A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 June 2011


Doc Thompson 6/26/11 HR 1

Doc Thompson 6/26/11 HR 2

Doc Thompson 6/26/11 HR 3


YouTube - Flood threatens U.S. nuclear plant

Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia. « Political Vel Craft

Frankenpot – Marijuana gone GMO! | Farm Wars

$ Billions In Fraud & Waste, Who Will Stop It?

AfricanCrisis:Greek Army Threatens Military Coup Sparking Fears of Military Uprisings And Civil Wars Breaking Out Across All Of Europe

msnbc video: Thousands evacuate from towns near atomic site

A Brave New Zionist World | Real Zionist News

Articles: The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland

AP IMPACT: Populations around US nuke plants soar - Yahoo! News

Ann Barnhardt: DOUBLE RED ALERT (Soros buying up farmland)

Army Corps offer to buy submerged farm land explained. « The Radio Patriot

FDA warns consumers not to eat Evergreen sprouts - - June 27, 2011

AIPAC influenced Hillary Clinton greenlights Israel’s use of force against Americans

Special Comment: Why Petraeus is Wrong (and Stupid) on Torture - World Banksters Prey on African Wildlife

Gonzalo Lira: “Dream A Little Dream”: How Long Would It Take To Pay Off The U.S. Federal Government Debt?

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say -

The Financiers Who Helped Back N.Y. Gay Marriage Campaign - Yahoo! Canada Finance

Hearing may be end of road for breast cancer drug - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: Wildfire shuts Los Alamos lab, forces evacuations

The BLM's Strange Way Of Protecting Horses

WARRIOR TALK NEWS - The Flash Mob Attack - How To Defend?

Obama to send out 'snoopers' to pose as patients so they can check up on doctors | Mail Online

La County Sheriff Gang | L.A. County Sheriff's Department encourages 'gang-like activity,' deputies allege in suit - Los Angeles Times

Evacuations ordered as wildfire threatens Los Alamos, N.M. -

Nuclear Evacuation Plans Cannot Handle Growing Population; AP Reports - ABC News

YouTube - Los Alamos under mandatory evacuation

YouTube - Ariel views from Las Conchas wildfire

Libya: Nato 'trying to kill Col Gaddafi' - Telegraph

Moussa Koussa facing calls to return to Britain after being tracked down in Gulf - Telegraph

Cost-cutting exercise sees Blair on move – into millionaires' row - Middle East, World - The Independent

Video: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blames West for drug problem in Iran - Telegraph

Ahmadinejad seizes on America's retreat at 'anti-terror' conference - Middle East, World - The Independent

John Kampfner: Finally, the age of Western intervention is over - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Christopher Shale death: Did David Cameron's 'rock' die of heart attack at Glastonbury? | Mail Online

Roy Tov – Will Facebook Collapse?

Technocracy’s Endgame: Global Smart Grid

China: We'll spend billions to prop up the stricken euro | Mail Online

Trick or feat? Magician Dynamo 'walks across Thames' | UK news |

Antimatter Spacecraft Propulsion The Future Is Now Video

Third richest man in Russia aims to become prime minister - Telegraph

School bans 'him' and 'her' in bid to stop children falling into gender stereotypes | Mail Online

50-somethings who are 'fitter than in their 20s' - Telegraph

Television creates 'perfect storm' of childhood obesity - Telegraph

Genetic code 'edited' by scientists in hereditary disease breakthrough - Telegraph

How The Fed Was Born - Home - The Daily Bail

Microsoft Software Patent Allows Government To Spy On All Personal Digital Communications

The Bailout Emperor Has No Clothes - Home - The Daily Bail

MUST SEE VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich Calls For Congress To Take Back The Power Of The Purse, Demands The Abolition Of The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Michele Bachmann Has the Spirit of a Psychotic Clown Serial Killer [Updated] -- Daily Intel

GM marijuana problem growing in Colombia - Yahoo! News

YouTube - 6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year!

YouTube - 18 U.S. Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day

Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears

Video: Pentagon Plans To Alter DNA To Breed Out Religious Impulses

The American Police State is the 'New Normal' - Yahoo! News

Tests to resolve mystery Glastonbury death of David Cameron's friend Christopher Shale - Telegraph

U.N. Chief Endorses U.S.-Bashing ‘Anti-Terror’ Conference Hosted by Iran |

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces - Yahoo! News

Revolutionary Politics : Pete Seeger - What Did You Learn In School? - Russian Scientists: Alien encounters 'within twenty years'

Evolution machine: Genetic engineering on fast forward - life - 27 June 2011 - New Scientist

Napolitano and TSA lies exposed by NIST, EPIC; real dangers revealed -

Radioactive water leaks from Japan's damaged plant | Reuters

Greece: Possibility of a Military Coup? -

“Dream A Little Dream”: How Long Would It Take To Pay Off The U.S. Federal Government Debt? -

Arab Spring brings Corporate Locust: Egypt's next step to "freedom." -

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie -

Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday -

YouTube - Transhumanism and The Plan by Globalist to Evolve - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3

YouTube - Transhumanism and The Plan by Globalist to Evolve - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3

YouTube - Transhumanism and The Plan by Globalist to Evolve - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3

New Documents Prove TSA “Mischaracterized” Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners

Cancer Surges In Body Scanner Operators; TSA Launches Cover-Up

UPDATE: House Passes Watered Down TSA Groping Bill

Texas lawmakers pass weakened airport groping bill | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Senate Passes TSA "Anti-Groping" Bill Out of Committee — 82nd Legislative Session | The Texas Tribune

Texas lawmakers revive TSA anti-groping measure | Texas Legislature | News from Fort Wor...

House Passes Watered Down TSA Groping Bill

Final Senate Version of TSA Bill Authorizes Invasive Groping

What The Fukushima Is Going On In Omaha?

Alex Jones On RT: Gaddafi Arrest Warrant & G20 Police Provocateurs

Cover-Up Anger: Japanese outraged with govt keeping truth in the dark

+Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 6/27/11: Tax Credits for Energy Market, Not Subsidies and Regulations

**Ron Paul on C-SPAN: In Depth Interview, the Road to the White House

World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East

Max Keiser And Sandeep Jaitly Explain Why Modern Economics Is “Rubbish”


We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar |

YouTube - OTJ: Louis Fisher


5 Reasons NOT to Eat Genetically Modified Foods


*1:49:01/YouTube - The World According To Monsanto - FULL LENGTH


Monsanto trying to take over world seed supply, nation by nation

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie

Bill Gates, Monsanto hijack ‘humanitarian aid’ efforts to push GMO agenda - Genetically Engineered Rice is a Trojan Horse: Misled by Bill Gates and Monsanto

Coming to a Store Near You: Radioactive Fish?

Could We Actually See A War Between Syria And Turkey?

Google report reveals British government web snooping - Telegraph

Chemical in plastic containers makes male mice act like females | The Raw Story

Who Does The Law Serve?

French banks agree to Greek debt rollover | Reuters

Lawsuit Contesting Greek Bailout To Be Heard By German Constitutional Court Imminently

‘Probably inevitable’ a country will exit euro: Soros | The Raw Story

Silver-Coin Sales Booming at Perth Mint on Demand for Haven - Bloomberg

Al Qaeda Threat Highlighted In National Gun Control Ad Campaign

Louisiana Supreme Court Allows Vehicle Searches on a Hunch

US Supreme Court to decide police GPS tracking case | Reuters

Microsoft May Add Eavesdropping To Skype | ConceivablyTech

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | Science | The Guardian

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 1/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 2/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 3/3

YouTube - House Passes Watered Down TSA Groping Bill 1/2

YouTube - House Passes Watered Down TSA Groping Bill 2/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund 2/2

» Health Alert: 32% of Organic Produce Contains Rocket Fuel Chemical Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mayor Bloomberg Urges Gay Couples to Migrate to New York Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Georgia program tries to replace migrant workers with ex-convicts

Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as government approves Social Intelligence Corp | Mail Online

BBC News - Microsoft launches Office in the cloud

Felony Penalties Proposed for "Illegal Streaming": Senate Bill 978 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Libya to prosecute NATO in international courts | World | RIA Novosti

$90 billion hasn't secured border | The Columbus Dispatch

Report: Feds downplayed ICE case dismissals | Chronicle | - Houston Chronicle

» Conspiracy Theory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*YouTube - Rod Blagojevich Found Guilty On 17 Counts

YouTube - A personal appeal from Ron Paul

YouTube - Bernie Sanders "Military Budget Has Tripled Since 1997!"

