A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 August 2011

11 AUG

The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.

Inception: A True Story About Dreams? | USAHM Conspiracy News


Dream Moods ; Dictionary(


Test confirms Roswell debris is not from Earth | USAHM Conspiracy News

The Moment of Life: LHC | USAHM Conspiracy News

Black Helicopters.. Watching You? | USAHM Conspiracy News

Ley Lines : A Harmonic Grid Of Energy | USAHM Conspiracy News

» The Federal Reserve Saves The Stock Market? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Berman Post: SEAL Team Six Down: America Loses Some of Its Bravest And Best Trained Warriors

Pajamas Media » Text from London Riot: ‘We’re Not Broke, But Who Says No to Free Stuff’

Reporter Witnesses Racial Attacks in UK - YouTube

Paul Watson & Steve Watson: The Poisoned Diseased Culture - Alex Jones Tv 1/2 - YouTube

Paul Watson & Steve Watson: The Poisoned Diseased Culture - Alex Jones Tv 2/2 - YouTube

Analysis of Financial Terrorism in America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*5 Part Video:The Connection: Eugenics, Vaccinations, IBM, RFID Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Feds Send Terrorist Hand-out to Military Surplus Stores Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Amazon Disarms Brits By Banning Self-Defense Items Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race -

» Obama Is Implementing Plans For War Throughout the Middle East Created 10 Years Ago by the Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» London riots coming to the US? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Stock Market Crash Of 2011? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

White House denies leaking classified info for bin Laden raid film | The Raw Story

» Corporate Media Puzzled by U.S. Martial Law Plans in Wake of Brit Riots Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Police surround NY Federal Reserve after ‘End the Fed Flash Mob’ Facebook post Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gallup: Disapproval of Obama Ties All-Time High |

US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier |

» Pentagon Caught Lying: SEAL Team 6 Wasn’t On a Rescue Mission Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Flash mob crackdown: Teens, parents put on notice |

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

» Pentagon Edits Number of Dead SEALs in Afghan Copter Downing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*4 Part Video:Prison » LONDON BURNING: Infowars Special Report on Social Unrest and Economic Collapse


Prison » Bob Lutz stands behind his comment that global warming was a ‘total crock of shit’


Interview with Bob Lutz


Prison » UK Riots: Gov’t Mulls Kill Switch For Twitter & Facebook, Army On Streets

Prison » ‘Preppers’ stock up on guns’n’gear as financial doom looms

Wisconsin State Fair: Wisconsin State Fair mob attack 911 tapes released - WITI

Prison » ‘Most Dangerous Time For Global Economy’

Prison » Germany’s Best-Selling Tabloid Bild’s Front Page Encourages Readers To Buy Gold

Obama to toughen stance on Syria with call for Assad's departure | World news | The Guardian

North West Evening Mail | Home | Call for London rioters to lose benefits

US military to launch fastest-ever plane | World news | The Guardian

Prison » The Fed Leads By Deception

Prison » The Wolf State Takes Out Its Claws In A Looted London

Prison » Obama Is Implementing Plans For War Throughout the Middle East Created 10 Years Ago by the Neocons

White House denies leaking classified info for bin Laden raid film | The Raw Story

Prison » Not a Revolutionary, Just a Moronic Thug

Most Americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency expense - Aug. 10, 2011

Prison » Food safety false flag? USDA waited for people to die before recalling ground turkey it knew was contaminated

Poll: 79 percent of Americans dissatisfied with U.S. political system | The Raw Story

Prison » Former Labor Secretary: Obama Hopes to Distract the American People So We Forget About Grim Unemployment

Prison » Rep. Peter King: Obama giving sensitive info to Osama Bin Laden filmmakers

Global Warming Link to Drowned Polar Bears Melts Under Searing Fed Probe - HUMAN EVENTS

Prison » Hacking group Anonymous plotting to ‘kill’ Facebook

Is the Federal Reserve Making Things Worse? - YouTube


'Preppers' stock up on guns'n'gear as financial doom looms - YouTube

Wisconsin Recall: Big Win for GOP? - YouTube

Police Were Ordered To Stand Down As London Burned

TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged

DNA components found in meteorites

69% Say It’s Likely Scientists Have Falsified Global Warming Research - Rasmussen Reports

» The Weaponization of Sound (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Big Pharma's Crusade to Push Pills On Kids | The Fix

» Roseanne Conner (Barr) Joins The Infowar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race -

Michael Moore to Obama: 'Show some guts,' arrest S&P head - Washington Times

Bank Of America's Backdoor Bailout - Dumping Mortgage Trash Onto Taxpayers Via Fannie Mae - Home - The Daily Bail

The Crossroads of History are Upon us -

The U.S. Military’s Plan for London-Like Riots | StratRisks

S&P Lobbies The Government For Beneficial Treatment Even As It Rates Federal Finances -

NYC Welfare Worker Admits To Running $7 Million Food Stamp Scam -

With U.S. Support, Private Security Company Trains African Troops in Somalia -

India’s new spy agency spooked by ‘internal spies’ | StratRisks

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs :Zacarias Moussaoui: What We Don’t Know Might Hurt Us

MUST SEE VIDEO - Dylan Ratigan Is Mad As Hell - Home - The Daily Bail

Jim Rogers: "Geithner Is Incompetent, He Hasn't Done Anything Right For 15 Years, He's ALMOST As Bad As Bernanke" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

China to outstrip US by 2016 – IMF — RT

Uncomfortable CNBC Moment - Rick Santelli Rips Meredith Whitney For Calling Tea Partiers 'Freaked Out, Unemployed White Men' Tells Her 'To Stick To Munis' (Heavy Sarcasm) - Home - The Daily Bail

September 11th Anniversary: Richard Clarke's Explosive CIA Cover-up Charge - The Daily Beast

Gerald Celente On The Current Global Unrest. - Adam vs. the Man - 10th Aug 2011 - YouTube

The Intercept: Condoleezza Rice: "The organization that did 9/11 — that Al Qaeda — I don't think really exists,"

London alienating its citizens? - YouTube

Blackberry phones' role in UK riots - YouTube


London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out) - YouTube


The case against LBJ part 1 - YouTube

The case against Johnson Pt 2 - YouTube

The case against Johnson Pt. 3 - YouTube


9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons - YouTube

The collapse: Celente predicted it would happen. It’s happening!

