford Fraud Exposed

Occupy Sacramento Protesters Have No Idea Why They’re There; Badger Reporter For Asking Questions

DC Organizer Admits to Paying ‘Occupy DC’ Protesters

Jon Stewart’s Feud With Seth MacFarlane Exposed

Obamanomics: Unemployment Stays At 9.1%

St. Louis Cardinal’s Secret Weapon: ‘Rally Squirrel’

Michael Reagan On Obama Administration: ‘I’m Getting Tired Of Everybody Quoting Ronald Reagan’

Breitbart Comments On How WH Handled Reporters Digging Into Fast And Furious Story

Boehner: Obama Has Given Up On Governing And Started Campaigning

Taxi Driver: Passenger Choked Me, Bit My Ear

Tigers Knock Out Yankees, Head to ALCS

6TH/Lily-White Lawrence O’Donnell Lectures Herman Cain On How Black Men Are Supposed To Behave

‘Capitalism: Thumbs Up Or Thumbs Down?’: Andrew Breitbart’s Journey Through #OccupyLA

NBC News’ Bashir Viciously Bashes Palin While Praising Steve Jobs

DOE Bureaucrat In Charge Of Solyndra Loan Resigns

MSNBC’s Schultz Ends Interview; Ratigan Not Supporting Obama Enough

Obama: Solyndra Was ‘Bet’ Program Set Up By Congress

Rush: Obama Setting Up Riots

Video Proof: AFL-CIO Promoting Anti-Corporate Wall Street Anarchy

Obama: Holder ‘Was Not Aware Of What Was Happening In Fast & Furious’

Obama Feels Wall Street Protesters’ Pain: ‘Expresses Frustrations American People Feel’

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests Turn Violent

At National Press Club, Pigford Attorney Publicly Reveals Conspiracy to Defraud Federal Government

Cavuto Challenges Kucinich’s Occupy Wall Street Support: ‘Why Didn’t You Celebrate The Tea Party?’

Charter Boat Leaves Scuba Divers Behind

Bernake: ‘Can’t Blame’ The Occupy Wall Street Protesters For Being Unhappy

Biden Propagandizes 5th Graders: ‘Things Got Really Bad Before We Came Into Office’

Miller On Obama: If The Nation Is Soft ‘It’s On Him’

5TH/Rummy On The Offensive With Al Jazeera Interviewer

Knox: ‘Thank You for Being There for Me’

How The EPA’s Green Tyranny Is Stifling America

Issa To AG Holder: Admit You Knew About Fast & Furious

Shooting at California Quarry, Then Carjacking

Steve Jobs Dead

Cain To ‘Occupy Wall St’ Protesters: ‘If You Don’t Have A Job And You’re Not Rich, Blame Yourself!’

Apple Unveils Faster, More Powerful iPhone

Rep. West To Samuel L. Jackson: The Racism Is Coming From White House

Al Sharpton Begins One Third of His MSNBC Programs Saying ‘Hey, Republicans’

National Cathedral To Reopen Nov. 12 After Repairs

4TH/Europe Delays Greek Bailout Cash

Knox Leaves Italy To Head Home To US

Energy Sec Chu Responds To Solyndra Critics: ‘There Are All Sorts Of People Who Have Wonderful 20/20 Hindsight’

Biden Doesn’t Know Van Jones; ‘Whoever He Is’

Socialist Senator Braces Bernanke On ‘Wealth Gap’

F-35B First Vertical Landing At Sea

NBC News’ Brian Williams: GOP Candidates ‘Running Far To The Right,’ Can’t Be ‘Shocking Enough’

‘You’re a Bum, Jew’; Man Berated By ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protester

Man Charged in Terror Plot Pleads Not Guilty

3RD/Rush Agrees: Breitbart Report On Obama Marching With Black Panthers Shows Hypocrisy Of Media, President

‘Fox & Friends’ Hosts Valiantly Navigate Awkward Interview With Hank Williams Jr.

Australia Bikini Parade Breaks Record

President Obama Claims Steve Jobs Gave Him An iPad ‘Early’

Panetta Warns Israel Getting More Isolated

Amanda Knox Freed

2ND/How a Great War with Dana Perino Was Averted