YouTube - TSA Makes 95 Year Old Woman Cancer Patient In Wheelchair Remove Diaper Before Allowed To Board Plane

GCN News: Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses «

GCN News: On The Homefront: Ludlow Massacre Recalled «

GCN News: Order Out Of Chaos? Foreign Military Mobilizing in Mainland U.S. «

GCN News: Iron: The Fundamental Element «

GCN News: TSA Abuse: Enough Is Enough Already «

GCN News: Chicago’s Top Cop Stirring Up Race & Class War? «

GCN News: The Lost Age of High Knowledge «

Immigration Law Put on Hold in Georgia

Khmer Rouge Leaders Tried For Genocide, Other Charges

Lady Gaga Sued Over Japan Earthquake Charity Bracelets

Johnny Knoxville Opens Up About Ryan Dunn's Death

Asteroid 2011 Md Passes the Earth

- KKR to Buy Top ISP Domain Reg. “Go Daddy”- But who is KKR? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


+ The Handbook of Human Ownership : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*1:33:18/YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers


Researchers discover source for generating 'green' electricity

Google gets driverless car law passed in Nevada

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

+The Alex Jones Show – June 27th, 2011 |

Petraeus Says Torture an Option for US

Why Petraeus is Wrong (and Stupid) on Torture

A “Responsible End” in Afghanistan?

Pakistan’s ‘Media Terrorists’

Rumors of US Plans for Libya, Syria Cause Concern

Cash and Cyberware on the US Offensive

Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy

Exposed: U.S. Suppression of Min. Wage and Elite’s Private Army

America's Role in This Greek Tragedy

Can The Fed Stop Quantitative Easing?

The Death of Newspapers

The Land of Unlimited Inequality

Solidarity or Competition in the Face of Crisis?

Journalists Arrested for Filming Public Meeting

Hillary Clinton Gives Green Light For Israeli Attack On Gaza Flotilla

Venezuela Leader Moves To End Health Rumours


Overworked America: 12 Charts that Will Make Your Blood Boil


+OVERDOSE - A Documentary on the Financial Crisis that is coming. | MyFDL

*Overdose - En Transicion



+Radiation News – 6-27-11 |


Rich Dad Advisors Discuss Food Storage for the coming 2012 Depression |

Transhumanism and The Plan by Globalist to Evolve |

Playing with Fire in a Cashless Society |

YouTube - The Founders Did Not Intend For America to Be Run By Big Banks and Wall Street

Soros: “Financial system remains extremely vulnerable ... We are on the verge of an economic collapse”

YouTube - Gerald Celente & Max Keiser on The Edge 25 June 2011

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

The Technological Revolution: The best of times, the worst of times

When the Public Rises, We'll Want an Ally in Congress

VIDEO: Cash and Cyberware on the US Offensive

VIDEO: Debt Contagion and the Global Economic Collapse

The Democratic Party and the Assault on Public Workers

Obama Joins Talks on Massive US Budget Cuts

Americans Shift to More Negative View of Libya Military Action

America. The Working Class Versus the Middle Class

Obama's Trillion-Dollar "Sacrifice" Plan Targets Health Care and Social Security

Brainwashing the Corporate Way

Environmental Investigation Underway on US Base in S. Korea

Washington Backs Lagarde to Head IMF

China Hosts Alleged War Criminal Sudanese President Bashir

Chinese Artist Ordered to Pay Nearly $2 Million in Back Taxes

Venezuelan Government Dismisses Reports Chavez Seriously Ill

Cicada Emergence is Bug Eaters' Bonanza

Scientist Explores Mysteries of Changing Climate

China Unveils Pricey High Speed Rail Route

Critics Say Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law is Being Abused

Evangelical Leaders See Secularism as Greater Threat Than Islam

New Madrid's Giant Pipeline Bomb | Before It's News

Experts Claim 10 to 45% Chance Massive Earthquake And Tsunami Will Devastate Pacific Northwest :

Chemtrails are REAL – Mainstream Radio Show Covers Geo Engineering Of Our Skies! :

Fukushima to Fort Calhoun: Radiation threat, data manipulation - National Human Rights |

Los Alamos Fire And 30,000 Barrels of Plutonium: Perfect Cover For A Nuclear False-Flag Operation? :

The Risk to Waste Stored at Area G » Nuclear Watch Blog

Los Alamos Fire: Several Metric Tons Of Radioactive Plutonium Stored In Fabric Tents Outside Los Alamos National Laboratory? :

G. Edward Griffin on Inflation, Politics and the Power Elite

Agenda 21 = National Suicide

GMO Study: You’re Eating Insecticide…

The GMO: Killing Us Softly

ICC issues arrest warrants for Libyan officials

Combined Force Captures Taliban Leader

Pakistan Denies It Intentionally Targets Afghan Territory

US Official, China's Military Expansion & Asia-Pacific

Russian mole sentenced to 25 years for treason

Over 4,000 Ethiopian troops for Abyei peace mission

Mauritania, Mali Military Attack Al-Qaida Base in Sahel

Long-Awaited UN Tribunal Opens in Cambodia

Defence Secretary unveils blueprint for Defence Reform

Tension Builds as Israel Warns Planned Gaza Aid Flotilla

YouTube - Shadow Behind the Throne: A Brief Overview of the New World Order

Activist Post: Banging the Drums of War: Iran and the Neo-cons

The Astounding Potential of Plasmic Power in PlasmERG Engine

Activist Post: “After you Brother!” Qadaffi stays and Obama leaves?

Activist Post: Los Alamos Fire And 30,000 Barrels of Plutonium: Perfect Cover For A Nuclear False-Flag Operation?

Activist Post: USDA and Corporate Agribusiness Continue to Push Animal ID Scheme

Activist Post: Protective flood berm collapses at Ft Calhoun nuclear plant; KSU has radioactive leak

Activist Post: Willie Nelson for Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition (Video)

Activist Post: 'Anonymous' hackers declare war on Orlando

'Anonymous' hackers declare war on Orlando - TODAY Tech -

Activist Post: IEA Oil Dump A Disaster In The Making

Activist Post: Democracy Now: US Aid Ship Hopes to Sail With Gaza Flotilla (Video)

Activist Post: Arab Spring Brings Corporate Locust

Activist Post: Medical Marijuana Saves Baby's Life

Activist Post: ‘Shade It Black’: The Bodybaggers of Iraq

Activist Post: The Lie Behind the Afghan War

Google sees growing struggle over web censorship - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Chavez Critical? Or is "Regime Change Flu" Heading to Latin America? (Video)

Evolution machine: Genetic engineering on fast forward - life - 27 June 2011 - New Scientist

Activist Post: Monsanto, Agent Orange, and Population Reduction Warfare (Video)

Activist Post: Rich Dad's Kiyosaki Predicting Economic Collapse (Video)

Test-tube burger coming soon: Lab-grown meat 'needed to feed the world' | Mail Online

Activist Post: Google Updates PageRank: Top Alternative News Aggregator Punished

Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Giuliani Thinks Cuomo Should Run for President

Weiner Trying to Pick Successor

Bachmann Brings Gender News Coverage to Fore

Conservatives Prevail on Supreme Court

Wisconsin Gov. Walker: I'd Explain Budget Better

Pawlenty: GOP Shouldn't Allow Debt-Ceiling Hike

Bachmann: Democrats Using 'Scare Tactics'

Bachmann: I Accept Chris Wallace's Apology

Gov. Perry: Govt Can Only Assist Job Creation

Gingrich: I Still Have Public Support

Rove: Americans Tired of Blaming Bush

Christie: Obama Can Learn from Me

Obama's Van Jones Launching Liberal Tea Party

Pawlenty: I'm Not Backing Off 'Obamneycare'

Romney Favors Business Background for Cabinet

Why Economists See a Stronger Second Half for 2011

Consumer Spending Dips to Lowest in Nearly 2 Years

White House Confident U.S. Won't Default on Debt

+Michele Bachmann: The Newsmax Interview

Romney to Favor Business People for US Cabinet Posts

Obama Sought Secret Saudi OK on Oil Release

Bearded Mickey Mouse Cartoon Causes Stir in Egypt

Jury Convicts Ex-Ill. Gov. Blagojevich at Retrial

Congress Can Now Skype

NY Poll: 54% Back Same-Sex Marriages

Convicted Blagojevich Faces Prospect of Prison

Herman Cain's NH Staff Quits

Do Government Health Mandates Intrude on Individual Rights?