London riots: Police were soft on looters because they were 'ordered to stand and observe' | Mail Online

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: Banks, Oil Companies & Financial Institutions Created Riots In London And Around The World (VIDEO)

'We are the Enfield Army': Video of locals chasing rioters in London - YouTube

Anti-pornography bill won't protect children, but it could cripple the Internet -- Government Computer News

'London needs army to crush thugs - call back Afghan troops' - YouTube

High Thuggery and Criminal Skullduggery. Smoking Mirrors

Freeganism: Dumpster Diving to Buck the Spending Trend - ABC News

Wall Street: The speed traders - 60 Minutes - CBS News

Ron Paul "This Is Probably A Bigger Problem Than The World Has EVER Faced Before!" - YouTube

Violence spreads beyond London - YouTube

Roy Tov – Monsters in Tel Aviv

Education Management Corporation Accused of Widespread Fraud -

ah, mephistophelis.: Another London Riot Video Archive

Exclusive: "Last Man Out" Makes Shocking 9/11 Disclosure | Before It's News

The World’s Dirtiest Bank: HSBC |

Sherrie Questioning All: If there was ever a time to Stand up for our Country it is NOW! Super UNCONSTITUTIONAL Congress has been chosen and anointed! FLY THE AMERICAN FLAG UPSIDE DOWN - That means "Country in Distress"

Bernanke Scoffs At Fed Dissent, Super Congress Debt Panel Named, Death Of A Climate Exchange, Dimon Defends Zombie Banks, Merkel Faces German REVOLT Over Bailout - Home - The Daily Bail

US Government Monitoring Facebook for Federal Reserve Protests - YouTube

England Riots: 'Stop playing politics, turn your heads to streets!' - YouTube

The Guardian, Al-Jazeera Set Straight Corporate Media Lies About London Riots

Antidepressant use increasing among those with no psychiatric diagnosis | The Raw Story

UK Riots Mirror UK Criminal Government - YouTube

Pentagon Changes It's Story on death of SEAL Team 6, Number of SEALs Killed Changes From 22 To 17 - YouTube

Navy SEAL Team 6: Congressman Peter King demands investigation into access granted to film about Osama bin Laden hunters | Mail Online

Washington's Blog:Legendary Investor Jeremy Grantham: America is a Banana Republic

Manchester Riots 2011: scenes from Whalley Range - YouTube


*3:08:30/War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Iraq lies from the same cabal) - YouTube


UK Prime Minister Endorses Racist's Facebook Group On National TV Address #LondonRiots

Bailout Rape, - YouTube


** MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITES FRAUD 4 DUMMIES! (aka the Cliff Notes version)


London riots coming to the US? - YouTube

Gerald Celente On The Current Global Unrest. - Adam vs. the Man - 10th Aug 2011 - YouTube

Post S&P Downgrade, Chicagoans Take to Streets, Demand Arrest of Bankers (08/09/2011) : Federal Jack

Activist Post: Obama Readies Citizen Spies For Action

Mark Duggan’s death is very suspicious. The London cops are covering something up : Federal Jack

Final destination: Mars rover Opportunity poised to reach rim of giant crater today | Mail Online

Why We Need To Fight The Super Congress And Take Back Our Government - YouTube

The Information Underground - Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD

War Budget Cuts Possible If We Counter Contractors’ Multimillion-Dollar Campaign Spending - War Costs

How to Cut Hundreds of Billions in War Spending - War Costs

Google Admits Handing over European User Data to US Intelligence Agencies - Softpedia

The Fast Fix: Facing off in Iowa | The Fast Fix - Yahoo! News

Five NATO troops killed in Afghanistan bomb attack | The Raw Story

The U.S. Military’s Plan for London-Like Riots | StratRisks

American's Journey: Interview on London riots: Vid and comments

CREW Exposed


A Campaign Where the Lie Became the Truth and the Truth Became the Enemy of the State


*Fascist Take-Over of the U. S. Videos Part 1

*Fascist Take-Over of U.S. Videos Part 2

*Fascist Take-Over of the U. S. Videos Part 1


Revolutionary Politics : The Best Thing The Fed Could Do Is Collectively Resign" | Marc Faber 8/9/11

Revolutionary Politics : The Administration Is Clueless About The Economy - Peter Schiff on FOX Business News 08/08/11

Martial Law: Corporate Media Hints At Military Plans To Take On The American People During Domestic Civil Unrest :

NATO Butchers Bomb Zlitan - Leonor & Ahmed In Libya - YouTube - Cloud falls out of sky onto ground in UAE

Obama facing healthcare crisis as ANOTHER state hands back multimillion-pound grant | Mail Online

Goldman says QE3 likely after dovish Fed statement - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food

Activist Post: BBC Duplicity Strikes Again - Finding Solace in Christian Mysticism

Chatter: 9/11, Fringe Science and Disclosure | Veterans Today

Whole Foods: "We Should Not Highlight Ramadan" - UPDATED - Houston Restaurants and Dining - Eating Our Words

The Forgotten WWII Battle of Halbe 1945 | Veterans Today

The Forgotten WWII Battle of Halbe 1945 | Veterans Today

Pay TV industry loses record number of subscribers - money -

Stephens: Is Obama Smart? -

Why Apple is now No. 1 company in the world - Business - US business -


Leading article: The police have misled once again - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out) - YouTube

In The Shadows Of Discontent

America, Israel and the New Holocaust | Veterans Today

Tottenham riot over Mark Duggan shooting sparked by police 'beating' girl? | Mail Online

Social network overuse 'breeds narcissism' - Telegraph

You, Me and Noam Chomsky - YouTube

South Korea returns fire on North in disputed waters | World news | The Guardian

North Korean agents assigned to kill South's defence minister, media say | World news |

China's first aircraft carrier starts sea trials - Telegraph

China victim of 500,000 cyber-attacks in 2010, says security agency | World news |

US Learns No Lesson | Opinion Maker

Police Beat Man After He Finds Out His Son Committed Suicide. - YouTube

Libyans under the NATO Onslaught - Aug 9 - YouTube

'I created Obama's certification of birth'

Rense & Dr David Duke - Zionist Terrorism In Norway - YouTube

The Day The Middle Class Died 30 Years Ago Today

PressTV - Humanitarian agencies facing challenges in Horn of Africa

Are The Raw Milk Lawsuits A Worry?

Kansas returns health insurance exchange grant | Reuters - Hear the Chilling 911 Calls From the ‘Racially-Motivated’ Mob Violence in Wis. - Police tapes from Wisconsin State Fair released - Hacker group vows to 'kill Facebook' - Flash Mobs- Harmless Fun Morphs Into Something Far More Sinister

US military to launch fastest-ever plane | World news | The Guardian

NASA - NASA Researchers: DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made in Space

[Folder Name]

Radical Christian group believes Gov. Perry will lead U.S. to godly government | Raw Replay

Ex-girlfriend files $50 million suit against Soros | The Raw Story

Ex-Murdoch executive arrested over hacking | The Raw Story


+ 4 Old Cartoons Explain The World | Don't Tread On Me


Protect IP Could Have Far-reaching Impact on Digital Freedom | Technology | Epoch Times

Border Partrol agent attacked -The Laredo Sun -Local News

Facebook Users Raise Alarm Over Social Network's Posting of Confidential Phone Numbers -

China to Japan: Your “Helicopter Destroyers” are Aircraft Carriers

Are Nations Less Important Than Phone Calls? New MIT Map Redraws The U.S. According to Communication | Singularity Hub

Finextra: Visa cites m-payments as it pushes US to EMV

Anti-Piracy Lawyers Accuse Blind Man of Downloading Porn | TorrentFreak

CIA tracked Canada’s Cold War satellite research -

Turkish Delight

Iranian Group's Big-money Push to Get Off US Terrorist List

US Politicians For Sale?

Long Live the Oligarchs

The Rich Are Different — And Not In a Good Way

Time to Build a Human World

BBC News - Peter King queries Bin Laden film White House access

Jared Lee Loughner: Feds Want To Keep Tucson Shooting Suspect Medicated

Dougherty Gang: Amid hail of bullets, fugitive family caught in Colorado -

BBC News - Statue of Liberty to close for year of renovation work

Does AIPAC Have Only Two Major Donors?

Leak of a 70 page Criminal NATO Plan to Occupy Libya

VIDEO: Financial Interests Behind the London Riots?

British Government's Response to the Riots: Who is "The Sick" one here?