Five-State Salmonella Outbreak Probed

BPA Makes Male Mice Act Like Females

First Donor-Skin Blood Vessels Grown in Lab Aid Dialysis Patients

Tax Increases Will Not Spur Growth

Copyright War Pits Silicon Valley Against Hollywood

Taliban Could Gain From Afghanistan Withdrawal

Fraud Compromises Our Education System

Elitists Treat Bachmann the Same as Palin

White House Won’t Say If Obama Wants ATF Director to Resign

'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Is Trying to Fire Him

Hillary: State Dept. ‘Instrumental in Sealing Deal’ For Lady Gaga’s Gay Pride Gig in Rome

Ahoy, Matey, It's the Feds: EPA and Coast Guard Target Air Pollution From Ships

Michele Bachmann: 'I Am One' of the Tea Party Movement

Obama Is Jeopardizing the Manufacturing Jobs He Claims to Support, Romney Says

Three in Air Force Seek Discharge Under Gay Ban -- While They Can

CAIR Pairs Gingrich and Bin Laden as Pushers of 'Islamophobia'

U.N. Chief Hails ‘Important’ Anti-Terror Conference Hosted by Iran

Int’l Criminal Court Warrants May Not Bring Gaddafi Closer to Justice

After Guilty Verdicts, Blago Asks 'What Happened?'

Supreme Court: California Cannot Ban Sales of Violent Video Games to Kids

Obama Will 'Co-Invest' Tax Dollars in Corporate-Government Partnership

AP Describes Bachmann As 'Edgy' As She 'Plows Into' 2012 Race in Iowa

Pawlenty Criticizes Obama and Republicans on Foreign Policy

Bachmann Says Democrats Are Using 'Scare Tactics' on the Debt

California Redistricting Could Cost Republicans Seats in U.S. House

Obama Heading to Iowa to Tout Manufacturing As Key to Job Creation

APNewsBreak: Sources: Haley Will Veto Primary Bill

Fox Host Apologizes for Bachmann 'Flake' Question

High Court to Rule on FCC Indecency Policy

Margaret Thatcher's Handbag Auctioned for $40,000

Michael Jackson 'Thriller' Jacket Fetches $1.8M

China Warns NATO, Military Action Won't Solve Libyan Crisis

Gunmen Kill Police Chief Inside His Mexico Office

Dutch Approve Ban on Religious Animal Slaughter

US Expands Human Trafficking Blacklist

No Known Terror Threat Tied to July 4, Government Says

Casey Anthony Trial Enters 30th Day in Florida

Suspect's Half-Brother Testifies in 11 Ohio Deaths

Wife of Ex-Ill. Gov. George Ryan Dies at Age 76

'Project Gunrunner' whistleblower says ATF sent him termination notice

EPA Spent $100M on Foreign Grants in Last Decade, Study Finds

Texas to defund Planned Parenthood

New Hispanic majority transforms culture of Reading, Pa.

+Rep. Ron Paul: Bankruptcy could be cure for U.S. debt

Bachmann Opens Campaign as Expectations Grow

Obama pushing behind scenes to win over 'skeptical' big-dollar donors

Sales of wind turbines for home use are going strong

Washington museum showcases human rights abuses in China

N.H. governor vetoes bill requiring photo ID to cast ballot

Over $300 million in exchange grants flows to states since Obamacare passed

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say

Romney calls for working ‘across the aisle’ as cure for political polarization

Report: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Possibly Violating FEC Laws?

All cribs, new or used, now must pass tough new safety rules

Mass. lawmakers writing bill to curb health care costs

Federal judge blocks parts of Georgia’s tough immigration law

Rep. Giffords attends NASA ceremony in Houston

No cellphones, whispers only: T rolls out ‘quiet cars’ on all commuter lines

Dems push ahead with DREAM Act for illegals

U.N. Leader Ban Ki-moon slammed for secretive hiring practices and stonewalling

Juror: Rod Blagojevich proved he was guilty

Bush tax rates are kept safe in debt-limit talks

McConnell: Tax hikes 'politically impossible'

Mobster Bulger tells of sneak trips to Boston, armed and in disguise

GOP field struggles to define foreign policy

Michele Bachmann: Right town, wrong John Wayne

W.H. mum on possible Dalai Lama meeting

Facebook Hires George Hotz, a Programming Whiz known as 'GeoHot' -

Missing woman's body found in ventilation system, police say

Prosecutor Says Child “Partially Eaten” In Dog - Flash Player Installation

Flyer Prohibiting The Hanging Of Flags In Burli - Flash Player Installation

ISS crew boards escape pods due to space debris - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Athens riots video: New round of clashes, stones & tear gas in Greece

Biggest Tax Avoiders Would Win on U.S. Tax Break - Bloomberg

Convicted Blagojevich faces prospect of prison - Yahoo! News

The Associated Press: After guilty verdicts, Blago asks 'What happened?'

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald calls the multiple convictions against Blagojevich vindication for the people of Illinois -

Google report reveals British government web snooping - Telegraph

Malaysia Airlines: No more infants in 1st class on jumbo jets -

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | Science | The Guardian

Police: Man keeps driving on I-45 with pedestrian in windshield | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Iran test fires long-range missiles capable of striking Israel, U.S. bases - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Radioactive water leaks from Japan's damaged plant | Reuters

Principal Criticized For Delivering Graduation - Flash Player Installation

Stephanopoulos Tries Savaging Bachmann - Rep. Michele Bachmann - Fox Nation

The American Conservative » How Whitey Bulger Bought Boston

Idolizing Absolute Power: The Pro-Assassination Crowd - informationliberation

Patriot Act Debate: Is the FBI Collecting Your Phone Data? - TIME

Marc Faber on 21st Century Investing, Why It's Too Late for the Dollar and Why Emerging Markets Look Good by Anthony Wile

Those Graphic New Cigarette Labels Won’t Help, Psychology Says | 80beats | Discover Magazine


YouTube - The Lies a Fed Chairman Tells


**Failed Bank List


*FDIC: Search/Failed Financial Institution Contact Search


Steve Jobs Tells City Sopranos No! by Charles Goyette

Whom Does the Law Serve? by Paul Craig Roberts

Ignorance, Stupidity or Manipulation by Walter E. Williams

Where It All Began… by Eric Peters

The Rise and Fall of the American Empire by Justin Raimondo --

Politics is a Scam – Why I Will Never Vote Again Altucher Confidential

Relinquish or Renounce? by Mark Nestmann

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That an Economic Collapse Is Coming

Headache, cold sore or ulcers? Thyme to try a herbal remedy | Mail Online

Shakespeare, torchbearer for the Chinese way of doing things - Telegraph



Cemetery of giant creatures found in Central Africa - English

China's first precious metal exchange opens

Hezbollah in Latin America – Implications for Homeland Security » Publications » Family Security Matters

Devvy Kidd -- There is no such thing as "same sex" marriage

Jon Christian Ryter -- The Department of Education's S.W.A.T. Team

Creativity, evolution of mind and the "vertigo of freedom" | Hybrid Reality | Big Think

Who needs roads?: Inventor builds world's first flying motorbike in his garage | Mail Online

Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

Fishy Chips: Spies Want to Hack-Proof Circuits | Danger Room |

YouTube - Al-Jazeera-TV;Serious Events Predicted for June 27- July 2 - Piers Corbyn

Study: ‘Nonhallucinogenic LSD’ Alleviates Cluster Headaches | Before It's News

‘Nonhallucinogenic LSD’ alleviates cluster headaches: study | The Raw Story

15 Best Apps for Improving Your Health | Before It's News

Obama Campaign ‘Afraid’ of Michele Bachmann | Before It's News

Sage - The Herb of Wisdom | Before It's News

The Economics of Food Self-Sufficiency | Before It's News

Gage ignores challenge by 9/11 Truthers to justify Pentagon reversal « Truth and Shadows

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 Fraud | Before It's News

Political deeds and misdeeds and by whom. | Before It's News

Obama: No Respect For Any Laws!...he's A Lifetime Criminal!... | Before It's News

A New Study Reviews Mountaintop Removal Mining | Before It's News

Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

Google: Delaying Clean Energy Transition Could “Only 5 Year Could Leave Trillions on the Table” | Before It's News

Moving Backwards With Grace: Spore Origins Review | Before It's News

Chemtrails Admitted By Top Geoengineer | Before It's News

President Quixotes Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright | Before It's News

Voters give Obama lowest rating yet on economy | McClatchy

The goals of immigration-reduction organization NumbersUSA | Before It's News


The Kind of Spokesperson the World Needs | Before It's News

Feds find fix was in on 'study' of homosexuality in ranks

Look who's launching anti-tea-party group

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say -

Congressman asks IRS to probe 'Muslim Mafia'

FAA, Congress called on to investigate Delta's 'discrimination'

Shut down! Question about discrimination

White House revives push for Dream Act - Washington Times

Another defeat for ACORN

Stunning numbers want Congress to probe Obama's eligibility

Does WND's reporting rule out an Obama Kenya birth?

Eligibility returns to Supremes' conference agenda

Adobe expert doubts Obama birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Hillary: State Dept. ‘Instrumental in Sealing Deal’ For Lady Gaga’s Gay Pride Gig in Rome |

Blagojevich on guilty verdict: 'I, frankly, am stunned' -

Is 'evidence' of crimes erased before our eyes?

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Randi Rhodes Praised By CA Politicians, Union - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Mark ‘set for comeback’ as German euro crisis deepens

Iain Stables | Jetstar check-in brawl | Skycare staffer not guilty

Suspected murderers who have never met marry after falling in love through letter-writing | Mail Online

Man arrested for trying to have sex with family dog | family, sex, springs - Northwest Florida Daily News

Bus-Sized Asteroid Barely Misses Hitting Earth - ABC News

Hitler model banned by eBay - Telegraph

Ohio woman, Stephanie Robinette, sprayed police with breast milk after fight with husband: cops

Oral sex expected of Gen Y: survey

Snap out of it - a quest to stop dreaded brain freeze

Young women say best age for children is 29 | Herald Sun

Teacher Charged With Cyberstalking Her Students - ABC News

Hot pants, G-strings? Not at graduation, Rich Township school board says - Chicago Sun-Times

Activist Atheist to Sheriff: Leave Me Alone |

Girls, aged 7 and 8, fight it out in kick-boxing bout for £70 prize money in Australia | Mail Online

Enter the dragon 'to save the euro’ - Telegraph

Vending machines dispense medicines in US

China eyes Canada oil, US's energy nest egg - Yahoo! News

Hotel trials anti-snore room | Orange UK

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

95.5 PLJ - Katy Perry Discusses Politics, Boobs in New Issue of Rolling Stone

Seagull 'steals' video camera and shoots footage of its flight over French Riviera | Mail Online

UFOs filmed above BBC building in London | Mail Online

Google to go way of Ma Bell?

Illusionist Dynamo 'walks' on Thames: Magician crosses river on foot | Mail Online

Amusement park staff hide boss' car and replace it with Lego version | Mail Online

Billy the Kid photo auctioned for $2.3 million -

Florence Henderson admits to affair, getting STD - South Florida

Singer Prince Says Islamic Women 'Happy' Having to Wear Burqas -

'Zsa Zsa Gabor's daughter rages at Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt for releasing staged picture of her gravely ill mother | Mail Online

Rachel Weisz and James Bond star Daniel Craig marry in New York State | Mail Online

YouTube video sensations: where are they now?

Video: Yoda Is Named World's Ugliest Dog In Northern California Among Some 30 Other Canines | Strange News | Sky News

Ghostly mirage appears over river in Huanshan City, China | Mail Online


Video: Bird-sized drones the future of US warcraft - Telegraph

One Per Cent: Japanese pop star created digitally fools fans

Say goodbye to Los Angeles

What if that birth certificate is phony?

Chicago's top cop is a coward

What was Chris Wallace driving at?

Schooling Time mag on the Constitution

Why was a man in panties and a bra allowed to fly?

2 senior-citizen sex scandals

Let states crack down on illegals

I was wrong about same-sex marriage -

Bachmann's New Poll Resurgence Spells Doom for GOP - Yahoo! News

The Arizona fire cover-up

Big Government Gets Ugly - Reason Magazine

*28 June

American Minute for June 28th

This Day in History for 28th June

June 28 Events in History

June 28th in History

June 28th This Day in History

Today in History: June 28

Today in History: June 28

YouTube - Today in History for June 28th


‘300′ Spinoff Closes In On Director

Trailer for Upcoming Anti-Palin Doc Promises Dishonest Hit Job

‘Bad Teacher’ Review: Hey Teacher, Leave Us Moviegoers Alone

‘Boondock Saints’ Out on Blu-ray; Does It Deserve ‘Cult Classic’ Status?

Another Story the MSM Won’t Tell: Muslim Charged with Military Building Shootings

Will ‘Ultraviolet’ Save the Home Video Market? I Doubt It.

‘Lt Dan Band: For The Common Good’ Opens July 4th!

‘Bad Teacher’ Review: Bad Movie

Trailer Talk: ‘30 Minutes or Less’ Could Have You Checking Your Watch

Sucker Punch Squad: ‘Good Christian Bitches’ Pilot Script Bigoted Against Christians

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hate the Man, But Love His Scripts

Audio:The New Economics of College Football and the Need for Reform at the NCAA

Protestors and Riot Police Clash in Athens

It’s Not a Debt Ceiling, It’s a Debt Wall

Block-Granting Medicaid Is a Long-Overdue Way of Restoring Federalism and Promoting Good Fiscal Policy

Supreme Court Ruling Frees Families from Government Interference

Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell

The Latest From Obama’s Labor Department: “You Might Be Union Busting If…”

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Signs Historic (and Balanced) State Budget

Audio:Congressman Sean Duffy Discusses Debt Ceiling Negotiations

Hastings in Hot Water: Congressional Ethics Investigation Launched

Blago Guilty on 17 Counts, Faces Up to 300 Years in Prison

Animal Rights Activism Fuels USDA Rabbit Chase

Is the Love Affair Over Between Connecticut Public Sector Unions and Their Democratic Governor?

Houston Sanctuary Policy Keeps Illegal Alien Sex Trafficking Operation in Business

Keynesians Are both Wrong and Dangerous

Department of Energy Ignoring Safety Issues to Save Time and Money

Do We Have the Right to Life Without the Right to Self-Defense?

Sound Bite For the Day: “Jon Stewart Doesn’t Like Me Because I’m An American Black Conservative”

Does TIME Still Matter?

Progressive New Media’s Yellow Journalism on Prosser

Mediaite Compares Mentally Disabled to Neanderthals?