Britain’s Riots: Thuggery, Looting, Lawlessness… By the Ruling Class

CIA, US Military Operating Inside Mexico’s “Drug War”

Compensate Victims of U.S. Chemical Warfare in Vietnam

Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America

Peter Schiff "Zero Percent Interest Rates Is Causing Severe Consequences In Our Economy!" - YouTube

Jim Rogers on CNN 08/10/11 - YouTube

The Totalitarianism of the Progressive Mindset - informationliberation

This Is What Happens When You Ban Heroin - informationliberation

Obama wants to be your landlord: 'Gov't considers turning foreclosures into rentals' - informationliberation

Free Keene Blogger, Ian Freeman, Caged for 90 Days - Free Keene

The Cybersecurity-Industrial Complex - Reason Magazine

Sorry, the page you requested could not be found


*1:47:00The Creature From Jekyll Island (by G. Edward Griffin) - YouTube


NASA Martian Cities Photos


ALIPAC - "Fast and Furious" Goes All the Way to the White House

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Oath Keepers: FBI Wants Surplus Stores To Spy on Customers

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

Light speed hurdle to invisibility cloak overcome by undergraduate

Self-assembling micro-robots created, Judgment Day looms | ExtremeTech

Growing Tea Party Calls for Military Spending Cuts -- News from

Amnesty Urges NATO to Investigate Civilian Killings in Libya -- News from

More Syrian Protesters Killed as Assad Admits ‘Mistakes Were Made’ -- News from

‘New’ Iraq a Nightmare for Women, Minority Groups by Denis Foynes --

Israel Lobby Dominates Congress, Media Covers it Up by Alison Weir --

Insane Chinook-Shooter Claim Denied by Taliban « Blog

Rich Executives Spend Millions For Bodyguards To Guard Them From Populist Anger | | AlterNet

20 Years In Prison For a Rape and Murder Committed By Someone Else -- Courts Ignore Exonerating DNA Evidence | | AlterNet

Goodbye Religion? How Godlessness Is Increasing With Each New Generation | Belief | AlterNet

Meet The GOP's Not-So-Super Committee: 6 Members Of Congress Shaping Your Economic Future | | AlterNet

How Right-Wing Extremist Rick Perry Passes Himself Off As A Regular Guy--And How That Could Win Him The GOP Nomination | | AlterNet

Why Should Rioting Young People Listen to the Elites and Mind a Social Order that Disempowers Them? | | AlterNet


Video:European Central Bank and the "Sovereign Raiders"

Video:Was S&P Downgrade a Preemptive Strike Against Prosecution?

Video:Shares plunge on euro zone debt crisis and recession fears

Video:More Cheap Fed Money Won't Create Jobs

Video:Making Money from Volatility


Iowa Voters Focus on Economy

Britain Announces New Measures to Restore Order

Female Suicide Bomber Targets Pakistan Police Post

Leonard Peltier Still Trapped Within The Jaws Of The Prison-Industrial Complex :

5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World :

Is Gary Harvey Being Held Hostage for His Bank Account? :

+ Interview

When Should You Shoot A Patriot? :

Dr. Mary’s Monkey: The Link Between Polio Vaccines, Cancer, & JFK’s Murder :

Jackie Kennedy Believed Lyndon B Johnson Killed JFK As Evidence Of Johnson’s Complicity Continues To Mount :

The Federal Government Declares War on the Nation :

The London Riots and How They Will be Used to the Elite’s Advantage

Actor Corey Feldman Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Child Stars (video)

New Homeland Security Video Depicts US Citizens as Terrorists…and Encourages You to Snitch on Them

Taiwan keeping its eyes on China's aircraft carrier program

New Shelling Reported in Disputed Korean Waters

International Community Denounces Syria Violence

Laffer: Obama Must Use Reaganomics to Save Economy

John Fund: Unions Spent $35 M to Defeat Walker

White House to Push Repeal of Bush-Era Tax Cuts

WH Photo Violates SEALs Families' Wishes

S&P Lobbies for Self While Downgrading US

Fed Agency Aims to Flip Foreclosures to Rentals

Gingrich: 'Bureaucratic Socialism' Buries Economy

Jeb Bush Jr. Heads Huntsman Youth Effort

Weight Lifting Doubles the Odds of Quitting Smoking

Scientists Unravel New Genetic Clues to Multiple Sclerosis

GOP Debate Checklist: What to Look For

GOP Might Snag Former Rep.Weiner's Seat

Lieberman, Collins: Agencies Must Fix Contracts

Giuliani Courts Top N.H. Operatives

Karl Rove: Acrimony in Congress Irks Americans

Harrington: Wasserman Schultz Anti-GOP Charges 'Absurd'

Ann Coulter Joins Gay Conservative Group's Board

Is Ron Paul the American Churchill?

Wall Street Analyst's Slam on Tea Party Unfounded

UK Economy Dragged Down by Bloated Healthcare

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status

DOE Chief of Staff: State Education Standards Are ‘Lying’ to Parents

First Lady's Anti-Obesity Campaign Turned Heavy Children Into Targets, Group Says

‘Made in the USA’ Requirement Pushed As Job-Creator for California

Court Rules FCC Cannot Fine Broadcasters for ‘NYPD Blue’ Nude Shot

Obama Administration Proposes A Regulation to Solve A Problem It Can't See

Bin Laden’s Death Has Not Affected Battleground in Afghanistan, U.S. Commander Says

Gallup: Muslim Americans Give Obama 80 Percent Approval, Highest of Major Religions

Tea Party Senator: Don't Blame Us, It's Obama Who Has Failed

Billionaire Soros' Ex-Girlfriend Files $50M Suit

Hunt for Outlaw Siblings Ends With Gunfire and a Crash

Texas Plant Will Turn Sewage into Drinking Water

Yemeni President Objects to Power Transfer Deal

Math, Science Focus of New 'Sesame Street' Season

Illegal immigrant who snuck back into U.S. sentenced to 3 years in prison

Nervous Democrats say President Obama must be bolder on economy

Opinion: Why the center-left is fed up with Obama

Overseas crises loom for Obama

Obama in trouble: His disapproval among Iowa independents at 61 percent

John Bolton Explains Why He Is Thinking of Running For President

Palin bus tour to roll into Iowa this week before straw poll

Koran-burning pastor to be in New York on Sept. 11

Tourists stopped in car at intersection robbed of $7,800 cash; 3 arrested

China to slow its high-speed trains

School's handling of gay student's flamboyant behavior comes under scrutiny

Police state fears? Cameron calls to disrupt social media during unrest - YouTube

There’s A Lot Less Real Money Out There | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Activist Post: US aims to stay step ahead of terrorists: TSA boss

» Amazon Disarms Brits By Banning Self-Defense Items Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: US, Europe say UN action against Assad getting closer

Activist Post: US poised to call for Syria's Assad to go

Videographer of alleged Melvin Jones beating could be charged with illegal wiretapping |

Activist Post: Smart Meters: Another attack on the 4th Amendment

Empower Parents to Turn Around Failing Schools - The Petition Site

7 Ways to Have More by Owning Less | Brain Pickings

Is a Breakthrough in Alien Detection Imminent? SETI’s Allen Telescope Array to be Back in Action - International Business Times

Activist Post: Hijacked Regulatory Agencies Do the Bidding Of Big Ag in the War on Natural Food