The Obama-Blago Connection

Fox News Sunday Rematch: Chris Wallace vs. Jon Stewart

‘Flakes,’ Feinstein and Fox News Sunday

Sound Bite For the Day: Low-Sloping Foreheads

Monday Roundup

Zakaria’s Version of Reality Built on Contradictions

Cartoon:Order Up.

Crying Wolf: How Matt Taibbi and ‘Rolling Stone’ Did Michele Bachmann a Favor

Video Round-up: Advocacy, Elitism, and a Healthy Dose of Crazy from Our MSM

NewsBusted: Is ‘Green’ a Fraud?

Libya: Is an Oil Refinery Cafeteria a Legitimate Military Target?

Public School Converted To Islamic Center

Pentagon Preparing ‘Global Strike Weapon’: Dart-Like Glider To Reach The Enemy

Allen West: First Principles for National Security

How Congress Was Duped into Repealing the Military’s Gay Ban

Isolationism and Mexico

The Anti-Hamas Essay HuffPo Wouldn’t Publish – From the American Jewish Committee’s David Harris

USMC To Train New Recruits With Scopes

Flotilla Organizers Should Change Course To Syria Or Libya – Gaza Not The Center Of Injustice

Libyan Rebels: Fierce Fighting Near Tripoli

Most of Israel staff laid off after acquisition

Justice Ministry on Lior arrest: 'No one is above the law'

Rubio: The Next American Century Wll Be Greater Than the Last

Jewish bones found in medieval well in England

Venezuela prison siege: El Rodeo directors arrested

US pension reform

Revisionists on American Revolution Brooding on Left and Right

IEA versus Opec

Cuomo's win on marriage sparks presidential talk

British columnist accused of recycling quotes

U.S. urges banks to tighten online fraud protections

Dutch approve ban on religious animal slaughter

Microsoft takes Office into the 'cloud'

Displaced by wildfire, evacuees make the best of it

Bachmann facing scrutiny as top-tier candidate

Small Calif. town planned giant medical pot farm

Protesters clash with riot police in Athens strike

Wife of jailed former Illinois Governor George Ryan dies

Space debris risks colliding with orbital station

Consumers' confidence down in June on job worries

Pakistan says stop "blame game" at U.S., Afghan talks

U.S.-India seek financial revamp

Ring turns up 51 years after was flushed down toilet

Casey Anthony murder trial enters 30th day

Stocks rise on hope for Greek austerity moves

Tom Petty Tells Bachmann: Stop Playing My Song! - Tom Petty - Fox Nation

Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner takes a hand in picking his potential successor -

» Blago Guilty on 17 Counts, Faces Up to 300 Years in Prison - Big Government

Obama Will 'Co-Invest' Tax Dollars in Corporate-Government Partnership |

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona campaign finance law | Reuters

The End is Near for Faith in AGW | Watts Up With That?

Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab


28-Jun-11 World View ....

27-Jun-11 World View....

NEWS - Perry's Predicament: Does He Have Time to Build a National Campaign? - Monday, June 27, 2011

Obama Has to Get ‘Caught Trying’ on Job Creation: Ron Klain - Bloomberg

Obama enters debt talks - The Washington Post

America, Awaken -

RealClearPolitics - White House Says Obama Fundraising Appeal Not Illegal

Obama pushing behind scenes to win over big-dollar donors - The Washington Post

Michele Bachmann for President 2012: Tea Party Favorite Is No Joke - The Daily Beast

Can Michele Bachmann Survive The Increased Expectations Surrounding Her Candidacy? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - July 4th

Obama Serves Lobster and Beets Not Justice to `Fat Cats’: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

James Pethokoukis | Analysis & Opinion |

RealClearPolitics - Yes, Let Government Control Medical Costs

RealClearPolitics - Andrew Cuomo Beats the Odds

The Failure of Al Gore: Part Deux | Via Meadia

Editorial: A grasping schemer leaves the building - Chicago Sun-Times

Belittling Bachmann -

Supreme Court: Ruling on violent video games is victory for 1st Amendment -

For D.C. students, new hope in revived school voucher program - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - In Iowa, Bachmann Highlights Her Tea Party Appeal

What’s Flakey Is Chris Wallace’s Notion of Federalism - By Andrew C. McCarthy - The Corner - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Why Americans Are Fed Up With Afghanistan

CURL: Obama says everything — and nothing - Washington Times

The Importance of College: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Daniel Indiviglio - Business - The Atlantic

Americans Like Baby Boys Best | Gender Preference | Sex Selection | LiveScience

The Global Warming Crisis : Starts With A Bang

Can biofuels save Africa?

Microsoft turns to unused TV airwaves to solve spectrum crisis | Signal Strength - CNET News

Nigeria | Lagos | Pidgin English | Nigeria Radio

BBC News - Tasmanian devil genome holds secret to survival

DNA tests provide the poop on bad dog owners -

How Much Would You Weigh on Other Planets? | How to calculate your weight on Mars or Jupiter | Newton's Law | Life's Little Mysteries

Division of Research - News and Announcements

BSCRC Researchers Discover New Airway Stem Cell | UCLA

Microbiologists Discover How Cavity-Causing Microbes Invade Heart - News Room - University of Rochester Medical Center

UCSB Press Release: "International Team Demonstrates Subatomic Quantum Memory in Diamond "

Biofuels: The Difference Engine: The beef about corn | The Economist

Behind Veneer, Doubt on Future of Natural Gas -

Will New Comet Dazzle or Disappoint in 2013? | Comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS), Comets & Asteroids | Skywatching Tips & The Solar System |

Alligators use Faraday waves to get some tail

The first advertising campaign for non-human primates - life - 27 June 2011 - New Scientist

Finches Tweet With Grammar and Scold Those That Don’t | 80beats | Discover Magazine

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

How U.S. Budget Cuts Prolong Global Slavery - TIME

Foreign policy: America's history of messianic fevers -

China is building a better future for all - Telegraph

Blue Water Dreams - By James Holmes | Foreign Policy

The Divided States of Europe | STRATFOR

How the Taliban ends

Obama’s Afghanistan withdrawal: another sign of America's decline? -

Pentagon Billions Are Flowing to Middle East Dictators - Newsweek

Yemen’s Descent Into Chaos Spurs al Qaeda’s Rise - The Daily Beast

After the Revolution: Egypt's Struggle to Reinvent Itself - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Asia Times Online :: India hedges its bets in Myanmar

Obama's Non-Doctrine in Africa - G. Pascal Zachary - International - The Atlantic

Don’t make the economy worse - The Washington Post

Means and Extremes: How Not to Balance the Budget — The American Magazine

Lawrence B. Lindsey: The Deficit Is Worse Than We Think -

On Obama, Wall St. Shows a Reluctance to Commit -

Obama Was Right About The SPR Release -

The Market at Midyear: What's Coming Next? -

Stocks don't need stimulus - Markets In-Depth - Jun. 26, 2011

Why Treasury crash won't happen - 1 - Investing & Treasurys - MSN Money

RealClearMarkets - Why Tyler Cowen, 'America's Hottest Economist', Is Wrong

RealClearMarkets - Google Grows Too Succesful for Washington

Shilling: Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Pt. 2 - Bloomberg

Kids Prefer Cheese: Magic Fed dust


**26th:Transcripts-Guests: Sen. DeMint and Reps. Pelosi and Rogers

Guests: Senators Reed & Webb, Gov. Christie

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann

*24th/Obama's Speech on Manufacturing at Carnegie Mellon

Panel on the Week in Washington

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Guests: Representatives Kucinich and Edwards

Interview with Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson

23rd/Interview with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

Interview with House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Panel on a DREAM Act Alternative

Clinton's Testimony to the Senate F.R. Committee

22nd/Obama's Address on Afghanistan

Senator McCain on Afghanistan and Libya

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Senator Joe Manchin

Analysts Debate the Drawdown in Afghanistan

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative John Garamendi

21st/Analysts Debate Obama's Next Move in Afghanistan

Senator Rand Paul on Obama and Afghanistan

Guests: Sen. Boxer, Reps. Schakowsky and Polis

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Roundtable on Huntsman's Candidacy

Guest: Representative Chris Van Hollen

Interview with Representative Krisi Noem

20th/Panel on the Supreme Court Decisions

Reporter Discusses Rulings by the Supreme Court

Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

19th/Interview with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

Guests: Secretary Robert Gates and David Axelrod

Guests: Sens. McConnell, Schumer and Rep. Rogers

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Senators Dick Durbin & Lindsey Graham


How ‘Friendly Persuasion’ Subverted the Enemy Assessment Process and Robbed Our Warriors of a Chance to Win and Survive in Afghanistan; Three- years-ago!

How ‘Friendly Persuasion’ Subverted the Enemy Assessment Process and Robbed Our Warriors of a Chance to Win and Survive in Afghanistan; Three- years-ago! Part II

How ‘Friendly Persuasion’ Subverted The Enemy Assessment Process and Robbed Our Warriors Of A Chance To Win And Survive In Afghanistan; Three- Years-Ago! Part III

Foreign policy: America's history of messianic fevers -

China is building a better future for all - Telegraph

Blue Water Dreams - By James Holmes | Foreign Policy

How the Taliban ends

Pentagon Billions Are Flowing to Middle East Dictators - Newsweek

Yemen’s Descent Into Chaos Spurs al Qaeda’s Rise - The Daily Beast

Obama's Non-Doctrine in Africa - G. Pascal Zachary - International - The Atlantic

Why greed is bad (and inequality, too!)

More lunacy from Michele Bachmann as she believes John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father

What Does America Stand For?

Despite Pleas From Advocacy Organizations, White House Cuts Likely To Affect Spending That Helps The Poor

Chris Christie Thinks Parenting Question Isn't Constituent's Business, But He'll Answer Morning Joe. O'Donnell Wonders Why

Administration To Use Mystery Shoppers To See How Hard It Is To Get A Doctor's Appointment

Anger and Sexism Play In Wisconsin's Supreme Court

What's more important than Medicare?

CBS' Bob Schieffer calls out Bachmann for her lies on 'Face The Nation'. She responds by prevaricating.

60 Minutes: The Tragedy of Homeless Children

Gov. Christie thinks being a bully to constituents makes him huggable

George Will: Iowa a Showdown Between Perry and Romney Because 'Texas Has Job Creation to Match Romney.' Yep -- Both Stink

Kyl Claims the Ryan Budget is Not 'Radical' Because it Adds to the Deficit--But Is This The GOP's Idea Of Fiscal Responsibility?

Bachmann says she has the 'spirit' of John Wayne... Gacy

SCOTUS Strikes Down AZ Public Campaign Finance Law

Morning Joe: Media Bias Is Always That Republicans Are Stupid. Just Don't Mention Bush, Palin, or Limbaugh

Blagojevich: 'Frankly, I'm stunned'

NJ Hedge Funders To Attack NJ Teachers Unions In Ad Campaign. And What Have They Ever Done For Kids?

Negotiating for Dummies

Republicans sell out once again, this time in New York!

Rick Perry, Courage or Conformity? I bet on conformity!

Debbie Schlussel:She’s BAAACK: Bush ICE Princess Cashes In on Ignoring Illegal Alien Probs; Chipotle Raises Prices to Pay Her

Debbie Schlussel:Are Colorado Mall Bombs Jihadist Plot? Did Earl Moore Convert in Prison?

Debbie Schlussel:And Netanyahu’s Son’s Comments Are “Sooo Offensive” Because . . . ?

Debbie Schlussel:Fun VIDEO: The Coolest Mad Scientist Food You’ll Ever See

No Budget Senate to “streamline” appointments

Get Well, Hugo

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for martial law

Why the “Balanced Budget Amendment” is a Hoax - and a Deadly Trap

Fomenting for Marxist Revolution on July 4

Bachmann/West, Identity Politics, and Nuclear Trouble in the Heartland

United Nations Praises Terrorist-Sponsoring Iran

Part II: Taxpayer Friendly Platform

Agenda 21′s Fearless Leader Hates America

The Invisible Palestinians

First Ignored, Then Attacked: 6th International Climate Change Conference

Saving the planet will destroy the economy

Emission Control, We Have a Problem

How much is the Oil coming from the Strategic Reserve going to cost us, again?

Obama’s focus on visiting clean-tech companies raises questions

The Progressive Reactionarism of the Postmodern Left

Reform Angst Regarding Israel and Jewish Nationalism

How Congress Was Duped into Repealing Military Gay Ban

Terrorist-Linked ACORN Shill Brad Friedman Lies, Lies, and Lies Some More

Bachmann Knows Her Constitution

Federal Judge Decides Life Begins at Conception: Planned Parenthood’s Request Denied

L.A. Station That Dumped PBS Now Broadcasting Al Jazeera English

Arsenic and Cancer Treatment

Can neuroscience explain our paranormal obsession? - Neuroscience -

Asteroid Buzzes Earth in Close Shave | Asteroid 2011 MD & Asteroid Photos | Near-Earth Objects |

Neutrino Transformation Could Help Explain Mystery of Matter | Wired Science |

Yoda ugliest dog: Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix wins title | Mail Online

BBC News - Circus offers 'clown-selling' for people's big-top fear

Cat steals from everyone in San Mateo neighborhood

The call of the weird: In praise of cryptobiologists - life - 22 June 2011 - New Scientist

From the Shadows: Ghosts, flies and scratches

Astronomers capture dazzling rainbow nebula swirling around Betelgeuse supergiant star | Mail Online

New Uncontacted Group Confirmed in Brazil | Wired Science |

Cosmic Log - Biological gems found in Philippines

UFO sighting increase ongoing over six weeks in Kansas City, Missouri area - National ufo |

Gale Crater on target to become next Mars landing site : Nature News

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say -

Dr. Earl Bradley: Pediatrician Charged With Molesting 103 Patients, Videotaping Sex Acts -

Fuel Fix » China eyes Canada oil, U.S.’s energy nest egg

BBC News - Jewish bodies found in medieval well in Norwich

Tossed for the Truth? ATF Fires ‘Project Gunrunner’ Whistleblower | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Calif. Principal Under Fire for Giving Graduati - Flash Player Installation

The Audacity of Anti-Semitism: Israelis Are Racist, Nazis, Assassinating Children: Hate-Filled Revealing Claims of the American, Peace Activists, Fottilla Passengers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dutch Parliament Approves Controversial Ban on Religious Animal Slaughter | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Does NY’s New Gay Marriage Law Protect Those Who Oppose Same-Sex Unions? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iranian Guard Official: Our Missiles Can Already Reach U.S. and Israeli Bases | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Heartland’s Financial Distress Dictatorship: Decaying Michigan Town on Verge of ‘Democratic Collapse’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

New Ronald Reagan Statue to be Unveiled in Hungary | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prominent Egyptian Preacher: Islam Prefers Strong, Immoral Men | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Another Leftist Religious Group With Alleged Ties to Soros, Secular Non-Profits | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

New Soros Agenda: Stacking the Courts | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Bachmann Discusses Misspeaking in Iowa – ‘I Wish I Could be Perfect’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Bachmann Confuse Legendary Actor John Wayne With a Serial Killer? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

On ‘Hannity’, Bachmann Now Accepts Wallace‘s ’Flake’ Apology | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Image of Bearded Mickey Mouse Enrages Egyptian Islamists (Minnie Too!) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Clyburn Targets Christians Who Support GOP Medicare Plan: ‘Immoral’ and ‘Un-American’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rush Defends Cain: He Represents Everything the Media Says ‘Does Not Exist’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Obama Break the Law by Recording a Campaign Ad Inside the White House? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sex Change Operations Turn Little Girls into Boys: Indian Parents Think They’re Cheaper to Keep | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