Activist Post: Disaster Preparedness for Seniors and the Elderly

Activist Post: Radiation Deception Continues

Rochester Police Hand Out Curb Violation Tickets to Emily Good Supporters - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama meets Fed chief Bernanke

US Debt Crisis - 2012 is only for America - YouTube

BREAKING: Post S&P Downgrade, Chicagoans Take to Streets, Demand Arrest of Bankers - YouTube

What are you teaching your kids? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Timeline of FDA raids on raw milk farmers, dietary supplement makers and natural medicine practitioners

Message from Anonymous: Operation Facebook, Nov 5 2011 - YouTube

Bin Laden is dead again - YouTube

+4 Parts:Knowledge is Power – Max Igan


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 10th, 2011

+The Alex Jones Show – August 9th, 2011

+Alex Jones Show – August 8th, 2011

+The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – 8-7-11

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – August 9th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 9th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – August 8th, 2011


Ron Paul Mentioned on FOX: Ron Paul Winning Ames could Scare The Establishment - YouTube

Eben Bayer: Are mushrooms the new plastic? |


Colonel Sixx: SEAL Team 6 Family Members, Bin Laden Raid Was Staged!! 1/2 - YouTube

Colonel Sixx: SEAL Team 6 Family Members, Bin Laden Raid Was Staged!! 2/2 - YouTube


White House denies leaking classified info for bin Laden raid film | The Raw Story

TED Blog | The dangers of online crime: Q&A with Mikko Hypponen

Six Simple Tips for Building your Emergency Fund | Before It's News

Turning Your Back Yard Into A Food Producing Machine | Before It's News


Trump: Obama Born In Somalia Not Kenya | Before It's News

+ Similarity of Chemtrails and Agent Orange: Both Are Sprayed to Kill Farm Crops and People | Before It's News

- Chemtrails Produced by Aviation Fuel Laced With Trimethylaluminum? | Before It's News

Ancient Egypt Was Destroyed By Drought, Discover Scottish Experts | Before It's News







From The Fed To JFK To 9/11: A Hidden History of High Treason in America | Before It's News


9/11 Eye-Opener: Murdering Liberty, Killing Hope | Before It's News


*pdf-Murdering Liberty Killing Hope!


Murdering Liberty Killing Hope! « Dave presents TWILIGHTAMERICA.INFO



*1:12:12/911 In Plane Site - YouTube


Defense officials: Fewer SEALs died in crash than originally believed – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Celebrities With Shark Mouths: Horrifying And Hilarious (PICTURES)

Physicists Turn To Radio Dial For Finer Atomic Matchmaking..... | Before It's News

The Concept of a Biomass Plant is like Selling Indulgences - Follow the Money | Before It's News

Mujahideen-e Khalq: Former U.S. Officials Make Millions Advocating For Terrorist Organization

Experts investigate code in Breivik manifesto - Telegraph » Blog Archive » ‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Being Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)


The Sheeple Quiz ....etc.


*Article Links:BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials – August 10, 2011 |

*Article Links:Uk Riot News 8-10-11 |


Ramadan Ends with Iftar Dinner at the White House

D.B. Cooper DNA Leads Nowhere

Contact lost with hypersonic glider after launch

Romney in shouting match with crowd at Iowa fair

Gov't considers turning foreclosures into rentals

APNewsBreak: Facial recognition in use after riots

Bomb kills five U.S. troops in southern Afghanistan | Reuters

Defense Department officially identifies service members killed in Afghanistan crash - WTKR

SEALs were sent to stop fleeing Taliban - Washington Times

Statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne MP, on the global economy - HM Treasury

Democrats doubt Barack Obama's reelection chances - Telegraph

A Vacationing Bush Works Hard for His Photo-Ops - TIME

Obama's Iftar dinner remarks | POLITICO 44

Playboy's Miss July 2010 Shanna Marie McLaughli - Flash Player Installation

RIC airport protester, federal officials present arguments in lawsuit | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Rome police arrest Colosseum 'gladiator' gang - Yahoo! News

Report: 'Barefoot Bandit' inks $1.3 million movie deal - Entertainment -

Heat-Related Skin Infections On The Rise « CBS - Flash Player Installation

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status |

Wisconsin State Fair: Wisconsin State Fair mob attack 911 tapes released - WITI

Rep. Peter King: Pentagon, CIA must investigate Obama and death of Osama bin Laden movie

Sony Hosted Obama Fundraiser, Releasing Bin Laden Movie Before Election | The Weekly Standard

White House rejects claim about bin Laden raid film | Reuters

Secret peace talks between US and Taliban collapse over leaks - Telegraph

Global Warming Link to Drowned Polar Bears Melts Under Searing Fed Probe - HUMAN EVENTS

Charla Nash’s Face Is Revealed | NBC Connecticut

Rupert Murdoch endorses Carey as next in line | Reuters

Child Gets Swastika Tattoo with Fast Food Kids Meal

Putin 'discovers Greek urns' on scuba dive - Yahoo! News

Mitt Romney: Corporations Are People! - Updated

Reince Priebus Shrugs: 'We Need to Have a Country of Makers and Not Takers'

Ari Melber: Call The Senate Back Into Session And Make Republican Obstructionists Vote On Obama Nominees

Steve Benen: How About a Bachmann-Inspired Stimulus?

Sen. McCaskill is Not For Extending Unemployment Benefits Because Republicans Are Against It

The Next Big Change Moment: Who Will Win? The People or the Banks?

Fox News' Bob Beckel Attacks Fox Producers for Ignoring Stock Rally

Lessons from Wisconsin

Maddow: If Republicans Retain Power in WI Senate, All Eyes Will Turn to Dale Schultz

Kentucky City Gives Bible Theme Park a 75% Tax Break

Fox News: Fire Geithner, Hire Trump!

'Welcome Home, Son...The Bank Just Took Our House.'

GOP Picks Their Super Congress Members: UPDATED

Rep. Burgess To Tea Party: Yes, We Need To Impeach Obama

Stephen Colbert: America's Credit Downgrade

Nebraska AG Bruning Compares Welfare Recipients To Scavenging Raccoons

The Daily Show: The Florida Couple Who Foreclosed on Bank of America

John Nichols: Tammy Baldwin Was Right to Ask Justice Department to Investigate Kathy Nickolaus

If the Tea Party Were Liberal

Obama's Iftar dinner remarks | POLITICO 44

Fed Up: A Texas Bank Calls It Quits -

Sales soar for books by new poet laureate

Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race -

UK riots 2011: Liberal dogma has spawned a generation of brutalised youths | Mail Online

Paul warns of 'next bubble burst'

Savage: America has been 'hoodwinked'

Clinical trial raises hope for cancer treatment -

Three gallons of 'date-rape' drug ingredient seized at LAX -

Caught On Tape: Philadelphia Teen Mob Attack

The PJ Tatler » Ever wonder why California is so broke?

Female suicide bomber hits Pakistan, seven dead - Channel NewsAsia

U.K. Ethnic Tensions Stoked by Riots -

The Associated Press: Militants urge British rioters to topple system

UK riots 2011: Britain's liberal intelligentsia has smashed virtually every social value | Mail Online

Taliban is planning 'spectacular' terrorism attack warns British Army chief in Afghanistan | Mail Online

Poll: Majority of public has lost faith in government ability to fix economy - The Washington Post


SAVAGE AUDIO: Beware the government-media complex


Test of hypersonic aircraft fails over Pacific Ocean -

Pelosi reveals "super committee" picks - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

London riots: Britain weighs personal freedoms against need to keep order - The Washington Post

AFP: US releases names of 30 troops killed in chopper crash

Clinton: Don’t cut farm aid for Africa - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney: 'Corporations are people' - Maggie Haberman -

Dougherty Gang capture went down in true Hollywood fashion

Boeing aims to complete 787 flight tests this weekend | Reuters

The pc is dead, claims ibm executive- The Inquirer

Rise of the Planet of the Apes, review - Telegraph

Physicists Entangle Atoms Using Microwaves for the First Time [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Mars Rover Reaches Incredible New Crater - PHOTOS [VIDEO] | IBTimes TV

Medical News: Cigarettes Hurt Women's Hearts More than Men's - in Cardiovascular, Acute Coronary Syndrome from MedPage Today

Man arrested over student attack in riots

The Carrier of Asia-Pacific Troubles -

Coordinated explosions kill 7 in Peshawar, Pakistan -

North Korea Denies Firing Artillery into Yellow Sea | Asia | English

Norway shooter's reported rampage video sought - World Watch - CBS News

The Associated Press: Gunman opens fire in Estonian ministry

U.K. Government Considers Blocking Twitter, BlackBerry in Wake of Riots - Techland -

Rebels clash with Gadhafi troops inside key oil terminal - CTV News

Betty Ford will grants $500K to namesake rehab

Ariz. governor files appeal over immigration law -

State Assemblyman William F. Boyland's SUV Hit By Gunfire In Brooklyn

Rep. King Feuds With White House Over Movie | Long Island Press

Michele Bachmann must show staying power in Iowa debate - The Washington Post

Hugh Carey, former New York governor, remembered as hero to city at funeral

‘Barefoot Bandit’ Will Use $1.3M Movie Deal to Pay Back Victims - TIME NewsFeed

Boy who killed principal tells police he didn't like her | Reuters

'Most hated person': Octomom Nadya Suleman near top of poll -

Casey Anthony, Octomom Top America's Most-Hated List -

Group gives Obama only C grade for helping Hispanics | Reuters

Democrats Lament: We Should Have Picked Hillary

It's Hillary as VP or Welcome President Perry - YouTube

Pa. judge gets 28 years in 'kids for cash' case -

Republicans debate in Iowa ahead of straw poll | Reuters

Obama to Talk Jobs in Hard-Hit Michigan | News | English Africa: President Obama Honors American Muslims At White House Iftar

Obama Honors Muslim 9/11 Service During Ramadan - YouTube

How low can mortgage rates go? Descent continues -

Gas Fracking Poses Serious Environmental Risks, Panel Finds

A guide to controlling privacy, info on Google+ - TODAY Tech -

Report: FTC Google Probe Focusing on Android, Search | News & Opinion |

Anonymous Disowns Operation Facebook, Attack Talks Continue - SlashGear

LinkedOut: Another Social Network Opt-In Draws Fire - Digits - WSJ

Facebook faces down phone number rumors - Faster Forward - The Washington Post

Facebook Hits Back Against Uproar over Phone Syncing | News & Opinion |

George Lopez jokes about cancellation | PopWatch |

George Soros, the Girlfriend and the Apartment -

Seth MacFarlane Tapped to Host Charlie Sheen Roast - Hollywood Reporter

‘The Buddhist Heritage of Pakistan - Art of Gandhara’ at Asia Society - Review -

Petition calls for Ernie and Bert to get married, Sesame Street responds

Search for Universe's Origin, Elusive Particles Via LHC@home | News & Opinion |

Fish and chips to get tastier as scientists crack cod's genetic code | Mail Online

Like Those in Humans, Baby Chimps' Forebrains Immature - US News and World Report

Scientists Create Possible Gasoline Substitute - International Business Times

DNA scraps found in meteorites - TIME

Atlantis crew members visit Stennis Space Center - Featured Story -

NASA Picks 7 Private Spaceships for Trips to Edge of Space | Commercial Space & Private Spaceflight | Reusable Commercial Suborbital Spaceships |

Kassie Siegel: Putting an Arctic Scientist on Ice

Processed Red Meat Intake Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk

MIT Scientists Develop a Drug to Fight Any Viral Infection – TIME Healthland

Oprah’s ‘Favorite Thing’ Is Obama in 2012

ABC Whitewashes History: No Cigs, No ‘Whites Only’ in New Early 60s-Based ‘Pan Am’ TV Series

Bin Laden Film: Hollywood and White House Exploit Our Special Operators

Bin Laden Filmmakers Release Statement: Deny Film Is Partisan, Ignore Release Date

London Looters Are A-Holes

More ‘Shock-and-Awe’ Fed Easing? We’ve Seen this Movie Before

Audio:EPA Meddling Could Cost Thousands of Jobs

Are Republicans Coming to their Senses about Natural Gas Subsidies?

Supreme Court Tea Leaves for ObamaCare?

Anonymous Call to New Animal Abuse Hotline Leads to Raid on Colorado Woman’s Rabbit Farm

NAACP President Compares Black Unemployment To Rodney King Beating; Says Blacks Better Off In The 1800’s

Profit and Loss of Character

A Message from Your Federal Government

Are Tea Party Supporters Terrorists?

BREAKING: ‘Banana Republic’ ACORN Hit with Maximum Fine in Voter Fraud Scheme

A Simple Path to Balance the Federal Budget: An Interview with Rep. Connie Mack

Gov. Walker Reacts to Big Labor’s Massive Defeat in Wisconsin

If We Let the Government Take Our Guns, We’ll Have to Run and Hide Like Londoners

Comrades! Failure Is Victory! The ‘Middle Class’ Has Declared War on America and Will Not Be Defeated!

Media Matters Redux: Chicago Profs Caught Using School Resources to Help Obama

Higher Education Bubble: Choosing the Right College

Audio:The Media’s Institutional Liberalism

SMACKDOWN! Rick Santelli Slams Anti-Tea Party CNBC Guest

Sound Bite for the Day: Sharpton Confesses That He’s the Racist Teleprompter

Where are the Feminists Now?

Sharpton’s NBC News Co-Workers Deny TelePrompter Involvement in Epic Flub

The Morning After: MSNBC Turned Into Democratic Rally Last Night

Comrades! ‘Resist We Much!’ Fight Breitbart’s Racist Attack on Lone Black MSNBC Prime Time Host!

MSNBC Delivers Shameful Pep Rally Election Coverage

James O’Keefe Quietly Destroys Mainstream Media

Does Sacrificing Sheep and Special Ops Go Together?

London Riots: When Do British Cops Get To Carry Guns?

Our Military Industrial Complex Is In Disarray

Stock Panic Resumes On Concerns Over Europe’s Solvency

White House Uses Fallen Heroes For Photo-Op – Against Their Families’ Wishes

CAIR In Retreat; Turns To Iranian State Media As Last Resort

Assad Weary As His Influence Diminishes

Suspected Honor Killing Of Fatima Abdallah Investigation Continues In Tampa

Egyptian Shaykh: There Is No Compulsion In Religion (But We’ll Kill You If You Try To Leave Islam)

Fmr Israeli President Convicted Of Rape Defends Himself: ‘We Live In An Age Of Huggers And Hugging’

Ominous Development? Chinese Troops Join Pakistan Military Exercise

German Advice To Brits On Handling Riots? Stop Your ‘Softly-Softly’ Police Tactics

Sorry, Can’t Stop Laughing: Iran Advises British Not To Use Violence Against ‘Protesters’

Nothing Says ‘You’re Fired’ Quite Like Getting Executed

Audio:LTG Jerry Boykin: Our Brave Special Forces Alone Cannot Keep Us Safe

Are The UK Riots Caused By A Drug Shortage?

Seeking Balance – What The World Needs Is Stability

Kid Looters Hit Streets In London: Some As Young As Nine

Norway’s Jewish Problem

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Morning Call Sheet: More Michael Rapaport, Studio Exec Admits Good Scripts Are ‘Bull***t’, and ‘Star Trek’ News

Face transplants becoming more common, accepted

Warren Buffett buying in down market: Fortune

Boeing aims to complete 787 flight tests this weekend

LoJack for Laptops Named Editors' Choice by PC Magazine

PA: Israeli gov't seeking to create facts on the ground

Abbas to Haniyeh: Don't give up on Palestinian unity

'Israel trying to fix social ills at Palestinians' expense'

Iowa Republican debate: Palin and Perry steal show without taking stage

Farmers turn away from organic as sales drop


+11-Aug-11 World View


**NEWS VIDEOS:Perry: America’s ‘Best Days Still Ahead Of Us’

Fox News Warrior Jesse Watters Confronts Cynthia McKinney Over America Bashing International Tour

Dennis Miller: ‘Mean Girl’ Tina Brown Helped Bachmann with Newsweek Cover

How Six Cops Fended Off 50 Hooded Rioters

We Can Do Better Than Al Sharpton

NATO: Taliban Who Shot Down US helicopter ‘Dead’

Obama: Celebrating Ramadan at White House ‘Quintessentially American Tradition’

Boy Pulled Lifeless From Ocean Out of ICU

Dramatic Rescue on Roof of 30 Rock

Failure of Leadership

10TH/NBC News’ Matthews Cribs Media Matters for Unfair Attack on Rush

NBC News’ Matthews Attacks Rick Perry as ‘Profoundly Ignorant’

Sharpton Reveals: Bachmann Requested Funds from Environmental Projection Agency

Sharpton Responds: ‘I Used One Word Rather Than Another’

Dow Crashes Another 500 Points

Rush: Sharpton Victim of ‘Racist TelePrompter Operator’

Santelli Slams CNBC Analyst for Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’

Newsweek’s Tina Brown Offers No Apology, Doubles Down on ‘Crazy’ Bachmann Cover

UK Rioters Blame Their Actions On ‘Conservatives’, ‘Rich People’

MSNBC Delivers Shameful Pep Rally Election Coverage

Hundreds More Arrested as Riots Spread Across England

Walker Vindicated; Big Labor, Dems Suffer Huge Loss in WI Recall Effort

WI Dems Accuse Clerk of Tampering With Votes, Then Retract Allegation

9TH/10,000 Attend Job Fair in Obama’s Chicago

Howard Fineman: Obama Should Have Spent More Time as an Alderman Than Teaching Law

Greatest Al Sharpton Clip, Ever.

Striking Verizon Protester Bullies Non-Union Replacement Worker; Places Daughter in Front of Moving Truck

Tea Party ‘Hobbits’ Confront McCain at Town Hall: ‘Are You Going to Apologize?’

Trump: I’ll Run as Independent if GOP Screws Up

NYC Hotel Maid Sues Ex-IMF Boss

Riots Spread in England

NBC News’ Sharpton Reports: Dow Down 630%!

Rush at His Best: ‘Obama Blames…’

8TH/Man with Breast Cancer Denied Medicaid Coverage

Gore Flips Out on Warming Skeptics: ‘Bulls**t!’

ACORN in Court for Voter Registration Scandal

Rick Santelli: ‘If it Wasn’t for the Tea Party…We Would Have Been Rated BBB’

Allen West Smacks Back at Dems ‘Tea Party Downgrade’ Meme

President Obama’s Statement on the S & P Downgrade – Full Speech

Dow Dives

The ‘Best’ of Al Sharpton, August 8th 2011

7TH/Liberals on Maher Panel Pine for Hillary Presidency

Perry to Evangelicals: I’m One of You

Disturbing Audio Tape Released in Arizona Honor Killing Case


Perry and Texas, where are they on Arizona's Court fight?

Can Herman Cain Win the Election?

Well, Mr Santelli..., Are YOU Listening?

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS VIDEO: Weird Al Sharpton, Consummate TV Host (& Racist Bigot)

Debbie Schlussel:BARF! Women’s Mag & Novel Lecture Us on “Hurts” of 9/11′s “Real Victims”: Muslims

Debbie Schlussel:NFL Gives Special Privileges to Muslim Players

NYT Searches for the Leader of the Anti-Shariah Movement, Finds Me Instead

Afghan Helicopter Attack is Obama's Fault

Mr. President, It's 3AM!

A Leaderless Nation

Democrats Own the Stock Market Crash

The Revenge of the Gods of the Copybook Headings

Class Warfare Erupts Into Just Plain Warfare

Jimmy Carter's starting to look better

The Rule of Lawlessness

Politics in command on economic policy

Which state has the worst balance of assets and liabilities?

DOE issues new constraints on Fracking

US imposes more financial sanctions on Syria

Are we headed for 'Meltdown: The Sequel?'

Secret talks with Taliban fall apart because of leaks

Maureen Dowd's Loose Lips About Navy Seals Movie Causes Inquiry

Iran condemns the British over riots

Does Mexican Drug Cartel Have Deal With US Government?

Racial Sensitivity Through the Looking Glass

President Downgrade

The Sleeping Giant Awakens

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America - Take down Obama and the rogue government

Assault by TSA

A Nation of What

The Future of Fox News in Jeopardy

A primer on Islam on the eve of the 10th anniversary of 9/11

UK London Riot BBC coverage

Meet the UN’s anti-Israel ‘anti-discrimination’ czar, Navi Pillay

Chris Mathews: “Newsweek Cover of Bachmann Made Her Look Like Gaddafi”

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Time to take over the government

Was Obama Hope & Change slogan a subliminal message for illegal aliens?

Playing the Obama Death-to-the-USA Game

Flash Mobs: Being Young, Black, and Male in America Today

‘Banana Republic’ ACORN Hit with Maximum Fine in Voter Fraud Scheme

The Soros Loophole

Will Class Warfare Egged on by Liberals Cause Riots in Streets of America?

Are the Tea Party terrorists?

Jay Carney Says Unemployment Checks Create Jobs | Video |

Romney Angry Exchange in Iowa | Video |

Felonious Munk Wild Anti-Obama Rant | Video |

Dr. Maurice Johnson is Homeless With Doctorate Degree in Boston | Video |

Bill O’Reilly Asks How Cynthia McKinney Paid for Iran, Libya Trips | Video |

PZ Myers and Atheists Hijack Blaze Poll on Adam and Eve and Evolution |

Hezbollah’s Walid Sakariya Says Israel Could Be Destroyed By Iran, Syria and Others | Video |

Bill O’Reilly Warns Class Warfare Could Come to America | Video |

Catching Criminals With Facebook and Social Media |

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Lectures England on Violent Riots |

Wives‘ Innocent Friendships with Husbands’ Friends Can Diminish Sex Drive |

Al Sharpton | Rush Limbaugh | Teleprompter | Resist We Much | Video |

Rick Santelli Blasts CNBC Guest For Calling Tea Partiers ‘Freaked Out White Men Who Are Unemployed’ | Video |

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Appeals Immigration Case to Supreme Court |

Evidence Shows Pakistan Did Know Osama bin Laden Was Hiding Out in the Country Islamabad |

Will California Abolish Open Carry of Firearms? | Video |

Hypersonic Test Plane Rips Across the Sky At 13,000 Miles an Hour | Video |

Muslims Launch Toll Free Number to Pro-Islam Educate | Video |

Boy Survives 20 Minutes Underwater | Video |

Lawsuit: 9/11 Families Tie Iran to September 11 Terror Attack | Video |

Noam Chomsky: Christian Right Is Anti-Semetic…Wants Jews to Be Exterminated by Armageddon | Video |

NYPD Pull In Jumper From the Top of 30 Rock |

Van Jones Group Releases Kids Video for ‘Contract for the American Dream’ | Video |

Will You Help Find the ‘God Particle’? |

Magnets Could Serve as Micro-Robots in Manufacturing Applications in the Future |

Al Sharpton Teleprompter Flub on MSNBC Live TV | Video |


**10th/Transcripts :Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Representative Peter King on Sony's Bin Laden Movie

Interview with Representative Jim Jordan

Interview with Representative Allen West

Wisconsin Reporter Discusses the Recalls


Obama and the quicksand summer - The Hill's Ballot Box

How Obama Can Win | The New Republic

UK riots 2011: Liberal dogma has spawned a generation of brutalised youths | Mail Online

Behind Boehner’s Lies -- In These Times

Nervous Democrats say President Obama must be bolder on economy - The Washington Post

Obama's Path to Reelection Narrows - Ronald Brownstein -

Is There Enough Money to Save World’s Banks?: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

The American Spectator : The Growing Bipartisan Consensus on Obama

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Vacation: An Unwise Break or a Healthy One?

Annette John-Hall: In admonishing teen mobs, Nutter pulls out shame-game shackle -

Philadelphia Mayor On Teen Violence: This Nonsense Must Stop | RealClearPolitics

How CAFE Standards Will Fuel American Jobs

Obvious solution: A strong national energy policy would help pull the economy out of the ditch | Editorial | - Houston Chronicle

Army targets big renewable energy projects | Green Tech - CNET News

Guest Post: Modernizing the Grid : Greentech Media

Making the Case for EVs' Job-Creation and Economic Benefits | Business |

Clare Demerse: Why You Should Care About the Oil Sands

Is There a Silver Lining for the Environment in Cloud Computing?: Scientific American

Trump to Tea Party: I'll Fight Wind Energy | The Energy Collective

Garbage in, Energy out: Turning Trash into Biofuel: Scientific American

Huge Atom Smasher Seeks Citizen Cybersleuths | Large Hadron Collider at CERN | Distributed Computing & LHC@home | LiveScience

The Science of the London Riots | LiveScience

Does an Old EPA Fracking Study Provide Proof of Contamination? - ProPublica

New drug could cure nearly any viral infection - MIT News Office

RealClearScience - Are the Statistics Used in Politics Reliable?

Unobservable Universe, Unobservable Science

The Likeliest Animals to Take Over the World - Blog

Quantum computing with microwaves -

Taking a 'shine' to heart repair

Engineered Sphincters - Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Bug Nuggets - Magazine - The Atlantic

LEDs illuminate room with data -

Big Bang early echoes seen in sky survey - Science Fair -

How to Get to Mars in 5 Totally Conceivable Steps | Space Tourism and Exploration on Mars | Life's Little Mysteries

Here's what it actually costs to run a university science lab

Boy or girl? A simple test raises ethical concerns -

Stone Age toe could redraw human family tree - life - 10 August 2011 - New Scientist

'Serial Killer' Immune Cells Put Cancer in Remission - ScienceNOW

BBC News - New theories over methane puzzle

Robert P. Jones, Ph.D.: Why Religion Will Matter In 2012

The Doomsday Doubter

My Faith: The uncertainty of a Navy SEAL wife – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The political Bible, part 1: A foundation for British attitudes | Nick Spencer | Comment is free |

Is God a Marketing Strategy? -

How Rick Perry Is Changing the Rules of Politics | Swampland

Whole Foods denies canceling Ramadan promotion – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

RealClearReligion - Atheists Say the Nastiest Things

Arab Spring, Chinese Winter - Magazine - The Atlantic

Our political leaders seem to be paralysed by crises - Telegraph

Despite problems, U.S. still has a promising future -

Interventionism Run Amok - By Celeste Ward Gventer | Foreign Policy

The Bandwagoning-Balancing Game: Contradictions of the India-US Partnership | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

London police overwhelmed in explosion of violence by futureless youth - The Globe and Mail

Commentary: Russian Reset a Cold War Restart | The National Interest

It’s Okay to Fight (If France Says So) - Elise Jordan - National Review Online

Venture Capital Investors, Lesson Learned, Do More Homework -

America’s debt is not its biggest problem - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - The Bernanke Fed Promises Two More Years of Economic Pain

RealClearMarkets - More Jackson Hole Shock-and-Awe From Ben?

An Interview With Mr. Markets About The Past Week's Turbulence - Forbes

How to endure the rocky markets’ horror show - The Washington Post

U.S. vs. Europe: Which is Bigger Threat to World Economy? - The Curious Capitalist -

Anarchy and Austerity: Why London Won't Be the Last City to Burn - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Is the world cracking up? | Daniel W. Drezner

The Ten Most Valuable Companies In America, Apple Rules - 24/7 Wall St.

5 fund managers, 5 investment ideas - (1) - CNNMoney

Money managers called the summer market plunge - Al Lewis - MarketWatch

RealClearMarkets - What's Behind All the Stock Market Volatility?

The Manufacturing Imperative - Dani Rodrik - Project Syndicate

U.S. Hires Shady Mercenary for Somali Proxy War | Danger Room |

Can Republicans win over Hispanic voters? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

A plain blog about politics: Obama's Biggest Policy Mistake?

Indicators — Will a disappointed left turn out for Obama in 2012? | Questions and Observations

Don't Fear The Supercommittee | The New Republic

» Supreme Court Tea Leaves for ObamaCare? - Big Government

Obama's Russian Policy Is Not Working

Obama must get tougher on GOP obstructionism. The future of our courts is at stake. - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Obama’s Problem According To Maureen Dowd: No Villains | RedState

The Military Legacy of David Petraeus | Swampland


** Markets Video - Fear Leading Economy Into Double-Dip Recession?

10th/ Buy Your Ticket For Market Rollercoaster

Despite Turmopil, Equities Still Bright Long Term

**World Video:The OECD And Emerging Donors

Is France A Risky Business?

Ramadan Crackdown In Syria

Forbes On Debt, The Dollar And The Dow

Italy To Reform Budget Law

The Face Of Famine In Somalia

Military Killed Taliban Who Downed U.S. Helicopter

Student Recovers After Attack In London Riots

Syria 'Mosque Shelling' Video

UK PM: Social Media May Be Limited During Riots

Female Bombers Hit Pakistan Police At Blast Site

Putin Finds Underwater Treasures

2011 U.S.-Islamic World Forum

Are The UK Rioters Just 'Thugs Gone Amok'?

10th/The Road To 9/11 And The Immediate Aftermath

Boris: 'London Riot Police Did A Good Job'

Video Of Locals Chasing Rioters In London

Cameron: 'We Have A Big Problem With Gangs'

Japan Ignored Own Fukushima Radiation Forecasts

Are Riots Covered By Insurance?

'Shameful' Rioting In Manchester

Libyan TV Airs Khamis Video

Ethnic Violence Flares In Karachi

Koreas In Artillery Fire Incident

Cameron: All Actions 'On The Table' To End Chaos

Looting Continues For Fourth Day In British Cities

What Is At Stake In The South China Sea

What's Fueling The Rioting Raging Across United Kingdom?

**Politics Video:Perry On Presidential Run: "This Is What I'm Supposed To Be Doing"

DeMint: Obama Administration Most "Anti-American" In My Lifetime

Romney Gets In Shouting Match With Crowd At Iowa State Fair

Bill Press: Is The Bipartisan Super Committee Constitutional?

Obama: "Islam Has Always Been Part Of Our American Family"

Romney Responds To Obama Campaign: "It's Going To Get Real Ugly"

Rep. Tim Scott On Bipartisan Spending Cuts

Politico's Ken Vogel Predicts Effect Of SuperPACs On GOP Races

Toomey Committed To Maximizing Economic Growth & Enabling US Jobs

Krauthammer: Obama Is "Clueless And, For Now, Irrelevant"

Maddow: Republicans Are Hypocrites On Stimulus Spending

O'Reilly: Will Violent Class Warfare Break Out In America?

O'Donnell: Wisconsin "An Amazing Win For Democrats"

10th/Rep. Walsh: Obama "Refuses To Accept Responsibility For Anything"

Carney: Unemployment Benefits Could Create Up To 1 Million Jobs

Jon Stewart Criticizes Newsweek For Bachmann Cover

Sen. Rubio On Debt, Jobs And Congressional Recess

Newsweek Editor Tina Brown Explains Controversial Bachmann Cover

Ron Paul: "Gold Is Not A Bubble"

Carney Defends Obama Vacay To Martha's Vineyard; "No Such Thing As A Presidential Vacation"

Wisconsin Republicans Hold On To State Senate

Sen. Paul: Blaming Tea Party For Downgrade Like Blaming Fireman When He Puts Out The Fire

O'Donnell: Santorum's Position On Marriage Is Anti-Mormon

Ratigan Rails Against Financial System: "Reckless, Irresponsible, Stupid"

White House Removes References To "Jerusalem, Israel" From Website?

Santelli: Don't Shoot The Messenger; Financing With Fiat Money Can't End Well

Spitzer: "This White House Doesn't Know How To Negotiate"

Countdown: Kos Wishes Obama Was More Like ... George W. Bush

O'Reilly: Collateral Damage From Economic Chaos

Matthews: What Is Our Mission In Afghanistan?

Dionne: Every Time We Add Private Sector Jobs, We're Losing Public Jobs

Krauthammer: Markets Soared After Obama Wasn't Going To Speak

Krauthammer: Liberalism Doesn't Have A Good Story To Tell


Did Israel just stop 'spectacular' terror attack?

See MSNBC's Rachel Maddow get served with lawsuit

Ann Coulter joins board for homosexual group

Terror 'co-conspirator' vets military chaplains

General: Muslim group plots undoing of America

'Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terror'

Gov. Perry wants presidency, says Bush prodded him to run - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

If I lived in Iowa …

GOP Braces for a Negative Obama in 2012 - Ken Walsh's Washington (

Oops! Barney Frank 'breaks wind' on national TV

Cell-phone company urges: 'Defeat right-wing radicalism'

ACORN fined for voter fraud

Plan floated to tax food-for-needy programs

Airline Pilots Allowed to Dodge Security Screening | Threat Level |

Larry Kudlow says don't panic

It's no comment on Emanuel's confrontation with reporter

White House photo sparks protest - Yahoo! News

Obama: "Islam Has Always Been Part Of Our American Family" | RealClearPolitics

Clinical trial raises hope for cancer treatment -

'I created Obama's certification of birth'

'OBOTs' admit lying in scheme to punk WND

Court tells Hawaii officials to explain Obama's birth records

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Militants urge British rioters to topple system -

UK riots 2011: Spooks on the trail of BlackBerry Messenger ringleaders | Mail Online

The mob is coming

Obama voters wilding – worldwide

Questions Arise Over Whether 'Flash Mob' Attacks in U.S. Cities Motivated by Race -

Obamacare Bombshell: Did the Government Underestimate the Costs of PPACA's Exchanges by Hundreds of Billions? - Forbes

HHS: Obamacare-Funded Health Centers for 'Migrants' Won't Check Immigration Status |

Some Christian and Evangelical Scientists Embrace Evolution, Reject Creationism | Video |


* Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


The mob is coming

Obama voters wilding – worldwide

The sun never sets on the British welfare system

Chuck Baldwin -- We Don't Need Another George W. Bush

Just who, exactly, is delusional?

Kill the messenger!

Hysterical leftist rhetoric? Thank Marx

The 1st sighting of Barack Obama

Mitt's Romneycare apology

OpEdNews - Article: London Riots: A Symptom of the 'Burning' & 'Looting' of UK Public Services

Why not call me a 'fagophobe'?

HURT: Fallen off Olympus, Obama stammers - Washington Times

The 2011 Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition - Telegraph

Watch: Ancient escape tunnels discovered in Jerusalem - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Joan R. Ginther who won lottery 4 times is a Stanford University statistics PhD | Mail Online

Inflation 'will hit 5 per cent by the end of the year' | Mail Online

Israel Hayom:Israel Aerospace Industries to unveil lightweight vertical take-off drone

In Light of Legalized Same Sex Marriage in New York, Online Petition Urges Bert and Ernie to Wed on 'Sesame Street' - ABC News

Sister in 'Dougherty Gang' Attempted to Shoot Officer Before Being Gunned Down - ABC News

Montco pastor charged with indecent exposure -

Military Killed Taliban Shooter of Downed Seals Helicopter - ABC News

Ex-Planned Parenthood Director Praises China's One-Child Policy |

China probes complaints of aphrodisiac pills made from dead babies |

Designer Immune Cells Made From Patients’ Own Blood Spurs Cancer Remission - Bloomberg

Maternal Blood Test Can Tell Parents Fetus’s Sex After 7 Weeks - Bloomberg

Mars Rover Reaches Giant Crater After 3-Year Trek | Wired Science |

The Man Who Would Stop Time | Popular Science

Audio:Privatize United States Postal Services? And other ideas to curbe govt. waste « Klein Online

*11 Aug

American Minute for August 11th

Today in History for August 11th - YouTube

This Day in History for 11th August

Today in History: August 11

August 11 Events in History

August 11th This Day in History

Today in History: August 11

August 11th in History


Aug. 10, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 10 August 2011

The Manning Report – 9 August 2011

The Manning Report – 8 August 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Aug-10, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 8-10-11

Jesse Peterson Radio 11th

Jesse Peterson Radio 10th

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, August, 10, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

08/10 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-10-11 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 08-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 1

Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 2

Redding News Review 08-10-11 Hr 3

The Michael Savage Show 08/10/2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/09/2011

EXPLICIT 1:50:39 The Michael Savage Show 08/08/2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/05/2011

The Michael Savage Show 08/04/2011