CBS News Reporter Suggests Obama Better at Combating Terror Than Bush | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Muslim Women to Sue Abercrombie & Fitch for Alleged Hijab Discrimination | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nurse Commits Suicide After Accidentally Giving Baby Fatal Overdose | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Bachmann Crazy For Believing God Has Given Her a ‘Sense of Assurance’ to Run for the Presidency? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Low-Sloping Foreheads’: Beck Slams NY Times Writer’s Description of Middle America | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Todd Akin Refuses to Apologize for Saying: ‘At the Heart of Liberalism…Is a Hatred For God’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Makes 2012 Run Official: Voters Must Make a ‘Bold Choice’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Laptop ‘Armor’ Saves U.S. Soldier: Computer Stops Six Bullets | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Supreme Court Will Rule If Gov’t Can Track GPS Units Without a Warrant | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

In Interview Bristol Palin Discusses the Feeling that Her Virginity Was ‘Stolen,‘ Laments ’Foolish Decisions’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Source: Liberal Wis. Supreme Court Justice Attacked Conservative Justice Before Alleged ‘Chokehold’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Egyptian Military Admits to ‘Virginity Tests,’ Pledges to Stop Conducting Them | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Government To Use ‘Secret Shoppers’ to ‘Spy’ on Doctors | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Why is Chris Christie Hugging MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Found Guilty on 17 of 20 Counts | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Shariah Compliant? Major D.C. Complex Won’t Lease to Banks, Bars | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Los Angeles Change Its Homework Policy in the Name of Urban Equality? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright

Obama's Mickey Mouse Administration

The Fatal Flaw Crippling Recovery

Putin's Russia And Obama's America

When It's OK for Liberals to Demonize the 'Other'

Warmist Cargo Cult Science Returns

The Chris Wallace insult to Michele Bachmann

GOP standing firm on taxes

Big money fundraising getting harder for Obama campaign

Consumer confidence dips in June

Dog bites man: Greek protests against budget cuts turn violent

Texas to defund Planned Parenthood

No Budget Senate to 'streamline' appointments

Helen Thomas wants her old job back

Michelle's Media Pals 'Care About Children'

Our Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani 'Allies' Attend and Support Iran's Anti-Western 'Counter-terrorism Conference'

Libya, the test case

Obama's Poll Wasteland

What a Real Victory in 2012 Would Look Like

The Oil Reserve Plunder Blunder

Pavlov's Voters

When Evils Collide


**Markets Video-PIMCO Sees Debt Ceiling Catastrophe

Ten Brands That Will Disappear in 2012

Arends: How Do You Pull a Whitey Bulger?

Ralph Nader's Revolt Against Cisco

Is Gold Entering a Bear Market?

27th/Euro Speculators Are Now On The Run

VIX: A Look Back at the 'Fear Index'

How Can We Bring Tech Jobs Back to the U.S.?

Is Your Money Market Fund Safe?

Did Oil Reserve Release Leak to Traders?

**Politics Video-Daughter: Sarah Palin "Definitely Knows" If She Is Running Or Not

Michele Bachmann To Chris Wallace: Apology Accepted

Sen. Sanders Makes Case To Not Slash Government Programs

Robinson: It's A Bad Time To Mess With Economy, Stop Spending

NBC's Chuck Todd Likens Michele Bachmann To "Ricky Bobby"

Ezra Klein: We Need More Stimulus

Krauthammer: Bachmann Is Now The Frontrunner In Iowa

Fineman: Bachmann Campaign Is Certainly Not Flakey

Karl Rove: We Need To Take Away Obama's Blank Check

Dionne: GOP Argument Is "Cutting Spending Is Good For The Economy"

27th/Carney: Obama Agrees GOP Approach To Budget Is "Immoral"

Michele Bachmann: Obama "Fears Me"

McConnell: "It's Time Washington Take The Hit, Not The Taxpayers"

Mark Levin Trashes Wallace For Bachmann "Flake" Question

Herman Cain "Not Offended" By Jon Stewart Joke

Eliot Spitzer: Is Michele Bachmann A "Fringe" Candidate?

Chris Matthews Can't Help Himself: Says "Teabaggers"

Adviser: Pawlenty Policy Speech Will Push Back GOP "Isolationist Strand"

Carney: "Nuts" To Think Obama Is Not Involved In Debt Talks

Christie: "There's No One That I'm Ready To Support Yet"

"Stunned": Blagojevich Found Guilty On 17 Of 20 Counts

Dem Congressman: GOP Medicare Plan "Immoral" And "Un-American"

Bachmann Confuses John Wayne And John Wayne Gacy

Bachmann Is In: Candidacy Is About Independence From Large Gov't

Chief Justice Roberts Worried About "Impact" Of Cameras In SCOTUS

Bachmann Does Not Accept Chris Wallace's Apology

Hillary Clinton: More Work Is Needed For Gay Rights

Trump Tells Obama To "Roll Up His Sleeves," Don't Cut Military Spending

Bachmann Talks Earmarks, ObamaCare And Gay Marriage On "Fox News Sunday"

**World Video-The Road to Presidential Elections in the DRC

Did Pakistan Aid Osama bin Laden?

Inside Look of Embattled Syrian Town

Asian Giants Mull Free Trade Deal

China's Luxury Fast Train Debuts

Italy Rail Line Sparks Clashes

Tripoli: A Tale Of Two Cities

Chavez Absence Provoking Concern

Misrata Residents Celebrate ICC Warrants

Inflation Top of Chinese Agenda?

Kurt Campbell on U.S.-China Consultations

China: Solution for European Debt?

On Japan's Future

Accommodating the Enemy?

27th/Strengthening U.S. Engagement With the World

Yemeni Academic on the Unrest in the Country

Burned Saleh Set to Return to Yemen

Roundtable: Mission Accomplished Or Abandoned?

New Suspicions Strain U.S., Pakistan Relations

The Effect of Afghanistan, Debt on 2012

McCain: U.S. 'Ready To Invest' In Egypt

China's Premier Pledges More UK Trade

Bomb Blast In Pakistan

Syrian Expats Thank Turkey

Thousands Work To Clean Up Fukushima Plant

China's Growing Aggression on the High Seas

China Becoming the Factory of the World

Waiting Game on Libyan front


Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, found guilty of corruption | World news | The Guardian

Remember when Blago was supposed to bring down Obama? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Blago's hairstyle would be fine in federal prison -

Blagojevich convicted: The aftermath < Chicago News, Politics and Public Affairs |

Tickle The Wire » Column: Could Blago Verdict Put U.S. Atty. Fitzgerald Back in Running for FBI Director?

Amy Gehrt: The Blago verdict is in - Hillsdale, MI -

Blago Verdict: How Many Years He'll Likely Serve, Mell Stays Mum, Goldstein Needs a New Email Address, and More - Felsenthal Files - June 2011

Blago the 4th past Illinois gov convicted of crime - Chicago Sun-Times

Blago: The Peanut Gallery Weighs In: Chicagoist

Attention Hollywood: Post-Blagojevich pitch time! (and other observations from Blago Day) | WBEZ

Convicted, Blago can't stop talking - Jennifer Epstein -

Blago the day after: 'Through adversity can come good things' -

Rod Blagojevich Beats Out John Edwards As Most Unfavorable Person | The State Column

YouTube - Guilty - man who tried to sell Obama's seat


George Ryan, released from prison, at wife's side when she died -

Mayor Emanuel: Allscripts to add 300 jobs in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times

Food Detective: Local cheese changes with seasons - Chicago Sun-Times

Hugh Hefner Defends Rebound With New Girlfriend Shera Bechard -

Sideshow: Wait, I never said 'date rape' | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/28/2011

Mel Gibson Settles Divorce Case with Wife Robyn Gibson |

5 Things You Don't Know About Law & Order: SVU's Danny Pino -

Lenny Kravitz talks new album, 'Hunger Games' -

Day in celebrities - Photos

Supreme Court Kills Violent Game Law, Hopefully Ending the Madness | PCWorld

Google Facing Possible FTC Antitrust Investigation

NASA: Space station crew seeks safety in 'lifeboat' - Computerworld

On National Tau Day, Pi Under Attack -

NASA Prepares for Final Shuttle Launch as STS-135 Draws Near | PCWorld

Mozilla moves 55% of Firefox 4 users to new version in first week - Computerworld

VoltAir: The electric passenger jet of the future - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Luxury Tech -

Tablet computer, e-reader ownership explodes in U.S. -

Office boss: Online offering won't cannibalize (Q&A) | Microsoft - CNET News

Google Introduces Facebook Competitor, Emphasizing Privacy -

Google activates half million Androids a day • The Register

LulzSec Members Apparently Outed -- InformationWeek

Asteroid Zips Past Earth, Avoiding Collision | News & Opinion |

YouTube - Asteroid "2011 MD" Barely Misses Contact With Earth

Lagarde Set to Head IMF on U.S., Russia Support - Bloomberg

U.S. Consumer Confidence Hits Seven-Month Low - Bloomberg

Gasoline Futures Gain as Crude, Equities Advance, Dollar Drops - Bloomberg

Baby ban in first class on Malaysia Airlines -

Kansas City Fed's Hoenig Wants Aid For Manufacturers Over Banks

U.S. cooks up ad blitz for food safety; thermometer is key -

Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains | Reuters

Bonds: It's a seller's market - Markets In Depth - Jun. 28, 2011

LinkedIn gets boost as brokers see upside The Ratings Game - MarketWatch

Accounting could stall France's Greek debt plan | Reuters

Capital, Politics and Bank Weaknesses

China tests its high-speed rail link from Beijing to Shanghai | World news |

The Associated Press: AP Interview: Palestinian PM skeptical of UN bid

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan Leader Defects Over Civilian Deaths - ABC News

US War Crimes Envoy Seeking Support for Tribunal | News | Khmer-English

Anna Chapman spy novel’s closing chapter? Alexander Poteyev sentenced - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Japan's Kan Gives Conditions for Quitting Post -

Chinese premier ends German tour

Lt. Gen. John Allen falls in line on Afghanistan - Checkpoint Washington - The Washington Post

China rejects US involvement in South China Sea disputes -

Celebrity Travel Woes: Michelle Yeoh | Photos - ABC News

Sudanese president's China trip helps promote ties, peace

North, South Sudan to Negotiate Cease-fire in Border States, Mbeki Says - Bloomberg

YouTube - Japan's TEPCO faces angry shareholder protest

Iran test-fires missiles, shows secret silos - The Washington Post

Greek Police Clash with Protesters as Workers Strike | Europe | English

NATO Says it will Keep Pressure on Libyan Government | News | English

Russia Urges Syria to Implement 'Real' Reforms | News | English

DailyTech - Fifteen Metric Tons of Radioactive Water Leaks from Fukushima Daiichi Plant

Afghan officials lash out at former central bank head who fled to U.S. - The Washington Post

Fewer than 300 join flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

YouTube - Kabul Bank chief resigns

Michele Bachmann continues to pass the laugh test - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Nebraska nuclear plant officials reject comparisons to Fukushima -

Compromise on Pledge of Allegiance in Oregon Town Has Some Seeing Red -

Meet the Iowans Who Gently Disapprove of Sarah Palin - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

Romney and Huntsman's Mormon Melee - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Nebraska nuclear plant safe, river drops in Minot -

UPDATE 1-No deal yet on stalled US trade deals, sources say | Reuters

Failure to Raise U.S. Debt Ceiling Would Idle 800,000 Workers, Group Says - Bloomberg

Woman sprays police with breast milk | Reuters

No terrorism link found in Louisiana pipe bomb discovery -

Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch, say she was fired over hijab - Crimesider - CBS News

Pawlenty faults Obama, Clinton, GOP on foreign policy - The Washington Post

Obama invites Senate Democratic leaders for more debt talks -

YouTube - Guilty - man who tried to sell Obama's seat

Feds trim Bulger case, drop racketeering charges - CBS News

YouTube - The Big Story: Who will defend James "Whitey" Bulger?

Foreman said Blagojevich jury avoided secret votes - Chicago Sun-Times

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Roy Kronk, Meter Reader Who Found Caylee's Body, Testifies - TIME NewsFeed

Will Michele Bachmann's gaffes hurt her presidential candidacy? -

YouTube - Michele Bachmann Launches 2012 Campaign

New Mexico Wildfire Forces Los Alamos Lab to Close, Residents Evacuate Town - ABC News

YouTube - Fire inches towards Los Alamos

New Safety Standards for Cribs Begin Today

Health Care Law’s Flaws Apparent - News, Sports, Jobs - The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register

New standards urged on blood transfusions - The Boston Globe

Loughner lawyers: Stop giving him medication -

US rep. renewing bill stripping military hospitals lawsuit ban after court refuses hearing - The Washington Post

Alfalfa Sprouts Salmonella Risk Warning Issued By FDA

Plastic Compound BPA May Undermine Masculinity - ABC News

AAP Statement Against Child Sexual Abuse by Health Providers

Hospitals Can Save Time and Money With Duct Tape - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes

Engineers create human blood vessels from skins cells – The Chart - Blogs

National HIV/AIDS Testing Day - North Alabama News, Radar, Weather, Sports and Jobs-

Medical News: Primary Care Docs to Get Calls from 'Mystery Shoppers' - in Public Health & Policy, Health Policy from MedPage Today

Meditation is key to reduce heart disease - The Times of India

Google drops a healthcare dud -


**NEWS VIDEOS:Oregon Town Rejects Proposal to Say Pledge Before Meetings

High School Principal Delivers Graduation Speech in Spanish

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life

Drunk Teen Falls Off Escalator; Plunges 20 Feet

Crowder on ‘Fox & Friends’: Jon Stewart’s a Bully

NewsBusted – NBC’s Under God and New York’s Gay Marriage

Bachmann on Palin: ‘We’ve Never Had Cross Word Between Us’

27TH/Sharpton’s Heated Reaction When Challenged by Reporter

‘Lt Dan Band: For The Common Good’ Opens July 4th!

Supreme Court: California Can’t Ban Violent Video Game Sales

Dem Leader Clyburn: GOP Budget Plan ‘Immoral’ and ‘Un-American’

Blago Guilty

Bachmann Announces Candidacy for President

Huge Gang Brawl at DC Caribbean Festival

TSA Forces 95-Year-Old Cancer-Stricken Woman to Remove Adult Diaper During Search

CNN: Congressional Staffers Received $6.1 Million in Bonuses

Dem Sen Jim Webb: Reasons President Used for Libya Action ‘Defy Historical Precedent’

Chris Wallace: ‘I Messed Up’ Asking Bachmann ‘Are You a Flake?’

26TH/One-Armed Veteran Makes Awesome Catch at Yankee Stadium

ABC’s Christiane Amanpour Practically Begs Mitch McConnell to Raise Taxes

Dem Rep Clyburn: ‘Closing Loopholes’ Isn’t Raising Taxes

George Will: Huntsman Appeals to People Who Don’t Really Like Republicans

NY Times Columnist: Kansas, Missouri ‘Middle Places’ Land of ‘Low Sloping Foreheads’

Classy Bill Maher Attacks Bristol Palin: ‘The S–t Doesn’t Fall Far From The Bat’

Norah O’Donnell: Obama Has More Aggressively Prosecuted the War on Terror Than Bush

25TH/Embarrassing: College Democrats Voice Insipid Reasons for Being Democrat

Garofalo and Olbermann Remind World: Tea Party Still Racist

Freshman Rep Renee Ellmers Gives GOP Address: Small Business Wants Gov’t to Butt Out

President Features Advanced Technology in Manufacturing in Weekly Address

Yoda the Chihuahau Crowned ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’


What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

The Michael Savage Show 06/27/2011

06/27 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-27-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-27, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-26, Sunday

The Manning Report – 27 June 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, June, 27, 2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 25th

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2 25th

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

June 27, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN